Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Getting There ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thank you Sour Akio and Passing Reader for reviewing! ^_~
Here is the 1st official chapter, I don't really care for the babbling of other authors so I won't bore you with it, but I hope you enjoy the chapter =)
Malik jumped at the sound of the door bell.
“That was weird, who would come in this weather?” the Egyptian wondered aloud, heading downstairs to see just who came to call. He walked to the front door and pulled it open. It revealed a soaking, smiling Ryou.
Malik simply stared at his companion for a moment. In a few minutes Ryou's smile disappeared from his features and a waiting look was given, “Are you going to move?”
The corner of Malik's lips cracked; slowly he began laughing at the person in the door way, “Hey Ryou, hahaha you're all wet...”
Ryou looked at the other incredulously before rolling his eyes and gently pushing him to step inside. Malik just went on giggling as he shut the door and Ryou wrung his hair out over the sink in the kitchen.
“How did you get here?” the Egyptian asked, receiving a small grin from Ryou, “How else? I ran like hell the last three blocks.” Malik smirked, “I thought you would hate getting your precious hair wet.”
Ryou scoffed, “I think you fawn over your own hair much more than I do. Besides, it's movie night, or did you forget again?”
“Forget is such a strong word, Ryou-“
“Perhaps, but it gets the point across, doesn't it?”
“Well we can't all be elephants like you.”
“You know, an elephant never forgets!”
“Very funny.”
“I thought so too.”
Ryou rolled his eyes before fetching a bag of popcorn, “What do you want to watch?”
Malik made a face, “I don't really wanna watch anything, why don't we go out ad do something?”
Ryou grinned, “Because it's now 8:23 pm and there's a storm going on outside. That's why.”
“We could always wear ponchos.”
Ryou just shook his head, taking the popcorn from the microwave, “Maybe some other time, Malik. For now we have to find something else to do since you don't want to watch anything. Suggestions?”
“Not really.”
“Anything at all?”
“Well, I have always wanted to screw you senseless.”
Ryou smirked, “I know, I know.”
Malik giggled, “Well if you don't want that I guess I'll just have to eat something.” (By the way they ARE just kidding) He walked over to the freezer and opened it, pulling out a huge tub, “Ice cream!!” He took two spoons, “C'mon, I wanna go upstairs.”
“So we can hear the storm better!”
It was beyond Ryou as to why anyone would want to hear it better, but this was Malik, so that helped it make sense. He giggled too and followed the other up the stairs and into his room. He looked around, the walls were tan and the bed was crimson. He liked it. He guessed it made Malik think of Egypt.
“What are you thinking about?” Malik asked, giggling afterwards. His sugar high was already setting in, “Well it doesn't matter, hey you're still wet, do you want some of my clothes?”
Ryou too realized he was drenched, “Yeah, I guess, do you have anything normal?”
Malik chuckled and shoved another spoonful in his mouth, “Define normal.”
“Normal as in the clothes won't hug you to death and show everything to the world.”
Malik tried to frown, it didn't work, “My clothes do not hug you to death, besides, you know they're sexy.”
“Clothes aren't what make you sexy.”
“No. But they sure do help Hehehe…Come have some ice cream Ryou!”
Ryou grinned, “Let me find clothes, first, I swear your attention span is horrible Malik…”
“Like I care.”
“Yes, I know, now be good and eat your snack.” Malik obeyed happily while Ryou began looking through drawers and the closet, “Too tight, too high, too flashy, too revealing, No, no, no, n-, where do you even put this?”
The young albino sighed; he and Malik's taste in clothes were completely different. Suddenly a beam of energy shot past his head, hitting the wall. Ryou must have jumped three feet and screamed two octaves higher than usual. He turned around to see an alarmed Malik, holding the Rod like a life line.
Ryou glared, “What the heck was that for?!”
Malik turned to him, just noticing how mad he was, “There was a spider! It was big and black and hairy!! I just killed it.” More laughter escaped him, although Ryou seemed to see nothing funny.
Malik was about to eat more when a blast of energy shot towards him and knocked the spoon from his hand and to the floor below. “Holy shit!” he yelled, waving his hand up and down from the heat, “Ryou! Why did you do that?!”
The other teen simply smirked, “Serves you right, scaring me to death because of a spider.”
“At least I can aim! You could've blown my arm off!”
Malik glanced down at the spoon; it was deformed, twisted and seared from its abuse. “How am I going to eat ice cream now?” He looked and saw Ryou's spoon lying next to him, “Yay!” But as he reached for it another energy beam blasted it, resulting in the same form of the first.
Ryou!!!” He whined, glaring at giggling Ryou.
“Who says I can't aim?” the owner of the Millennium Ring grinned proudly.
Malik ignored him and redirected his glare to the window, “I'm sick of it raining!!”
“What are you going to do about it?” Ryou asked skeptically.
We are going to put our heads together and make it stop!”
“Yeah! It'll be fun Ryou, we have millennium items! We can do anything!”
“Isis wouldn't approve of this.”
“Isis never approves of anything! Now come on!”
Malik hopped off the bed and came next to Ryou, taking out the Rod, “Hold the Ring up!”
Ryou rolled his eyes and did as he was told, “This is ludicrous.”
“It is not! Now hush and, um, take my hand with your free one, and close your eyes!”
The millennium symbol lit up on both items, Malik began chanting…
“Oh, great Gods, please hear our cries! For too long we've been inside and, watched the endless flow of your tears! Help us bring it to an end, mighty Ra, save us from…..this forsaken hell hole!”
Malik opened his eyes and looked out the window. It rained even harder. He turned to a smirking Ryou, “The endless flow of your tears?”
The Egyptian scowled, “I was improvising, alright?”
“Some improvising.”
“It was great improvising, and back to earlier, I can aim better than you.”
“That conversation was like fifteen minutes ago!”
“So? It's true isn't it?”
“Of course not.”
“Would you like to prove that?”
“This is so childish. -_-”
“Ryou's scared….”
“I am not.”
“Then let's play a game.”
Ryou was almost completely fed up with Malik's ego, “Fine, since apparently the great Malik can see none of his faults I'll just have to show him. What's the game?”
Malik grinned, “Hold on, I gotta think of one.” He looked around the room for inspiration, when he saw a fly. His grinned widened, “Whoever can kill that fly first is the winner. If I win you have to do my laundry for a week, Ryou.”
Ryou's eye twitched, “Very well, and if I win, you have to take that week long cooking class I've been telling you about, and you can't bring the rod.”
Malik grimaced, “Fine, we don't have turns, this is open fire! On your mark, get set, shoot!”
They began taking shots at the poor insect, who was doing his best to avoid the beams of light coming at him.
The energy blasts went this way and that, left and right, up and down, bouncing off walls. They didn't affect Malik and Ryou since they were the ones sending them out. But in all the confusion and laughter from the two teens, they didn't notice two blasts, each coming from the other item, bounce off the walls, into each other, off their original item, through each other and into the opposite item.
Suddenly both boys started falling, the bed no longer there, nor was the entire room for that matter. They were falling next to each other in a never ending vortex of swirling light.
“What's happening?!” The white haired teen asked, clinging to Malik for dear life.
The Egyptian just shook his head, “I don't know! Something must have happened!”
“Where are we?!”
“If I knew that I would have told you!”
Ryou looked down, “Oh my God….”
“What?” Malik looked down too, they were approaching two holes, a few yards apart from each other. Malik felt himself being pulled away from Ryou, he looked up to see that they were being pulled away from the other, each headed for a different hole. Ryou's hands stayed in his, “What's going on?!”
“I don't know!”
“Please don't let go of me, Malik!” Ryou had started crying by now.
“I'll try…”
Malik couldn't concentrate, he felt like he would throw up from the spinning colors, and trying to keep hold of Ryou while he could feel pressure on all of his body to let go. Ryou's cries became softer until it sounded as if he were standing far away. His strength was being drained fast, he couldn't keep this up.
Muttering something about being sorry, Malik slowly let go of Ryou's hands, and let himself be drawn to the circle that seemed to choose him as his body let go of consciousness………
Next chapter will most likely be longer since I'll finally be to the main part of the story since I'm done with the first introductions and such. Let me know what you think about it! ^_~