Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Street Rat, Always A Street Rat ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry about not uploading this sooner, I've been busy.

ChibiQuatre Muse: I'm here to state things.

Disclaimer: Yami and Yami Bakura do not get nakkie in the show and start doing the wild thing while in the Shadow Realm, so no, Spyder does not own Yu Gi Oh! And the GBoys don't get into a huge orgy so no; she does not own Gundam Wing either.

Warnings: None for this chapter.

About the Fic: AU! Ryou is Bakura's brother, Yugi is Yami's brother and Malik is Marik's brother (Isis too.) It has kinda been crossed with Gundam Wing because I needed a Father Maxwell and Duo applied for the part. Oh, Sally too. I might add more characters later on.

Future Pairings: Yami/Bakura (in some shape or form), Seto/Marik, Isis/Mai, Tristan/Joey, Yugi + Ryou + Malik (duh, I'm not promising on anything with them, but you'll find out why later on. . .)

*italics* for Emphasis!

/um. . ./ This is important, but I'm not going to tell you why.

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Once A Street Rat, Always A Street Rat

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Chapter Two

Bakura felt weird entering the church. He hadn't been to one in years, not since his parents had forced him to. Now, even though he didn't believe, he felt unholy and dirty. The father led the way through a long hallway until they reached what Bakura guessed to be the back of the church. Once outside again, the homeless boy saw that there was a large house with a gigantic lush yard. Children littered the grass, playing different games.

"You three may go and play." The Father said to the girl and two of the boys, who happily complied. Bakura watched as the girl went over to a boy that looked like the boy with crimson eyes still standing by the priest, only smaller. The blonde boy ran over to a boy who looked a lot like him and another boy with black hair who looked a lot younger than the two blondes did. And the other boy - Seto? - followed after the blonde, only at a slower pace. "Yami, I would like you to help me." Duo said to the last boy.

The boy, who had black, crimson and blonde hair nodded and Duo led them to the large house. Once inside Bakura really felt out of place. "This way." Duo smiled, noticing the uncomfortable look on Bakura's face. The thief followed the father down a hallway and stopped in the middle of it.

"Here is the bathroom where you can bathe." Duo explained, opening the door. The bathroom was large, at least as bathrooms go. Bakura couldn't really remember the last time he had seen a bathroom inside a house before. The place where he and Ryou had been living didn't have one anymore and hadn't had one when they had found the place. "I'm afraid that we have no towels as of late. Tristan and Joey were trying to make a hot air balloon again." He shook his head. "The ones that we salvaged are in the wash. If you clean up now, Yami will bring you the towels as soon as they're dry." The man went over to the counter and opened the cupboard under the sink. "Here's some soap, shampoo and conditioner and a couple of cloths. Take as long as you want." He smiled then left the room, closing the door behind him.

Bakura looked at the closed door and blinked, his mind drawing a blank. The body on his back moved bringing him out of his stupor. Slowly, he let Ryou drop to the floor and then he turned around to see the boy. "I guess we should take advantage of this huh?" He said to the boy.

Ryou nodded as he swayed a bit. Bakura caught him before he could fall and lifted him up again, only to place him on the lid of the toilet. He ignored the throbbing from his broken wrist as he found the plug and plugged the tub, then turned on the hot water tap, followed by the cold. Letting the water fill the tub, the boy turned back to his brother. "I'm sorry that I couldn't get any food. I know you're hungry." He said softly, gently touching his brother's cheek.

Ryou only smiled and shook his head. /It's okay./ The younger boy hadn't spoken a word since he was only a toddler and Bakura had found a way to understand him. Bakura smiled too, happy that his brother had forgiven him, though he knew Ryou would. Turning back to the tub, Bakura tested the water. After finding that it wasn't too hot, he looked back at his brother and helped the boy strip off his old clothes.

Once Ryou was in the tub, Bakura stripped and climbed in too.


Yami silently waited outside the bathroom door. He was sitting on the floor across the hall from the closed door reading a book. He hated schoolbook reports. Finally, the door opened slightly and he saw the older boy, Bakura, poke his head out. Yami stood up silently and handed the boy the towels he had collected from the dryer. As Yami handed over the towels he looked into the other boy's eyes.

/They're beautiful./

Bakura raised an eyebrow as their fingers touched and he looked at Yami suspiciously. "Thanks." He said slowly then disappeared as the door closed.

Bakura stared at the closed door, until he felt a hand on his back. /Are you okay?/ He heard his brother's thought and he smiled at this. It was something he had learned that he had been gifted with when he was only a child. Every time someone touched his bare skin with their own bare skin he could read their minds. This of course had been very hard on him since they had become homeless. Some of the things Bakura had been forced to do to survive had almost destroyed him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded and turned back to the naked boy who was barely managing to stay standing. "Here are the towels, come here so I can help you dry off." He said softly as he wrapped one of the towels around his brother's shoulders, stumbling slightly because of his wrist. "Do you feel safe here?" He asked after a moment of silence.

Ryou thought for a moment, and because his skin was right next to Bakura's, the older boy could read his every thought. Finally the boy nodded. /Don't you?/ He asked innocently.

Bakura smiled softly at the nine-year old. "I don't feel safe anywhere Ryou, you know that." He said and shrugged as if it was nothing, but the smaller boy didn't see that. He wrapped his arms around Bakura's bare waist.

/I'm sorry Kura./

"You don't have to be sorry about anything Ryou." Bakura insisted but the boy shook his head.

/It's because of me that you did everything. You were trying to take care of me./ The boy looked down, ashamed.

Bakura lifted Ryou's chin with his finger and kissed the boy's forehead. "What's happen has happened. You like it here so we'll stay as long as we're welcome." He said as he wrapped Ryou's small body in a towel and handed him the old teddy bear. He wrapped a towel around his own waist as well then picked his little brother up and opened the bathroom door again.

Yami was sitting on the other side of the hallway, having fallen deeply into his book he didn't notice the two come out. Bakura cleared his throat, causing Yami to jump. The boy looked up startled, his crimson eyes wide. Mentally, Bakura couldn't help but smile. This boy had called his eyes beautiful when in reality he had the eyes with beauty. Bakura had seen a lot of people while living on the streets, even more because their parents had traveled a lot and taken the two boys with them. But the white-haired boy had never seen anyone with crimson eyes before.

"Sorry." Yami spoke as he blushed slightly. "I'll show you to your rooms." He smiled and then led the way down the hall. They went up two staircases to the third floor. "Ryou's room is here." He opened one of the doors. Bakura looked in and noticed that there were two sets of bunk beds. He looked at Yami. "Three other boys live in here too. Joey's the oldest one, Malik, and my brother Yugi." He explained.

Ryou looked around the room, then back at Bakura who was still holding him. The two hadn't slept apart for a long time; Ryou couldn't even remember when they hadn't. He had been very young when they had been left on their own. He nodded to Bakura and forced a small smile. The boy wasn't feeling well and he was becoming tired.

"You didn't have anything when you arrived so Malik gave Ryou some of his clothes. At least until Duo can take you shopping for new stuff. They'll probably be a little big, but Malik's the closest to Ryou's size since Yugi's too small." Yami blushed, realizing that he was rambling. He'd never had a problem with any of the new kids before, what was it about Bakura that caused him to stumble? "They're on that bottom bed at any rate. I'll wait outside the room." He said and quickly left, closing the door.

/He likes you./ Ryou thought as Bakura carried him to the bed that had clothes on it.

"Hush." Bakura shook his head as he set Ryou down on the bed, getting rid of the towel. He helped the weakened child get dressed; it took a few minutes because Bakura couldn't get his broken hand to move right. When Ryou was dressed, he put his arms up, telling Bakura that he wanted to be picked up again. "You want to see where my room is?" He asked.

Ryou nodded and Bakura picked him up again. He smiled as Ryou rested his head on his shoulder and cuddled close. He knew his brother loved physical attention. Ryou had been left alone a lot during the day because Bakura had been gathering food or trying to get money one way or another. He was starved for attention and Bakura felt slightly guilty, only slightly though because there had been nothing he could do.

Exiting the room, Bakura saw that Yami was reading his book again. When the exotic looking boy looked up again Bakura raised an eyebrow in questioning. Yami smiled easily. "English project in school." He rolled his eyes. "Stupid teachers. I'll take you to your room now." He said and led the way up another staircase. "The girls sleep on the first and second floor. The younger boys sleep on the third floor and the older boys sleep on the fourth floor." He explained.

Bakura nodded as Yami stopped in front of another door and opened it. "Oh geez, Seto." He growled as he entered the dark room, turning the lights on. Bakura and Ryou peeked in to see the room a mess. "It usually isn't this messy, Seto didn't know what to wear this morning and he always makes a mess when he changes clothes ten times in a day." Yami rolled his eyes as he went around the room picking up clothes from different places in the room. When his arms were full he went to the set of bunk beds closest to the door and deposited the mess onto it. "Your bed's the one at the bottom of the other one and there are some clothes for you to wear too." Yami said.

"Who else is in this room?" Bakura wondered curiously.

"Oh, Marik, Malik's older brother, Seto and myself." Yami said.

"Marik and Seto. . .they were the two with you today?" Bakura asked.

Yami nodded. "Yeah, the girl was Tea. She's a pain sometimes." He shrugged. "I'll leave you alone so you can change as well, and Duo should be back by now so he can take care of Ryou." Yami said, smiling at the small boy. Ryou, who was shy by nature smiled softly back as he cuddled closer to Bakura. With that, the boy left the room, leaving Bakura and Ryou alone again.

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