Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Sweet Tenshi ❯ Tears of an innocent ( Chapter 2 )
My Sweet Tenshi
Chapter Two: Tears of an Innocent
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Yaio, Shonen ai, maybe some OOC and Tea' Gardener/Anzu Mazaki bashing.
Paring: Ryou/Bakura
Disclamer: If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh, a lot and I mean a lot of the guys would kiss in every episode.
(Ryou's POV)
I walked into my yami's soul room. He was sleeping. He looked almost delicate when sleeping. I got so intranced I barely stopped myself inches away from his face. I just wanted to touch the silk skin, the skin that I often had wet dreams of. I embrassed myself. I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice him open his eyes.
(Bakura's POV)
I opened my eyes to see my hikari above me. I didn't know weather I was dreaming. I often had dreams of him coming to me. Saying he wanted me. That he loved me. I knew it would never happen. After all I put him through. How could he love me? I looked at him and said something. Something that had never passed my lips before.
(Ryou's POV)
" I'm sorry," He muttered, eyes still droopey from sleep.
I gaped at him. My jaw must have been mere inches from the ground. (A/N: Not really people. He's just over doing it.)
He continued in his half-asleep state, " I must be a dissappointment compared to that Teddy Bear of a yami, that Midget has."
I ignored the insult to my friend's yami. I was too surprised, to say or do much of anything. Maybe, just maybe, his yami felt the same way. Did he feel bad for hitting me so hard I had to spend two hours trying to get the blood out of my hair? No, he had to be drunk or something… Can you get drunk in your soul room?
He noticed my silence, " Listen you baka! Leave my soul room at once! Did you plan to hit me? When you came in here, did you plan to take revenge on me? Did you? Did you, you worthless skum?"
(Bakura's POV)
I saw it. My Hikari's eyes flooding with unshed tears. Trying to stop them from falling, but failing. Silver tears streamed down his soft cheek unwillingly. He kept fighting the tears but lost everytime. He now had two steams filled with regret, and saddness falling down, his kind features. Why, did he cry? Why did he shed tears? I had falsely accused my hikari. The tears ran freely now. He ran out of my soul room and into his. Then I heard it. He locked the door to his soul room. I could now barely hear my Hikari's sobs. I caused the tears that streamed down my lights face. I regret hurting him. I will also never tell a soul that.
(Ryou's POV)
I shut the door to my soul room and locked it. Did he really think that? Did he really think I came in there to hurt him. I just wanted to watch him sleep. Watch him in such, a peaceful innocent act. Innocent… Not the first word I'd chose to describe Bakura. Finally, I cried myself to sleep. But, they had turned to happy tears, because I was thinking of Bakura.
~Ja Ne~
Hikari: light
Yami: Dark
Baka: Idiot/stupid