Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave Mongrel ❯ Don't Blow me Off ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

{ {} Momentary lapse of sanity, also know as authoress insanity, better known as writers commentary. And no I still don't own this.}

Joey awoke with a groan and a gawd awful taste in his mouth. He licked at his lips, only to find them coated with a dried substance. One he recognized only by the taste of it. It was chocolate, and a little something else…. He tried to move and discovered he was sore in places that hadn't been that sore sense…. Well he really didn't want to remember the last time it had hurt like that. He fought back the tears that were threatening to spill, to scared to show the weakness that would be played upon as that time surfaced in his mind. And what the hell had they done to him last night that would have him in this much pain. He shuddered at the thought of possibilities.

"You're awake!" A voice exclaimed then Malik was hugging him. Joey whimpered at the Touch as it hurt him badly. Malik pulled back and had one sadly sympathetic face to rival even Yugi's most puppy dog of faces. "I knew he was to rough on you last night, but not that rough!" Malik stroked his sun kissed locks, murmuring softly. "I drew my sun god a hot bath. Come on it will feel a lot better. Take away the aches."

Malik coxed his brain into none existence and got him in the bathroom and the tub before he released his mind again. The black fog was much more preferable to being with the pain . He groaned as Malik cooed over him, whispering soft words and caressing his skin with the soapy cloth. Malik massaged the pained muscles and rubbed his back thoroughly, making the pain a dim ache. "IS that any better?"

"What kind of question is that?" Joey asked in disbelief glaring at the sandy haired other. Malik looked properly abashed and stared down into the water. Joey sighed and leaned his head back to the wall, not at all impressed by his act. He wanted Seto, or else he was going to go crazy and kill somebody. He wanted Duke or else he was going to break down and start sobbing. He missed them both so much he didn't think he could handle it. He tried to move but discovered he was still sore; so he decided the murdering spree would have to wait. "Why'd ya do it? What sick pleasure did you get out of hurting me?"

"I hurt you?" Malik seemed genuinely hurt by the statement, but he continued. "Well I like to bring pleasure to those who serve me, and insure they are content. Marik on the other hand, well he's just a little blood happy, if you know what I mean, so sometimes you have to watch out for him or he can really hurt you."

Joey just stared in utter, something. He was feeling a little blank and confused all at once. He just shook his head and returned to staring at the walls blandly. He couldn't believe this. This nutcase had flipped out. Watch out for his evil half! Not even Bakura was that bad. And at least Yami had Yugi around to keep him under control. He did have the habit of banishing people from time to time. Hell even Bakura Banished people, but At least Ryou and Yugi could keep the evil ones under control with the most adorable faces. Not even Bakura could resist Yugi, let alone in combo with Ryou.

"How did you know about my other half?" Malik questioned as if on the same train of thought as the darker blond. They both had serious looks on their face, daring the other almost. Malik figured he wouldn't know for certain till he could get the other to talk. "Well, however you knew, I'm surprised you didn't freak out. So apparently you're use to it."

Joey didn't respond to him, he just endangered his friends again. Malik sighed and helped the other out of the tub after that. Then they dried off, threw on some loose pants and headed to find Marik, who was suppose to be cooking breakfast. That was a hazard in itself, but the spirit proclaimed he would be fine on his own, so Malik had let him go. Now it was time to see what he had destroyed.


Marik was fighting down a fire with a flaming dishrag. Joey being his smart self grabbed a potted plant and threw it on the fire. The fire was out, buried under broken pottery and dirt, and Marik was staring at him dreamily, and strangely eerily enough, looked almost like a dreamy Malik. Joey backed up a little nervously, speaking as he put up a front. "Are you freaking crazy!? You could have burned this place down! With me in it!"

"Sorry about that, but you haven't saved me all day." Marik latched onto Joey, nuzzling the dark blonds' chest like a cat. Joey rolled his eyes as he pushed the nutcase off his chest. Marik looked a little put out by that, maybe he needed Malik to seduce the blond some more. He sighed and looked at the mess and the ruined remnants of breakfast.

"Maybe we should order something?" Malik asked as he looked at the disaster. Marik did fine, no problem, when Malik set the stove for him. It was when attempting it on his own he managed to burn half the place down. Marik nodded his head at his Hikari's words.

"Already taken care of. I conned Rashid into going and getting us something from one of those burger places." He sighed, then got a far away look. Malik shrugged and grabbed Joey's hand, pulling him over to the table to sit down. Joey limped and followed reluctantly, and for obvious reasons as Malik sat down in his lap to love up on him.

"Must you sit on me?" He asked as he attempted to glare at those lovely violet eyes set in the most serene looking face. Malik smiled and shrugged as he got up and sat in the chair next to their captive. Joey sighed again glaring at the table top instead of attempting to glare at the other boy. It was easier to glare at Marik than Malik. Just like it was with Yami and Yugi, or the Bakura's. He suddenly decided he needed a Yami to save his ass, because he couldn't seem to be able to take care of himself lately. It was during this thought process that a large tattooed man entered the room carrying a big greasy bag. Breakfast had arrived and Joey wasn't anywhere near hungry.


The butler lead them into the living room where everyone was sitting around, including the blade licking loony. The first thing was the little Dragon flew over to Yugi, much to the child's delight, and snuggled up to him. Second was it sounded like someone was destroying a room not far off with a really bad fit. The count winced at a particularly nasty sounding crash. Leon took this moment to speak. "I take it Mister Kaiba isn't handling things very well?"

"He's handling them quite well actually. He's just throwing a temper tantrum because he can't find a cyber trace of Joey." Duke responded with a frown, cringing at the sound of something being brutalized into the wall. Before anyone could respond Yami and Bakura went to chanting over a green jacket, some various candles and a few objects. Everyone waited a moment before the candles suddenly became pools of wax.

"Stupid Pharaoh! I told you it wouldn't work." Bakura growled rather peeved, Ryou just rolled his eyes and tried not to snicker. It was the other way around as Yami had told Bakura it wouldn't work. Yami rolled his eyes, not deigning that with a response. Yugi just ignored the both of them, preferring his new friend.

"Well it's nice to know everyone's putting in an effort, but I need to speak with Kaiba." Leon said as D slipped into a chair, Q-chan fluttering to alight his shoulder. No one, not even Duke, looked like they were willing to disturb the brunet as another crash and some very foul language was heard. Even D seemed apprehensive about seeing the young CEO.

Another loud slam and some stomping later, Kaiba stormed into the room and headed straight for the bar. He muttered obscenities under his breath, pausing long enough to Kiss Duke on the head before continuing his trek. After his second shot he noticed D who was watching him rather cheerfully. "Who the hell…?" Then he noticed the detective. "Detective?"

"Yeah." Leon responded and pointed as he spoke. "You know you're not old enough to drink right." It was rhetorical and Kaiba shrugged. Leon shook his head and held up a folder, as he had made a detour by the office to pick it up from Jill. "I found out some things. I couldn't think of why anyone would have kidnapped your friend, so I checked up on Keith's history."

"What did you find out?" Kaiba asked as he downed another full glass of whiskey with a grimace. He was eyeing the folder in the detectives hand, almost hungrily. Kaiba wasn't a detective so he barely new what to look for, and his computer, with all it's infinite knowledge and power, was powerless to help him.

"Mister Bandit Keith Howard had a couple of visitors not long ago." He opened the File, explaining. "I had a friend look up some stuff. Mister Howard was working for an organization called The Rare Hunters." Leon looked up crossing the floor and handing a picture to Kaiba. "This is Malik Ishtar, leader of the Rare Hunters. They like rare duel monster cards."

"I have the puppy's deck." Duke said as he stood up and walked over to lean against the bar Kaiba was behind. He took the picture and looked at it. Mister Ishtar was one cute looking hotty, pale hair, Violet eyes, with this look that almost stated unstable. "What does Malik Ishtar have to do with anything?"

"This." Leon handed them another picture. It was Malik Ishtar and Joey, and by the look of things they were together. "This picture was taken at the hospital last night around five thirty in the morning. They stole lots of drugs out of the pharmacy room." Leon explained.

"What the hell is wrong with him?!" Kaiba exclaimed as he stared at the picture that showed Malik and Joey stealing drugs. Joey was pocketing the things into the robe he was wearing.

"Wrong with who Onii-chan?" Mokuba wobbled into the room, rubbing sleep from his eyes with a yawn. Everyone sweat dropped as the youngster waited patiently. He noticed D and Leon too and gave them polite acknowledgements.

"Nothing Mokuba. Go to the kitchen and get yourself some breakfast. You don't need to worry about it." Kaiba said ignoring Bakura's snickering. Mokuba didn't know about him, Joey and Duke. At least not yet, and he would prefer to keep it that way.

"Wrong with who Seto?" Mokuba wasn't about to be brushed off, and though he was young he had the patent Kaiba glare. He knew his brother hadn't been around much, and he didn't ask many questions. Now was a good time to start though. "Seto, you've barely been around, and now something has happened and I demand to know what's going on." Patent CEO Kaiba looks.

"You are on your own." Duke said as he walked to sit next to Yami on the couch. Yugi was playing with his kitty dragon. He knew Kaiba wasn't going to tell his little brother something like that. It kind of made him sad that he was hiding it from the kid, but it was understandable.

"Someone kidnapped the mutt." Kaiba said as coldly as he could, but some emotion slipped through. He cursed himself silently, the smirk his brother let slip let him know he was found out. "Okay, okay. Busted."

"I knew you and Duke were together. But Joey!" Mokuba exclaimed, then got thoughtful for a minute. "I don't think I want to know. But can I help?" Mokuba bounced over to his brother who was staring at him slacked jaw.

"Yes you can Help." Kaiba responded as soon as he composed himself again, and Mokuba grinned, but his face fell at the words. "By going to school and calling the company and letting them know I'll be out for a few days."

"Seto!" Mokuba wined turning from a Kaiba into a little kid, with the power of puppy dog eyes. Seto groaned aloud this time, it was those eyes. How could anyone resist those looks. No wonder Bakura hadn't been able to kill him yet.

"Just go call The company and we'll discuss this." Kaiba turned back to the Detective, Mokuba didn't have time to interrupt because Seto started moving. "Do you know where they are now, any information and we can break into the system. You do have authorization. ……..

Sometime Later…..

"Seto, at least leave him here!" Duke complained on Mokuba's behalf. Mokuba had come storming out with tears in his eyes complaining that his brother was too protective. Now Duke was at least trying to make the kid feel a bit bigger than what his brother was being. What Seto Kaiba was being was a big ass. "He can call if something happens and Keep company to the Count and help out."

"Just because we miss school doesn't mean he has too." Kaiba responded pounding away on an offensive keyboard of an even more offensive laptop. He spent awhile fighting with his brother, then Duke started in. They were all against him! Wasn't Duke suppose to be on his side!

"At least I'm treating him bigger than he is." Duke retorted trying to get Kaiba's attention. It worked and Duke continued as he crawled over Kaiba's desk, like a predator. "He cares. He and Joey are friends, have been friends since they first meet. He knows all the good things about you. Until a little while ago he was the only one to know those good things." He smirked, his fangs giving him a sinister look. "But Joey and I know much better the really good things. The point is he cares and it hurts he can't do anything about it."

Kaiba gulped as The raven haired other stalked him, like a cat ready to pounce. Other than that there was no visible signs of his nervousness. Kaiba returned to his computer, following what was on his screen with blank stare, not seeing the information. "You help him with his homework then, and make sure he catches up."

Duke sighed and nodded, Kaiba was being a cold hearted ass again. Duke waited a moment, noticing how intent Kaiba was staring at the screen, his eyes darting all around it. He wasn't sure but he thought Kaiba kept glancing at him. "I guess I'll go now Kaiba."

"Kaiba?" Seto paused all work, his hands in mid air as Duke paused in the middle of the office. Kaiba stood up and looked at Duke. He was wondering what the hell was with the change. "Kaiba?" He whispered again waiting on the other.

"Well you are in Kaiba mode right now." Duke looked at his hands. He was an emotional wreck and Seto had turned into an ass named Kaiba. No wonder Joey hated this version of Kaiba. He knew why Joey loved the other version better. "I should probably just stay out of your way now."

"Duke if I made you upset I'm ….. sorry." Kaiba scuffed the floor with his foot like a little kid. He knew he felt bad for going off like that, and Duke needed his support as much as he needed it in return. But he wasn't used to just sitting around, he would normally have all his people working on something like this. And After this was over he would worry about all the messy details. Action first before you let it get to you. And He was raised as a Kaiba! "Really I am. It's just that I want to find him. If these guys are anything like Keith I want to find him before something happens."

"So do I. But kicking your furniture helps how?" Duke pointed to the upturned sofa and coffee table with a broken leg. {Not more tables!!!} Kaiba kept a bland look on, almost like he wasn't caring anymore as he looked behind him under the window where he had rampaged last.

"Keeps me from breaking the equipment." Kaiba shrugged then added. "Or it could be stress of the situation." He stopped himself, recognizing the beginnings of a rampage. He held himself in check, he would be in control of this situation and his self, but he didn't know weather he wanted to slap his lover or just love his lover. "Let's just say it's frustration and leave it at that."

Duke sighed and rolled his eyes as he stood there feeling completely useless. The urge to go postal was strong. "Your not the only one with frustrations." Duke mumbled as he turned to walk out the door, not expecting Kaiba to hear him. Boy was he wrong as he was slammed into something, more like someone solid and soft all at once. Duke looked up into ice.

"What was that Duke-y Boy?" Kaiba glared. Duke wasn't the most smartest person, nor the luckiest person, right about now. Kaiba felt rage boil through him with those words and was daring the raven haired teen to repeat it. The Arctic's once again meet with the steamy and hot jungles that were Duke's eyes.

"I said," Duke growled out his words clearly, hissing the ending. "You are not the only one with frustrations." Duke meet the challenge head on. He was to get an ass beating in the best possible way. The last time Kaiba had been like this was only a few days ago when they had a fight and Joey stayed over at Yugi's, followed by bodyguards, Till they got the mess sorted out.

"Just because ……." Duke raised an eyebrow waiting for Kaiba to continue, who of which just stared at him. Finally Kaiba sighed and Pulled Duke into his arms and kissing him. But with neither of them giving up dominance the kiss lasted for a long while. Their tongues dancing with one another trying to win over the other as fingers tangled into hair and arms wrapped around bodies. After a while the requirement of breathing in actual oxygen (Oppose to sex tainted carbon dioxide.) became too much and they broke apart. It wasn't far but it was enough to breath.

"Because what…?" Duke asked with a heavy lidded gaze. He wanted to do that again, But he also wanted an answer. The fact Kaiba was glaring down at him since the kiss broke off probably wasn't a good thing either. Then he was shocked as Kaiba pushed him away.

"I thought you were leaving." Kaiba walked back towards his desk. Damn Duke trying to … Whatever the hell he did. Kaiba wanted to smack him for his audacity.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Duke on the other hand was just resorting to raising his voice. He glared at Kaiba, the source of his current frustrations and reason for being very pissed off.

"What the hell do you think?" Kaiba responded, not even quite sure what Duke was referring to. The only thing wrong with him was he missed Joey and was worried about the blond. He could do something to help and he wasn't going to hesitate. "I'm assisting the Detective by finding certain information."

"That's not what I meant." Duke growled as he glared at Kaiba. No wonder Mokuba recommended he find a good place to hide when he came in here. Kaiba was a firecracker sitting in a fire. Kaiba prodded for what he meant, and with a sigh he answered. "What the hell is this, One minute I'm ignored, then I get attention just before I'm told to go away. I'd like to help too, we all would, but you blow up anytime someone looks at you."

Kaiba had no response to that. Sure he got irked and peeved at people who kept interrupting him and pestering him when he was trying to do something, but he didn't blow up…. Does he? He sighed and shook his head and sat down to continue his work. Duke growled and turned to storm out. "Why don't you come here."

"Hunh?" Duke turned at the brunet who repeated his words a little more slowly, like Duke had done him earlier. Duke relented with a sigh and went to sit on the edge of Seto's desk. He crossed his legs then swung them back and forth as he stared off into the oblivion Kaiba had been sucked into.

He never understood what was so fascinating about it, but he wasn't into computers like Kaiba was. It was a miracle he even knew how to turn the damn thing on, much less hack the way Kaiba was. Kaiba did a few more things with in a span of seconds then tackled Duke to the desk. Green eyes stared in shock up at dark blue, and Duke gulped knowing death was imminent. "Y-Yes?"

Kaiba just leaned in and kiss him once again, and trying to rip Duke's clothes off in the process. He ran a trail of kisses as soon as he was able to make a path upon the exposed flesh. Duke made some very approving sounds. To bad his words weren't an echo of that approval. "Ok Kaiba, weren't you doing something."

"Computer has it taken Care of from here on out." Kaiba responded as he went for the zipper on Duke's pants, slapping hands that were trying to slow him down away.

"What if someone hears us!?" Duke said continuing his attempts to slow down the CEO. Duke was still trying to figure out what had gotten into the CEO.

"The rooms sound proof with the door closed." Kaiba responded with a smirk. Duke stopping to stare at him was ample time to shock the green eyed teen by pulling his leather pants down. He was becoming very professional at smoothly removing black leather.

"Ek!" Duke stared at the lust filled blue eyes as Kaiba dropped his pants on the floor with a grin. "And why is this room sound proof."

"So when I'm working, no one hears me playing my videogames, loud music," Kaiba Licked Dukes nose. "Or the people I make scream." Kaiba then proved that point by taking Duke's hardening self in hand and began to stroke the raven haired teens' length. Duke gasped aloud and soon had to hang onto Kaiba's shoulders as the brunet snuck an arm around him to hold him up.

Seto slowly laid Duke down on the desk then bent down to lick at the tip of the flesh he had in hand. Duke gasped at that, then choked as Kaiba engulfed him with his mouth. Duke withered in the grasp He was trapped in, not only physically but emotionally too. There was no way in hell he was leaving this ecstasy.

Not that Kaiba would let him as he slid his hot mouth up and down Duke's shaft moaning with the taste of his raven haired lover. The only way to describe such a taste was soft, despite the fact Duke was rock hard. He teased his green eyed lover swirling the tongue around the tip and sucking on just the head. That caused Duke to make a noise between a keening sound and a squeal and Kaiba would have smirked if he wasn't trying to do it again and again. He kept Duke making noises till…

"SETO!" Duke screamed as he came, Seto drinking up what he could. Duke fell to the desk in a limp heap trying to calm his racing heart and panting breath. He thought for a moment that he forgot to breath sometime in there. He sighed and closed his eyes, wanting Kaiba to just hold him. But that wasn't happening anytime soon.

"Master Kaiba Honey." A female voice came out of nowhere and Duke sat up in surprise as he covered himself and squeaked a `We weren't doing anything!'. "No one said you were, but I found something for master Kaiba on one of the queries he sent out."

"Thank you keep that information and give me a moment." He pressed a couple of buttons on his computer, then returned his attention to Duke. "I thought you were leaving." Duke turned bright red and glared while Kaiba smirked and sat back down to finish what he was doing. He continued to type calmly as Duke stormed around while dressing then left. He chuckled once after the ebony haired beauty left, shaking his head and in a better mood.