Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Sweet Tenshi ❯ Alexa and Bakura Talk ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Sweet Tenshi

Chapter Five: Alexa and Bakura Talk

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaio, Shonen ai, maybe some OOC and Tea' Gardener/Anzu Mazaki bashing.

Paring: Ryou/ Bakura

Disclamer: All I own is my sanity, and even that is slowly slipping away…

(Bakura's POV)

Ryou's little sister dragged me into her bedroom. It was pink. What a surprise. She looked at me intently. She smiled. Her eyes sparkled with hidden knowledge.

" `Kura, I know a secret. You wanna hear it?" She said cutely.

"Don't call me `Kura and what is it?" I asked.

" You like my brother, don't you?" she said simply.

" What? No. What made you think that?" I asked.

" First you sighed and than looked at him like Bobby Jones looked at Nikki."

" Got anything better?"

" Fine. You looked at him like Ray O' Bannon looked at Chon Wang's sister, Lynn.(1)"

" Huh?"

" Okay. You looked at him like a staving man would look at a Bacon Cheese Burger, and a side salad!"

That time I gave her a weird look. Comparing her brother to a Bacon Cheese Burger and a side salad was just plain weird.

" Wouldn't it bother you two guys, together?"

" No, it's the person that's inside that counts. Not the gender."

" Ah, you are wise beyond your years, Alexa."

" Merci."


" Thank you. Arigato. Need anymore?"

I smiled, " No."

" How about this. There was this giant purple Teddy Bear I wanted. If you get my the bear I'll help you get my brother."

" And this doesn't bother you?"

" As long as it keeps my brother happy."

" Deal."

"There's one more thing."

" What?"

" You have to make me a promise."

" What is it?"

" You have to promise me you'll treat my brother well, and to never hurt him. Well, not on purpose. Do we have a deal?"

" Yeah, of course."

" Spit shake on it," Alexa wispered.

" Why?"

" I always wanted to spit shake someone."

" You are a weird little girl…"

" Thank you. Now Spit Shake."

" Fine."

We spit in our hands and then we shaked hands. Alexa wiped her hand on my shirt. So I wiped mine on her dress and we began to wrestle. I had a good feeling about this.

(Ryou's POV)

There was a long conversation on the other end of the door, and I dare not listen in. I could see it now. My yami storming out, ranted about good little hikari's should know they're manners or they'll get their heads chopped off. And not the one on their shoulders. The thought made me shiver. I heard a thump on the other side of the door. I opened the door to see my little sister and my darker half wrestling each other, and Bakura was pretending to strangle poor Alexa. I had a really bad feeling about this.


Arigato: Thank You

Yami: darkness

Hikari: light

(1) Shanghai Knights