Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery ❯ Findings,Part1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well I'm back again.

I hope all you guys and gals out there enjoyed the last chapter!

Any way thanks to Amy (thought its not fair as I told you via chat!) any way u get to pick a pair I do the lime on. (

Any way on to the story!


The group watched as the auburn headed girl with hair sort of like Anzu's, only not as thick looking, that was just passed her shoulders came out. The fringe was tucked behind one ear, while the rest hung loosely over the left eye, obscuring it from sight just a little bit. The girl-child's eyes shown with such innocence, that only Yugi's rivaled it.

" Hey! I know you!" Joey exclaimed in surprise, glaring at the child in the white shirt and blue jeans.

" You. You don't work for Kismeti do you?" Sarah squeaked out, sending a mental /help/ to Shao.

" Well, do you?" the mercenary said, slipping from the shadows and walking over to her hikari, her eyes narrowed dangerously, letting the hired killer she once was, slip out.

" Who is this 'Kismeti' you speak of, mercenary?" Ahmose said, reading the woman's body language to know of the killer she was in the past, and also eyeing the way the other girl lent back into the hired killer behind her, allowing the girl to stroke the hair in a possessive manner.

" . He wants Sarah and I for. the Dark Power we hold, this pendent and, Sarah. as a . slut. to have, when he wants, as he wants. He won't give up.m - no. biAw rn pw shao. Ntf rn pw sarah." Shao said, pulling Sarah closer to her.

"Hnwt Hr sA." Sarah whined in the ancient Egyptian language, surprising all who where there.

" The dark power, it is shadow magic?" Marik asked, his eyes narrowing at the two.

Hearing Marik speak, Sarah backed up into her lover more.

// Nonononono! No! They found out! // Sarah mind sent to Shao, her voice filled with panic, even over the link.

/ I know, but, I have a feeling we can trust them, hikari. / The spirit said, giving the small girl a smile, one that only she was the receiver of.

"If you say so Tora Yami," Sarah sighed her eyes closing as Shao's arms encircled her shoulders, hands 'resting' on her chest. /We'll have time for that at home/

Grinning like the friend she was, she whispered, "Of course, Tenshi no Hikari."

"Hey, where's the bathroom?" Sarah asked, her face flushing a pale red.

"Through the trees and take a left. You can't miss it." Ryou said, having managed to get Bakura's hands from under his shirt, promising that the activity could continue later.

Nodding her thanks, Sarah got up and headed in that direction.

As the girl left, the group took the opportunity to study Shao closer.

The brownish-gold hair was styled similar to Sarah's only more . puffed out and spikier. The dark, dark green eyes were the typical Yami eyes, slanted and evil looking, with the heavy black lines around them.

Where Sarah wore long-sleeved shirts and jeans of the lighter colors, Shao wore black or red tank tops and black firm-fitting leather pants, her shoes of choice were black lace up hiking boots, whilst Sarah wore white sandals or sneakers, depending on the outfit.

"So . you have Dark Powers, what sort?" Seto asked, looking up from where Joey had placed his head in the CEO's lap.

"Yes." Shao said slowly, going on the defensive, as if these people found out . well, she wouldn't be a happy camper. Not at all.

"You d- what in the world!" Yugi said upon hearing a blood-curdling scream.

Shao's head shot up as she said just one word.



Just wait till next chapter, the action really gets rolling. Till next time, -SC.


biAw rn pw shao. Ntf rn pw sarah. --- My name, it is Shao. Her name, it is Sarah.

Hnwt Hr sA. --- Mistress, later.

Hikari. --- Light

Tora Yami. --- Dark tiger

Tenshi no Hikari. --- Angel of Light

Yami. --- Dark / Darkness

Habbi. --- Arabic for lover.( I think)

Koi. --- Love

koneko koi. --- Kitten lover

watashi no koneko Hikari. --- My kitten of light

Ore no Tora Yami. --- My dark tigress

Ooooh Cliffy! No fair, - Smurf- yellow. (from my best friend.)