Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Family Life with the Ishtals ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey peeps! I'm glad you enjoyed the last chapter; I hope you enjoy this one too!
Hells_gatekepper: Your last review made me really happy ^_^ We haven't talked in forever! T_T Are we just not on at the same time? I wanna chat sometime soon ^_~
Kokosada: Yay! Thanks bunches for reviewing! =D
The next time Ryou and Bakura came down the stairs that day, it was already past noon. They were relieved to find that the other two were sitting in the living room, just talking.
“Hey guys, sorry about this morning.” Malik apologized, sending a quick look to Mariku.
Bakura shrugged, “If it turns Ryou on then I'm fine with it.”
“Bakura!” Ryou exclaimed. He sat in a chair and hid his blush by turning his head away.
The blonds exchanged smirks.
“So did you two have fun?” Mariku inquired.
Bakura smirked, “Yes, we did. You?”
“How do you think I got this?” Malik said, pointing to a bite mark on his collar bone. Mariku leaned over and licked it, “It better stay there, too.”
Malik rolled his eyes and shoved his lover away.
There was a knock at the door.
“I'll get it!” Malik said, hopping up.
Bakura pulled him back, “Are you insane?! There are people who want us dead and you would just open the door for whoever the hell knocked?!”
“Sorry, I didn't think you'd get so worked up.”
“Shut up, Malik, and don't answer the door.”
Bakura left before Malik could say anything else.
Mariku said something about being hungry and went into the kitchen, leaving Malik with Ryou.
Malik smirked, “So Ryou got lucky last night?”
Ryou rolled his eyes and said nothing.
Malik went over to him, “That's a big fat YES!”
Ryou smiled, “You are so immature. We made love. You make it sound like it meant nothing.”
“Which also means Ryou got lucky.”
“So did you!”
“Hell yeah I did!”
Ryou laughed, “I love you, Malik.”
“I'm your best friend, you have no other choice. This calls for a celebration.”
“For what?”
“We both got lovers on the same night! It's a miracle. You know how I wanna celebrate?”
Ryou shook his head, the smile never leaving, “How, Malik?”
“I wanna dance! Dance with me, Ryou!”
Ryou was really happy. This was the Malik before they came here. He was back to his crazy, happy self. For the most part, anyway. His smile became a grin, “But we have no music.”
Malik grabbed his arm and yanked Ryou from his chair, “It doesn't matter, pretend we're in a club and the music is blaring. Or just stand there. Either way works.”
Mariku walked back in the living room. “What the hell?”
Malik and Ryou were dancing, well, Malik was dancing. He was dancing very provocatively around a blushing Ryou.
“What the fuck are you doing to Ryou?” This came from Bakura, who came back in with someone behind him. It was Nasab. What was he doing here?
“Aw, Kura, why did you stop him?”
Malik smiled innocently and looked at Bakura. He noticed there was a guy behind him, “Who was at the door?”
Nasab stepped out from behind Bakura, “It's nice to see you again, Namu.”
Ryou frowned. Everyone seemed to know this guy except him. He sat in his chair again and remained silent, waiting to see what happened.
“Nasab,” Malik said, placing the name, “You're that servant. What are you doing here?”
“The pharaoh sent me.”
Malik didn't quite process that, “What?”
“Why don't we sit down and discuss this.” Bakura suggested.
Mariku nodded. He walked over to Malik (who kept staring at Nasab) and dragged him over to the couch. They sat next to each other. Bakura sat on the floor, leaving Nasab to sit in the other chair.
“Explain yourself, Nasab.” Mariku commanded lightly.
Nasab nodded, “Four days ago, Atemu told me that if Malik hadn't returned, I was required to bring him back to the palace with or without Ryou. Four days have passed, and here I am.”
“What are you, a spy?” Malik asked.
“Yes. He works for us. He's the one that led me to you.” Mariku said, smiling at the last part.
Malik didn't smile back, “So you came here just to bring me back? I don't even have a say?”
Nasab shook his head, “I'm afraid not. The pharaoh did seem awfully smitten with you, Namu.”
Malik scrunched up his face, “I wish he wasn't.”
“It's Malik, and he's not going anywhere.” Mariku put his arms around his lover protectively. Malik buried his face in the crook of Mariku's neck.
“I can't go back to the palace empty handed. I have to have him with me, Mariku. If I don't return soon Atemu will simply send more people.”
Malik shook his head, “I don't want to go to the palace.”
Ryou was shocked. Malik had been harping about going back nonstop and now without second thought he wanted to stay. Love is crazy.
“Can't you just tell him I'm dead?” Malik suggested, earning a grin from Bakura.
Nasab had no answer for that. He simply looked to Mariku and Bakura for their input.
Bakura said nothing, and Mariku just held onto Malik tighter.
Malik didn't want to go to the palace. He did, however, want to go home. That thought had never left his mind. He would be more willing to leave if Atemu wasn't in love with him, or just wasn't there. Preferably the latter. But he missed home. He missed Isis and Rishid, and though he wouldn't admit it aloud, Yugi and the others. And definitely the millennium Rod…But Ryou was here. And Mariku. He loved Mariku. He couldn't leave just leave him…
“Can we just have some time?” He asked Nasab.
“Of course. I'll be outside. Call for me when you need me.” Nasab said and left the room.
The four heard the door open and close.
Malik escaped Mariku's grasp and walked to the window, gazing out.
“I don't want Malik to go.” Ryou said sadly.
“I'm not letting him go. Atemu can kiss my ass.” Mariku stated, glaring at the wall.
Bakura said nothing. He wasn't close to Malik like the other two, but Malik was still an ok person. It wouldn't be the same without him. Mariku and Ryou would become depressed. Who knows how long that would last, if it ever stopped? And who would he have to share insulting comments with? He glanced over at Malik. He looked for the first time at the carvings on his back. Ryou hadn't gone into great detail, but that must have hurt like a mother-
“So what do we do?” Ryou asked, giving Bakura his innocent look like a fawn who lost its way.
“I don't know, pet, I'm going to go change into something clean. I'll be right back.” Bakura went upstairs.
Ryou turned his attention to Malik, “Well?”
Malik remained silent.
Mariku stood up, “This is bull shit.”
Ryou sighed and brought his knees up to rest his chin on them.
Bakura came back in, “Has Malik said anything?”
Mariku just shook his head.
Bakura frowned, “Well, the end result of this entire situation depends on his decision.”
Ryou nodded, although unnoticed.
The room went silent as all eyes stayed on Malik. They were each hoping for the same answer, and dreading the other. Anxiety filled the air as the silence pursued. Why didn't Malik say anything? It shouldn't be that hard to make a-
“I'VE GOT IT!!!”
The three teens jumped at Malik's outburst.
Malik spun around, “I've made my decision.”
They listened for the rest as a grin came to Malik's face.
“I've decided to go home.”
They stared at him like he was crazy. How could he decide that?! After everything that had happened since he came, how could he-
“I've also decided that you're all coming with me.” His head would've exploded if his grin became any wider.
Ryou was the first to speak, “Malik, how on earth would we do that?”
“I have it all figured out!” Malik was bouncing up and down on the toe of his feet from excitement.
The thieves exchanged glances. Leave their home?
“Malik, there's a little problem with that. Mariku and I are wanted.”
“So? No one knows what you look like except for me, Ryou and Nasab. Please?” He gave Mariku puppy eyes.
Mariku's mouth hung open, not knowing what to say. Five thousand years into the future. That would be interesting.
“I know we can do this!” Malik looked like he was about to wet his pants.
Nasab came back in, “Sorry, but have you decided yet?”
Malik nodded to his lover, biting his lip.
Bakura cut in before Mariku could say anything, “Yes, we have. We're all leaving. And Malik is going to tell us just what his plan is.”
Malik squealed in delight and tackled Bakura in a hug, “Thank you!”
Ryou smiled. So Malik would get what he wanted, and he would be content as well.
Malik pulled away from Bakura and took in a deep breath, “Ok, I need you to pay attention if we're gonna pull this off. Understand?”
Everyone nodded and gathered close as Malik began telling his scheme.
It was decided that they would leave the next day. Malik and Ryou couldn't wait. They spent the rest of the day talking about things they would have again. Mariku and Bakura tried to follow, but eventually gave up.
“I just thought of something.” Ryou said.
“What is it?” Malik asked.
“What about Nathifa?”
Bakura and Mariku both looked up at that. Everyone had forgotten about the poor girl.
“She can come with us.” Mariku stated, “She could fit into the plan easily.”
Ryou nodded.
Malik smiled, “Then we have another side stop to make on our way to the palace.”
“We'll be back in about an hour. Meet us back here. Nasab, stay here and make sure nothing happens.” Mariku ordered, receiving nods from everyone.
Bakura and Ryou disappeared into the crowd of people in the market. The blonds rode toward Haniya's home on separate horses.
“I love it when you take charge.” Malik said and imitated one of Mariku's winks.
The older teen smirked, “You shouldn't talk to me like that, Namu.”
“We're not at the palace yet, Madani.”
“Right. There is something I need to tell you though.”
“What is it?”
“Haniya isn't Nathifa's mother.”
“Nani? What is she?”
“They're not related by blood. Nathifa's mother died a year after having the child.”
Mariku grimaced, “She was-“
Mariku!” The young girl came running out of her house to greet the visitors.
They got off their horses. Mariku picked her up and they went inside.
“Haniya!” Mariku called.
“Yes?” The middle aged woman appeared. She smiled, “Good morning, Mariku. And Malik.”
Malik nodded, returning the smile although it wasn't entirely natural.
“We've come here to ask you both something. It's totally up to you, and you can think it over as long as you want.” Mariku started off, not bothering to beat around the bush. He sat on the couch with Nathifa in his lap.
“Don't I get a hug?” Malik asked. Nathifa grinned and ran to him, hugging him around the legs since he was much taller. He bent down and embraced her, “Do you still have that bottle?”
She nodded, “Of course! It smells really good. I put some in my hair, but I don't think I will anymore because then it'll run out and I won't have anymore and then…” She continued to chatter to Malik. Meanwhile, Mariku explained the situation to Haniya. Not about the 21st century, but enough so she would get that Nathifa wouldn't see her anymore.
She nodded, but the smile had disappeared. When he was finished she frowned, “I suppose we could ask her. I don't know what she'll say, but there's no harm in asking either way.”
Nathifa stopped singing the song she had made up to Malik and looked up, “Huh?”
“We need to talk about something very important. Mariku and Bakura are taking a trip with Malik and Ryou. They want to take you with them.”
“Where? How long?”
Haniya took a deep breath, “Back to Malik's home. The place he came from. Forever.”
Malik saw her eyes glisten with unshed tears.
“You mean I wouldn't get to see you again, mother?”
She shook her head, “No, honey.”
They looked at her, puzzled.
“Why not?” Mariku asked.
“I love you guys. But I love my mom first. Leaving her would be like leaving your parents, Mariku.”
Mariku laughed, tears coming to his eyes, “Well said, child. Now hug me goodbye.”
She smiled and went to him. He scooped her up, placing kisses along her head. Her smiled widened. She wiped away his fallen tears, “Don't worry, Mariku, it'll be ok. I love you.”
He nodded, “I know. I love you too.” The sentence was shaky. Mariku hugged her tighter, “I'll miss you so much. Bakura will too. And Ryou and Malik. We all love you, Nathifa.”
Malik felt his eyes glaze over. His heart was suddenly in his throat, preventing him from saying anything. Haniya came over and helped him up.
“I must say, I'm not too sad to have her staying.”
It took a few seconds for Malik's voice to come back. He smiled sadly, “I'm sorry, Haniya. It was wrong to even think about taking her from you. We have each other, but you and Nathifa belong together.”
She sighed, “You're a good boy, Malik. Help Ryou take care of my boys, won't you?”
He nodded, “I will. I promise.” He hugged her.
“Malik!” They looked down at Nathifa holding her arms up. Malik picked her up as Mariku had done. “I have another gift for you.”
“Yep. This is from me and Ryou. Here.”
“How did you do this?”
It was a photo that Malik found in his back pocket of his black pants about a week ago. He and Ryou were posing, arms around each other with big smiles.
“It's our little secret, ok?”
When Malik picked up Nathifa, Mariku and Haniya embraced.
“I'm sorry for everything. Bakura too. You know we just want what is best for her.”
“She knows that too. And stop apologizing for things that are far in the past. I love you both like a son, Mariku. I asked Malik to keep an eye on you for me.”
He chuckled as even more tears fell, “We love you both so much. Take care of each other.”
“Don't worry about us, dear. We'll be just fine.”
((Aww what a sad part))
“This will kill Bakura.” Mariku said. He had pulled his hood over his head so no one would see his tear stained face.
Malik raised an eyebrow, “Bakura is a softy?”
“When it comes to the ones he cares about, yes.”
“You know Nathifa will be ok.”
“I know that. I'm fine too.”
They made it back to their meeting place. Ryou was holding some bags which he fixed onto the horse's saddle with the other things. “Where is Nathifa?”
Malik hopped off his horse so the albinos could get on, “She won't be coming.”
“What!?” Bakura exclaimed, “Why the hell not!?”
Mariku shook his head, “We'll explain later, Billah.”
Bakura bit his lip, “This better be good.” He wouldn't let himself cry. Not in public.
Ryou frowned. He had half been expecting this.
The couples shared horses once again, with Nasab leading them to the palace.
They finally came inside the gates. This was the closest the thieves had even been to the pharaoh, yet they couldn't do anything because of their plan. It sucked.
“Stay in your role.” Malik said when no guards were around. They had reached the entrance and were standing in the throne room. Nasab had gone to announce their arrival to Atemu.
The other three nodded.
“Mariku, stop messing with your make up.”
“I don't like it.”
“It makes you look the part more. Do you want to pull this off?”
“Good. Here he comes.”
Atemu was highly excited. Namu was back! He entered the throne room, but was surprised to see him talking with not one, but three people. Malik turned around and flashed him a warm smile.
He returned the gesture and walked over, “Welcome back, Namu.”
“It's good to be back, pharaoh.”
“Did you find Ryou?”
“I did find Ryou, and he told me that our parents returned from Nubia. I've spent the last few days with them, catching up on things. I really hope you don't mind.”
Atemu smiled, “Not at all. Would you be so kind as to introduce us?”
Namu nodded, “First of all, this is my brother, Ryou.”
The tan man with white hair stepped forward, “It's an honor to finally meet you, sire. Namu told me all about the palace.” He had an innocent smile, but something about it wasn't natural.
“Likewise. How did you acquire that scar?”
“A wolf. Mother told me not to, but I didn't listen.” He grinned.
Atemu let out a half grin, “Namu told me he was older than you, but it looks the other way around.”
Ryou laughed, “Namu was always rather feminine.”
Malik rolled his eyes, “This is my mother, Haniya.”
Another white haired person. She gave a small curtsy, “The pleasure is all mines, your majesty.”
Atemu smiled, she looked very gentle. Her smile suited her much more than it did her son. “You look so young.”
“I've heard that many times.”
“And this is my father, Madani.”
Finally someone Namu actually looked like was here. He nodded to Atemu.
Atemu nodded back, “How is it that you all look so different?”
Madani answered, “My wife died some time ago, and so did her husband. We found each other a few years ago and fell in love all over again. Namu is my son and Ryou is her's.”
“I see. Well, you're all welcome. Namu, you have the same room as before, and your family may have the vacant rooms in the same hall. And Namu?”
“Isis is waiting for you in the gardens.”
“Oh, thank you. I'll just lead them to their room and then go greet her.”
“Very well. You may give them a tour of the palace if you like. You all must be tired from your trip. Feel free to do as you like.”
“Pharaoh, you're needed in the library.” Priest Seth had come over.
Malik resisted the urge to take the Rod and run.
Atemu nodded to them and walked off with Seth.
Malik led them to the hall in which his room was located, “I guess mother and father should sleep in the same room, and Atemu thinks we're really close so we should share a room too, Ryou.”
Bakura nodded, Mariku frowned slightly, and Ryou blushed.
Malik smirked, “I'm going to see Isis. Are you coming?” Whether they came or not didn't seem to matter since Malik began walking away before they could answer.
They shared looks and followed the blond.
The priestess looked up from her spot on the ground, smiling when she recognized who it was. She stood up in time for Malik's hug. He had run over, while the other three simply walked, chatting to each other.
Malik briefly pointed them out and told her their real names.
“But I thought you were only bringing back Ryou?” She stated, a knowing smile coming to her face.
He bit his lip, “Well, we kinda picked up the other two I guess.”
“Of course. Did you tell the pharaoh who they really are?”
“…Eh, not really.”
“I didn't think so since Ryou is wearing a dress.”
“We came up with another plan. We'll explain it as soon as those SLOW POKES GET OVER HERE!”
Bakura merely flipped him off. Mariku smacked the back of his head and Ryou, being in the middle, pushed them apart. They finally arrived in the next few minutes and spent the following hour telling Isis what happened while Malik was away.
She told them about finding the right spell, and was about to go into detail when a servant came and announced it was time for dinner.
“You should go to bed.” Bakura suggested.
The four had been hanging out in Malik's room after dinner. Dinner had been interesting. Every time Atemu said something to Malik Mariku would growl to himself, then say sorry for being over protective. Atemu also probably thought Ryou was not given enough attention because every few minutes he would kiss Mrs. Ishtal's cheek and say he loved her. She would blush profusely and tell him to stop it and that she loved him too. Isis seemed to find it amusing while the high priests thought the family was flat out insane.
Mariku frowned, “I don't want to. This is the only time I can lavish attention on Malik without the pharaoh around.” He accented this sentence by glomping Malik lovingly (kawaii!!), earning a giggle from his habibi.
Bakura rolled his eyes, “You moron. How many times do I have to get onto you about having sex with your father, Namu?”
Malik stuck his tongue out, “As many times as father wants to have sex with me!”
“That is so wrong.” Ryou commented.
“Well I can't help it, Namu is just so sexy and my own wife keeps having affairs with her son!”
Ryou gasped and was pulled to Bakura, who smirked, “I plan to keep it that way too.”
“Apparently, you certainly embarrassed me enough while we were eating.”
“There is nothing wrong with someone loving their mother. Besides, I didn't keep making animal sounds at the pharaoh.”
“He deserves much worse.”
“My lover is protective, and I like it.” Malik said, kissing Mariku's cheek. Mariku squealed and huggled him more.
“By the way, why isn't Nathifa here again?” Bakura asked.
Mariku sighed, “She wants to stay with Haniya, who sends her love by the way. Nathifa does as well. I'll miss her.”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
Minutes later the silence was broken by a yawn from Ryou.
Bakura grinned, “You are too cute, pet. As I said before, you should go to bed. You're tired.”
The blonds pouted, but gave each other a chaste kiss before Mariku walked to the door. Ryou and Bakura exchanged goodnights and Ryou walked to Mariku.
Bakura winked, “Don't keep us awake all night!”
“Vice versa!” Mariku called back before shutting the door.
“So we're stuck together for one night, tomb keeper.” Bakura commented, grinning.
A blond brow rose, “And? I'm tired. I'm going to sleep.”
“You don't wanna talk to me?”
“Uhh, no.”
“Why not? I'm not sleepy.”
“I am.”
“I don't care.”
“I don't care that you don't care.”
“Shut up and go to sleep.” Malik rolled onto his side, his back facing Bakura.
“You shut up.”
“I wanna talk!”
“Then talk for Ra's sake!”
Bakura's grin widened.
Tomb robber: 1 Tomb keeper: 0
“Turn around.”
Malik groaned and did as told. He propped his head up with his elbow and stared blankly at the thief.
“Well what?”
“You wanted to talk.”
“…No I didn't.”
“How do you think their doing?” Ryou inquired.
Mariku smirked, “I bet they're driving each other crazy.”
“I hope Malik doesn't get too angry.”
“He's been angry before.”
“Sure what?”
“What is it?”
“Malik just has a bad temper. He's been angry, but you should see him when he has his rod.”
“I thought he always has his rod.”
“Seth has it.”
“Of course. Seth has had his rod since Malik and I came here.”
“I beg to differ.”
“I saw it. It was really nice.”
“You saw that Seth has it! Why are you…” He saw the perverted smirk on the blond's face and finally got it, “Mariku you are so nasty!”
“You just got that?”
“Yes, now kindly be quiet, dear.
“You look lovely in your dress, darling.”
Ryou laughed and Mariku joined in.
“What do you think they're doing?” Malik asked.
“Screwing like a good husband and wife.”
“Yeah, right. You would kill Mariku.”
“So would you.”
“No, I would kill Ryou.”
“Uh huh…But would they?”
“Of course not……Do you hear laughing?
“Do you think…?”
“No, Ryou would never…”
“Neither would Mariku…”
Ryou and Mariku looked up to see Bakura and Malik standing in the doorway, their expressions were that of anger, then shock, then they rolled their eyes. “You made me worry for nothing!” They shouted at each other.
`What the hell is wrong with you?” Mariku said from his spot on the bed.
“We thought…”
“That you were…”
“Language, Bakura.”
“Like you're any better, Malik.”
“Um…We'll just go now.” Malik dragged Bakura back to their room, leaving Ryou and Mariku to have an awkward silence before going to bed.
After quarreling for a bit longer, Malik and Bakura finally joined the rest of the palace in slumber.
Yay! Another part typed and posted! I won't be able to update quite as much now that band and school is starting soon, but I'll try and do a chapter every week, two weeks at the latest, savvy? Um that's about it, later peeps ;)