Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Myself ❯ My Friend ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Friend

It was the last day of school. I really hate summer break... I am stuck inside all day with myself. Well fortunately, this year I got summer school. Yugi and them were all were surprised to find out that I had summer school. They never thought that some one as innocent and sweet as myself would ever get even a C in a class. I heard them say that it must have been because I was being abused at home.

...stupid mortals...

So I get a few hours out of the house that might save some of my sanity. After all, I am not completely crazy... right?


Oh yeah... that's convincing.

...look at it this way, hikari; you get to spend more time with me...

I wonder if that is a good idea. I was lost in my thoughts and was not paying attention to where I was going. Apparently, where I was going was right into someone.


I mutter as I walk past not looking up at whoever it was.


I looked up to see Malik. I had not seen him in a year or so, no one had. After the whole Battle City ordeal, he went back to Egypt with Isis and Rishid. The other teen had not changed at all. He smiled at me.

“It's been a while”

“What are you doing back?”

I had to ask. The only reason he was here the first time was to kill pharaoh and take his puzzle... but he was over that now. There was nothing else left for him here.

“Sis got another exhibit here”

Malik ran a hand though his hair. It looked soft... I wanted to touch it.

...sexy as hell isn't he...

“That's cool”

“I guess... I was really looking forward to never coming here again”

Malik sighed. I could see his point, being here must bring back many bad memories.

“I am glad to see you again”

Malik smiled again, I feel my face redden.

...maybe we can have some fun with him...

“So, want to come over to my house and hang out”

“Not like I have anything better to do”


When we got to my house, Malik sat down on the couch, making himself comfortable.

“What something to drink or anything?”

I ask trying to be a good host.

“What do you have?”

“I could make some tea”

“Sounds good”

I make my way to the kitchen and start the tea. The spirits voice chuckled in the back of my mind. I try to ignore it... but no one can ignore that voice whispering in your head.

...you know you want something different to drink, hikari...

Well maybe a soda... but tea is fine.

...something red, you can feel it run though your veins, cannot you...

I shiver, starting to feel the coldness of the house. I hold my icy hands over the flame on the stove. I should go turn down the A/C.

...I am sure Malik has good tasting blood...

I return to the living room and hand Malik a glass of tea. I sit down next to him with a glass of my own. We sat there for a bit, silently sipping our tea.

“You know we never really got to know each other before I left”

I looked over at the blond Egyptian.

“What with being me all, temporary insane... and you well...”


There was silence again... silence for Malik at least.

...you know you want some...

“So how long have you been here?”

I asked, breaking the silence.

“We just got in today”

I nodded... taking a sip of my tea. Enjoying how it warmed my mouth and my throat.

“I saw Pharaoh earlier... he told me—"

“He told you I was being abused didn't he”

I shot a sideways glance at him... he looked concerned.

“You're like the only friend I've had... I just don't want to see him hurt you...”

“Oh, but you had no trouble using me?”

I asked... I could hear a tone of bitterness in my words.

“You had no trouble then, you let him hurt me... you told him to...”

“Ryou, that was the past... I've changed now”

“Well maybe he's changed.”

I said not looking at Malik. Since when did he have to start listening to Pharaoh...? I miss the old Malik.

“I'm sorry... Ryou, please look at me.”

I slowly turn to him, noticing how close he was.

“I've thought about you everyday since I left...”

He leaned closer to me... I did not move.

...Nobody touches my hikari...

Just as Malik was close enough I turned my head... biting down on his shoulder. He hissed as my teeth sank into his skin, drawing blood. I sucked on the wound, getting as much of the coppery substance as I can. I sat up, the Millennium Ring was glowing brightly under my shirt... burning my skin.

“That must have driven you crazy... not being able to see me at all and everything...”

Malik started to look scared when he realized it was me and not the spirit of the Ring.

“You know what drives me crazy?”

I asked Malik... he shook his head slowly not taking he eye off me for a second. I leaned over licking at the blood that was flowing down his arm from my bite.

“It drives me crazy that everyone feels they have to help me because I'm being “Abused”... Why can't they see that's not true... why can't they see there just going to get hurt knowing me...”

I reached over taking the knife hiding in the side table cabinet. Malik slowly tried to move away when I started playing with the knife in my hands.

“But you want to know something, Malik... Something that no one outside my body knows... I love the dark... I love the cold... I love him”

I place my hand on the Millennium Ring, pressing it more to my skin. Enjoying how it burned.

...prove your love...

I pinned Malik down on the couch... his skin was warm under my freezing fingers. I cut his shirt open with the knife, running my hand down his chest, soaking up his warmth.


Malik was shaking in fear.


I placed the knife to Malik's chest. I had never cut before... my other always did it for me. I pressed down and slowly moved it down his chest. Malik gasped in pain... he gripped the couch, closing his eyes tightly. I leaned over as blood started flowing out of the cut. It was some of the best blood I have ever had.

I looked up at Malik's face. Crystal tears ran down his cheeks. I kissed the tears away. He opened his eyes, gazing at me with horror in his eyes.

“I'm sorry Malik”

“You're more twisted... then he is...”

I could hear Malik's pain in his tone. I was about to let him up.

...He knows your secret...

I stopped... that was true. I could not let him go... he would tell. I gripped the knife in my hand, placing it to Malik's skin again.

“Please forgive me”

I slit his throat.

...the shadows are hungry...

I took one last drink before the spirits came and took the body away. The bloody knife fell from my hands as I broke down and cried.

...do not cry my beautiful hikari... it will all be ok... it is just a matter of time...