Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Myself ❯ My Enemy ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Enemy

I lay on my side in bed... staring at the clock on my nightstand. I was hypnotized by the flashing green light that lit the room... midnight... midnight... midnight. It was not midnight though, it was morning... I could hear the birds chirping out side my window.

I want to shot them.

They ruin the peacefulness of night... the quiet too. I love the night... it is the only time I can sleep or at least try to. I have not had a good sleep since Malik was here.

...hush little baby, don't say a word; Yami's going to buy you a mocking bird...

He sang quietly in the back of my mind. He was not the best of singers... but it was still soothing.

...if that mocking bird won't sing, Yami's going to buy you a diamond ring...

I wondered for a second where he even learned that song. Then the effects of the lullaby started taking me over.

...if that diamond turned to brass, Yami's going to buy you a looking glass...

I closed my eyes... slipping into a deep sleep.

...if that looking glass should break...


I woke up sometime later... some one was knocking on the door. I got up and put on a long sleeved shirt, to cover up the cuts and scars on my arms. I have not left the house since Malik was here... I have been surviving on my own blood.

...you have to get out sometime...

That is true... I only have so much in me.

I make my way to the front door... who would possibly come here. I opened the door to find Yugi... he beamed up at me.

“Hey Ryou!”


I thought about trying to force a smile... but decided not to. It would have looked fake and Yugi might think something's up.

“Want to come in?”

Yugi hesitated for a moment.


He followed me into the living room. I turned on a light... I had a feeling Yugi did not want to sit in the dark. I sat down on the couch. Yugi glanced around, and then sat down in the chair farthest away form me.

“I was looking for you at the school, but you weren't there.”


Why would I be at the school? Oh yeah... summer school.

“I'm not feeling well today... I didn't go”

Yugi glanced around again.

“It's not because of him... is it?”

“No Yugi, its not”

I could hear a bit of annoyance in my voice. No matter... I am getting tired of everyone.

“Oh well... that's good.”

I could see in Yugi's face that he was scared... like at any moment my other would jump out from behind him.

...I do not need to come out...

“So why were you looking for me?”

I asked grabbing for the blanket at the end of the couch... it was still cold.

“Oh... I wanted to know if you've seen Malik.”

I stopped dead.


“You didn't know he was here?”

I shook my head no. he would not even think of me to lie to him... that is a good thing in this case.

“Well he and Isis are here... but nobody has seen Malik for days...”


I wrapped the blanket tightly around me. The cold becoming almost unbearable.

“Yeah... Isis is getting really worried.”

“Well, you know it's only been about a year since he's been here... some of the Rare Hunters might still be mad”

“You don't think he's been kidnapped do you?”

“You never know”

My other was snickering in my mind.

...oh, you are such a bad hikari...

“Yeah... well I better be going...”

Yugi moved to get up. Before I knew it, there was a blinding flash of light and he was in control.

“Leaving so soon, Pharaoh?”

There was another flash of light and Pharaoh took control.

“Tomb Robber”

Pharaoh's eyes narrowed.

“It's been a while, Pharaoh, how you've been?”

He was always good at intimidation, and all the time it worked so well on Pharaoh.

“Let Ryou go”

Pharaoh growled. The eye of Ra was shining brightly on his forehead, he was angry. Aw, look, he cares about me... yeah right. Pharaoh just wants to stop him from getting more Millennium Items.

“Don't worry, Pharaoh... my landlord is perfectly safe.”

“And you expect me to take your word?”

“I would never hurt something I love so dearly”

“Enough of your lies, Tomb Robber”

He is not lying... he really does love me.

“But where's the fun in the truth? Plus the weak little shit will believe anything I tell him”

No... That does not mean anything. He is just trying to intimidate Pharaoh... I hope.

“What did you do with Malik?”

That kind of came out of nowhere... Pharaoh looks furious.

“You heard the little shit... we didn't even know he was here.”

“I saw Ryou and Malik walking together the day he disappeared... now tell me what you did with him.”

Pharaoh was yelling now. Wow all this over someone that once tried to kill him.

I didn't do anything”

“Then where in Ra's name is he!”

So easily anger that Pharaoh is... perhaps he needs some Anger Management.

“Oh he's gone... lost among the shadows, poor soul”

“You killed him!”

I did not kill anybody... that day. It was landlord that was in control... he was the one with the knife.”

I did not mean to... he - he knew my secret. I could not let him tell...

“Bull shit... Ryou wouldn't do something like that.”

“Ah yes... perfect, innocent little Ryou”

He spat out my name as if it were poison.

“You bastard! How dare you blame Ryou of something like that!”

“Well I guess we make our own truths... but if you knew the little shit as well as I do, you'd believe my story”

“I'm getting out of here, you sick twisted—“

“What's your hurry, Pharaoh?”

He stopped Pharaoh as he tried to leave. He had a hold of Pharaoh's arm, Pharaoh tried to get out of his grip.

“Damn it! What do you want Tomb Robber!”

“A simple game, that's all”

A game? This is not going to end well... any time he wanted to play a game it did not end well. I know Pharaoh is going to accept. Pharaoh can never resist a game.

“If I win I get you're Puzzle... if you win you get my Ring... and you'll be rid of me forever.”

Pharaoh thought for a second... a very brief second.

“Alright... what are we playing?”

“Wait here”

He left the room, where was he going? He went into fathers' room, under the bed. He pulled out two guns and a box of bullets. What kind of game is this...? He returned to the living room and threw one of the guns to Pharaoh.

“Russian Roulette... you do know that game don't you Pharaoh?”


I know that game also. You put one bullet in, spin the barrel... place the gun to your head and hope lucks on your side. He opened the box of bullets, placing it on the coffee table he took one out. Pharaoh did the same. They both loaded the guns. Pharaoh was being very hesitant.

“If it eases your mind Pharaoh I'll go first...”

I am starting to get a bad feeling again... He spins the barrel.

“If I happen to be unlucky... you win”

He raised the gun up.

“We play until some one loses...”

He pulled the trigger... nothing. Oh, thank god!

“Simple enough... your turn Pharaoh.”

Pharaoh nodded... he is being very quiet. He placed the gun to his head.

“You're insane... do you know that”

He chuckled at Pharaoh.

“I don't think of it as insane... I think of it as... overly creative.”

Pharaoh did not reply and pulled the trigger, nothing happened as well.

“I say we raise the stakes a little.”

He put another bullet I the gun. I was starting not to like this. Pharaoh placed another bullet in his gun as well.


The game went on slowly... growing more tense with each passing second. Luck seems to be to be on both our sides. Nevertheless, I am starting to get scared... there up to four bullets. Luck has to run out sometime and with my other going first, it is probably going to run out on us.

“The odds are slim now Pharaoh.”

He put the fifth bullet into the gun. Pharaoh was shaking more then ever... it is as if he does not want to lose, yet he does not want to win either. Maybe he really does care about me. I hope so... even if does not know the real me, it is nice to have someone who cares.

“You know, we should have let our hosts play.”

He is kidding... right?

“I'd love to see my little landlord standing here with a gun to his head... basically no chance of surviving.”

He raised the gun up. I am praying to any God out there that luck was still on our side.

“Stop Tomb Robber”

“I can't now”

He was holding the gun to his head, finger on the trigger. Oh God... oh God... oh God...

“The games almost over”

“I want to go first this time”

What is Pharaoh thinking! He is practically letting is win. He lowered the gun, grinning at Pharaoh.

“Very well”

Pharaoh nodded, raising his gun. Before Pharaoh had a chance to pull the trigger, he was shot. Pharaoh fell to his knees clutching his chest.

“So sorry Pharaoh... couldn't take any chances in you winning.”

He shot Pharaoh again.

He knelt down beside Pharaoh taking the Millennium Puzzle into his hands. He stood up with it as the spirits swirled around him... engulfing Pharaoh in darkness.

“The shadows are grateful”

He was admiring the Puzzle.

“The time has come... I can finally get out of this worthless body and create one of my own...”