Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ It's ok, you're worth it ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As promised, I'm skipping the blah, and going into the story. Thanks to all who shared their confusion with me lol. Enjoy…
Almost everyone drank to that, save for the two thieves in the room. Shadows began dancing as the music played. Sweet lullabies flowed through the air, calling to anyone who heard its tune. People danced and laughed, making each of the four teens wonder what the party would bring, each a different thought on their mind. The night had truly begun.
Malik watched as couples started to form on the dance floor. The tune was very pretty. He randomly hummed bits and pieces of it to himself. `I should go talk to Mariku. It won't be suspicious; I'll just be speaking with my father.'
He scanned the room, but couldn't find the table they had been sitting at. The blond sighed cutely.
“Looking for them?”
Malik jumped at the sudden deep voice that was beside him. Turning around, it was only Bakura, to his disappointment. “Dammit Ba-Ryou, don't do that.”
Bakura said nothing. He raised his hand and pointed. Malik followed the direction that Bakura's finger indicated and saw that Mariku and Ryou had already begun dancing with one another.
“Sorry, didn't mean to agitate the pharaoh's pet.” The smirk that accompanied his statement just tore Malik up.
He frowned and crossed his arms. “I am not his pet. Why don't you go find Tea and leave me alone? I'm pretty sure you like both genders, anyway.”
“Yeah, but you don't like my company?”
“I would, but we go through this bull every time we talk.”
“You're such a pussy, can't even add `shit' to the end of it. Besides, bull shit never gets old.”
Malik sent him an annoyed look. “To you.”
A pair of eyebrows rose. “Oh? Fine then. We can talk about something real. Like how real that kiss was that you had with Seth.”
“Fuck, you saw that?”
Bakura smacked the back of his head, “We all saw it, sweetie. Your father wasn't too happy either.”
“I know; I saw him. Did Haniya say anything about it?”
“She knows it was an accident. Madani is a different story. But what exactly were you talking about, anyway?”
Malik gave a small smile and actually didn't glare at Bakura as he spoke. “We don't have to worry about having the rod anymore.”
Bakura smiled too. “Well, Namu pulled through for us. His flirting skills have struck yet again. Being so feminine must really come in handy.”
“Oh, shut up. Ryou is just as feminine as me.”
“Ryou is cute when he does it.”
“Then what the hell am I?”
“All the forms of the word `slut'.”
Malik smirked. “You know you like it, thief.”
The said thief rolled his eyes. “Of course; there's nothing I'd like more than to fuck my brother.”
“Step brother.”
Bakura merely chuckled at the correction. “By the way, you need acting lessons.”
Malik crossed his arms. He didn't take kindly to criticism. “And just why do you say that?”
“Look, you said yourself that if we need to pull this off, we need to make it convincing.” Bakura shrugged. “I'm just saying that if I were the pharaoh, I wouldn't be fooled by your little innocent routine.”
Malik would've sweat dropped had he been an anime character. “So you think you can act better than me? You're so full of it.”
Bakura wasn't paying attention. “Look, your sweat heart is dancing with Princess Happy. How cute.”
Tea seemed to have tricked Atemu into dancing with her. Malik smirked. Atemu really was too nice for his own good. Isis was also dancing with Shadi, and Mana with Mahado. Seth kept his ground away from everyone like usual.
“You know what she got him for his birthday?”
“Enlighten me.” Bakura picked up a drink and brought to his lips.
“A baby hippo.”
Any liquid that had made it inside Bakura's mouth was immediately sent back into the cup from his laughter. “Holy shit, don't tell me things like that when I'm drinking…!” He suddenly noticed the piece of jewelry around Malik's neck. “Is that new? Because I don't remember you having it when we first met.”
Malik brought out the rest of the necklace from underneath his shirt. It was the one with the purple gem that Mariku had given him. He had rarely even thought about it since that night.
“I remember that necklace.” The thief stated casually.
Malik looked at him inquisitively. “How would you?”
“I just remember Mariku seeing it at some stand and wanting it. So he stole it like a good little thief. Of course the next day he saw something else and forgot all about it. But it looks good on you, so maybe he was destined to give it to you or something.” He laughed at his own words. “Do you believe in destiny, Ishtar?”
“If you becoming a forced part of my life were destiny, then no.”
Bakura grinned whole heartedly. “Same for you, Namu. At least you have some sense though. A real man makes his own destiny.”
Malik nodded. “And those who say its real are simply finding an excuse for the fact that they're weak and indecisive. You have to know what you want.”
Bakura lightly punched his shoulder in a true brother like manner. “You're not as blonde as you look.”
“Thanks. You don't act as old as you look with that white hair.” Malik smirked playfully.
Bakura was about to respond, but their conversation was suddenly interrupted when a dancer suddenly made her way to the brothers to show off her expertise. She was one of a few others dispersed throughout the room. Long blond hair swished to and fro above a more than busty figure. While Malik looked slightly grossed out, Bakura seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself.
“What's wrong, hun? Anything I can help with?” She asked Malik from behind the see through cloth that covered the lower half of her face. Malik noticed that she had purple eyes, extremely familiar purple eyes…
She appeared slightly confused, “How do you know my name?”
He grinned from ear to ear, “Lucky guess. But no, you can't really help me with my problem. I'm sure my brother would love you though.” He indicated Bakura with a nod his head.
She smirked and obeyed, leading Bakura to the rest of the couples. Bakura followed as if he had never seen a woman before, forgetting all about Malik and their previous conversation.
Malik laughed as he saw Ryou look over and quickly look away again, blushing. Mariku merely smirked, when he by chance made eye contact with Malik.
The smaller blond felt his heart quicken and his breath catch for a moment. It then sank when Mariku stared at him icily. Malik opened his mouth, preparing to mouth the words `I'm sorry'.
Another couple suddenly came between them before Malik could do so. The blonde sighed and downed another glass. Maybe if he drank enough he could pretend it was Mariku he was screwing instead of Atemu. Wait, who said anything about that? Atemu wasn't expecting anything of him...
“You don't look too happy.” It was Isis, standing next to Shadi. Shadi appeared as if he would rather be doing something alone with Isis instead of speaking with her brother.
The blonde gave a very poor attempt at a smile, “Of course I am.”
Isis smiled sympathetically. “I'm sorry you're in a sad mood, little brother. How did things go with Seth?”
Malik shrugged indifferently so she wouldn't guess what really happened. “I got him to give me the rod.”
She looked surprised at this response.
Shadi even more so, “You have it right now?”
Malik couldn't help but smirk slightly. “No, but he'll give it to me when I tell him to.”
She nodded approvingly. “Well done, Namu. I'm proud of you.”
“Thanks. You can go back to dancing if you want.”
Shadi nodded immediately and led Isis away before she could answer. Malik smiled at the couple, they were normal. A nice, typical couple consisting of a man and woman that seemed much happier than him at the moment; they smiled at each other as the music moved them.
Malik suddenly felt lightheaded. The blond went over and sat at a table to watch the events unfurl. Atemu went from partner to partner, whenever asked, like a polite pharaoh should. Some couples like Mariku and Ryou, and Isis and Shadi, stayed together.
His eyes wondered to the corner where Seth was. He looked back and, smirking, blew a kiss to Malik. Malik smirked as well. He put his hand up, caught it, and then tossed it over his shoulder as if it meant nothing. Seth made a hurt face. Malik stuck his tongue out. Once both had grinned, they broke eye contact before people noticed the silent exchange.
People would occasionally come and chat with him, commenting on his clothes and whatnot. He didn't really care what they were saying, since it was mostly small talk. Until a certain best friend of Malik's came over, that is. He hadn't even noticed that they had stopped dancing.
Ryou came and sat beside him, his expression slightly afraid and nervous at once. “Your father wants to speak with you alone. He's waiting for you in the bathroom.”
Malik's stomach flipped over. “What about?”
Ryou shook his head. “You already know what. Good luck.”
He nodded and stood up. “Uh, which bathroom?”
There was a bathroom in the hall way outside the party room that they let the guards use on their breaks. There was no one out there, which must have been why Mariku chose it. It was also why Malik was so nervous. He took a breath and silently prayed before opening the door and stepping inside.
Mariku was leaning against the sink, lost in his own thoughts. He turned his head at the sound of the door, his face darkening with an eerie smirk that made Malik's hair stand o end.
Malik hurriedly shut the door behind him. “You wanted to talk?” His voice, usually so sure of itself, gave way to anxiousness.
Mariku looked away from Malik and turned around to face the mirror. “I was just wondering…what the hell is going on?” He was pissed. Malik had at least three other people after him, and Mariku would be damned if he was about to lose what he worked so hard on getting.
His question was met with silence. He turned his head to look at the other blonde. Malik didn't look like he was about to say anything else. He sighed. “Malik, give me one reason why I shouldn't bash Seth's head in, or the pharaoh's for that matter.”
Malik felt like he had spilt something red all over his bed sheets and was now being questioned by his father. And his father always hated when Malik didn't answer. “So we can go home and be away from all this.”
Mariku closed his eyes so he wouldn't roll them. “Were we not away from all this back at our place? Why go through the trouble of all this to be back where we started? The only difference would be time.”
Malik thought this over. Home had been all he thought about almost this whole time, that and how to get there. But why? Why was the modern world so much more appealing? There were tons of reasons. His family was there. His and Ryou's friends were probably freaking out, unless when they got back no time had elapsed since they left. Modern day science, machinery, education, food…
“I want to go back to my world…so I can share it with you.” He finally answered simply, a small smile daring to work its way to his lips.
He then noticed the cuts on Mariku's palm. Concern immediately took over. “What happened?” Malik went over and grabbed the hand without waiting for an answer, examining the wound.
Mariku chuckled dryly. “I accidentally did that while you and Seth had your little conversation.”
Malik frowned. “You shouldn't worry so much. I already told you that I wasn't planning on leaving you anytime soon. Seth was just another obstacle I had to get past. Have you done anything else to yourself?”
“Not yet, but I don't think I'm too far from being crazy. Am I just another obstacle too?”
Malik gave him a look. “I think you already know.”
“Do I? That's how it seemed when we first met.”
“That's because you were an obstacle then. If it had stayed that way you would be moping over my absence at your house.”
The taller of the two smirked. “Who said I would be moping? Maybe I would be happy.”
Malik mimicked his smirk. “It's hard to buy that when you've been so jealous the past few days.”
“I wouldn't be so jealous if you weren't so attractive to everyone here.”
“Does that include you?”
“Perhaps. Can I have my hand back now?”
Malik hadn't realized that he was still holding Mariku's hand. He blushed and let it go. “We should probably get back.”
“Of course; we wouldn't want your followers to worry.”
“Exactly.” With a blown kiss, Malik left the bathroom.
Mariku shook his head. At least he had more faith in their relationship now. He smiled. Malik had him and the entire palace wrapped around his little finger and didn't even realize it. Well, he really did, but Mariku chose to believe the opposite so he would feel better.
Malik walked out of the bathroom, only to walk straight into Atemu. “I'm so sorry, my pharaoh!”
Atemu grinned. “I was actually just wondering where you were, Namu. And call me Atemu.”
“Right. I just wanted to take a walk. I was just now coming back.”
Atemu nodded. “Well, since we're already out here, why don't we stay out here? We could talk in my room; I need to speak with you, anyway.”
“Of course…Atemu.”
The walk to his room was silent. They finally reached it, going in just as silently. Malik once again found himself not being able to say anything, but this time to a different person.
The room was, of course, marvelous. Under other circumstances Malik would've fully taken it in. Atemu sat on the bed. Malik followed suit, waiting for whatever came next. He then remembered what the thief had said about acting. He would show Bakura who could act.
“Namu…I have to tell you this.” Atemu was another year older, and another year wiser. He was aware of the consequences if caught in this sort of affair, but it was worth the risk. Namu was worth the risk.
Namu sat there beautifully. Did he realize how much Atemu needed him? Well, he would find out now. “Namu, ever since you came here, my life…has had more meaning. You've shed a new light on it. One I could never have thought of on my own. While you were off in search of Ryou, I felt emptier than I ever had before. I realized that I needed you. I still need you. I love you, Namu.”
“How'd it go?”
Mariku looked up at his partner. He had just returned from the bathroom, feeling better than he had in the last few hours. He smiled. “It went rather well.”
Bakura nodded approvingly. He didn't like seeing Mariku so wound up over a boy. Not that he thought of Malik as just a boy, but at the moment he had no other word for him. “Where is the little minx anyway?”
Mariku opened his mouth to answer, but realized that he himself didn't know. “Did he not come back in here?”
“If he did, he must have been sneaky as hell.”
Ryou bit his lip. “Atemu isn't in here either.”
Bakura rolled his eyes. “Unbelievable.” But he still couldn't help the grin that came with the word.
Mariku looked at the door. He had a feeling that Malik and Atemu wouldn't be back for a while. He avoided Ryou's sympathetic gaze by letting his eyes roam. They happened to fall upon Seth.
Malik's eyes widened. He shook his head. He opened his mouth as if searching for words, but only a small laugh came. But seeing the look on Atemu's face made him find his voice. “Atemu, you barely know me-“
“I know that.” Atemu said, cutting him off. He took Namu's hands in his own and held them tight. “But I know I love you. You intrigue me so much. I feel like there's an entire world inside you, and I want to explore it all. Don't you feel it, too? I knew when Ptolemy brought you, there was something special.”
Malik allowed himself to blush. “Your people would never approve. Atemu, if someone finds out, you'll lose your position as pharaoh!”
“I don't care!” His eyes flashed avidly, almost frightening Malik. The grip of his hands became stronger. “Namu, don't you get it? I love you! I don't care about being pharaoh; Seth can take over for all I care!”
For whatever reason, Mariku began walking toward Seth. He wasn't stupid enough to hurt Seth, but he wanted to find out exactly where this guy stood.
Seth noticed Madani coming over. What could he want? Examining him, Seth noticed that Namu's father looked much younger than he was. He looked extremely younger.
Atemu was surprising Malik with his determination. He stood up. “Atemu, you're a good man. Your kingdom needs you. I can't you allow you to let them down. Seth isn't half the man you are!”
The said pharaoh stood as well. “It doesn't matter, Namu.”
Atemu looked at him in a puzzled way.
Malik smiled. “Call me Malik. It's my middle name. I don't tell it to many people.”
Atemu slowly returned the smile. But it was followed by a frown. “Malik, I couldn't care less about Egypt. I'm tired of the weight that's constantly over my shoulders.” He began pacing. “I'm always under so much pressure. Even when I was a child, I always had more discipline than my closest of friends. I grew up with all the high priests. They helped ease the guilt when I did something wrong. But you, Malik.”
He turned, his jewelry gleaming and eyes shining with brilliance. Malik stared in almost awe. Atemu was really the image of true power, of real authority. Not because he thought with his head, but with his heart. He always put his subjects before himself. They wouldn't last under Seth's rule for very long after having, for the most part, comfort for the last nineteen years.
He continued. “You, Malik, take all those thoughts away. I can relax when you're around. Just seeing you makes my day.” His words were accented by his smile, which was happy, but at the same time painful.
Malik couldn't stand it any longer. He shamefully broke eye contact.
“Seth, is it?”
Seth nodded at the acknowledgement. “Can I help you, Mr. Ishtal?” He was a cocky priest, but not ignorant. He knew when to give respect when it was due.
Mariku narrowed his eyes, glad he wasn't drunk so he wouldn't do something he would later regret. “Yes, you can. You could help me by informing me about just why my son was speaking with you earlier.”
Seth chuckled, but was cut short by the elder's glare. His eyes were near to being murderous. He must be a homophobe. So this wasn't the first time Namu had made his father worry about his son's sexuality?
“We were just talking, Mr. Ishtal. Is there a problem with that?” He stared right back at Madani. There was more than one intimidating person in this palace.
Mariku gave a look like when you say something and your friend makes it literal just to make you mad. “With talking, no, there's not a problem. It's what talking leads to that makes me worry. I just want to make sure that you know where your boundaries lie.”
Seth just smirked. “You don't have to worry, sir. Your son is handsome, but I'm not into guys.”
“Dear?” A small voice called.
They turned to see Mrs. Ishtal, looking quite nervous and small in her modest dress. “Are you coming?”
Mariku knew that Bakura must have sent Ryou, but he gave in. “Yes, Haniya. I'm coming.” He hooked arms with Ryou and began walking away. But just as a precaution, he turned his head to the side and said to Seth, “Remember your boundaries lie, priest.”
They just stood there. Both were apparently waiting for the other to say something. After a while, it was Malik.
He kept looking at the ground, the ceiling, anywhere but Atemu's face. “There's just…so much against this, against us. Maybe that's a sign that we were just meant to play by the rules.”
At that Atemu couldn't hold back any longer. He confidently strode up to Malik and grasped his jaw, making the boy look at him. His features were so beautiful, so inviting. His lips seemed to call, though they made to effort to move. Malik's eyes were scared, which was understandable. Atemu was scared too; what they were doing was against everything he had been taught, yet any moment with the blonde made him forget everything he was ever told before.
“The rules,” He let himself barely chuckle, his breath warm on Malik's mouth, “can kiss my ass.” And at last, those lips were finally his.
Bakura had convinced Mariku to go to bed with Ryou. He would stay and watch out for Malik or the pharaoh, while keeping an eye on Seth as well.
Mariku had reluctantly given in, arguing with Bakura for at least ten minutes.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, which he could do since Ryou had brushed it while they were getting ready. He sighed and smiled. Ryou was a much more low maintenance person than Malik.
Bakura had been sitting at the table for about fifteen minutes when Isis walked over. She had to tap his shoulder since he was falling asleep on the job. “What are you still doing here? It's late. Why don't you go to bed with Namu?”
The thief smirked at her lack of knowledge. “Our dear Namu is currently with our even dearer pharaoh.”
She frowned. She thought Atemu had gone to bed too. Apparently he didn't go to bed alone. “What are they doing?”
Bakura shrugged. “Use your imagination. I think he's finally pouring his pathetic heart out to little miss feminine.”
Her frown hardened. She knew Atemu would finally make his move sooner or later. But she had never talked with Malik about how to handle it. She could only hope that he was doing it well. “I suppose we'll see. Just the same, you may go, Ryou. Namu may come back to your room soon and I think someone should be there just in case anything were wrong.”
He yawned as he stood up. “I can do that. See ya, Isis.”
“Good night, Ryou.”
She watched as he walked to the door, and then was gone from her view.
The world didn't explode. Atemu wasn't set onto scolding flames. Malik was still there, still ok. And Atemu's mouth was still against his.
Atemu pressed harder, looking for a reaction. Slowly Malik responded, oh so shyly. He smiled and pulled the blonde closer, deepening the kiss. He felt like he had been waiting so long for this. To tell Malik. To not care about anything but what he felt, although he knew he was being selfish. But he had given Egypt nineteen years already, how many more before he was going to break down anyway?
Suddenly the warmth was gone.
“I don't think I can do this.” Malik breathed out.
Atemu smirked. “I think you can.” He said simply before kissing Malik again, this time more urgently. He could tell he surprised Malik with his persistence, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was their being together. Yet Malik broke away again.
Malik's insides were being eaten alive with emotion. He would have to find another way besides this. He owed it to Mariku. “I can't do this, Atemu.” He put his head against Atemu's eyes, his violet orbs pleading with the pharaoh.
This only made Atemu frown. Was Malik just leading him on after all this? Couldn't he see that Atemu was willing to risk everything for the sake of love? He would make him see. Malik would understand their love as well as Atemu did.
Yes, you can, Malik.” His harsh kiss accented this statement. He bit Malik's lip, ignoring the small squeak and forcing entry into uncharted territory. But it was soon searched after a matter of seconds.
Malik thought his lips would bruise by the force, he could already feel a trail of red liquid trickle from it, and Atemu's hand around his head wasn't helping anything.
Even if he only had this one night, Atemu planned on making it worth while. If Malik hated him after everything, it would be worth it tonight. That was part of making this secret so much fun. His and Malik's secret night. Tonight he would convince Malik to see what could be-whether it was with or without words.
That's what he told himself as he pushed the blonde on the bed and crawled over him. He was the pharaoh, and as such he would stay in control, just like he was taught so many times before.
Bakura tossed and twirled in the bed. What was Malik doing? Whatever it was, he needed to hurry the hell up because it wouldn't be long before he got up and made them hurry himself.
Well, he would most likely not be doing that anytime soon. It was the thought that counts.
Malik, meanwhile, was close to panicking, and at the same time trying hard to go with it, because what else could he do? Refuse the pharaoh? But he had been such a calm, gentle pharaoh, not like the one over him now. This new Atemu was definitely different.
Everything was going so fast. His arms bands were gone, followed by his shirt. His necklace seemed to have disappeared as well. Atemu's warm skin slid along his, his fingers scratching up and down Malik's back, making him obediently arch up to the pharaoh.
Atemu had seen Malik shirtless plenty of times before. But now that Malik was his, it made his body all the more appealing. He glanced at the blonde's face. He still didn't seem to understand. That was ok. Atemu would soon open his eyes.
“What are you so afraid of, my love?” He asked softly, eager lips caressing every crevice of Malik's upper body. He tried slowing down, but he was so excited.
Malik remembered resentfully that he had to keep playing Namu. And Namu loved Atemu. “I'm sorry, my pharaoh. (Atemu bit his collar at the term, making Malik gasp) I just thought I would be more prepared for this moment.” His hands found themselves tangled in Atemu's hair as he said this.
The pharaoh smiled, gently kissing the boy's forehead. Maybe he did understand. “I'm nervous too. I'm riding on pure instincts with this, Malik. But you'll see, it will all be worth it…”
Malik returned the smile. “In the end, everything will be worth it.” He leaned up slightly and formed a lip lock with his false lover, who more than willingly replied.
So Malik did finally get it. He saw what they had; he was able to comprehend it. Atemu was never happier than at that moment. The void in his life had at last been filled, and with the most wonderful boy in all of Egypt. Malik loved him, and Atemu didn't need anymore than that.
Strange warmth flowed through him that was just so pleasant. Atemu wanted to tell everyone, but he knew no one could ever know. That, in the end, would be the hardest part of this relationship. But it would be so worth it. In the end, as his lover had said, everything would be worth it.
Ok, this chapter is finite! Did you just adore it? This is totally my current favorite chapter. Sorry it took a while, so if I don't get another one out in time, let me just go ahead and say this: merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful one. :) And please excuse me if you don't celebrate Christmas, I wish you a very happy holiday and New Year. Bye for now, guys!!!