Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Sweet Tenshi ❯ Alexa is Here! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Sweet Tenshi

Chapter Four: Alexa is here!

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaio, Shonen ai, maybe some OOC and Tea' Gardener/Anzu Mazaki bashing.

Paring: Ryou/Bakura

Disclamer: People! I'm writing FANfiction. What does that say? I don't own Wendy's.

(Ryou's POV)

My sister is coming today. I smiled. I get to see my baby sister. I hadn't seen her for a year now. She was twelve, hyper, and quite annoying at times. I missed her. She was so sweet. So she could be a brat sometimes, aren't siblings always like that? Bakura promised. He promised he wouldn't be a bad influence. I doubted that would be a promise he could keep but…

" Moshi Moshi Big brother," My sister said cheerfully.

The girl was kawaii. She had light blonde hair, and deep green eyes. She wore a huge grin. From ear to ear. She looked like a child without a care in the world. The sister I knew and loved.

" Ohiya, Alexa," I replied, " This is Bakura."

" Ryou, he looks like you except," She tried to look serious, but broke into a grin, " He looks just plain demonic. Evil clone."

I heard Bakura snicker, " No girl, we're not even related."

She raised a delicate eyebrow, " Not even a distant cousin twice removed?"

" No," he answered.

"COOL!," she yelled.

Everyone in the airport turned to stare at her. She smiled and fluttered her eyelashes. I grabbed her, and took her to the car.

" You know what big brother."

" What," I asked.

" America was awesome. New York was so full of life. Everywhere you looked you'd see the most interesting people. Then when we took a trip to Chicago, a lot of weird men were walking around without shirts. And I'm not taking cute guys. I'm talking guys that's fat had fat."

Bakura cracked up at this. He gave my sister a smile. Not a ` you'll get yours smile' but a nice smile. Alexa yelped and pointed to a Wendy's.

" Can I please please please please please, have a frosty!"

" Of, course little sis."

" I love you! I so love you right now," she yelled.

" What do you say?"

" Arigato!"

It took us five minutes to get back to the house. Alexa ran in.

" Brainfreeze! Brainfreeze!" she yelled.

Bakura looked at her and replied, " Than stick your head in the oven!"

She smiled at him. He sighed, and it looked like he was staring into space. After that she gave him and weird look and dragged Bakura off.


Moshi Moshi: formal hello

Ohiya: friendly hello

Arigato: Thank You.

Kawaii: Cute