Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

" And stay away from my sister!" Matt shouted, punching Joey Wheeler in the gut one last time, " That should teach ya..."

Motioning to his sister, he stormed over to his bike.

Yugi Motou watched as the blonde haired man revved the cycle up and pulled his sister in front and sped off.

// Aibou. are you ok? // He heard Yami say, coming up behind him.

Turning to face his dark half, the boy sighed and ran a hand through his tri-coloured hair, then answered " Yea. but I'm more worried about Joey. Seto's gonna have a fit, again."

Chuckling Yami agreed and the two strode over to where Joey was, yelping about how much his gut hurt. ******

Matt looked down at his little sister, Sarah, in front of him. He sister was so innocent still, even with the spirit of the pendent that resided around her neck, though he wasn't sure if she still held her virginity or not. Looking back at the road, he sighed. She may have earned the nickname SilverVixan, but to him, she'd always be his baby sister. No mater what.

" Big brother, can I have an ice cream from the shop here?" Sarah asked, turning her blue eyes on her brother. " Please?"

Looking down at the brown haired girl, the man sighed, then nodded, wondering how the hell, he, a 20 year old, was being sucked into buying an icecream.

While her brother pulled into the nearest shop, Sarah let her mind wonder back to the boys that had been watching her strangely that week. She thought that she hadn't given any clues away bout the existence of Shao, the spirit inside the pendant. She'd have to find out tommorow, but now for now, she had an icecream to eat. ************

Well, I hoped you liked it. Please review, as all are welcome, even flames.

Till next time,
