Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ The Aftermath ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys! I'm finally updating. It would've been sooner actually, but I now have a beat reader! So I'd like to thank and give due credit to TjayMotou! You're a big help and played a part in making this chapter one of my favs. =)
Anyway, I'll answer reviews and get on with the latest part, savvy?
TjayMotou: It's a bit odd answering since I've spoken with you a lot since your ten reviews lol, thanks for enduring my grammar.
Hells_gatekepper: I'm so glad you liked it! Hope it's the same for this one >.> lol, we'll talk soon!
Nyami_Rose: Well, we've talked as well since the last chapter ^_^ Like I said, maybe this chapter will restart your liking for my story, eh?
RyousGirl567: 3rd place out of 12?? That's pretty amazing! Our chamber choir did the musical West Side Story last spring, and from what I've heard it was really good, so your show should be too. And happy New Year and everything else XD
Last time: Strange warmth flowed through him that was just so pleasant. Atemu wanted to tell everyone, but he knew no one could ever know. That, in the end, would be the hardest part of this relationship. But it would be so worth it. In the end, as his lover had said, everything would be worth it.
It was just turning dawn, when the sun began to peeking out from behind the sandy horizon casting it's morning rays against the still cold sand. Bakura snarled as he was still awake, still waiting, regardless of how stressed he felt over this whole thing sleep seemed to be impossible, besides, Mariku would not let him go to sleep anyways... how many times Mariku had come by to see if Malik was there? Bakura had lost count.
The bedroom door suddenly began opening, but not fast like Mariku had been opening it. It was very slow and quiet, as if someone was trying to sneak inside, not waking anyone in the room. Immediately Bakura knew who was coming in, who finally decided to return, many hours later.
Malik crept through the door, pushing it just enough so that he could get through. Once in the room, he closed it just as quietly. Once that was done, he threw his modern clothes in the floor. Malik felt, no he was exhausted. His body screamed for him to lay down at once. His head felt as if it would explode soon with all the extra mental strain and on top of all that he felt completely and utterly worthless for what he had just done. That feeling would last much longer than the other two. He was very sure of that fact.
Malik was afraid of waking Bakura if he made the bed move too much, and he had no where else to go at the moment, so he leaned against the door and held his head in his hands, willing himself to stay awake.
“Look who finally came back!”

Matted blonde hair shook as Malik's head snapped up at the voice. He stared at the thief with scared eyes. Dammit. He hadn't wanted Bakura to be up when he got back, and by the look on the thief's face... this wasn't going to be pretty.
Bakura gave Malik a one over. He was no longer wearing the same clothes he had on at the party. A quick glance to the floor showed that they were now in a small, messy pile. The blonde now wore a white kilt that Bakura knew was not Malik's. It looked as if Malik's jewelry was simple shoved on hastily, as if just getting it on was an accomplishment. Something was clutched in one hand, but Bakura paid no mind to that.
He came right up to Malik to look even closer. The tan body was still sweat slicked, and Bakura could already assume the cause. He reached out a hand to touch Malik's cheek, but the blonde turned his head to the side.
“Please don't touch me.”

His voice was so choked up. It sounded like Malik was going to break down any second. And that made Bakura furious. Who was Malik to be upset after knowingly betraying his lover, after fucking someone else!? He would do this to Mariku and then expect pity afterwards? Well he wasn't going to get it from Bakura.
Instead of following Malik's request, Bakura waited until he had turned his head forward again before back handing him. Malik gasped as his head once again turned to the side, but this time by force. He made no more reaction, angering Bakura further.
He leaned forward until he was right next to Malik's ear, and then let his emotions fly in a heated whisper.
“Who the hell do you think you are, Malik Ishtar? Just who the fuck do you think you are? Do you honestly think you can just waltz in Mariku's life and then toy with his feelings? I've known Mariku since he was thirteen, that's seven fucking years, Ishtar. You know how many times he's opened his heart to anyone before in that amount of time? Just once, and that's with you. Then you go and fuck the person he hates most. You fucking little slut. You fucking little slut! (Bakura punched the wall as he said this, making Malik almost whimper)
“I don't know why anyone puts up with you. All you do is complain, whine, and fuck people. Virgin my fucking ass. Well, you're not anymore, are you? Do you enjoy doing what you're good at, Malik? Is being a whore fun? I hope so, because that's all you will ever be to anyone. Not everyone will always take pity on you, Ishtar. I sure as hell won't now.”

He paused, waiting for the fire in Malik to lash out and defend himself. Malik did nothing. He kept his head turned to the side, doing his best to keep standing very still. Bakura could even catch a whiff of the pharaoh on him. And Malik's silence wasn't helping his temper. He sighed out of agitation.
Say something, Ishtar. Tell me how good it felt to bed Atemu. I bet it was awesome, after all, you were there for hours.” Bakura felt the need to shout, and not being able to do so just annoyed him to no end.
“You are so fucking lucky I have to be quiet. You should go thank everyone in the rooms of this hall for keeping me quiet. But why are you being so quiet? Are you thinking about the pharaoh? Do you miss him? Or is it that no good priest that's filling your head? Don't worry, little Ishtar, I'm sure they all miss you too. Or, rather, your body.”

Still, Malik didn't defend himself. If anything his head was bent lower, facing the floor. He had his arms wrapped around himself in a seemingly desperate attempt to keep Bakura away.
Then, with the smallest of voices, Malik said something. Bakura couldn't hear him, “Speak a little louder... slut!” The last part of his sentence was uttered under his breath, but came out a little louder then he had wanted.
He heard Malik take a breath before repeating, hardly louder than before, “You're right. I'm sorry.”

The thief didn't believe what he was hearing. He grabbed Malik's chin and forced him to look up. Although it was very dark, he could see that the boy was silently crying. His eyes were glazed over and the clear liquid seemed to know no end as it streamed down his face.
Bakura wasn't expecting this. He wasn't expecting to feel so guilty either. Had Malik put a spell on him now, too? He took a step back from the boy, suddenly feeling a bit claustrophobic.
That was when the bed room door burst open, sending the pair to the floor in a suggestive pose. Mariku came in and just stared at them for a moment as he processed the scene. “Oh…my Ra…”

That's when Bakura realized what his partner was thinking and roughly shoved Malik away from him. He stood up, brushing himself off in an almost insulting way to Malik. “You're a fucking moron if you even think about taking that accusation any further.”

Mariku closed his eyes to clear his head and nodded, feeling foolish for even thinking something like that. He looked in the spot Malik had been after being pushed, but he wasn't there. He wasn't far, though, he had only gone over to the foot of the bed and was now sitting with his knees up and his head buried in his lap.
The blonde thief gave his partner a look that told him to go and give them privacy. Bakura obliged and left for Ryou's room, silently shutting the door behind him.
Mariku walked to his lover and crouched down. He didn't know what to think or how to react. He was tired from waiting and pacing, and really just wanted to go to bed. It was very obvious about what had gone on the past few hours. While Malik didn't appear hurt physically, Mariku still couldn't see all of him.
He touched Malik's hand. Malik cringed and pulled away. Mariku couldn't help but to sigh. “Malik, please look at me.”

After a few moments Malik's head slowly obeyed. “I'm so sorry, Mariku.” Malik managed to apologize between sobs and tear-ridden break downs.
Mariku shook his head. “It's not your fault, baby…” He wasn't sure where the `baby' had come from, but right now he wasn't going to dwell on it.
Malik nodded his head, he crossed his arms over his knees and rested his chin on his forearms, “But it is my fault, Mariku. I could've stopped what happened, and I didn't. I was a coward and chose the easy way. I made myself a slut. A cheap whore. A…” Malik couldn't think of another synonym as his mouth tried forming any shape of a syllable. “You must hate me... I do.” He finished softly, looking into space.
Mariku frowned. “Did Bakura put any of this in your head?” He knew the answer when Malik didn't respond and a fresh glaze swept over his eyes. “Malik…You're not a slut, and I could never hate you.”

“I don't deserve your love, either way.” Emotion filled eyes gazed at Mariku with both a look of questioning and pleading, and somewhere lost in the violet depths was fear and shame.
“Malik, you deserve every bit of my love. Don't listen to Bakura.” He said a bit more sternly. He moved himself closer to his emotional lover, he reached out to Malik again, but stopped himself, for what reason he didn't know.
Malik still shook his head. “Bakura is right, though.”

Mariku sighed and reached out again to touch his hair, but instead Malik held his hand out for him to take something. He put his hand under Malik's, who dropped a small object into it.
Taking it, Mariku saw that it was the necklace he had given Malik. But the gem was broken into two pieces. He couldn't help but laugh, which was a strange contrast to the current mood of everyone. “Did you think this would make me angry?”
Malik only looked back at him, confused. Yes, he did think Mariku would be upset, even if only a little bit. Did it mean nothing to him after all? Just a trinket whose only purpose was to woo Malik?
Mariku laughed more at the smaller boy's expression. He scoot over and wrapped an arm around Malik's shoulders, holding the necklace with the other hand for them both to see.
“Malik, this is only a material possession. Love means so much more than this. Yes, I did give it to you because I thought you would enjoy it, and therefore wanted you to have it. But not as much as I wanted you to have my heart.”
Sighing, he let his forehead lean against the side of his lover's head, who was still focused on the necklace. His voice then dropped to a weary whisper as he took in the scent that was currently Malik. “You have it, Malik. Every piece. All I can hope for is that I have yours.” He allowed the piece of jewelry to fall from his had and on the floor to show that he meant his words.
Malik watched as it went down the short distance and landed on the floor with a small clang. Then he leaned into the welcoming embrace. “You have my heart, Mariku. You always will. I'm just,” He paused to chuckle, “sorry for making you put up with so much.”

Mariku smiled and kissed his forehead. “Don't be. Love was never meant to be easy for everyone. The most I have to put up with is a little competition.” He smirked and gave a light squeeze to Malik's shoulder.
Malik blushed at that. He turned his head so their foreheads were finally touching. “You always make me feel so vulnerable…so exposed.”

“Is that a bad thing?” The other asked, keeping intense eye contact with his little look alike. At the same time, he brought his lips a little closer.
The younger gave a slight shake of his head. “No…I like it.” He whispered with eyes only half lidded, before their lips touched lightly. His brows furrowed in confusion as his eyes fluttered shut. He wanted to show Mariku how much he cared. There just seemed to be nothing he could do, and it stroked him as peculiar that Mariku would even want to kiss him, when not even hours before he had been doing so much more with another man.
Mariku gently kissed Malik, bringing his hand to the messy locks that were his lover's hair and softly massaged his scalp. He noticed, with a small pang in his chest, that Malik's hair was still damp from…previous activities.
He knew what Malik had done. He knew what Atemu had done, and a rough idea of what Bakura had said minutes earlier. But everything that had led to this moment didn't seem to matter right now. Yes, he was pissed when he came in, but after his partner left and they were alone, Malik just seemed so… pitiful. Mariku didn't have the heart to be the brutal person he had intended to. Malik was defenseless and in need of someone who would help to pick him back up and Mariku was more than willing to be that someone.
Malik softly purred in appreciation of the massage, it was so very comforting; so was the kiss, until both boys needed air, nevertheless, Mariku only allowed himself to pull away maybe an inch.
Malik and Mariku flourished in the moment. It was real, with nothing hidden and nothing to hide. Each could practically feel the emotions radiating from the other in the dark night, each could tell how tired the other was as they kept eye contact again, but this time in a more relaxed way.
Mariku began to silently place feather light kisses along Malik's head, then lowering to lick and nip at his throat. “I love you…”
“I love you too…” Malik sighed and his eyes closed once more. “That feels…really nice.” He moaned out, barely audible. Anything said too loudly would have simply ruin the moment.
Mariku, who also had yet to stopped his hand, gave a small grin as the boy's head turned to make his skin more accessible. “My hand, or my mouth?”
Malik emitted an unseen blush. “....both.”
“Mr. Ishtal!” Tea cheerfully went up to Mariku, her beaming self floating gaily through the palace the next morning, she came to a stop at his left and her smile brightened.
Mariku chuckled. The girl seriously needed a clue. But he smiled and turned to face her none the less. “Yes, princess?” He pushed forward an attitude and persona that wasn't even close to the mood he was in this morning. While things with Malik had ended differently then he had expected, he was still angry... but now more that the pharaoh, who was no more then half a room away.
She smiled obliviously, unaware that he wasn't even focused on her, nor the fact he was looking to her right. “I must leave in a few minutes and go back to Nubia. I was wondering if I might tell Namu good bye?”

He shook his head, the smile not leaving. “I'm sorry, Namu is still in bed. He has a big head ache from last night's events. But if you wish, I will tell him for you.”

Her expression changed from obliviously happy to stupidly happy. “That would be amazing! Thank you, Mr. Ishtal!”

He gagged when she hugged him the next moment, silently thanking Ra that she couldn't see his face. She then ran off to tell someone else good bye. She actually reminded Mariku of a dumber version of Nathifa.
He was a bit relieved today since many of the guests were finally leaving. Only a few were remaining until tomorrow, and all of them were staying in a different hall.
Bakura sauntered over to him in their little corner, he was careful about what he said, he was well aware that Mariku had a decent idea of what he had said to Malik last night. “Doesn't it feel fantastic? We can be as loud as we want again.”

His blonde partner grinned. “Well, louder. I'm more relieved that Namu's extra admirers are finally leaving,” Mariku paused and looked around, he noticed that Ryou wasn't with Bakura. “Where is Ryou?” His gaze locked with Bakura's, but the white haired thief looked away.
Bakura shrugged. “He said he wanted to talk to Namu alone.” His slight frown didn't pass by Mariku.
“Speaking of Namu, what exactly did you say to him last night?”

Bakura sighed, he thought this would come up sometime, however he was unsure of how his friend out take it, so he worded it carefully. “I simply put him in his place. Though I doubt he'll listen, that kid is way too stubborn for his own good.”

Mariku frowned. He didn't want Malik thinking he was a slut. He was still in bed because he was still a bit torn up about last night, not because he had a head ache. They hadn't gone any farther than their cuddling; Bakura made sure to interrupt before that would happen, it was probably for the best anyway. Malik was already stressed because of the pharaoh, and the two of them screwing immediately afterwards would only add to it.
Speaking of which, “Did you have to be so hard on him?”
“As a matter of fact, I did. And how can you say that? You should be angry with him, not at me.” Bakura hissed defensively, crossing his arms over his chest and narrowing his eyes coldly.
“You're right; I have the right to be angry with him, you don't. He's trying to make everything work out as well as he can. You can't keep comparing him to Ryou, Ryou.”

Bakura put his hands on his hips in an oddly woman like way. He couldn't believe Mariku was actually scolding him! “Well excuse me for trying to be helpful, father.”
The blonde just looked at Bakura as if he were a complete idiot. “Do you honestly think that convincing Namu of being a slut will help anything? And doesn't that make you kind of a hypocrite, Mr. Man whore?”

The sun was too bright. Why was it always so happy and shiny? Everything seemed to mock Malik this morning. He sighed heavily. He felt dirty, although he had just taken a bath. A coat of imperfection that could never be returned hung over him.
All of Mariku's sweet words seemed to have been erased while he was sleeping. Bakura was right again. He was such a little whore! He should've tried harder last night, he could've thought of something, anything to get out of doing what he did.
The best part was, of course, when it was finally over.
Both were breathing deeply with hot and sweaty bodies next to each other. Both were in love but not with the other person.
Atemu grinned and pushed the stray bangs from Malik's face. “I love you.”

Malik was only able to half return it. “I know. I should go before my family worries too much.”

While he knew that Malik was right, Atemu didn't want his lover to go so soon. “Very well, Malik, I'll see you soon. You may borrow something of mine if your clothes are too hot.”

Malik simply nodded and stood up, not liking the fact that Atemu lazily watched as he went. He would have gone proudly, but remembered that what they just did was supposedly willing on both parts. How would it look if he walked out arrogantly? He threw on some random clothing, picked up his own, and started toward the door.
As he was turning the knob, though, Malik suddenly remembered his necklace. Quickly scanning the floor near the bed, he saw something shining on the floor. Ignoring the pharaoh's confusion, he went over and picked the piece of jewelry up, gritting his teeth at the somewhat familiar pain in his back area.
Upon further inspection, Malik could see that the gem was only half there.
Atemu was sitting up now. “Are you looking for something, Malik?”

Malik was tired, but a hint of anger still flared up in him. “Yes, the other half of my necklace that must have broken off last night.” Emphasis accompanied every word, but apparently Atemu wasn't good at taking hints.
He simply yawned and said, “I'm sorry. Was it important?” It was obvious he didn't care whether Malik had merely bought it or had hand made it himself.
`It was just a little important. Maybe if you hadn't been so worried about getting into my pants, it would still be whole.'
The blonde opened his mouth to snap at Atemu, but he really couldn't say something like `my boyfriend made that for me!' He glared as much as he could get away with. “A very good friend gave this to me.” Eying the other half, Malik snatched it up.
Atemu frowned at this. He held out his hand for it, but Malik held it out in his hand. He would let Atemu look at it, but like hell he would let him touch the item again. The pharaoh leaned forward and inspected it with his eyes.
“That's easily replaceable.” He said when he pulled back again. The next moment he allowed himself to fall back on the bed in an exhausted manner.
Malik rolled his eyes and walked to the door again. “I don't want it replaced.” He said before closing the door behind him, just a bit harder than necessary.
The said blonde grinned at his own weakness. Almost as soon as he shut Atemu's door, his inner anger had left him as well. Exhaustion had once again consumed his body and mind on his way back to the bed room. He couldn't think of one thing to say to Bakura when he, for the first time, actually attacked Malik while meaning what he said.
`All I could do was keep agreeing with him. I think I still agree with him. No matter what Mariku says, I don't deserve him.' The blonde thought sadly. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
Malik turned around to see Ryou smiling at him. He sighed and gave a small smile back. “I don't deserve you either, Ryou.”

Ryou's smile widened as he walked over to his blonde friend. “I know that. So are you going to tell me what happened last night or do I have to keep waiting?”
“That's different.” Bakura said, not without a small glare.
Mariku laughed. “You're so fucking full of it! How the hell is that any different?”
A passing servant glanced over at the sudden out burst. Both thieves ignored him.
“The difference is,” Bakura started, “that all of those people didn't matter. I was never in love with any of them!”
“Aw, Bakura.” Mariku said a bit too sweetly. He cupped Bakura's cheek with one hand, who became uneasy. “Have you already forgotten-“
Bakura smacked his hand away in annoyance as he narrowed his eyes. “Don't you dare try to bring that up. That was four years ago, and I was drunk. Besides, don't go acting like you resisted everything, Madani.”
“It's not like I was exactly the most sober person either. My body wasn't giving me a choice, just like yours.” Mariku reminded him.
Bakura couldn't think of a response, so he simply chose to not use one. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, keeping his eyes on the ground.
At his partner's silence, Mariku sighed heavily. “I guess we'll never know what exactly happened that night. So let's just drop it.”

Ryou listened in a polite silence. He didn't interrupt; but his thoughts of particular points in the story were given away by his facial expressions. When Malik finally finished telling his very detailed encounter, Ryou just nodded his head a few times.
Malik nodded his head to mock Ryou. “Well?”

Ryou smiled again. Malik was so impatient. “Well what?”

Malik just gave him a look. “I don't know, maybe a response?” He knew Ryou slowed things down on purpose.
Ryou shrugged. “What do you want me to say?” He really didn't know what Malik was expecting of him.
“You're not mad or anything?” Bakura had to say something to Ryou. “Did your thief not start venting when he came in last night?”

Ryou blushed. “He seemed a bit…angry…but since when did you care what Bakura thought anyway?”
“I don't! That's why I'm asking you!” Malik knocked lightly on Ryou's head. “Are you sure Bakura's stupidity didn't rub off on you?”

Ryou stuck his tongue out. “Ha-ha, very funny. Just what exactly are you asking me?”

Malik's mouth opened, but absolutely nothing came out. He instead looked out the window again.
Guessing that the sun wasn't going to send any answers to Malik, Ryou decided to help him. “Look, Malik, if you're asking if my opinion of you has changed because of last night, then the answer is no. I don't think you're a slut or a whore, despite what Bakura may say. You simply played the part, something I don't think I could do. You did what you had to, and now we're one step closer to Japan. In other words, ya done good.”

Ryou's words flowed with sincerity. “Just don't make sleeping around a regular habit and I think you'll be fine.”

Malik grinned. Ryou was such a good friend. “You always know how to put my thoughts into words. Mariku and Isis are really the only other two.”

The younger smiled. “It's a gift. Treasure it.” He glanced outside, smiling even more at the sun light. “We should get back to our guys. Do you wanna come out yet?”
He noticed the blonde give an involuntary shudder, but Malik nodded anyway. He put a hand on the other's shoulder. “Don't worry so much, Malik. Only a few people know of what happened, and no one hates you for it.”

At his skeptical face Ryou merely added, “Bakura doesn't count.”

Walking down the hall ways, Ryou glanced at all the hieroglyphics. “You can read this?” He finally asked Malik in awe.
Malik regarded the language with boredom. “Yeah, it was part of my studying to become a tomb keeper.”

“Sometimes, I wish I was a tomb keeper.”
Malik shook his head. “I would say that I wish you were too, but that would make me a bad friend. So I'll just say that you don't.”
Ryou would absolutely love to learn more about this place. He wasn't allowed to even try get as much as possible out of this trip. If only they could take something back, something to remind them of their time here.
“It's kind of funny.” Malik started, “We own some of the most valuable items in history, and we never even thought about it because we've had them for so long.”
Ryou frowned. “What would those be?”
Malik shook his head. “The millennium items, mother!”

“Oh yeah.” The albino said a bit sheepishly. They really did take that for granted. The items were truly very valuable, but Ryou wouldn't want to ever give up the ring.
“Where are our guys, anyway?” the blonde asked aloud.
“Oh, they're in the main hall I think. I'm not sure though.” Ryou frowned. “I guess they could've left there by now.”

Malik suddenly acquired a twinkle in his eyes. “Well, since you don't know for sure, I'm going outside. I saw Isis out by the pond and I need to tell her what happened. Say hi to the boys for me?”
Ryou was obviously not getting any say in this, since Malik immediately walked in the other direction, not waiting for an answer.
The thieves watched as the guests left one by one. It seemed that no one would leave without first having a last word with Atemu.
Bakura huffed. “I'm bored of watching the pharaoh tell people bye. Where is Ryou?”

Mariku shrugged. “Do I look like his mother?”

Bakura pretended to contemplate this as he looked the other over. “No, I think you look more like his husband.”

Mariku growled in annoyance as Bakura chuckled at his own comment.
From across the room, neither thief noticed as a certain priest suspiciously eyed the two. Why would a father and his step son seem to have such a close bond? One would think that Madani would rather talk to his son or Ryou to his mother.
He was very curious as to find just what Namu was planning. Obviously, he would need to somehow get Atemu out of the way before Seth could become pharaoh. And he needed Seth's rod to do it. He would like to get the boy alone and find out exactly what was going on. What did Namu get out of this, anyway? He gained nothing unless he convinced Seth on letting him stay.
The brunette smirked. He would certainly allow the blonde to remain in the palace, as long as they shared the same bedroom whenever asked. He was very proud of himself for freaking the boy out with that kiss, especially since his entire family was watching. He wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea. Then again, the wrong idea would be the right idea, so never mind.
Madani was a bit too bold, though. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all. He may need to be dealt with so he wouldn't step out of line with the new pharaoh. As for boundaries, Madani could take those and shove them right up his-
“Seth!” Longer brown hair swished in front of him as the person said his name.
Looking up from his thoughts, Seth found the person to be only Mana. The girl was constantly annoying him whenever she was given an excuse, and now would most likely be no different.
“I see you haven't changed since our last talk.” He commented dryly.
She grinned. “Don't worry, Seth; I'm only here on business.” She waved her hand as if to chase previous encounters away. “I was just wondering if you've seen Isis?”
“Come on, Mana, you should know that I don't give a damn about peoples whereabouts.”

She shrugged in her usual cheery way. “Very well, then, I'll ask someone else.” With that she seemingly floated away.
“So Atemu screwed me, Bakura was pissed, Mariku and Ryou were forgiving, and I've been through more emotions than a boy should in one night.”
Isis smiled from her sitting position under the tree. She was rather glad that he had given her the shortened version of last night. “I'm glad only one person was angry. Are you sure you're alright, though?”

Malik shrugged indifferently. “Last night was a mess, but I think I'm fine now. I just have to look forward to getting out of here.” Unlike Isis, Malik preferred lying on his stomach in a sunny spot instead of the shade.
Isis nodded. “Of course I suppose I'll do my best to keep Seth in check when he inherits the throne. That alone worries me!” Her voice sounded more professional than worried.
“It's really not fair for me to do this to you…” Malik's guilt emerged, so he picked random blades of grass as a distraction.
“I already told you, Malik, not to speak such nonsense like that.” Eying him with nervousness, she added, “And you're going to get yourself grass stains.”

“I'd rather have grass stains than blood…” He mumbled to himself, grinning innocently at his sister's gaze.
Mana glanced about the room in search of anyone who could help. She then noticed the two outlaws in the far corner, and an even more cheerful grin came to her features. Quick as a flash she was standing in front of them. “Hello boys.”
Bakura frowned as he looked back and forth from the spot she had been in and where she now stood. “How did you…Whatever.”

She put a hand to her mouth and giggled cutely. “It's good to see you too. Do you know where Isis is?”

Mariku shook his head. “Sorry, Mana.”

Her smile remained. “It's ok maybe you two would like to join me in my mission to find her? I'm sure our conversation would interest you more than standing here.”
Bakura immediately jumped at the offer with a loud `yes!' while Mariku stayed indifferent to the matter.
As they reached the door, Mana pulled it open and discovered a white haired mother on the other side. “Haniya! Glad you could join us, have you seen Isis by any chance?”

“So why exactly did you ask me to come, Isis?” Mana asked once everyone was settled.
Isis hadn't moved, and Mana sat across from her. The boys filled in the gaps on either side. (this is their order going clockwise: Isis, Malik, Mariku, Mana, Bakura, and Ryou.)
Isis gave a fleeting look towards the palace before turning back to her friend. “I think we need to discuss getting my brother and his…associates back to the era desired. I mean we need to make real plans. Everything is a bit too sketchy right now.”
Mana nodded. “I agree! I've already studied the ritual you gave me, but you never filled me in on the missing pieces.”

They briefly told her about the millennium items and who would be sealed inside what. She simply nodded again. “And are the current holders willing? Is the sacrifice willing?”
“Yes, all needed items will be present. And our sacrifice should be willing by then.”
Mana didn't look as pleased with that answer. “Should be or will be?”
Malik interjected. “Definitely will.” `Because there's no way he gets to screw me and back out of the price…'
The young girl's happy mood returned. “And you guys know about the blood, right?”
The boys all looked to Isis, who had apparently forgotten to tell them from her `Oops' expression. “Don't worry; Mana will just need to take a little blood from each of you during the process. It's no big deal!”
Bakura smirked. “Oh! We can deal with that.”
Mariku returned it but chose not to respond. Ryou looked slightly nervous who trying to smile at Malik's reassuring one.
The questions that followed were irrelevant to the previous subject. The boys finally went inside and left the girls to their chattering.
The next few days went by rather uneventfully, with the new and fake secret couple spending even more time with one another. The boys constantly worried whether the usual palace residents were suspicious, since all party guests were gone by then. But they didn't need to worry too much. Isis and Shadi were starting to be, bit by bit, more open with their obvious feelings.
Malik had the opinion that while Isis did care for Shadi, she was also doing it to help distract from Atemu's happier than ever behavior. That was something he would have to thank her for later. The pharaoh had apologized for his lack of caring about Malik's necklace, and Malik had bitterly swallowed his huge annoyance and forgiven him.
While all was supposedly right between them, things between Bakura and Malik were still pretty sketchy. It was pretty much an on and off friendship now. Talking one second and arguing the next seemed to be their new style. Mariku and Ryou were beginning to feel more and more like real parents who had to scold their kids, and it was getting very tiring very fast, even though it wasn't very often that all four had alone time with each other.
It had been three days since Atemu's party (the boys had come to simply call this `that night'). Tonight seemed to be a careful night for Malik and Bakura.
“You need to find a way to convince Atemu of going with our plan.” Bakura stated in a way that was neither impatient nor cold. Lately, he had been doing his best to keep Malik from crying in front of Bakura alone, because he wouldn't know how to handle it again. Mariku came to save the day, well, night, well, dawn, well whenever the last time.
Malik sighed. “I know. I've been thinking of that lately.” After the pond incident, Malik decided he better not tick Bakura off, because he didn't know what he would do after another rage from the thief. He hated crying in front of him, but he had just been so vulnerable…What was strange to him was that Bakura hadn't used that to taunt him at all. Did he feel bad? Well, he never did say sorry, so Malik couldn't tell.
They lied on the bed, both for whatever reason on their back, completely still. The sight was rather odd. It was as if both were afraid of setting off the other by making any motion.
Bakura suddenly cleared his throat, although softly. Malik turned his head to his left as subtle as he could. Bakura, however, kept his eyes on the ceiling. If it wasn't getting dark, Malik would've sworn that there was a pink tint overtaking Bakura's face.
He was fiddling with something in his hands. Finally Malik was tired of waiting. He cleared his own throat.
Bakura's head kind of snapped, as if forgetting about even getting the other's attention. He held out his hand and quickly dropped the object in question next to Malik's head. Malik nearly dared to laugh aloud at Bakura's unusual behavior, before picking up the item.
After squinting and holding it up to the light of a window, Malik saw what it was.
It was his necklace, or what was the result after its encounters. The gem was still in two halves, but still together. There was an obviously poor attempt at gluing them back together in some way.
Malik smiled, letting a small giggle out, when he suddenly felt the bed shifting as Bakura turned on his side to face away from the blonde. Apparently the thief was either no longer caring about making Malik angry, or was simply too embarrassed to stay on his back where his face was in full view.
Malik's smile grew. This had to be Bakura's way of apologizing. He sighed audibly and let out a meek “Thank you.”
Bakura only grunted in response, and Malik was fine with leaving it at that for tonight. The smile never leaving his face, Malik rolled onto his side as well, and he quickly fell asleep in a much happier mood.
Well I hope you guys liked it, thanks for reading! By the way, TjayMotou has to move in a few days so she won't be able to edit my chapter. So if it's not exactly as good as this one, I'm sorry! But I'll try to make it up to standards, ok? Later peeps ^_~