Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery ❯ Findings, Part 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey all my faithful readers! Ready for some more action? Well hang on to your seats as this plane is taking off!

Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh, so please send the lawyers way. But Matt, Sarah, Shao, Damon and Blade are mine.


" What! That was Sarah?" Joey asked, his golden-brown eyes snapping open to look at the girl.

"It' s Sarah." the female sprite said, jumping up and running past the boys that made to block her path. " Outa my way, mortals!" the word 'mortals' was sneered, as if Shao was going back a few years, to when kemiti had first shown up.

Running past the group and ignoring them as they got up to follow, the demon was focused on only one thing, her light.

"* Hang on, my light.*"


" Stop!" Sarah sobbed, as the black haired man know as Brian, one of the hired thugs of kemsti, continued to advance on the girl, grinning sadistically as the teen sobbed harder.

" Now, now, now. why would I do that, my pet?" The man said, grinning even wilder as he grabbed the girl and pinioned her against the wall on the outside of the toilet block.

She let out a scream as the man grabbed her face and forcefully kissed her on the lips, hard enough to bruise them. He then used his free hand to roughly grope the girls breasts as he rubbed his thigh against the girls inside leg.

/ S-Shao. help.me./ the girl cried weakly in her mind to her lover, unaware of the spirits running leap, only that the weight was suddenly off her, and fresh air was surging into her lungs as she slid into a sitting position at the base of the wall.

" You bastard! I warned you're master what'd happen if one of his goons tried to rape my light, again! This time, I'll show no mercy!" the enraged demoniac woman screeched, drawing out a card from the deck she always kept on her. " Hyozanryu (2100 / 2800)! I summon you! Make that bastard pay! " The dark half then turned, and rushed over to her Hikari, completely ignoring the others reactions.

" What just happened?" Yugi asked, watching the other female fuss over Sarah.

" No idea."

" I didn't know she could summon monsters!?"

" She summoned a monster!?!?!" the rest of the group exclaimed at Joeys remark.

" What!?!?!?!?!?!?!" the rest cried in shack.

The group turned to face the direction of the two females, Yami, Bakura, Marik and Ahmose getting ready to interrogate the two girls, when they saw Shao on a mobile, speaking to someone.

" Yes, I know. yes.. What?!?! Matthew, just get your arse over here!. yes, bring Damon and blade. ok, bye." Hanging up, she turned to the face of her light. " He's coming, and Damon's coming too, watashi no Koibito."

Ten minuets later the sound of two motorbikes pulling up next to Sarah and Shao, jerked the group attention. " Sarah. no! Damon, take Blade and see what info you can get out of the goon, now!" Matt said, turning to face his companion, a tall, lanky boy off about 29 years old. The boy had spiky brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. A brown hawk sat on the lads shoulder.

Nodding, Damon turned and raising a questioning eyebrow at Shao, who nodded and recalled her monster, with a rough " thank you " in ancient Egyptian, the let the lanky, black clothed adult pass.

" What the fuck is going on!?" Bukura screamed his eyes narrowing dangerously as he eyed the boy playing with a very deadly knife like a toy in his hands. The boy had silver rimmed black sunglasses that hid his eyes on, a blood red shirt under his black leather jacket, faded blue jeans and sneakers with a very notorious looking crimson stain on the. On that looked flesh. Around the boys' waist was a belt that had a gun and it also held some deadly looking knives.

" Who are- waa!" Ahmose yelped, looking at the dagger that was embedded in the ground behind him. One more inch and it would have cleaved his skull in half. Looking at the man, Ahmose saw he was smirking.

" I am Matthew 'Rottweiler' Ishidai. At your service, losers."


Wow!!!! Another chapter done! I hope you all liked this one, as the next one will be long! It will focus on Ryou, Yugi, Bukura and Yami more than any one else and it will have a lime in it, just not sure when yet.

So see ya, and please review! Flame me if you must, I don't care!!!!!