Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Street Rat, Always A Street Rat ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Side notes (sorry for sounding harsh the first time, I could blame in on a bad mood but I'm usually in one of those).

- Seto is 16 and has a job that I'll be sure to mention later on.

- Duo DOES in fact have a certain blonde friend who is rich.

- Ryou is not a mute. He simply doesn't talk, I think it's explained in this chapter.

ChibiQuatre Muse: I'm here to state things.

Disclaimer: Yami and Yami Bakura do not get nakkie in the show and start doing the wild thing while in the Shadow Realm, so no, Spyder does not own Yu Gi Oh! And the GBoys don't get into a huge orgy so no, she does not own Gundam Wing either.

Warnings: None for this chapter.

About the Fic: AU! Ryou is Bakura's brother, Yugi is Yami's brother and Malik is Marik's brother (Isis too.) It has kinda been crossed with Gundam Wing because I needed a Father Maxwell and Duo applied for the part. Oh, Sally too. I might add more characters later on.

Future Pairings: Yami/Bakura (in some shape or form), Seto/Marik, Isis/Mai, Tristan/Joey, Yugi + Ryou + Malik (duh, I'm not promising on anything with them, but you'll find out why later on. . .)

*italics* for Emphasis!

/um. . ./ This is important, but I'm not going to tell you why.

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Once A Street Rat, Always A Street Rat

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Chapter Three

Bakura came down the stairs onto the first floor. Ryou giggled softly from his back as Bakura caused the bumpy ride. Bakura smiled and then went to look for the priest. He could feel the extra heat coming off of his little brother's body and knew that the boy was uncomfortable. If the priest could do something to stop the fever, Bakura wanted to know.

Bakura was just turning a corner when something ran right into him. Catching his balance quickly he looked at the figure that was sprawled out on the floor in front of him. It was the boy who looked like Yami. The small boy, and God, was he ever small, stood up and smiled sheepishly as he brushed himself off.

"Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and I didn't see you." The boy smiled widely. "I'm Yugi!" He said. "You're the two new kids right?" He asked.

"Yugi." Yami suddenly came around the corner where Yugi had just come from. "That's not very nice."

Yugi looked at his brother then back at Bakura. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it." The boy looked down at the floor.

"It's alright." Bakura said. The boy acted just like Ryou used to. "It's nice to meet you Yugi. I'm Bakura, and this is my little brother Ryou." He said.

Seeing that everything was okay, Yugi looked up again and grinned. "Hi Ryou! I was supposed to come and find you two, Father Maxwell wants to look at you as soon as possible to see what's wrong with you." The little boy explained as he took a hold of one of Bakura's hands and tugged in the direction to go. Bakura noticed that Yugi actually spoke to Ryou when the subject was him. Everyone else seemed to tell Bakura, as if Ryou didn't understand.

Bakura followed, holding Ryou with one arm. The two of them were led into a kitchen, with Yami close behind. Duo was sitting at the table talking to a woman. She had long blonde hair and they were in two braids over her shoulders. As the boys entered, their conversation ended quickly and they both turned to the group. "Ah, here they are now. Bakura, Ryou, this is Sally Po. She's a doctor and wants to take a look at the both of you."

At the thought of having someone `take a look' at him, Bakura felt himself panic. "There's nothing wrong with me." He said immediately.

Sally seemed to know what had gone through his mind. "I'm not going to hurt you Bakura. But Duo mentioned to me that you're little brother was sick, and I want to make sure that you're not sick too." She said. "We can do a check up right here, if you'd like." She motioned to the kitchen.

Bakura swallowed, as he felt Ryou tighten his arms slightly, and Yugi tighten the hold he had on Bakura's hand. Unknown to the small boy was that it was broken. Knowing he was acting pathetic in front of a bunch of strangers, not to mention Ryou, he took a breath. "Fine, but if you harm my brother in anyway. . ." He left the threat hanging in the air.

"I promise not to hurt your brother. If fact, would you like to go first so you know I won't?" She asked.

Bakura thought for a minute. He knew Ryou was suffering, and the faster he could be helped the better. "No, he's worse off than I am." He said as he carried Ryou over to her, slowly letting go of Yugi's hand.

Duo looked at the two boys. "Yami, can you go tell everyone that supper will be ready in about a half an hour?" He asked. "And Yugi, Sally might need your help, so you stay here." He said.

The two boys followed their orders as Ryou was placed on the empty table. Bakura had to help him to stay sitting so he was close by. Sally picked up a bag from under her chair and opened it. She took out a stethoscope and a thermometer. "Can you open your mouth and lift up your tongue for me?" She asked Ryou softly. Ryou complied and she stuck the end of the instrument under his tongue. "Keep this under your tongue until I say, alright?" She asked and Ryou closed his mouth.

With the stethoscope, she placed the ends in her ears, then slipped the other end under the overly large shirt that Ryou wore. Ryou shivered at the coldness and giggled slightly as it was moved across his chest. She smiled at him as she listened to his heart and lungs. "Can you take a really big breath for me?" She asked and Ryou complied. She nodded, finding something. She then moved the stethoscope to his back and asked him to do the same.

When she was done with that she took the thermometer out of his mouth and checked it. "It's not that high, only 101. With fluids and rest you'll be fine." She smiled, "Now, how old are you Ryou?" She asked.

Ryou blinked. He didn't know how to count and he couldn't just tell her. He looked at Bakura. Bakura saw this and answered for him. "He's nine. He hasn't spoken since…for awhile." He explained and Sally nodded, not needing him to elaborate.

"Alright then, I'm going to ask you a few questions and all you have to do is nod your head yes, or shake your head no, okay?" She asked and Ryou nodded. "Good. First question, do you ever have attacks where you can't breathe for a long time?" She asked. Ryou nodded. "Do they happen often?" Ryou nodded. "Do you have a lot of coughing fits?" Ryou nodded. Sally sighed, "Honey, I'm going to have to run a few tests, but I believe that you have asthma." She saw the horrified look on Ryou's face and Bakura's. "It's not a big deal. I'll get you an inhaler and you'll be fine." She promised, then she turned to Bakura. "Now it's your turn." She said.

Bakura sighed and sat down beside Ryou. "My wrist is broken." He said right away.

Sally looked at him. "When did this happen?" She asked, gently taking his wrist in her hands.

/Poor boy, he's been through so much. I want to help them but I need to take them to a hospital./

Bakura's eyes went wide. "I'm not going to a hospital!" He growled.

Sally looked at him in shock, then laughed slightly. "You must be able to read minds, I was just thinking about that." She sighed, "I have to take you Bakura, it's the only way I can put a cast on this. I have to take Ryou anyway; he needs blood work done before he can get an inhaler."

Ryou leaned against Bakura, wrapping his bare hand around Bakura's bare arm. /Please Kura? I want you to get better./

Knowing that he couldn't say no to his brother Bakura sighed, "Fine. But can we hurry up?" He asked softly, hating the idea of going to a hospital. Doctors always meant pain, and the last doctor he had seen had been really mean. Bakura would never forget how the man had just told an eight-year old that both of his parents were dead and his little brother would be taken away.

Shaking his head to rid himself of those thoughts Bakura saw that Sally had gathered up her thinks. "I'll bring them back in about an hour, Duo."

"Can I go with them Duo?" Yugi asked softly as he looked up at the father.

Duo looked at Sally who only smiled and nodded. "Alright Yugi, you may go. But don't go getting into any trouble, alright?"

Yugi nodded then followed Sally and Bakura, who was carrying Ryou again, out of the room. Sally's car was nothing like the van they had arrived at the church in. Bakura got in the back with Ryou while Yugi got in the front. While Sally drove, she spoke to Yugi, obviously seeing that Bakura didn't want to talk to anyone.

Ryou yawned quietly to himself as he leaned against Bakura. He felt his brother wrap his good arm around him and hug him slightly. Ryou smiled as he closed his eyes, knowing that he was safe with his brother there. It wasn't long before the boy had fallen asleep.

When they arrived at the large hospital Ryou was still asleep and Bakura wanted to keep it that way. He didn't know exactly what Sally wanted to do to the smaller boy, but he didn't want Ryou to know what it was. Inside the hospital, Sally led the three boys to an empty room where she told Bakura to lay Ryou across the bed while she went to get some supplies. Bakura did as he was asked and sat on the edge of the bed while Yugi took a chair.

Sally returned minutes later with a bucket of water and some plaster. "Can you hold out your arm?" She asked as she seated herself on a stool in front of Bakura so she was his height. He silently obeyed and held out his arm. "This is going to hurt." She warned him and Bakura nodded. Taking a gentle hold of his wrist, Sally suddenly twisted it and yanked up until she heard a satisfying crack. Bakura had bit his lip so hard that there was blood dripping down his chin. "Yugi? Can you hand me that Kleenex box behind you?" Sally turned to the little boy in the chair.

With a Kleenex held on his lip, Bakura watched the doctor work. She dipped a roll of plaster into the bucket. When it was soaked she then pulled it out and it unwrapped easily. It was cold against Bakura's skin and the boy couldn't help but shiver. When his wrist and arm were wrapped it didn't take long for the plaster to harden. "In about four weeks we'll take a look at it." She smiled then went to a cupboard and pulled out a few things.

Bakura was studying his new cast when Sally turned around. He saw that she had a needle in her hand. "What are you going to do with that?" He asked nervously.

Sally saw his nervousness and smiled kindly. "I need to take Ryou's blood honey, it won't hurt him at all, I promise." She said as she went over to the sleeping body and gently cleaned the spot opposite of his elbow joint. Bakura flinched when she stuck the needle into the pale skin, expecting Ryou to wake up, but the boy didn't move. She filled three vials then left the room after placing a bandage over the needle mark.

"How come Ryou doesn't talk?" Yugi spoke up from his spot in the chair once Sally had left.

Bakura looked at the little boy, then back at his sleeping brother. "He saw something that he shouldn't have."

"How long ago was that?" Yugi wondered curiously.

"He was about three at the time." Bakura said softly.

Yugi bit his lip then slid off of the chair; he went over to the hospital bed and crawled up onto it, careful not to disturb Ryou. Then he wrapped his arms around Bakura in a hug. Bakura was startled; nobody had ever been so friendly except Ryou. Unknown to Yugi was that his hand was touching some exposed skin on Bakura's back.

/He reminds me of Yami. He acts really tough, but when it comes to someone he cares about he's really protective./

"I'm sorry Bakura, I shouldn't have been asking such things." Yugi said out loud, snapping Bakura away from his thoughts.

"It's alright, you were curious." Bakura said. Usually he would have pushed away anyone who touched him, except Ryou of course, but Yugi was different. He really was like Ryou in a lot of ways.

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