Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Malik is Such a Pimp ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys! I'm glad no one was upset over the last chapter, although that's something rather silly to get mad over, ne?
OK, I'm SO sorry about the update delay, I've had a bunch of homework, band (which seems to take up my life), choir (which is taking up a slightly smaller portion of my life), and of course my lovely family. We had our 1st competition last weekend, and came in 2nd T.T Then our 2nd contest was canceled! But then last Saturday we had a contest in Cleveland, TN, and we came in 1st place!!! ^___.___^ So that made me very pleased.
Fall break is this week for us, so maybe I can get out another chapter after this one to make up for time, ne? Plus our variety show is over, so I now have Wed again. A good thing about marching band is that it doesn't last forever. For some people that's a bad thing. I like it while it lasts, and I enjoy the time I have when it stops.
Anyway, I won't keep you waiting any longer, and as promised, here are the responses to my amazing peeps!
Hells_gatekepper: *groan* school is busy for me too. Gah. Anyway, can't wait to talk again soon, thanks for the review ^_^ luv ya mucho!
RyousGirl567: Awe, I hate it when computers randomly don't work >.< *nods* rope is highly useful for people like Seto, I like your thinking XD Whoo a fellow band geek! How did your first competition go? I hope it went well, my school started…on like August 12, it's GOOD to be out for a week. Thank you!! ^_~
kokosada: Your last comment REALLY inspired me to write very soon >.> lol, luv ya anyway =)
Ryou followed shortly after. “Something is going on that we don't know about.”
Malik perked up, “Why do you say that?”
“Well, there's a lot of commotion going on in the hall.”
The next ten minutes were spent trying to get to the dining room in one piece. It was like a maze trying to weave through all the servants who were carrying various objects to and fro.
All was quiet at the table when they arrived. The high priests were stiffer and seemed more paranoid than usual, snapping at any terrified servant who made the slightest mistake in their current task. Atemu was the only normal one, but he seemed more cheerful instead of tense.
Malik leaned over to the side and whispered, “Isis, what the heck is going on?”
She merely smiled, “The pharaoh's birthday is two days away. Everyone is getting ready for the celebration. It's one of the most important occasions that happen every year.”
“Am I supposed to get him a gift?”
“No, you're a guest. You didn't know, so nothing is expected of you four except to attend the party and do as Atemu asks.”
Malik bit his lip. Was this good or bad? He hadn't the slightest clue as to how he would convince Atemu to help him and Ryou. Maybe this could be a blessing in disguise.
Atemu couldn't stop smiling. He felt a bit idiotic. Whenever Namu was around, this happened. He turned nineteen in two days, and he planned on using it to his full advantage. He had already bonded with Namu; Atemu's next task would be his father.
Mariku was walking down the hall way. It was bright and sunny as always; the sun's rays came through and shined down on his already light colored hair. He was about to turn a corner when he heard his name being called. Turning around, he was semi surprised to see the pharaoh behind him.
“Can I help you with something, sire?”
Atemu shook his head, smiling profusely, “I just saw you and wanted to talk if you're not busy.”
How Mariku longed to say that he was busy, any excuse would do to get away. But he cracked a smile and shook his own head, “I have nothing at the moment. What did you want to talk about?”
“Oh, I don't know. Anything really. Walk with me?” It was more of a command, so Mariku obeyed.
“How did your first wife die?”
How blunt. Mariku answered just as bluntly, “She was found stabbed to death in an alley.”
Atemu frowned sadly, “It must have been traumatic.”
“It was.”
“How did Namu take it?”
“He was rather quiet afterwards, but otherwise seemed alright. He's strong enough.”
“It's uncanny how much the two of you look alike. I'm sure you've heard that before.”
“Countless times.”
“Namu is a good boy, a good person.”
“How would you know that?”
“You don't think so?”
“Of course I do, but I'm his father. You barely know him. He is a good boy. I'm sure he'll make the perfect husband for a lucky young lady someday.”
Was it just the light, or did Madani just have an evil smile on his face? And was his voice suddenly defensive? Atemu frowned, “What if he married someone other than the opposite sex?”
Mariku held back a growl, but that didn't stop the displeased look, “My son doesn't like boys. If he did, I wouldn't approve of it anyway.”
“Good afternoon, my pharaoh.” A tender voice greeted cheerfully.
Neither had noticed Ryou walking down the same hall toward them.
Atemu nodded, “Good afternoon, Mrs. Ishtal.”
She smiled sweetly, “May I please borrow my husband?” She was just too gentle and charismatic to be denied anything.
“Of course.”
“It was good talking with you, pharaoh.” There was that evil smile again.
“Yeah, you too.” He watched the couple walk away. That hadn't gone quite as he planned. Namu's father didn't like homosexuals. That wasn't good. Maybe it was all in the approach. Yes, Atemu would win his son over, and they would take it from there. Madani would see.
“Thanks, Ryou. I think I was going to crack.” Mariku said once they were out of earshot.
Ryou giggled lightly, “No problem. Isis asked me to fetch you.”
“How come?”
“She wants us to meet the person who will be conducting the ritual. She told me to round up everyone and meet her in the library.”
They found Malik and Bakura in their room. They had been discussing random topics, many of which ended up in debates. It seemed that neither ego could out match the other no matter who was right or wrong. It was probably a good thing that their lovers came to distract them.
Walking into the library, Malik grabbed the collar of Ryou's dress before he could get lost in the world of books. “You can't read Egyptian anyway.”
Ryou frowned, having forgotten that the books weren't in English or Japanese. Speaking a language was one thing, reading and writing it was another. He sighed in defeat.
Isis immediately came over, smiling, “Good afternoon, everyone.”
The boys smiled and nodded in response.
“It is my pleasure to introduce to you to a fine young lady. She's a dear friend of mine, and a powerful magician.”
“Isis, you're making me blush.” A young woman stepped put from behind a book shelf. Malik noted her close resemblance to the dark magician girl, but she had brown hair instead of blond and the standard tan.
“This is Mana.”
Mana nodded to everyone, a big smile on her face.
Bakura had to go and voice his thoughts, “Uh, Isis, no offense, but I had the impression that this was going to be a man.”
Isis simply laughed, “Mana is one of the strongest people in all of Egypt. Gender has nothing to do with the matter at hand. I've already explained the situation, and Mana has told me that she feels more than ready for it.”
Again, the said girl nodded, “So you're the two our pharaoh has been after?”
They smirked arrogantly, letting her know the answer without words.
A mischievous grin came to her, but she remained silent.
Malik liked her. She seemed confident in a humbling way. He loved to flaunt his power and talents. “Why haven't I seen you before?”
“Oh, I'm not usually with everyone. I prefer practicing magic or being in the temples or the city. Isis said she needed a special favor, so of course I had to come. But if you'll excuse me, I must go to a temple at this moment. It was a pleasure to meet all of you.”
They all said good bye, splitting up yet again for the remainder or the day. Poor Ryou stayed in the library and tried in vain to decipher the foreign text.
The next day was rather hectic, with everyone doing last minute things for the pharaoh's celebration and people arriving. Malik was, of course, introduced to them all as a special friend of Atemu, which made them start sucking up to the blond to get on the pharaoh's good side. Half off the guests would be staying in the corridor of the teens' bedrooms, so they knew they couldn't do anything suspicious lest their game of pretend would be over too soon.
“So how do you think tomorrow will go?” Malik asked as he sat on the bed shared by him and the white haired thief.
Bakura shrugged, “How any day goes always depends on the pharaoh.”
The blond sighed. Would Atemu want anything special for his birthday? Like a certain something Malik wasn't prepared to dish out? He outwardly cringed at the idea.
“Hey, it'll be ok, tomb keeper. Don't be so pessimistic all the time.” Bakura grinned. He lied down on his side, propping his head up with his arm.
Malik yawned cutely, “I don't try to be, I'm usually not actually. This place is just…doing things to me.” He pouted at the other.
Bakura merely kept his grin, “You can't pull that off like Ryou.”
“I'm sure I could for Mariku.”
“I would hope you could.”
Malik rolled his eyes and snuggled down in the covers. Once comfortable he smiled, “Night, Bakura.”
“Night, tomb keeper.”
“Do you think Mana is as good as Isis says she is?”
Ryou looked up at the thief. He saw that Mariku looked uneasy, “I think she'll do just fine. Why do you ask?”
Mariku's frown widened, “I don't know. The pharaoh's birthday is tomorrow. I just…have a bad feeling about it,” he gave a somewhat nervous laugh, “but maybe I'm just being paranoid.”
Ryou nodded, “We're all a bit on edge, Mariku, but we're also all here for each other. Everything will be fine. I promise.”
(((((Later the next day)))))
“Everything is going to be a disaster! Atemu will find out, I know he will, and we'll spend the rest of our lives in prison!” This was the tenth out burst at least from Malik. For an hour his three companions had sat and watched him pace around the room, occasionally commenting. When they came out of Malik's bedroom, they would have to go down to the ball room where Atemu's party was taking place.
But they didn't have to go until a servant came around to all the rooms and said so.
“Dammit, Malik, stop pacing! I already have a head ache.” Bakura groaned, lightly massaging his temples.
“I can't! I have too much nervous energy, and it's Namu, not Malik…Do I look ok?”
Ryou couldn't help but giggle, “You look good. Silver is a nice change.”
Malik had on the same jewelry he usually wore in silver instead of gold, his arm bands, neck bands, and ear rings. He had also put on the same outfit he was wearing when he and Ryou came-his black pants and purple pull over. Hey, it was a party. Every now and then he would rush to the bathroom and inspect himself in the mirror.
He was just about to go on another inspection trip when Mariku grabbed his wrist and pulled Malik to him.
Malik blushed, “What?”
Mariku frowned, “You know you're getting too worked up.”
“I'm sorry.” Malik rested his head on Mariku's shoulder.
“It's fine. I want to discuss the pharaoh.”
A lump formed in the smaller blonde's throat. “Yes?”
“Just how much are you willing to do in order to secure the return trip to Japan?”
“What do you mean?”
Bakura chimed in, “He means would you fuck the pharaoh to get back to your home?”
Malik's mouth hung slightly open. He had run this so many times in his head, of everything that could happen tonight. He sneakily scooted closer to the thief.
Ryou perked up at this question, waiting for his best friend's answer.
“What do you think, Ryou?”
Ryou looked surprised. He and Malik hadn't spoke in Japanese since they first left Haniya's home. “I don't know. I could never do that to Bakura.”
“You think I want to? I wish I never met Atemu.”
“It depends on…how desperate we get, I suppose. I don't know if Atemu would put you in that position.”
Mariku frowned intensely, “What are you not telling me?”
A knock at the door silenced any more talking. Malik pulled away just as Nasab poked his head through the door. “The party awaits, gentlemen.” He smirked. “Good luck.”
They came out into the hall way and began walking.
Malik jumped at the voice, wincing as he recognized who was running to him. It was princess Tea, heir to the Nubian throne. She was an especially annoying suck up, not because of her personality, but because she was even more clingy than Atemu.
He plastered a fake smile on his handsome features, “Good evening, princess.”
She giggled, “I told you to call me Tea! Will you escort me to the ball room pretty please?”
Mariku held back any comments and objections that came to his head. He knew that she had developed an infatuation with Malik as well. `When I fell in love with Malik, I didn't sign up to compete with the entire kingdom!' He thought bitterly. When Malik looked to him for permission, he only nodded curtly.
His blond lover sent him a quick apologetic look before he was whisked (dragged against his will) away by the brunette. Bakura touched his shoulder, but Mariku roughly pulled away and walked ahead of the albino couple.
Ryou sighed. He had been secretly afraid of the drama taking place; afraid of it unraveling until something went terribly wrong and they couldn't fix it. So far everything had been going fairly smoothly. He only hoped it would hold.
“I should go with him. It will look strange if we don't go in together.”
Bakura nodded at Ryou's suggestion. At that Ryou caught up with Mariku, who didn't seem too happy, but with a sentence or two from his `wife' he simply sighed in acceptance.
“I hope the party goes well. It would be such a shame, after it took so long to get here! I hope Atemu likes my present. I think I'll cry if he doesn't. You know what I got him? A baby hippo!”
Malik chose to not express his thoughts when it came to Tea's idea of a gift for a nineteen year old. What on earth would the pharaoh do with a hippo?
“Because they're just TOO cute, and maybe he can train it to do tricks!”
Almost there. Maybe he could ditch her and Atemu and hide under a table. Hide under a table with Mariku. Do other things under that table with Mariku…
“By the way, I love your clothes! Where did you get them?”
“Oh, my brother had them hand tailored for me in Nubia.”
“How interesting! They look much more comfortable than what all the other guys wear, you know because they…”
This girl just wouldn't be quiet. Oh, thank Ra; they were at the double doors. Yet she was still latched on his arm. Oh well, at least she wasn't a complete idiot.
“Is Atemu looking for a wife? He's very cute. I would love to have someone as cute as him for a boyfriend. I bet you could any girl you wanted with that hair of yours. Has anyone ever told you how feminine you look? But it's very cute. You shouldn't be so shy, other wise you'll never meet anyone new. Namu…are you listening to me?”
Malik snapped out of his thoughts, “Yes, I'm listening.”
She seemed pretty content with his answer, so she went on. Malik looked around the room. Over in one corner was a stack of gifts, all of various sizes. He couldn't seem to find the baby hippo though-oh wait, there it was. A guard was busy trying to keep it quiet with food. The animal only cried more, making the guard get snapped at by Seth. Malik chuckled wickedly. Stupid guard.
After the hippo was quiet, everything else was, too. Only small murmurs were heard as they waited for Atemu.
He saw Isis from across the room. As if on cue she looked up and made eye contact. He mouthed the words `help me'. She simply smiled and made her way over like a good sister.
“Good evening, princess Tea. Sorry to interrupt, but I need to speak with my brother. You don't mind, do you?”
The girl looked disappointed, but knew better than to displease a priestess. She nodded and let go of Malik's arm.
“Thanks, Isis.”
“No problem. I actually do need you. Why don't you go talk to Seth?”
Malik frowned, “That was random.”
“Well, I've been thinking about it. We need the rod, Malik, and I'm not close to Seth. I've tried talking to him, but he's very distant.”
A sigh escaped from his lips. “Fine. What about Mahado?”
Her eyes twinkled a bit, a warm smile overcoming the priestess, “Don't worry about Mahado. Shadi and he are good friends. I've spoken with Shadi, and he has agreed to help with Mahado. They're both good men.”
Malik grinned, “Is Isis in a relationship with a certain high priest? Like Shadi?”
Isis looked away, blushing heavily, “Don't be ridiculous. Shadi is like a brother to me.” She shoved Malik in the direction of Seth before he could tease her any further, “Go get him, tiger. Good luck.”
He slightly scowled, but went anyway. He knew Isis was hiding more than she let on about Shadi.
Shaking it off, he set his attention on another of the priests. Seth was really not a social person. Malik had only seen him talking to the pharaoh and possibly the servants. He was either that big of a dork or that big of an ass hole. He was guessing the latter.
Seth stood proud and tall, intimidating anyone within twenty yards. Malik could definitely feel the arrogance, attitude, and most of all, power, radiating off the brunette. He hadn't gotten along too swimmingly with Kaiba after almost wrecking his entire tournament. But at least he had a clean slate this time.
Isis hadn't told Malik how to approach him. Friendly, sexy, indifferently, all three? Seth had noticed him walking over, and now stood with his arms crossed and a slender brow rose.
Malik gave a flirty smile, somewhere between seduction and being innocently happy.
“Hi, Seth.”
“Can I help you with something?” His tone was cold.
“I just saw you standing over here and thought you looked lonely. Do you never talk to anyone?”
He smirked, “As if there was anyone here worth talking to. Everyone here is a rich moron…or a petty moocher.” He sent a look to Malik with the last part.
It took him a moment to take it in, and then glared, “I am not a moocher. Given the choice, I wouldn't be here.”
Really now.” The smirk came back, but this time it was almost playful, “So you want nothing from the pharaoh?” His voice wasn't as icy.
Well, he did want something, but who was in control of this conversation? “Atemu is simply a friend.”
Seth sat down at the table behind them and chuckled.
Malik sat on the table, “What's so funny?”
“Atemu. He is so naïve to think that you two could possibly be together. It would never work out. Although, maybe he should announce his undying `love' for you. His ass would be kicked out of here so fast it's almost not funny.”
Malik smirked, “How did you know he liked me?”
The priest rolled his eyes, “It's way too obvious. But then, I am family. Some pretty guy with marks on his back comes in and the pharaoh immediately thinks he's something special. Something different from everyone else.”
“Well maybe I am different.”
“So you harbor the same feelings for him?”
“Not exactly.”
“I thought so. So why are you staying?”
“I have no other choice.”
“Atemu is pretty obsessed with you. I couldn't put up with it. I'll give you that much credit.”
“Thanks. How would you feel about Atemu giving up the throne for me?”
“I'm his cousin. I would become pharaoh the moment he was gone. It's about time we had something better anyway. So it would work out pretty well for me.”
So much for family coming first.
Malik had switched positions to lie on his stomach, facing Seth. “So you do want to be the new pharaoh.”
Seth smirked again, “I didn't word it exactly like that. You can't quote me.”
Malik matched his smirk and chuckled, “You're probably the sneakiest priest in the palace.”
“I do what I can.”
Tea had found Bakura and made him her new slave. Meanwhile Mariku and Ryou sat together, being bored. They had lot sight of Malik a while back. Ryou was scanning the room when he suddenly saw him and gasped.
Mariku looked up from his sulking, “What is it?”
Ryou didn't answer, just kept staring wonderingly in the same direction.
Mariku followed his gaze. His face immediately went from self pity anger. Malik was in a very secluded corner of the room, chatting away with Seth, whom he didn't trust at all. AND Malik was lying on the table like a little slut. Oh, he looked like he was having a blast with Seth over there.
“What the hell is he doing?” Bakura had freed himself from the princess and now watched as they did. Malik licked his lips very sensually and laughed (Kura has very good eye sight). A vein on Mariku's forehead stuck out very visibly. Bakura forced himself to not laugh for fear of what his partner might do.
“I might be able to help you with your problem.” Malik suggested, biting his lip afterwards in a taunting manner.
“What exactly could you help me with?” Seth looked suddenly very interested. He removed his head dress, exposing those well kept locks of chocolate hair.
Malik noticed his eyes for the first time, whether he was here or five thousand years ahead. They were a brilliant shade of blue, and they were so…pretty.
“Something interesting?”
Malik mentally slapped himself, “Sorry. I mean that I can help you become the pharaoh. And very soon too.”
His eyes flashed, “How would you do that?”
The smirk found its way back to the blonde's lips. “That's for me to know and you to find out.”
“I'd rather find out right now. I'd also like knowing the catch.”
A grin replaced the smirk, “Why do you assume there's a catch?”
“Why would I assume there wasn't one?”
Malik nodded, “Fair enough. The only thing I need is your rod. And by that I mean millennium.”
The priest gave a deep, rich chuckle, “Damn. I was hoping for the other meaning.”
They both laughed. Malik liked this Seth better than Seto despite his appearance. Actually, his appearance was rather alluring, but that was all Malik could ever care for in the priest. It would only be a physical one night stand; the person who stole his heart as well as body was sitting in another place in this room
Speaking of his lover…Malik casually glanced around to see his lover glaring daggers at him and Seth both. He gave the tiniest of squeaks and hurriedly faced Seth again.
“So I become pharaoh and you get the rod?”
A blond brow rose, “Did I say that?”
“That's what it sounded like.”
“Well, yes and no. I do need the rod to get what I want, but only for a short time. You'll be able to keep it and become pharaoh all in one. Just let me borrow it, when the time comes, and one extra small favor, but for now that's it. No real work on your part.”
“So…mooching and plotting. There's more to you than meets the eye, Ishtal.”
“Good to know.”
“What do you get out of this, anyway?”
“Nothing concerning you. Do we have a deal?” Malik held out his hand, waiting for him to shake it.
Instead, Seth grabbed his chin, pulling him into a sweet, forceful lip lock that lasted only moments. Before Malik could react, Seth had already stood up. “Deal, Ishtal. See you around.” He ruffled the blond hair before putting his head dress back on and walking away.
Malik quickly wiped his mouth on his arm and stood up. He had to not look at Mariku, anything to do besides Mariku, please let him not have seen! His eyes couldn't help but glance in that direction. Oh yes. Mariku was pissed far more than Malik thought.
It wasn't supposed to happen. He would blame Isis for making him talk to him. That's it. He was taken by surprise anyway. Malik couldn't have done anything to stop him. He would explain that, and Mariku would understand. He was forgiving, even though he killed his father.
Malik shook his head. He was making too big of a deal out of this. He walked over to the long table of refreshments, grabbed an alcoholic drink, and downed it in five seconds.
Ryou flinched at Seth's abrupt action. At least Malik hadn't acted as if he enjoyed it. Well of course he didn't enjoy it! He looked over at Mariku. The thief's hand was clenched so tightly Ryou could see blood dripping freely from it.
Mariku looked up to glare at whoever had said his name. It was Ryou, pointing to his hand. He looked at it, noticing the crimson liquid. He sighed and grabbed a handful of napkins, holding it to his new wound.
“Madani, you can't over react like this.” Bakura rolled his eyes.
Mariku glared further, “I haven't said anything.”
Ryou sighed, “You don't have to.”
“You saw what happened. Seth totally surprised him, it wasn't Namu's fault.” Bakura said in an attempt to comfort his partner and help Malik out.
“I know, I know. I can't help getting...”
“Murderous?” Bakura chuckled.
Ryou smiled softly, making him look even more womanly than he already did. The candle lit room helped too.
“When will that idiot pharaoh get here?” Mariku growled out, “This is boring. I'm angry and my patience is wearing thin for that birthday buffoon.”
“Speak a little louder; I don't think everyone in Nubia heard you.” Bakura commented with much dry sarcasm.
“He shouldn't be much longer, now that everyone is here.” Ryou chimed.
“I'm going to find Seth and suffocate him, and then offer him to Ra as a sacrifice for permission to kill the pharaoh.”
Bakura laughed heartily, “Ra, Madani, you just can't move on from one thing, can you?”
“Well what if he came onto Ryou?”
“I would castrate him fully conscience, take his rod for multiple uses, and then give him a slow, painful death for however long he could last after that. You know-the usual fun.”
Ryou paled as they laughed with each other, not sure whether to be flattered at their devotion or disturbed.
“Ladies, and gentlemen, thank you for your patience.” Isis was talking on a small raised portion of the floor, beaming and shining with radiance. “We all know why we're here. It's a very special day and I hope it continues on far into the night. If you would all give a warm welcome for the presence our guest of honor, it is my pleasure to present to you the ruler of Egypt, Pharaoh Atemu!”
Applause went all around the room as Atemu stepped through the door. He wore his usual apparel, plus a few more pieces of jewelry here and there. He looked as handsome as always, wearing a warm smile for all of his friends and guests.
He made eye contact with Malik for a moment and winked. Malik blushed and averted his eyes.
The clapping died down, and Atemu held up a glass of wine . “Friends, acquaintances, I thank you all for attending my birthday celebration. It's always a day of the year that everyone looks forward to, me for the presents, and you for all the free food.”
Chuckles filled the air. Ryou giggled a bit but was scolded by Bakura.
“Anyway, another year of my life is gone, and with that, another year of prosperity for my people, and hopefully for that of neighboring countries as well. The future is unknown, but I welcome it with open arms. With that said, I propose a toast. To the success of rulers, countries, and man alike, let the celebration begin!”
Almost everyone drank to that, save for the two thieves in the room. Shadows began dancing as the music played. Sweet lullabies flowed through the air, calling to anyone who heard its tune. People danced and laughed, making each of the four teens wonder what the party would bring, each a different thought on their mind. The night had truly begun.
The end!! Muahaha. So what did you think, kiddies? As for myself, I was rather pleased with the results for once. The Seth part was like `as if you didn't see it coming' lol. So review, dance, sing, whatever makes you happy! You know I luv you all! ;)