Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Madani and Billah ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well, last time you were introduced to pharaoh Atemu and Isis! Isn't that exciting?? However, this story does not happen to be about them, they are but minor characters right now. ^_^ I think you'll meet the other major ones this chapter! Whoo yeeaahh!
PS: I'm changing `Marik' to `Mariku', why? I like it better Muahaha >=)
Other servants stared at Malik as he walked down the halls of the palace. “What's your name?” he asked the one he was following.
“I am Nasab, sir.”
“I don't need formalities. Just call me Ma-Namu.”
“No, sorry, I was yawning when I said my name. It's just Namu.”
That was close. Malik couldn't have people knowing his real name. Of course, Ryou was most likely giving his name out to every stranger in the hopes of finding him. He grinned and unconsciously shook his head.
Nasab stopped at a door, Malik almost ran into him.
“This is the guest hall. The pharaoh is currently entertaining no one else, so you don't have to worry about hearing the sounds of people coming from other rooms.”
Something about Nasab didn't strike well with Malik. He seemed very sly, like a fox or a snake. He opened the door for Malik and stood aside. Malik muttered thanks and walked inside. It was a nice room. There was a big bed, a wardrobe, a couch and matching chairs, it even had a balcony.
“Will you need anything, Namu?”
“No, I'm fine. Thank you, Nasab.”
He nodded and left, leaving Malik to have a joyful time of sorting out his hectic thoughts.
Two men sat staring each other down. One had wild platinum blond hair while the other had pure white. They were sitting on either side of a table, both leaning over and watching the other intensely. A waitress stood before them with their drinks, knowing not to interrupt when they were like this.
Finally, a few moments later, the blond's eye lids came down and closed for a fraction of a second, coming back up immediately afterwards.
Crimson eyes flashed in triumph, “Ha! You blinked! I win, Madani!”
Madani glared, “I did not!”
Both turned to the waitress.
She grinned at Madani, “Sorry, sir, tonight was not yours for the blinking contest. Billah won.”
Billah smirked, “Of course I did. Which means Madani will be paying.” The waitress put the drinks on the table and left them to their endeavors.
Madani rolled his eyes and took a sip, “You were lucky. That was a one time win.”
Billah dropped his voice so only the other could hear, “You're such a sour loser, Mariku.”
A snort was heard, “As if you're any different. I think you're worse. If I won you'd still be sitting there sulking.”
“How fortunate for you to lose, then.”
Mariku chuckled, taking another sip. Bakura was the most arrogant little bastard he knew, yet he wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, he had done some things right after all. No one knew what the great Mariku and Bakura, Kings of Thieves, looked like. Therefore they could afford going out in public without a cape or disguise, just a false name.
Mariku chuckled again. He loved being able to fool the pharaoh.
By now Bakura had already drank his first glass and was on his second. Mariku winced; he couldn't hold as much alcohol as Bakura and still remain sober. Oh look, there went Bakura's second glass. Mariku shook his head, his bangs swaying with motion. Didn't Bakura eventually puke it all out-?
“Master Madani, Master Billah.” Mariku looked up to see Nasab, a spy he and Bakura had sent in to work as a servant at the palace. He reported back to them at this same tavern every two weeks to let them know what was going on.
“Sit down, Nasab.” He instructed. Bakura looked up from his glass, waiting.
Nasab did as he was told silently.
Bakura grinned, “So, what are they planning this time, burning every city? Killing every child? War with Nubia?” In Bakura's eyes, pretty much everything they did in the palace was idiotic.
Nasab smirked, “No, not this time Bakura. Sorry to disappoint you both, but things have gone very smoothly these past two weeks. Pharaoh Atemu is very pleased with his empire. However, the most peculiar thing happened today.” He gave Mariku a look.
Bakura was on his fourth glass and no longer listening, feeling let down by his spy's news.
Mariku ignored him, “What happened that seems to amuse you?”
Nasab continued, “That fool of a guard, Ptolemy, found a young man whom he claims to be passed out on the floor. He accused the boy of being a spy, but that was impossible since I have never seen him before…necessarily ...”
“The peculiar thing about him was...he looks almost exactly like you. When they first brought him in I thought that perhaps you had been captured. But his hair isn't so wild, and he's smaller than you. Maybe a year or two younger.”
“Well, if he looks like Madani, he must be hot as hell.” They both looked to Bakura, from which the comment had come. Mariku gave him an odd look, not sure whether his partner in crime was still sober.
Nasab continued, “He was quite the little minx. I don't think you would get him in bed that willingly though. He seemed very tense.”
Mariku's smirk widened and got a psychotic glint in his eyes, “Does this boy have a name?”
“He claims it to be Namu Ishtal.”
“Of course he was lying. No one gives their real name to the pharaoh.”
“I suppose our great pharaoh bought it?” Bakura asked.
“I'm not sure. Atemu is a bit wittier than you give him credit for, Bakura. Isis says she saw him in another vision of hers. He has the pharaoh's memories engraved on his back.”
Bakura's eye twitched, “How unfortunate for him.”
Mariku felt excited, which was usually what happened when he was going to seduce someone who didn't want to be seduced, “Billah, I want to see him.”
Bakura grinned over his fifth glass, “Good. I'm rather curious myself.”
Nasab stood up, “I better get back.”
Mariku stood as well, “We should go too, Billah.”
Bakura glanced up with a distasteful look, “But Madani…Fine. You're dismissed, Nasab.”
Nasab nodded and was about to leave when Mariku told him, “Nasab, go ahead and come back tomorrow night to report as well.”
Nasab just nodded again and left, followed by the thieves, each going in different directions.
“What do you wanna do now?” Bakura asked.
Mariku shrugged, “I don't know…how about we go see Nathifa?”
Bakura looked highly excited, “Yeah! We haven't visited in two weeks!”
“But she's probably in bed by now.”
“So? We can just spend the night and surprise her. Haniya won't mind. She adores me.”
“What about me?”
“………She likes me more.”
Malik slowly woke up to see the pharaoh sitting next to him on his bed, “Atemu? What're you doing in my house?”
Atemu raised an eyebrow, “Your house? Namu, you're in my palace.”
Malik shut his eyes, the memories of yesterday coming back to him, “Crap.”
Then he remembered he had only boxers on. “Eep!” He exclaimed, pulling a large pillow to himself and sitting up.
Atemu chuckled, “Don't worry; I wouldn't rape you or anything. I suppose those… undergarments… were one of a kind as well?”
“Yes. Yes they were. Why are you here? What time is it?”
“The sun has been in the sky almost hour now. And I'm here to talk about you.”
“Oh. Atemu, I mean pharaoh, I don't think I deserve to stay here. I think I'd rather go back home and let you get back to your regular life.”
“Oh? Do you have things to attend at home?”
“I have a step brother, Ryou. He's probably very worried about me.”
“How old is he?”
“We're both 18, I'm a few months ahead of him though.”
“You're close?”
“Very. In fact, he doesn't talk to many people besides myself and vice versa.”
“What if we brought him here? Do you have any more family?”
“No. Our parents live in Nubia. I was home sick so Ryou came to live in Egypt with me.”
“How thoughtful.”
Malik smiled, “Yeah, Ryou's a really thoughtful person. So may I go?”
“You may go and bring him here. Is that alright? Isis is very bent on knowing why you were in her vision.”
Malik nodded, “Sure, but it might take me a day or so. Ryou's probably in some random inn searching for me. He always did worry too much.”
Atemu smiled, “Very well. You may go and fetch him next week. Until then, I would like you to feel free to wander the palace and just get used to us.”
“I don't want to be a burden.”
“You won't be.”
“An entire week without Ryou?”
“I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself whether he's here or not for one week.”
Malik hesitated; did Atemu suspect him of his lies? If he did he wouldn't be letting him go find Ryou at all, right? “You trust me after that man said I'm a spy?”
“Of course I do. Ptolemy can be ruthless at times, but he does his job well. Isis trusts you, and she never trusts anyone until they give her reason to. So I think it's safe to give you a chance. Now I will leave you to get a bath. Do you need someone to run it?”
Malik shook his head, “I can manage. Thank you.”
The pharaoh nodded and left the room.
Malik sighed and rushed to the bathroom, feeling suddenly very sick.
“Ryou!” Nathifa giggled helplessly as the said boy tickled her, she had said something after `Ryou', but he had no idea what that was. She had pounced on him in his bed early that morning, waking him up from a pleasant dream. Therefore he had to punish her somehow, and this seemed like the best way at the time.
“Nathifa! Ryou!” They stopped and looked up at Nathifa's mother, whose name Ryou discovered was Haniya. She smiled at them and said something to her daughter. Nathifa hopped to her feet, her face very excited.
She turned to Ryou and helped him up, saying something to him and pulling his arm. He guessed it meant to follow. He had understood another word besides `Ryou' that time, and that other word was his last name, Bakura. He didn't remember telling them his last name.
Ryou just shrugged it off and put on his jeans before following them through the hall way. He'd have to leave that room some time, anyway.
“Did you hear laughter?” Mariku asked, sitting on a couch. Bakura shrugged, “Nathifa is constantly giggling.”
“But she wasn't with anyone.”
“She's with Haniya.”
“Before Haniya went to get her.”
Bakura scowled, “Does is really matter? You fret over little things far too much, Mari-“
“BAKURA!” Bakura looked in the direction of the sound before being tackled by a little girl.
“Nathifa!” He grinned and picked her up, spinning around once before setting her on his shoulders. She giggled with delight and played with his hair, “I missed you Kura! I haven't seen you in forever!”
The two chatted happily about random subjects; Mariku would've joined in had it not been for the boy standing in the doorway. What was he doing here? Mariku had never seen him before, or anyone so pale for that matter. He was timidly standing with his arms crossed, looking at Bakura and Nathifa's display.
He looked shocked out of his mind, and Mariku couldn't blame him. He and Bakura each had white hair, and he was willing to bet neither had seen their hair color on someone else before. Except perhaps very old people.
Of course Mariku had already heard that he had his own look alike awaiting him at the palace, so it wasn't quite as surprising. This boy's hair was longer and more flowing than Bakura's. He had brown eyes that reminded Mariku of a sad kitten, gentle and submissive.
He caught Mariku's eyes for a moment, looking even more shocked, before blushing and looking back to Nathifa.
“Ryou!” Nathifa said. Bakura looked confused. She pointed at Ryou, and said his name again. Bakura followed her gaze, his eyes widening when he saw who she was looking at.
Nathifa motioned for him to come forward. He obeyed, taking a few small steps. She pointed to Bakura and said his name.
Bakura looked up at her, “Can he not speak, child?”
She shook her head, “Ryou can speak, but he speaks a different language. Mother doesn't know what it is, so she told me to use sign language and he'll learn Egyptian faster.”
Bakura grinned, “How very wise, Haniya. You should have warned him some way that we were here, he looks scared of us.”
She scowled, “The poor thing is probably terrified of someone with hair like yours.”
“His hair is just like mine!”
“But Ryou's hair is so soft, just ask Nathifa.”
The little girl nodded, “Ryou's hair is very nice. Like Mariku's.”
Mariku held in his laughter at Bakura's sour expression, “Well, maybe if you brushed your hair more often-“
“It hurts when I brush it!”
“That's because you never do.”
Bakura shook his head, “Whatever, so why is this Ryou here? Where did he come from?”
Haniya answered, “We found him lying in the sand, completely unconscious! Of course Nathifa has pity on all of Ra's creations, so we brought him inside. I wish we could have a normal conversation with him, though.”
Ryou had the sneaky suspicion they were talking about him (since he heard his name every few sentences), making him retreat back to his original spot.
“I want on Ryou's back!” Nathifa ordered, waving Ryou over again. Ryou nearly died of anxiety when he saw Bakura walking towards him. Bakura merely smirked at his reclusive behavior, going behind him and setting Nathifa on Ryou's back.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her up and giggled, “I luv your hair, Ryou.” Suddenly she gasped, “It smells good too!”
Ryou blushed at the intense attention Nathifa seemed to bring wherever she was. Haniya walked over and leaned close, grinning, “I've never smelt that scent before, I wonder what it is.”
Mariku smirked again, “I think Bakura is tired of the subject of hair. So what do you think of mine? Is it as nice as Ryou's?”
Bakura would have flipped him off if Nathifa weren't in the room.
Ryou pointed to Mariku and gave Nathifa a look of questioning. She looked at him and said “Mariku.”
Ryou thought, this man looked so much like his best friend, but he was not. He looked much colder, and Malik's hair would probably never stand up that much. There was also something that made him look more mature than Malik, yet at the same time less mature.
Ryou sighed, he was home sick already. The guy named Bakura came up to him, very close, he seemed to be inspecting him for whatever reason. Maybe it was his hair?
In a few moments Bakura gave Ryou his personal space again, “Do you want to learn Egyptian?”
Nathifa grinned, “He can't understand you, Kura.”
Bakura sighed, “Do you - he pointed to Ryou - want to learn - he nodded and pointed to his head - Egyptian - He took his hand and acted like he was pulling things out of his mouth while saying this word - ?
Ryou stood there a few moments before nodding his head very slowly, a stupid, goofy grin taking over. Bakura smirked, “Very well then. Mariku and I shall begin teaching him as soon as possible. And Ryou's first lesson will start…now!”
Mariku suddenly pulled him to the side, “Bakura, I want to see my look alike.”
“Relax; you'll have plenty of time for that later. Mariku, this boy is gorgeous, and I want him.”
“You don't even know him”
“Well how can I if I can't talk to him?” Bakura gave his huge puppy eyes full blast.
Mariku gave him the world's dirtiest look but in the end gave in, “Fine you ass hole.”
“Oh stop it, I promise I'll help you find your twin soon you narcissist.”
“May I help teach Ryou?” Nathifa asked pitifully, but the white haired thief shook his head, “I need you to help your mother with regular chores, ok?”
Nathifa made a face.
Mariku chuckled and relieved Ryou's back of the little girl, “If you do as Bakura asked I'll bring you back something special from the market, sound good?”
She nodded and went into the kitchen.
Haniya frowned, “I'm not sure if you two be a good influence on him.”
Bakura looked shocked, “My dear Haniya, I promise all doubts you have will soon vanish when he knows Egyptian better than whatever he speaks right now. So stop worrying!” He gave her a light push towards the kitchen, “Now hurry, your daughter is waiting.”
The mother just shook her head and walked into the kitchen as Bakura said, muttering something about Ryou's entire vocabulary being nothing but curses and insults…
--------------Four Days Later (Day 6)---------------
Priestess Isis turned around to see Namu running towards her.
“Yes?” She asked when he finally caught up, then added, “I like this look much better than the one you presented yourself in five days ago.”
Namu wore a simple knee-length white skirt (well not a skirt but you know what they wore then) and sandals. He was also adorned with the same kohl and neck/arm bands. Namu now showed off his back everywhere he went.
He just sighed, “Atemu's the one who won't let me wear my other clothes.”
“Well, this looks better on you anyway.”
“Thanks. Can we take a walk outside?”
She nodded and led him out the doors to the garden.
They kept on the stone path leading to the pond. They had talked everyday on this path so far.
“So how are you?” Namu asked.
“Since this morning? I'm fine, thank you.” Isis smiled. During the last five days Namu had spoken to her the most. She usually didn't like getting close to people, but with Namu she didn't mind. She wasn't attracted to him like some of the servants thought; she had started thinking of Namu as a younger brother.
“I hope I haven't been a nuisance to you.”
“Not at all, Namu.”
Namu. Isis didn't like the way it rolled off her tongue. The name didn't suit him. Of course she knew there had to be things he kept secret. Those clothes could have never come from Egypt, and Namu often acted tense around Seth, especially when he had the rod out. She would have to ask why sometime.
They had reached the pond. Namu had said it was the prettiest thing about the palace, surrounded by exotic plants, flowers, trees, Isis supposed it was rather nice. She had often seen the pharaoh walk around here.
Namu took a seat on the grass, Isis followed suit. They sat there for a while, Namu looking at the sky and Isis looking at Namu.
“What's troubling you, Namu?” Namu would usually be teasing her about random things by now.
He sighed and looked to her, “Isis, I trust you. Do you trust me?”
“Of course. Is there something you need tell me?”
“Yes. But I don't know if I can because I don't know if this is the same you.”
She looked at him incredulously, “What on earth are you talking about, Namu? I'm the exact same person I was yesterday, you silly boy. Don't say such nonsense.”
The grin came back to his face, “You are the same then. Good. Because I have a lot to tell you, Isis, but I need you to not tell anyone, including Atemu.”
“Of course. Most of my conversations are kept confidential anyway.”
“This may explain your vision. I don't know.”
“Just go ahead.”
Namu looked deep in thought, “Alright, to start things off, my name isn't Namu Ishtal.”
“I suspected this.”
Malik smirked, “I knew you would.”
“What is it then?”
“Malik Ishtar.”
“I like that much better. It suits you. What else?”
“I'm Egyptian, but I'm from Japan. Isis, I'm not even from this era, I'm from the 21st century, 5,000 years into the future!”
Isis said nothing. She needed a moment to take this in.
“Isis, I promise I'm not lying. I could never lie to you. You always catch me.”
She chuckled, “I do believe you, Malik. But how on earth did you end up here?”
“…Well, I think it all started with a game called `zap the fly'…”…
Hehe, that's it for now! Every chapter seems to get longer and longer doesn't it? Well I hope you liked it, may I have some reviews pretty please?? I'll luv you forever =) The next chapter will have Ryou and Malik finding each other again! But there will be much more than that, so stay tuned! Ja ne!