Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Prologue!!!!! ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello all yaoi fans! I just wanted to remind you that while this is my first fan fiction, I'm not going to be devastated by criticism, if I even get any lol (-.-) Tell me whatever your thoughts and feelings are on this story, and I'll do my best to please you, savvy? Savvy.
Alright, here is a list of names so you won't mix up the hikari from the yami
Malik = hikari
Marik = yami
Ryou = hikari (as if you didn't know)
Bakura = Thief King
Now, they aren't actually yami/hikari in this story, that was just so you now know who's who! The pairings are (in case you already forgot) Malik/Marik and Ryou/Bakura
Ok so I don't really think there's much else for me to type, so any questions are welcome, let's get this started then
Malik , an average teen to the untrained eye, was sprawled out on his bed, completely bored out of his mind.
“Aaauuugh!” He groaned, “I have nothing to do!” He rolled onto his back. That remained entertaining for 0.5 seconds. He sighed and idly held up the Millennium Rod, pointing it at the ceiling for no reason.
The school year had ended last Friday, a week had passed, making it Friday all over again. Malik had gotten over the thrill of being out of school again; after all, he would just have to go back next year. Oh well. At least next year he would be a senior, along with Ryou.
What was Ryou doing anyway? He was probably at home, curled up in a blanket on the couch in front of a fire or movie, sipping hot chocolate, not falling asleep for fear it would ruin the carpet.
Malik chuckled at his friend's state of mind when it came to cleaning, a mind frame he seemed to share with Isis, too. Isis always was a neat freak, having Ryou and his tidying of everywhere made it not so hard to miss her and Rishid. They had both gone to Egypt, missing their home land.
But Malik was happy here, where he had friends, friends who forgave him for his acts in Battle City, something Malik regretted, but not too much. I mean, come on, was it really his fault his rage as a child had caused him to track the pharaoh down and try to claim his position? Or kill his father, for that matter. His father was the true cause of all this anyway, how dare he give Malik those horrible memories, hour after hour of carving into his back something Malik had never wanted anyway.
Why the hell would Malik want the Pharaoh's memories on his back, why not just wait for him to comeback and then let HIM lie on the bed, having to be tied down, no one caring about your screams of pain and fear? Then he could just look in a mirror the best he could instead of having Malik come over, turn around and hold up his shirt every time he wished to see the marks again. Not that he had ever done that to Malik, but the possibility of `if' was a rather powerful one.
Of course Rishid would have gladly taken Malik's place at the initiation. His father was too blind to see how badly Rishid had wanted to be considered his son, to be officially part of the family, to spare Malik pain and grief. Malik loved Rishid dearly and would always consider them brothers, even though Malik had pushed him to the side during Battle City.
He couldn't help it, he had been waiting so long to be Pharaoh, to teach Atemu a lesson; it was like Malik was high from the rush he felt every time he struck fear into the friends of the Pharaoh. It was almost beyond his control, his need for power was making him blind to the people he cared about most, his family. He and Ryou had even become friends while Malik was `Namu'.
Malik chuckled yet again at the foolishness of Yugi's friends, how easy it was to gain their trust, how willingly they would have let him into their inner circle. Of course Malik had laughed at them all behind closed doors. Although he sometimes felt bad since he truly did consider them his friends now.
As Yugi said, the past was behind them. During the final duel Malik had finally come to terms with everything, realizing just what he was doing he stopped the duel, forfeiting. Afterwards all had been forgiven. Malik grinned, they had come so far since then; it had been an entire year. They had all changed, Malik the most though. He was much happier than he'd been in a long time. Ryou wasn't so shy around him anymore, too, they were best friends now.
Malik was snapped out of his thoughts by a crack of lightning, it'd been raining since around 3 pm, it was now was 8-ish. Malik giggled childishly at being frightened, if only for a moment. Give him a break, it didn't storm much in Egypt, he was still getting used to it!
“I wish Ryou were here.” He said absentmindedly, jumping at the sound of the door bell.
Speak of the devil.
Well, I hope you guys are interested, I promise it get better than this! ^_^ & by the way, I didn't intend for Malik's thoughts to get so dark in the middle of it, he's really very happy and kawaii in this thing, so if you got the impression he's all anger control, he's not, I was just in a weird mood so I made it like that. & of course it's short, I mean come on it's just a prologue thing, the actual chapters will be longer I swear.
So I hope I get reviews, I don't really expect any, but oh well, if no one likes it there's no point in continuing it is there lol? I'll probably do the 1st couple of chapters with or without reviews anyway, just in case. Hope to hear from you! ^_~