Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Sweet Tenshi ❯ Surprise ( Chapter 3 )
My Sweet Tenshi
Chapter Three: Surprise!
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Yaio, Shonen ai, maybe some OOC and Tea' Gardener/Anzu Mazaki bashing.
Paring: Ryou/Bakura
Disclamer: You know the drill…
(Bakura's POV)
I awoke to the sound of footsteps. I almost smiled. My light was up. That means that I could talk to him. He wouldn'd be in his soul room than. I knew it was him because his father was off on a business trip in England, and his sister went to a private school in America.
I walked calmly downstairs, my heart racing. I hoped my little hikari held no grudge. Wait I'm talking about Ryou. He might still be sad, but he never holds a grudge. He wasn't even mad at me when I brought that bitch home the other night. She was the biggest whore I've seen yet! Well, in this time. Clawing on my pants, begging to see more of me. (A/N: Who doesn't want to see more of him. Hands! * no one raises their hands * That's what I thought.) All she saw was my finger. She was disgusting. Not even when I'm drunk would I fuck that girl. And I use that term lightly. I'm not so sure she didn't have a dick. I know my light thinks I did. He thinks lowly of me doesn't he?
I approached my hikari as I entered the kitchen. He was reading the paper. He began to look through the mail. Sorting bills and letters. Then his already doe-like eyes went wide.
(Ryou's POV)
I set down the paper once Bakura sat down. I began to sort through the mail. `Bill, bill, junk mail, no I don't lack the stamina I used to have in bed. No, I don't need softer smoother legs. No, I don't want to subscribe to Penhouse. A letter? From America? My sister! Alexa? Why would she write? I tore open the envolop. Inside there was a letter. It explaned that my sister would soon be on break, and would get to come home for the summer. I laughed. She put in huge letters: YOU BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN IN MY ROOM!
(Bakura's POV)
My light laughed. I thought he was depressed. His face began to show signs of worry. He looked at me, bit his lip and looked down at the paper.
" Ba-Ba-Bakura-sama. My sister is coming home."
"Yes," I said hoping he wasn't going to kick me out because of his younger sibling.
" Will, you please be kind infront of her. Pretty, pretty please Bakura-sama," he begged.
" Of course Hikari. Let me guess no walking around the house naked?"
He blushed, " of course not! She's only twelve! She'd be scarred for life. You look similar to me. She might think that she saw me!"
"Calm, down my little Hikari. I won't streak in front of your baby sister."
" You were joking right? You don't walk around the house naked do you, Bakura?"
It was music to my ears. He didn't sound scared. He didn't even call me sama, " No, not that often," I said smirking evily.
My Hikari got nervous. Then he smiled. That beautiful smile, the smile that happened when he's with his friends. For once, that smile was just for me.
~Ja Ne~
Hikari: Light
Sama: Master /Lord