Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ What did you just say?? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well, I decided to reply to reviews here cuz I can't find a way to otherwise, is there?? Telling me so would be greatly appreciated. ^_^
Sympa: Thanks, and your English is not crappy, I wouldn't have known you were from Germany just by your typing lol
Passing Reader: Muahaha, yes, I enjoy leaving my readers hanging until the next chapter; you wouldn't want to read it as much otherwise, ne?
Tjay_Motou: Thanks for the criticism, if I didn't get any I'd be off in my own little world thinking my writing is just great ^_^” So I'll try and work on my grammar/characterization, but when you say add more detail what exactly do you want more detail for? Because someone told me to add more detail once but I didn't really know what they meant, for their surroundings, peoples' feelings? Just tell me what you think after this chapter please!
And `Mwt' = `mother' (pronounced `mewt')
Well I think it's time to get started ;)
A pair of pale eye lids slowly opened, revealing cocoa-brown irises. Ryou Bakura moaned, his head feeling like someone had been driving a nail into it. He shut his eyes in an attempt to make it stop. It didn't work.
`Where am I?' He wondered, opening his eyes once more. It took a moment for everything to come back into focus for him. He wasn't in Malik's bedroom anymore. The last thing he remembered was playing that stupid game with the fly…? Ryou tried remembering more as he squinted, he vaguely recalled falling, Malik too, and now he and Malik were separated because he didn't see the said boy anywhere.
In fact, he didn't even recognize anything; much less know where Malik could be. He took in his surroundings. It was a fairly small, square room with one bed, which he noticed he was lying on. There was also a sort of night stand and one window. Ryou sat up, how had he ended up here?
Before he could dwell on the matter a door he hadn't noticed opened. He glanced up to see a little girl with tan skin and black hair look at him. She suddenly grinned, and shouted excitedly in a language Ryou could not understand. This bothered him greatly.
She ran up to him, smiling as if she made a new discovery. Ryou couldn't help but smile himself, she was cute. She couldn't be more than seven years old. She giggled to herself, making him confused, when he suddenly felt cold. He looked down to find that he had only his black boxers on. Ryou blushed heavily.
Again she spoke in the same language, but to him instead. It sounded like a question, but he had no idea what it could have been. He remained silent. After a few seconds the girl's smile was replaced with a confused frown, she tried asking him again.
This time Ryou looked confused, and the girl's frown remained. She pointed to herself, “Nathifa.” She put a hand on Ryou's chest and waited.
It all of a sudden clicked for Ryou. She wanted his name, right? He pointed to himself and said, “Ryou.”
The smile had found it's way back to her. She opened her mouth to speak again but someone else then came through the door. This time it was a middle aged woman, Ryou guessed her to be Nathifa's mother. She wore a simple dress like her daughter.
She came over and handed Ryou his clothes, they were dry again. He nodded to her and gratefully put them back on.
Nathifa pointed to her mom and said “Mwt.” The woman smiled at him and asked Nathifa something; she pointed to Ryou and answered rapidly. Their conversation went on for a while. Ryou sighed, fear and doubt starting to take over as he wondered what he had gotten himself into…
Malik was running in the open desert, because someone was running after him. He couldn't tell who because they wore a lavender cloak. He wanted to hide, but there was nothing but sand. Sand and the blistering sun he had been so used to back in Egypt.
As he tried to run it seemed like the person was only getting closer, and he was getting slower with every step he took. Then Malik started hearing weird things, “Hello? Can you hear me? Wake up!”
Malik wondered what on earth was going on when he felt himself being shaken. He figured out that the person had finally caught up with him and was responsible for this. He tried shaking wildly, wanting to escape. His vision was blurry, he couldn't keep the other off him, he couldn't escape…
“Be quiet. He's waking up.”
Malik's eyes shot open, realizing he had just been dreaming. But when had he fallen asleep?
He couldn't think about that at the moment though, there were strange men around him. Malik noticed he was lying on a floor made of white alabaster stone. It felt cold, contrasting with the warm air.
“Where am I?” He asked, receiving looks that clearly told him the other men did not speak Japanese. Then he observed their features, they all had shades of tan skin with black hair, almost as if they were Egyptian…
“What did you say?” The leader asked. Malik's eyes widened, they were Egyptian!
He cleared his throat, speaking his native tongue this time, “I said, where am I, and how did I end up on the floor?”
“That's exactly what we were wondering. I was on my daily patrol when I found you sprawled out right here, passed out. What are you doing in the palace?”
Malik furrowed his eyebrows, the palace? He then took in their clothing; they all wore a white skirt type cloth down to their knees, leaving their upper body bare. He thought for a moment, “Is there a pharaoh in power right now?”
The men laughed at his question while the leader looked shocked, “Of course there is a pharaoh! How could you not know this?” He then eyed Malik suspiciously, the said boy swallowing as he asked, “Are you a foreign spy? Here to take down our beloved pharaoh?”
Malik weakly shook his head.
“Then just who are you?”
Malik hesitated, “I'm Namu. Namu Ishtal.”
“Care to tell me what you're doing here, Namu?”
“I don't know, sir.”
“Well, I'm sure the pharaoh would be a bit more persuasive than I can at the moment. Come on.”
Malik was pulled to his feet, having no choice but to follow the leader. What was with him? First the guy was concerned for his well being, and then he suspected Malik of spying! Still, in his 21st century style of clothing, he was probably a bit prone to sticking out. But how did he get there in the first place?
He looked up at the guard in front, “What pharaoh is in current power?”
“Pharaoh Atemu.”
Malik stopped in his tracks, only to be pushed along by the guards behind him. Atemu? The only thoughts going through his head when he heard that was `Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit shit shit!!'
“Is it absolutely necessary we go to him?”
He only received a smirk in response, “Not so confident now, are we?”
“It's not that, it's just, well, he's the pharaoh, so doesn't he have too much work to be disturbed right now?”
“Actually, he's taking a break today. Now stop asking questions, his highness does not take kindly to people who don't know when to shut up.”
Malik would have burnt holes into the back of his head had he been given that ability. He reached down, only to discover that his Millennium Rod was not in its usual place in one of his belt loops. `That makes sense,' he thought, `I'm not in my own era anymore, the Millennium items belong to different people here. Which means the rod would go to…Seth, the high priest…shit.'
He was led to a huge set of double doors, the leader pushed one open. He grabbed Malik's arm, signaling for the other men to go about their business as if nothing had happened.
Malik scowled at this sudden restraint, but otherwise showed no signs of complaint. He scanned the area. It was the throne room, apparently, and it was enormous. Malik thought the room was larger than necessary. It was probably for intimidation since this was the first room you see when you visit the palace, if you come through the front that is. The floors were the same alabaster, with magnificent columns which helped hold up the ceiling.
`That ceiling must weigh a ton…' Malik thought absentmindedly. There were high priests chatting in random areas of the room, but they now turned their full attention to the newest arrivals. Malik recognized Isis and Seth immediately. To the others he paid no heed.
On the wall to his right sat the reason he had been dragged here, Pharaoh Atemu. He was much more impressive in his days where his word was law, rather than in the present where he was merely a reincarnation of something once great. His eyes were amethyst and crimson combined into one iris, very intimidating in its own way. He was much tanner too, his gold jewelry added nicely to his features.
Malik looked down at his own gold arm bands, great; they would probably accuse him of stealing as well! He could here them discussing it shortly afterwards, `Yes, we found a no-good thief today' `Indeed, did you see his clothes? Any idiot would know he is a spy!' `Well he's not very good, is he? He was caught within two hours!' The young boy rolled his eyes; he would have to come up with a story quickly.
His current oppressor pulled him along until they were both standing in front of Atemu, who had been sitting at his throne and talking to an old man. Malik made a mental note of the man looking exactly like Yugi's grandfather. He nodded to his pharaoh and scurried off. Malik vaguely wondered where he was headed.
Ryou was no longer afraid, though he undoubtedly missed Malik's knowledge of the Egyptian language. At least, he thought it was Egyptian they were speaking. He had heard the mother and daughter using phrases that were familiar to Ryou, when he remembered hearing them come from Isis and Malik's mouth in previous conversations.
`Malik even offered to teach me Egyptian, but noo I told him I didn't need it!' Ryou scolded himself. This family was nice enough. The mother had checked him over for injuries and Nathifa had brought him water.
That had been about three hours ago, since then he had tried playing with Nathifa. The most they could say to each other was their name, but it didn't keep them from having fun. Suddenly he heard her mother call out. Nathifa looked at Ryou's confused face and pointed to the window, showing him it was well past dark. She then pointed to the bed and acted like she was sleeping.
Ryou grinned and did as he was told, much to her delight. She helped pull up the covers excitedly, Ryou held back his chuckle. She walked to the door and waved to him before departing.
Ryou sighed; he couldn't stay here long because he had to find Malik. It was obvious he wasn't in his own era anymore. Their lack of medical knowledge and appearance in general told him that. Could that mean he and Malik had somehow come back 5,000 years into Egypt?
He knew Atemu would have killed to be able to come back. For Ryou it was fascinating, but he'd rather stay in the 21st century. He hadn't tried going outside because quite frankly he wasn't sure he could handle whatever was out there. But, again, he couldn't stay. He would have to leave and start his search for Malik tomorrow.
The albino then remembered he was still wearing his clothes. He absentmindedly got up from the bed and stripped down to his boxers before getting in bed again. He sighed once more, the bed felt very nice. Soft and warm, like his bed at home. Ryou closed his eyes, telling himself he wouldn't fall asleep, of course, our body rarely listens when we tell it anything…
Malik glanced at the sitting pharaoh. He had to remind himself not to be disrespectful to this Atemu, he was the real deal. He was a real pharaoh with real power and real authority to have him dead with one word. Or worse.
Atemu took him in with his eyes, “What is this about, Ptolemy?” The question was directed at the leader. Even his voice was smoother than at home.
“I was making my daily rounds and I saw this boy passed out on the floor. I believe he is a spy.”
An eyebrow raised on the pharaoh's face, “A spy?”
“Yet he was passed out on the palace floors.”
“I don't know how else he could have gotten in here without being seen. Besides, look at his clothes!”
Malik looked down; he was wearing black jeans, regular shoes, and violet pull over. He glared at `Ptolemy', “And just what is wrong with my clothes?”
Atemu cut in, “You're obviously not Egyptian because of your attire, yet you also wear kohl and the right jewelry. That is what's wrong for Ptolemy. So what are you exactly?”
Malik cooled down, “I am in fact Egyptian, your highness.”
“What is your name?”
“Namu, sire. And I bought these clothes from a stand right here in the market place.”
“I see. Who sells such a style?”
“I know not their name. But these were one of a kind anyway so it matters not.” Malik desperately hoped Atemu bought this load of crap.
Atemu smirked; Malik didn't know what at, “Fair enough, Namu. Would you like to tell me why and how you came to be in the palace?”
“I…don't know.”
“You don't know.” He had a way with repeating whatever the last person said. Malik guessed it was to make the other unsure of his or herself. However, Malik had dealt with him before, the pharaoh just didn't know it. Malik continued his lies.
“I was walking home when I saw a blinding light and passed out. Your guards woke me up here in the palace. Have I been kidnapped?”
“Not to my knowledge, Namu. But what was the blinding light?”
“I have no idea, it came out of nowhere.”
“My pharaoh,” Isis stood the side of them, “This could be the boy I saw in my vision. The one I told you about yesterday?”
Crap. He hoped he wasn't that boy. If he was, it probably meant he wouldn't be set free. They would feel the need to find out everything about him. This meant they would find the marks on his back…
Malik looked up at Atemu, having been in his own set of thoughts. “Yes my pharaoh?”
“Would you mind taking off your…shirt, and turning around?”
Malik stood there a few seconds before answering quickly, “Of course not.” He yanked his arm away from Ptolemy and slowly lifted his shirt over his head. He was even slower in turning around.
He tuned them out as they discussed his back. In a moment he felt Atemu touching it, running his finger tips over those dark, fine lines.
Malik gasped, not from the contact (he had expected it), but because his thoughts had finally drifted to Ryou, whom he had forgotten until this point. How was he? He couldn't be any better off since he didn't even speak Egyptian. Yet Malik couldn't help but smirk, `I did offer to teach him…'
Malik jerked his head up and turned around again, almost jumping at how close the pharaoh was standing, “I'm sorry.” Great. That's the second time he's drifted off! Now they surely thought he was an absentminded little fool.
Atemu merely chuckled, “Its fine. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that you are the young man in priestess Isis's vision.”
Malik felt a lump form in his throat, he cleared it, “That's great, but what does it mean?”
Isis replied, “I don't know yet. I only knew a mysterious boy with writing on his back was coming to the palace soon. I didn't realize how soon it meant.”
Atemu nodded, “Namu, we'd like you to stay here until we figure out why you've been brought to us. Can you do that?”
Malik nodded.
The pharaoh searched the room for a moment, “You! Take Namu to his room.”
A servant quickly came over, “At once, sire.” He motioned for Namu to follow him.
Malik did so, hoping Atemu would give his shirt back some time soon.
Review pretty please!! This would have been longer, but it just seemed like a good stopping point, so until next time!! ^_~ Oh, and Marik and Bakura will most likely be introduced to the story next chapter