Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Drama never had a better time ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys! If you happened to read my random one shot, you've already seen my apology for taking so long. But thanks for bearing through it with me, and I luv everyone! Muah!
A side note: if you happen to read something in the chapters that seems out of place or you don't remember it, it's probably because I had written a part of a chapter and deleted it, and then forgotten about editing that particular part, savvy?
Last time: Lots of drama happened, if you can remember that far back. Teehee.
Time seemed to stop momentarily as the sound of Akhenaden's harsh foot steps demanded attention from all in the corridor. Servants stopped what they were doing with fright, and even the birds on the window sills had stopped their charming melody.
Of all the high priests, Akhenaden was definitely the one to approach with the most caution. Even Seth paled in comparison when it came to being intimidating, which, for most people, said something.
His expression was one of seriousness if not bordering a frown, although he did give the occasional self satisfied smirk.
Walking through the halls and ignoring the usual terror he seemed to always put in others, Akhenaden soon found himself at his final destination: Seth's room.
“Do you ever think there could be more to life, Malik?” Atemu questioned as he picked a flower from the garden. Atemu could remember being scolded for such an action when he was younger. It seemed so silly now that something as trivial as picking a flower could be such a big deal.
Malik yawned, not feeling fully awake. Atemu had sent a servant to fetch him at the most ungodly hour of the morning, and they had been walking along the outside path ever since.
Atemu smiled as he offered the flower to the other. “You'll have to forgive me for waking you so early; it's just such a perfect morning, and I didn't want to let you miss it.” He accented his statement by taking a big whiff of the fresh, clear air and exhaling in a contented manner.
Malik accepted the gift, bringing it closer so that he could smell it. “It's alright. What were you asking earlier?” He questioned absentmindedly, tucking the delicate plant behind his ear.
Atemu observed the boy, blushing when Malik caught his eyes for a moment. “I um…it was…” He struggled for words, smiling in a most embarrassed sort of way. “I was just wondering about life. I mean, is this as good as it ever gets?”
Malik was taken aback at the question. Why would Atemu think his life was incomplete when just miles outside the palace gates there were people laboring just to eat everyday?
Atemu noticed his lover's troubled face and quickly tried correcting the situation. “I'm sorry Malik, now you're upset-I didn't mean it like that, I just was thinking and I-“
Malik listened with great amusement as the mighty Atemu once again stumbled over his words. Before he knew it, he was giggling and holding a hand over his mouth to try and stop himself.
Atemu looked at Malik and sighed in defeat, smiling, but if you looked hard enough you could tell that he was tired. He would have to work harder at saying the right things. “I'm sorry for rambling; you must think me quite boring now.”
Malik grinned, finally controlling his laughter. “You should relax more, Atemu.” He suggested.
Seth awoke to the sound of rather obnoxious knocking at his door. Sitting up and looking out the window, he saw that it was still very early. Who would be up besides the servants, and more importantly, which would have the audacity to actually come to his room without being called for?
Annoyed and sleepy, the brunette collapsed back onto the bed, willing the noise to go away. Instead, it only became louder as well as faster.
Cursing whatever god was playing with him for their own amusement, Seth reluctantly left the comforting warmth of his bed and made his way to the door.
“This better be pretty damn important.” He muttered under his breath, fumbling with the handle a moment before finally opening it and revealing the culprit responsible for waking him.
“Akhenaden?” He said, squinting his eyes as if to make sure it was who he saw. When he didn't disappear, Seth scowled in his normal fashion. “What could you possibly want right now?”
Akhenaden nearly smirked at the disarrayed state he found Seth in, but kept up his harsh stare. “Really, Seth, I expected more from my favorite priest.” Ignoring the glare shot at him, Akhenaden moved on to important matters. “I've something to discuss with you, and it's about that boy.”
Atemu thought this through. “But the kingdom…There are so many matters that need tending to everyday…If I put it all off, it will only pile up more…”
Malik rolled his eyes. “You're hopeless.” He teased.
“Oh, I don't think so,” Atemu started, entwining his fingers with Malik's, “I have you now.” Leaning over, he placed a quick peck on Malik's cheek.
Malik couldn't bring himself to meet Atemu's loving gaze, so he turned his head to look elsewhere. “You shouldn't do that out here in the open. Someone might see.”
Only a soft chuckle was emitted from Atemu's lips, and Malik wondered what he found in Malik that had made him fallen in love. He hadn't led him on; in fact, Atemu had been the one to make almost every move. He wasn't himself around the pharaoh. If he was, would Atemu still feel this way? If Malik really was Namu instead of just playing the part, would he, too, have the same feelings? If he was Namu, would he of even fallen in love with Mariku?
“By `that boy', I'm assuming you mean Namu.”
“Well of course I mean Namu.” Akhenaden had begun pacing around the room, slowly, as if doing a silent inspection of the room to make sure he was talking to someone of his standards.
“Well then, spit it out, old man.” Seth replied impatiently, brushing his hair quickly before putting on his headdress. He didn't plan to stay disordered for long in the presence of someone who annoyed him even more than Mana or Madani.
“Watch your tongue, boy.” The elder spat. It was irritating to know that Seth was one of the few no longer affected by his ruthless manner. Still, he was twice Seth's senor, and Seth would learn to respect him as such.
“I know that this brat is planning something, if only to secure a spot inside the pharaoh's small circle of friends.” He paused, making sure the other was listening, “And I know that you're in on it.”
Seth secured the sash around his white tunic (alright, when I say tunic from now on, I mean a skirt/kilt thing, savvy?). “I suppose you wouldn't know, would you? Since I am, after all, a high priest, and because I am, I also carry a millennium item.” He made sure to meet Akhenaden's eyes as he smirked. He wasn't afraid of the man's questions.
Akhenaden scowled, mentally cursing for Seth being, in some aspects, just like him. “I may not be able to read your mind, Seth, but I can read your body language. You think no one ever watches when you stand to the side, hidden in the shadows. I've seen the way you look at him, the way you-“
A laugh escaped Seth, interrupting the sentence. “You think noticing anything different will prove something, Akhenaden? You think that the way I look at someone is legitimate evidence that I'm secretly plotting some foul, horrendous deed? You're out of your mind, old man.”
“You're out of your mind for even tolerating such a worm! Have you lost all common sense for the sight of a pretty face?” Akhenaden said, using all the spite he could muster. “What's in the game for you, Seth? What do you win? Will the boy really need you when all is said and done? Will he come running in your arms, and you'll rule as pharaoh comfortably the rest of your life?”
At this last question, Seth grew noticeably paler, and he knew he'd found what he'd been aiming for. “It's not hard for people to tell that you've been jealous of your younger cousin ever since he was crowned pharaoh, Seth.” The said brunette lowered his head slightly, turning his gaze to the floor.
“And it's ok to be.” He finished in a softer, gentle tone that was usually foreign to his speech.
Vivid blue eyes snapped back up, brows furrowing in a silent question. That was all that was needed for Akhenaden to know exactly where to strike Seth. Soon, he would be able to make a few plots of his own.
Atemu noticed the other's silence, and squeezed his hand. Malik, startled, looked up, his eyes shining beautifully with curiosity and a deceitful innocence. The pharaoh could not believe what a perfect soul he'd found to share his life with. If Malik hadn't scolded him earlier, he would be tempted to kiss his smooth, tan hand.
Malik would not allow himself to blush as Atemu had managed to keep eye contact. In this day light, he could see the perfect swirl of amethyst and crimson that was in his eyes, a very unusual trait. Maybe that's what made great people, a step out of the ordinary, things needed to set you aside from everyone else.
He suddenly noticed that Atemu kept coming closer, and that they had stopped walking at some point. The blush he had fought now crept from the corners of his cheeks.
But just as Atemu seemed beyond stopping, he shook his head, giving his majesty a stern look. “Atemu, please, someone might see.” He said again, taking his hand away to show that he was serious.
Atemu appeared lost for a moment, almost hurt. Malik could find nothing else to do except offer a half smile, and it was with a heavy heart that he turned around and walked back to the palace.
The words would not get out of his head.
For the last hour or so, Seth had been sitting on the steps leading to the throne. He'd never actually sat in Atemu's seat before. Doing so would make him feel fake, an imposter of sorts. Because even though he would most likely feel the rush of authority that comes with the ever lasting presence of ages of dictators before you, he would also most likely remember, in the back of his mind, that the true ruler was out and about.
It was where he felt his life was, always mere inches away from the power he craved, but never given the opportunity to actually obtain it.
And at the moment, Seth had been given many opportunities. It was all he could think about, his and Akhenaden's conversation playing and replaying in his head.
“In a way, Seth, Atemu stole the throne from you. Had he not been born, you would be the pharaoh. To me, that hardly seems fair at all…”
He knew it was ridiculous. Atemu wasn't at fault for being born, after all. Yet Seth had agreed, relieved at finally having someone who felt it was just as unjust as he did.
“As if Atemu is a man fit to rule an empire such as this to begin with. He's much too yielding, for my tastes. Perhaps you, Seth, would be the better man.
It was true. Atemu wouldn't harm a murderer any sooner than he would harm a flower.
You're intelligent, dedicated, but most importantly, driven. You know what you want, any moron could see that, and I know that you would lead this nation with an iron fist.”
Flattery will get you everywhere. Seth knew Akhenaden was sucking up. Under other circumstances, he knew the other wouldn't give a damn whether Seth was content or not. It was just so different hearing those words from somewhere besides his own mind, such a nice contrast.
“Besides, do you even really know what this boy is up to?”
No. Namu had kept his intentions quite secret from Seth, with only a possibly empty promise to make him pharaoh. How could he have given in so easily at the first mentioning of power? For all he knew, Namu would take the Rod and run. What would Namu obtain from helping him? What was his angle?
Akhenaden was right about one thing; Seth had fallen for nothing more than a pretty face, with pretty words. If he was to gain control of Egypt, he would do so without help and on his own terms, taking out Namu and his `family' if need be. Akhenaden had saved him from an incredibly foolish act. Maybe, some day he would thank him. Maybe some day.
“Seth?” A tentative hand tapped his shoulder.
Turning, Seth saw the very creature that had been poisoning his thoughts. “Yes, Namu?” Despite his recent resolution, Seth still couldn't help but notice the concern in the other's eyes, as well as the sadness.
“I just…wanted someone to talk to.” Malik said, taking a place beside Seth on the steps.
Seth had planned on walking away, to leave the boy questioning his intentions and actions. But he didn't. Instead, he watched as Namu ran a hand through his hair, sighing.
“Can I trust you, Seth?”
This caught the high priest off guard. “I um…I guess that depends.” He finally answered.
Malik glanced at Seth's face, taking in that he looked troubled, which was highly unusual for the priest. “Is something wrong?”
His mouth opened to reply, but nothing came out. He was torn between storming off in spite and tossing Akhenaden's words out the window.
“Actually,” He began, staring at his hands as he twiddled them, “I've been wondering about you.”
“About me?”
Seth rolled his eyes at himself for sounding so stupid. “Yeah, about you, but I'm starting to rethink this deal.”
Malik felt a surge of panic rush through him. They couldn't afford to take a step backwards; there were still too many to take forward!
Seth noticed the boy's momentary look of worry, and it only proved to make him more curious as to what would go wrong without his cooperation.
The blonde ran a hand through his hair again. “What made you decide to rethink it?”
“I have no idea of what the hell is going on, and you're going to tell me if you still want the Rod.” Seth knew he was in control of this situation, and that put him back inside his comfort zone.
Malik couldn't tell Seth the details of their plan without first discussing it with Mariku or Ryou. Bakura was an exception. So he told him the raw truth, looking into those cold blue eyes for effect. “I just want to go home.”
Seth frowned. “What do you-“
They looked over to see Bakura standing a few yards away, a stern stare securely in place, if not a little confused. “You're father is wondering where you ran off to.”
Seth chuckled. It was, of course, moments like this that were always interrupted. “You'd best not keep Madani waiting. Tell him hi for me, will you, Billah?”
Bakura's stare slightly faltered, never having been addressed by Seth until then, but he managed a nod before walking away with a blushing Malik.
“I'm not even going to ask about you and Seth.”
“Mariku, just lie down. I'm sure they're coming right now.”
After half an hour of looking for Malik, Mariku had finally given up and had started ranting about anything and everything that came to his mind in his and Ryou's room. After another fifteen minutes of pacing and ranting, he finally listened to Ryou and lied on the bed on his back, sighing heavily.
“I just wish that boy would quit making me worry so damn much.”
“You don't have to fret over me, sweetie.” Bakura said sarcastically from the door way, smirking as he came through.
Malik followed him in. “I fairly sure he wasn't talking about you.” He said flatly.
Ryou sighed in relief. “You all make me worry.”
Bakura, standing in the doorway, couldn't help but roll his eyes. “Well, just so no one worries, I'm going to the dining room. Mariku wouldn't let me eat until I found his tomb keeper.”
Someone's stomach growled, and they looked to Ryou, who smiled bashfully. “Um, maybe I'll go with Bakura.”
Malik waited until they were gone, and then gave Mariku the biggest grin he could muster. “Hey babe! I really missed you!”
At this Mariku sat up. Malik wouldn't be this happy for nothing. “Either you finally stabbed the pharaoh, or something bad happened.”
His grin faltered. “What do you mean? Everything is fine!” He threw his hands up dramatically as he said this.
This time Mariku grinned wryly and fell back onto the bed. “Tell me what screwed up this time.”
Malik dropped the obvious charade. “Well, we might have a bit of a problem…”
“He just wants to go home?” Akhenaden repeated, disbelievingly. “That makes no sense. If the boy wants to leave, then he can just leave.”
As much as it troubled Seth, he couldn't figure Namu out either. The two things didn't connect. Going home, and making Seth pharaoh. Going home, Seth pharaoh. Home, pharaoh, home pharaoh. It had been a very trying day so far.
But Seth hadn't told Akhenaden the pharaoh part yet. He was still unsure of himself, and giving out too much information could really make things get out of hand.
He took off his head dress; it was suddenly too hot. Maybe, for once, Akhenaden was right in his judgment. Perhaps Namu wasn't one to be trusted. Seth took a deep breath, preparing himself for the scolding that would come for befriending such a boy.
“Namu had promised…that I would be pharaoh.”
Akhenaden's ears perked up. This was interesting, and it was exactly the type of information needed to take the brat out. He smiled, although it felt unnatural, and chose his words carefully. “Seth, my boy, how could that brat ever make you pharaoh? Does he hold awesome powers other than the millennium items?”
Seth weakly shook his head, the embarrassment etched into his face. “No, but I just…felt like I could trust him.”
“And I'm sure that's what he wanted. Besides, what else could he possibly need? He's managed to secure a comfortable place in the palace and with Atemu.”
That wasn't right. “He wants more. Everything here…I don't think it matters to him.”
“Well then, why don't you sit and tell me everything that's troubling you. Everything this boy has put into your head, you can share with me.” He hoped he didn't sound too eager, and barely suppressed a triumphant laugh when Seth sat beside him at the table. Had he known Seth to be so impressionable, he would've had discussions like this with him much sooner.
Mariku just remained where he was, his eyes closed. Malik almost wondered whether he had fallen asleep, but decided that if he was, he would be more than happy to let him stay.
After a moment though, Mariku said what pretty much summed up his thoughts about their entire situation. “Holy fucking Ra, Malik.”
The said blond went over and lied next to the other, leaning over to rest his head on Mariku's chest. “I'm sorry. This was all a mistake, trying to go back. What was I thinking? Everything's going wrong…” Tears stung at his eyes, but Malik didn't want to cry, not now. But dammit, everything was stressing him out!
“Malik, its ok…its fine…” Mariku's voice cracked, which was extremely new for Malik.
He looked up to see that Mariku had turned his head to the side, his eyes barely watering.
Mariku was angry with himself for being weak in front of Malik. He was supposed to be the one to comfort Malik, not the other way around. But seeing Malik on the verge of tears again had somehow set him off.
“Are you ok, Mariku?” Malik asked, forgetting about his own problems.
Mariku glared at the wall. “Yes, Malik, I'm just great. I'm one of the two most wanted criminals, and we're in the fucking palace. I'm always worried about you; Seth doesn't even trust you anymore.” The tears nearly fell, but Mariku seemed just as reluctant to let them go as Malik was.
“Bakura and Ryou can do whatever the fuck they want because it wouldn't interfere with the Ra damned pharaoh's happiness. We're trying to get to a place where I have no idea what to expect, but we might not even get there because of being found out, and on top of that I'm constantly trying to keep myself from murdering the pharaoh for taking you without your consent and being a spoiled ass hole for thinking he can just have whatever he wants any time he wants it and of course he has to want the one thing I want to protect and it's just not fucking fair.”
He took a deep, slow breath. “It just kinda piles up, you know? But other than that, I'm fine.”
Malik felt terrible; he was the one who dragged them all here. “Don't cry habibi…” He murmured, burying his face in the crook of Mariku's neck.
Mariku huffed. “I'm not crying. And habibi is my word.”
“Jus like I' yur thin?” Came Malik's muffled words.
But Mariku understood him and smiled. “Yes, just like you're my thing.”
Mariku laughed, enjoying their moment of being alone.
There- he'd done it. Seth had told Akhenaden about everything, that night, his suspicion of Isis and Namu's family, and anything after. He should've felt better; he should've felt relieved at having another hear his side of things. But instead, he felt more like having betrayed than relayed.
Akhenaden gave a final nod. “Thank you, Seth.” He suddenly stood up; walking toward the exit of the place they had met, in the library.
This had Seth doing a double take. Was he really walking away so quickly?
“Wait,” He called out, catching up to his elder, “What are you going to do?”
“I'm going to do what's best for everyone, you'll see, Seth.” He answered without as much as a glance.
As soon as they were in the hall way Seth spoke in a louder voice. “What are you going to do.” He questioned sternly, although not really questioning at all.
Akhenaden rolled his eyes, or rather his eye, and didn't bother replying.
All the sudden Seth grabbed him by the front of his robes and slammed him against the wall harshly.
Akhenaden returned his glare, even though he was now breathless. “Seth, what do you think you're doing?”
Seth wished he could put holes in the man's head just by glaring. Unfortunately, the Rod was lacking in that power. “I'm going to listen as you explain to me where you're going, and what you plan to do when you get there. Then, depending on what your answer is, you just might walk away from this wall without anything broken.” He couldn't do anything with the Rod on someone who also possessed an item, but there were always other ways of making your point.
“And just what will you do about anything I say? Tell your cousin?” Akhenaden laughed cruelly at Seth's not-so-well thought out plan. “How will you explain harming a fellow high priest, hmm?”
Ra damn him if he wasn't right about it. What would he say to Atemu? “I hit Akhenaden because he was going to tell on me for secretly conspiring against you. Sorry cousin.” Yes, that would work splendidly.
Nonetheless, he was still tired of being kept out of the loop every time something big came along. “I don't care. Atemu would believe my word over yours any day, and he would especially believe Namu over either one of us. So I'll take my chances.”
Akhenaden mentally swore, his millennium eye seeming to gleam with an almost hateful shine. He hadn't smooth talked his way all day long to have Seth side with the brat.
“Billah, I'm nervous.” Ryou commented.
Bakura took a sip of his water. He and Ryou had finished eating, and had sat in silence for the time being, content with being in the other's presence. “Why?”
“I don't know, don't you feel something? Something bad?” Ryou couldn't place it, but something about today felt strange.
The thief shrugged. “I feel…calm.” But maybe that was only because he finally had food in his stomach. And if Ryou said he felt bad, then it was most likely for good reason.
Ryou looked down, feeling foolish.
And Bakura, being the caring person he was, was quick to reassure him. “But if something does happen, I'll protect you.”
Ryou blushed, poking at his plate with his fork. “Promise?”
“Of course…mother.” Bakura snickered to himself.
Ryou shook his head even though he was amused too. Then his mind drifted back to Mariku and how stressed out he'd been. “Do you think Madani is ok?”
“Of course Madani's ok.” Bakura said too surely. “Unless our minx has anything to say about it.” He added under his breath.
“Oh nothing, you just have an odd taste in friends is all.”
“Well, maybe you do too.” Ryou grinned at the thought of the two blondes and what havoc they could cause back home.
Mariku, an odd choice for a friend? Nah. “Madani is my best friend.” He said softly. In fact, Mariku had really been his only friend for years. Was that fate that made them try and rob the same house the same night? He'd probably never know.
Ryou smiled. “How long have you known him now?”
Bakura thought for a minute, even though he knew it instantly. “Oh, seven years.”
Ryou nodded, reaching for his glass when a thought hit him. Mariku and Bakura had known each other for seven years, living in the same house. Together. Alone.
Bakura looked at him, waiting for him to go on.
Ryou blushed and lowered his voice to a whisper. “Have you and Madani ever…you know…slept together?” It felt like he had to force the last bit out, blushing terribly as he did so.
He noticed that Bakura suddenly looked very uncomfortable. Had they?
“Well,” He started, “I'm not sure.”
What? Bakura had to actually think about this?
He must have seen Ryou's face, because he had to once again restate himself. “I mean…I don't think so, anyway.”
Mariku and Bakura, being lovers. It was so odd to think about, and even worse to imagine. Ryou shuddered. “What do you mean you don't think so?” He spat, wanting to know for sure.
Bakura shrugged sheepishly. “I don't think we did, really. There was just this one time that neither of us are sure about because we were both drunk and just…extremely out of it.”
Ryou only stared at him. “So…you might have, but only once.” Was Bakura even hearing himself?
“Ok, look…mother. Madani and I have always been just friends, ever since we met.” Bakura told him sincerely. “I mean, yeah, seven years is a long time, and I did think about the possibilities of us…you get the picture. But it always seemed…not right. I think of Madani as a brother I guess, and it's really gross to think of your brother that way.” Bakura accented it with a shudder of his own.
Ryou nodded. “I get that. Namu and I have never even talked about getting together. It was just weird, and I love him as a friend.”
Bakura snorted, crossing his arms. “So what was the minx like at home?”
Ryou sighed. Sometimes he forgot all about home, which was ridiculous because it was the reason they were here in the first place. “Oh, Namu was-is, I dunno, Namu.”
“Maybe we should get up.”
“Maybe we should stay here.”
“They'll be wondering where I am.”
“You mean he'll be wondering.”
“I guess.” Malik sat up, shivering from the new lack of body warmth.
Mariku frowned. “You're so quick to get back to him. Is there a time limit on how long you two can be apart?” He asked nastily.
Malik, who had just stood up, turned back to return the frown, “Why are you doing this?”
Mariku sat up, letting his legs hang on either side of Malik. “Why are you?”
Malik reached forward and ruffled his hair. “Because I love you, you ass hole.”
Mariku pouted. “If you loved me, you would stay here.”
The younger of the two took a step back, shaking his head. “That's not fair.”
“Not many things are.” Mariku said smugly. And if not being fair meant Malik would stay with him, he didn't mind. However, he knew Malik was right on this particular subject. “Go to him.” He said sarcastically.
Malik smiled. “Do you wanna walk with me?” He offered his hand.
Mariku sulked a few moments before grasping it. “Fine.” He grumbled, and they left the room together.
“By the way, Namu…Where did you get that flower?”
In another part of the palace, an enraged brunette still firmly held a body against the wall. Surprisingly, no one had passed through yet, which would make the situation worse.
“You know, Seth,” Akhenaden started, “I'm rather disappointed in you. I'd thought it would at least take me a few days to start cracking you and here it's only been a few hours.” He chuckled, knowing he was only making the teen that more upset.
Seth gritted his teeth. “You know nothing about me.” He hissed.
“Please, I feel like I've learned your entire history today! You should know better than to trust people so easily!”
Seth could only remain glaring; his grip on Akhenaden's robe tightening to what should have been an alarming point.
The older mean kept on. “And how long are you going to keep me here, Seth? How long before someone comes and things get awkward?”
Seth desperately hoped that a god would hear his prayers and strike this man down with something, anything. But once again, he was right. It would do absolutely no good to keep him here. His grip would eventually become loose enough for Akhenaden to escape, his Rod wouldn't help because of the Eye, someone could come any minute, and when the man finally got his free will back, Seth could only expect the worst.
With all those thoughts and more pounding in his head, Seth violently threw Akhenaden to the floor. “Fuck you. You acted like you cared. I can't believe I actually thought…you really cared.” He leaned on the wall, silently fuming.
Akhenaden stood up, dusting himself off. “Maybe you should think about that next time, Seth.” He said cruelly and then walked away.
Seth stood there, listening to the sound of the foot steps until they were gone. He was so angry with himself; it was ridiculous how blind he'd been. After a few more moments, he stood up straight again. Self pity would have to wait, he told himself as he started running in the opposite direction Akhenaden had gone. Right now, he had to warn Namu.
Sorry if this went rather quickly, I tend to slack off when it comes to the climax part of the story, so I wanted to make sure I didn't. I promise to answer reviews the next chapter. Thank you for reading this! It's so fun writing, you know? And TjayMotou, since this is the first time I'm updating since you moved I decided to not make you have to edit it since you weren't going to anyway. I didn't expect to take quite to long in updating. (Innocent smile) I didn't really edit it either, I'm just happy to have finally written another chapter. I love all my readers and reviewers, you guys rock my socks off. :)