Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Do you believe in magic? ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The next two days went by slowly, but at the same time quickly. It depended on who you were at the moment. For the blonds, the day was far too long because of Atemu wanting to spend every possible moment with Malik. For the albinos, the day was too fast because they were able to spend as much time as they felt like together.
Isis had yet to tell the teens the details of her spell. Atemu was truly smothering Malik, making it impossible for anyone to get near them. She couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the pharaoh. It wasn't his fault that he had feelings for Malik, after all.
Malik, on the other hand, felt like he would finally come to the action of killing either himself or Atemu. Well, maybe not quite. Atemu just wanted love, and thought he had found it Malik.
The blond sighed. It was some hours after dinner, and Atemu wanted to sit in the garden by the pond. He, of course, obliged the pharaoh, and here they were. It was actually peaceful. The moon and stars were out. Atemu wasn't trying to hold a conversation, it was just nice silence. For a while, anyway.
“My father used to walk with me out here. I barely remember anything besides that about him.”
Malik looked over at Atemu from his lying position on the ground. He was sitting against a tree, a serene smile making his handsome features quite charming. He looked back at Malik, holding eye contact.
Malik blushed, why must he be put in this position? It wasn't fair. Not very surprising, really, after everything else he had gone through. He turned his gaze to the pond, “I'm glad you have fond memories of him.”
`Unlike me…'
“Yes, so am I. Your father seems like a decent man as well.”
Malik chuckled, deciding not to comment on that.
Atemu's smile widened. Namu was truly mesmerizing. His laugh, smile, grin, voice, everything about him was simply Namu. And he loved that. Had he really found someone for him? Could Namu ever return his feelings? He seemed so shy, so reluctant to open up. Atemu wanted to make him do just that. For now, he would settle for friendship.
“It's getting late. We should go to bed.”
Malik nodded, ecstatic at the thought of going back to his room, even if he must share with Bakura.
They stood up and walked back to the palace, continuing on until they reached the hall where they split up.
“Goodnight, Namu.” Atemu leaned over and kissed his cheek before walking on. He grinned to himself, maybe not just friendship.
Malik touched his cheek. He hated it when Atemu did that. He never received any warning, just poof!
“Night…” He barely uttered and walked on. His heart felt heavy, and his mind felt guilty for deceiving Atemu so mercilessly. He didn't want to put on this façade any longer. Sure, they told Bakura and Mariku, but he still felt like crap.
Maybe some sleep would help. Reaching for the door knob, Malik opened the wooden barrier. He stepped inside the room to find all three teens waiting for him.
“What're you two doing here?” He asked, swallowing a yawn.
“I'm happy to see you too.” Mariku said sourly, “What kept you so long?”
“Oh, nothing…just having a nice fuck with the pharaoh…” Malik grinned at his own comment as he looked for something to where to bed. `Hell, I'll just where a kilt again…'
“Do you people wear nothing but kilts?” He asked.
“Malik, don't joke about that.”
“You know what I mean. Did you ever think about saying `no' to the pharaoh?”
Malik turned to examine his lover for a few moments. Bakura and Ryou took those few moments to exit the room.
“Mariku, you know it's not real. You of all people should know that I'm just pretending. What's bothering you?”
The taller blond frowned and looked away, “Nothing.”
Malik sighed again and changed into the white kilt. “Mariku, I know you better than that. Don't try to hide.”
He only growled lightly.
Malik grinned and crawled over to him on the circle shaped bed. “You're such a baby.”
“But Malik, you're mine. You're my habibi, and that bastard is keeping you all to himself.”
“Mariku, we've only been here two day.”
“Meh. Two days too long.”
Malik hugged him, “I love you.”
Mariku reluctantly (well, as reluctant as he could ever be) hugged him back; “I love you too. I'm just being jealous.”
The smaller teen giggled, “I know.”
“Is it safe to come in yet? I wanna get some sleep.” Bakura had poked his head inside the door.
Mariku nodded, “Yeah, whatever. Night, Malik.” He kissed Malik's forehead and left.
Malik lied there, thinking about the day's events. Until he was rudely shoved over by Bakura, “Hey!”
The thief shrugged, “You were hogging the bed.”
“You're such a mean brother.”
“I know. It's great.”
“Gah. Night.”
“Night, tomb keeper.”
Atemu was fortunately not as clingy as the days before. He had other matters to attend to the next morning that didn't involve Malik. Not that anyone was complaining.
Isis finally had her chance to share her information. She led them back to her room after breakfast. Ryou noted with delight that it was filled with books and neat objects of all sorts. He stood and skimmed through everything while listening to the others.
The thieves plopped down on the bed without hesitation, while Malik sat on the window sill. One leg was hanging and the other stretched out, he was leaning against the side. Isis had simply taken her reading chair, picking up the book that held her little spells.
She flipped to the right page she had marked earlier, reading once again what she knew she had already memorized.
“So…can we pull this off?” Malik asked; hope blending with just a hint of desperation in his voice.
“I don't know. This is a rather…convoluted (that's a word you don't hear everyday!) spell. It's not really a spell, more like a ritual, which isn't my forte. I'm afraid that I'm not prepared enough to try and perform it.”
She noticed her brother's face and added, “But not to worry, I know someone quite capable of such a task. Until that day comes, though, I shall help you get everything else into place. And I assure you, it could literally be some days.”
“Why is that?”
She looked to the white haired thief, “There are requirements for this to work. You don't just chant some words and everything happens automatically. Which brings me to answer your question, but I must first ask another.” She turned back to Malik, “What was the weather when you and Ryou were sent here?”
Ryou beat him to the punch, “It was storming.” He then turned back to his inspecting.
“Well, in order for this to work, one requirement is for the weather to be the same coming back as it was leaving. Therefore, it must be raining. That may prove to be a hassle within itself, considering Egypt is usually very dry, and it's not the flood season.”
Isis always had an air about her as if she knew exactly what was going on at all times, and from Malik's personal experience, she most likely did.
“So we just have to wait for rain. It couldn't be that long. What else is there?” Bakura asked.
“When someone performs this, they usually are only doing it for the original party, but we now have two extra people. That would be you two.” She directed this at the partners in crime, “Both of you will have to be sent a different way. I'm not sure how yet because of the next big requirement. This would be near to impossible under other circumstances. This ritual needs much energy to complete since it has to do with time travel…That means a sacrifice.”
“How are those two connected?” Mariku inquired, shifting his position on the bed.
“I'll tell you. You and Bakura must be sent the same way the sacrifice is. I don't know how that will work. We can't kill them, obviously, since that would mean killing you. So I suppose we'll just figure that out. Suggestions?”
“That depends on who or what the sacrifice is.” Malik commented. He sent her a look that said for her to elaborate.
“The sacrifice must be living, but it must have a huge amount of power and energy, which rules out animals. If the pharaoh was the sacrifice, he would have more than enough oomph for the ritual. If not, it would take two people who wield millennium items.”
“Who are all the people who hold millennium items?”
Isis sighed at Ryou's question, “We all know that Atemu holds the puzzle, while I have the necklace. Mahado has the ring, Seth has the rod, Akhenaden has the eye, Shadi has the key, and Kalim possesses the scale. I'm not counting on Seth, Kalim, or Akhenaden to be willing, which they must be.”
“That sucks, who could possibly want to do this?”
She smiled sadly, “I'm sure Shadi would. He owes me a life time of favors anyway. I would also be a willing participant.”
A blond head snapped up, “Absolutely not. Are you mad? I'm not sacrificing my own sister!” Malik exclaimed, obvious annoyance in his tone.
“Malik, I'm simply suggesting all the options.”
“Well, that's one option I'm not willing to resort to. It's not fair.”
“And it's fair for Atemu? To be led on until he finds out that he's really just a part of your scheme?”
Malik had no answer for this. It seemed though that Ryou did, “It was meant to be.”
All eyes turned to him.
“What was meant to be, pet?”
“Sacrificing Atemu. His life ended because he sealed himself inside the millennium puzzle. This was supposed to happen, us coming here. We just didn't know it until know. We'll seal Mariku, Bakura, and Atemu inside items. And they'll still be there when Malik and I get back. It's really very simple.”
Malik grinned as Ryou turned around yet again as though he hadn't said a word. So he continued for the albino, “Ryou is right. Atemu could be sealed inside his puzzle.”
“Yes, but what about us, habibi?”
“You, Mariku, would be sealed inside the rod while Bakura is in the ring. The two items that belonged to us.”
Isis nodded in understanding. “There's only one problem. Seth hasn't been known to share his item, and there's the matter of Atemu actually agreeing to this.”
“If there's a will, there's a way, and I know that I have will.” Malik had a small twinkle in his eyes.
“You must have will, considering how long you were with the pharaoh yesterday.” Bakura said and smirked.
Malik flipped him off. Isis and Ryou scolded Malik. Mariku defended his lover. Bakura smacked Mariku upside the head. Malik yelled at Bakura. Isis yelled at Malik to stop yelling while Bakura pleaded to Ryou for pity.
Ryou simply shook his head and left the room. Malik sat sulking as Isis lectured him, glaring at the thieves for holding in laughter. Bakura rolled his eyes, chuckled, and followed Ryou. A servant came and said Isis was needed. She left, leaving the blonds to have fun in her room, but were interrupted by Bakura, who had a nice laugh, until Malik began chasing him with a knife, who was chased by Ryou, which did no good, but Malik eventually became too tired to carry on so they sat outside and did other activities until the day ended.
---------- (That last part was really weird…) ----------
Bakura woke up the next morning completely worn out. He then felt something cuddled up to him. Assuming it was Ryou, he wrapped his arms around the body, which shifted to get closer.
“Goo'morning…” He slurred out. He received a grunt in response. Chuckling, he opened his eyes to see a young blond in his arms. His brows furrowed, Ryou's hair wasn't blond…unless…
“Holy shit!”
Malik shot up, “What?!” He looked over at a disgusted Bakura.
“What the hell were you doing?!”
“What are you talking about?!”
“Cuddling up to me like that! I thought you were Ryou!”
“I was touching you? Eww…” Malik brushed invisible germs off of himself.
“Oh come on, I'm not that ugly.” Bakura pouted.
“Not ugly, just stupid…” Malik smirked. He collapsed on the bed again, “Can I just stay here?”
“Probably not…”
“Well I'm not moving.”
“Good morning!” Mariku ran in, jumping on the bed.
Ryou followed shortly after. “Something is going on that we don't know about.”
Malik perked up, “Why do you say that?”
“Well, there's a lot of commotion going on in the hall.”
Ok guys, I know that this is SO short and the ending was rather weird and the chapter title had almost nothing to do with the chapter, please forgive me! After my last update I had band camp for a week from 9 am to 9 pm, then school started right after that, and it's just been hustle and bustle since then with new classes and marching band. I plan for the next chapter to be longer, but it depends on my schedule.
I'll answer all reviewers in my next update, sorry I couldn't this time, please review anyway?? I luv you all! ^_~