Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Need… to… get this out… of my system! *noticed audience* Uh… Hello everyone! I got this idea and it's driving me crazy! So, I decided that in order to keep me sane, I have to type it out and show it too all of you. So… Enjoy!
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A young boy, no older than ten was looking out of the ocean from a cove. Below, just about ten feet from where the boy stands, were sharp rocks and the waves splashed upward, trying to reach the edge. The boy had unusual spiky hair with colors of ebony, violet, and golden bangs, which went along with the breeze that came in. He was standing on the edge of the cove, looking down at the water and rocks. The sound of thunder caught the boy's attention and looked to find the source of the sound.
“Yugi!” An elderly male voice called out. “Yugi where are you?”
“Yugi!” A woman's voice called out as well. “Sweetheart we have to go home! Yugi?!
The boy, Yugi, looked around to find the source of the voices. His wide amethyst eyes saw a lightening bolt streak across the sky, and his only response to that sight was to run and find the voices quickly. But as soon as he turned to run, his foot stepped on something slippery and started to fall towards the edge. He grabbed on the edge, which was sharp on his small hand.
Mommy! Jii-chan! Help!” Yugi cried as the sound of waves crashing against the wall were scaring him. Then the rain came down hard in buckets. His hand started to slip from the edge and he tried to hang in there for a little while longer, but it was useless. `I'm going to die! Mommy! Jii-chan! Anybody!' He thought as his finger tips slowly started to slip. “Help!” He called out as he felt himself slip off for a moment.
He didn't fall, instead he felt a strong hand on his and he tried to look up, but the rain made it difficult to see. He was pulled up back to the edge and, before Yugi could stand, his savior gathered him in its arms and was carried to where they were away from the cove. At this time the rain seemed to become a light sprinkle, but the thunder and lightening were going into their grand finale.
“Yugi!” The voices of his mother and grandfather were hard to hear from the storm's loud melody. “Yugi where are you!!”
“Mommy. Jii-chan.” He said trying to see through the rain and held onto the other's shirt. Then the other set him down behind some rocks, which reduced the force of the rain and wind. Yugi looked up, only to see a hooded figure with only half of his face showed. “What's your name?” He asked as the other took off what looked like a cape and placed it over him. He got a chance to see that the other's finger nails looked more like claws of a cat's.
The other made sure that he was alright before looking over the rocks for any sign of any life. “Mister?” Yugi asked as he tugged on the other's pant's to get its attention.
The figure just chuckled as it looked over. “First of all, don't call me mister,” The baritone male voice said. “And I won't give out my name; to answer you're first question.” He looked like thirteen by height and continued to look for any sign of life.
“My name's Yugi.” He said as he shivered a little from the wind. The rain then turned to a drizzle, which made things a bit more difficult.
“I kinda guessed that.” The figure said, still looking through the drizzle.
“Yugi!” A woman's weary voice was heard along with a determined sound of the elder. “Yugi!”
“I'll get their attention, you stay put.” The figure said as he was about to move when Yugi grabbed the other by the leg. “What's with you kid?”
Yugi looked a bit timid, but spoke with some forced courage. “If you can't give me your name, than at least give me some form that I could call you by.”
The figure took a moment to think about this. He looked down at Yugi, who looked hopeful. His eyes were now visible, which were red as blood. “Sorry kid. I can't do that.” He said as he bend down to get Yugi's arms off of his leg.
“Why?” Yugi asked.
The figure sighed. “Reason's that are hard to explain.”
The figure laughed at this innocent question. “You ask a lot of questions kid.” He said as he ruffled the other's hair.
“Yugi!” Yugi's mother called, a lot closer now.
“Sorry to leave you like this kid,” The figure said as he stood up. “But I'm not suppose to be out here and the longer I'm out here, the deeper trouble I'm going to be. Okay?”
Yugi nodded. “Thanks for saving my life.”
The figure shrugged and ruffled his hair. “You looked like you needed a hand. Well, good-bye.” He said as he quickly disappeared.
Not long afterward, his mother and grandfather found him and were crying in huge relief.
Yugi, though happy to see his family again, still wondered who the boy was and where he came from. `I hope we meet again.' He thought as he and his family were on their way home.
***Eight years later***
“YUGI!!” A woman's voice shouted, more like shrilled.
“Yeah Mom!” Yugi, now eighteen, called as he headed downstairs and to the kitchen. He saw his mother, armed with a broom and a boy with silver fox like ears and tail was sitting there, looking at her. “Marik!” He called.
The mentioned person turned to look at the one who called him. The young man was around his twenties with wild platinum hair, bronze skin, and sharp angular violet eyes that looked like it belonged to a killer. He smirked and said. “Well hello Yugi.” He said.
“What are you doing here?”
“What? No hello?”
“Hello Marik. Now what are you doing here?”
Marik shrugged. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I would say hello.”
“You were here to scare my mother you crazy fox!”
“Why thank you!”
“Okay Mom!” Yugi said. “Just calm down, please!” He then shoved the fox boy out of the kitchen. “Where's Malik?”
Marik looked thoughtful. “What did he tell me?”
Yugi rolled his eyes and got out his cell phone and looked through the number. He waited until he heard a voice.
“Yo! Malik here.”
“Hey Malik, it's Yugi.”
“Yo man, what brings you to call me?”
“Miss anything?”
There was a pause for a moment. “No… I don't-“ He paused again for another moment. “Is Marik at your place, again?”
“Damn it!”
“You want to talk to him?”
“You know it.”
Yugi handed his cell to Marik as the mentioned boy was making faces while Malik's voice was slightly heard from the phone.
“Oh ho!” Said an amused elder. “I now know why your mother is on the edge.”
“Hey Jii-chan!” Yugi said happily.
“Hello my boy!” His grandfather said. “I got some papers from Kaiba's Company.”
“About time!” He said as he took the papers. “Those two need a good home right away.”
“They sure do! But it's going to be a pity that they're going to London.”
“Well, the species thrive on chilly misty weather, so it would be perfect!” He looked at a picture of two ten year old boy and girl with wolf like ears. “And the woman has been alone for forty years and lives on a farm. So they'll have plenty of room to play around in.” His grandfather nodded.
Then the little bell above the door rang and a young man with blond hair and equally color of dog ears and tail came in. “Hey Yug!”
“Hi Joey!” Yugi said. “What brings you here?”
Joey shrugged. “Got too bored with waiting for Money Bags to finish working.”
“You know he'll come here and give another lecture.”
“Yeah, but I've been practice'n dis t'ing for awhile.”
“I'm afraid to ask.”
“Don't `ave da.”
His mother walked in and shrilled. “YUGI!!! GET THESE THINGS OUT OF HERE THIS INSTANT!!”
“Okay! Okay!” He said as he shoved the two out of the game shop/house.
“Damn…” Marik said. “What's her deal?”
Yugi sighed. “She just doesn't like Humanials or Aniumans.”
“Well she better get use to it soon.” Marik said as he walked away. “Because we're not going anywhere at this point of time.”
--Yugi's POV- -
Hi! In case if you guessed, I'm Yugi Mouto. I'm eighteen years old and I'll be attending college soon, but first I have some work to do. You're probably wondering what are Humanials and Aniumans. Well, both are kinda like Marik and Joey. They're Humanials; they're mostly human with little animal physical traits. Marik is a silver fox, which are sly and you have to keep an eye on them everyday, but thankfully, beside the creepy looks he has, he doesn't do any harm. And Joey is a golden retriever and he's been owned by Seto Kaiba, CEO of the Kaiba Company, for about five years now. Now Aniumans are different, they take up more of the animal physic then human. Like say… a dog, it would probably look like the dogs in the movie `The Mummy Returns' without the decaying parts, some don't even walk on two legs.
They came out just about seven years ago when the FBI was looking around at the illegal lab that was in Domino. They found the lab, along with a city filled with Aniumans and only a few Humanials. The lab was active for the first 100 years. These two species were once an idea from the scientists to create super human soldiers with animal abilities, but that became a problem, since they have to go through the birth process. It's kinda like cloning, only they added a few things from the animal and merged the DNA together. After nine months, the first Aniuman was born, followed by its two brothers and sister. Unfortunately the two boys died about three days later. After a few years, they were making good progress training the two in combat situations, but the only concern was the fur and animal like features. So they continued to study to try to make them more human by doing the same process. After ten years of doing the process, which they used a make-shift of the woman's womb to `birth' them, they noticed a change in the physical structure in the Aniumans. But they decided to take a risky motive by getting one of the female scientists to be the `mother' of the created embryo. It was then that they saw a huge improvement. This one is another Aniuman, but the hands are close to human like as well as the feet. They did the same process with the other three female `mothers' and each result were different. One of those was known as the first Humanial.
Anyway, seven years ago, the lab was found and, at first, no one was sure what to do with the two species until circuses, zoos, aquariums, even universities, brought them in and studied their behavior. As it turns out, Humanials were very intelligent like a human while Aniumans were more based by instinct. And so, they trained them on some things and the government were figuring out what to do with them. For the first few years, say five years ago, they were released for the first time and in the short few months there was a problem. It turns out that Humanials were more sensitive to peer pressures then a normal teen and they were either in jail, rehiabation center, or were shot dead, and the Aniumans were mostly raped or were sold to slavery, but both were treated unfairly. The government gathered all of them and tried to figure another alternative.
That's when Seto Kaiba came in. About a month after the release of the two species, he found Joey in an ally, beaten and wounded, and a guy was about to rape him. But Kaiba wouldn't allow it, which is unusual for him to do, and attacked the guy and brought in Joey. When he heard the news about how the two species and grew concerned about the future of Joey. When the government came to his mansion one day, they had to use force to get Joey to join the others. When that happened, he decided to do something about it, not only for Joey, but for all the people who actually cared for the species.
And that's where I come in. I met Joey at school, because he lived with Kaiba and nobody questioned him, unless you want to be fired. So when I heard about the gathering, I was worried for Joey and Kaiba called me and told me of his plan, since I'm the only one he can trust. And so he got himself into the government center and proposed an adoptive center for the two races. The government wasn't sure but Kaiba was stubborn to be let down that easy. So, after a year and a half later, the government agreed to Kaiba's terms and so the adoptive center was immediately being built. And I was the owner of that center.
And so, for five years, the center was successful but it was strict. Because, as I and everyone else found out, that Humanials have some kind of sixth sense on who they want to be adoptive while Aniumans were just like the cats and dogs in a humane society. But Kaiba was expecting something like this and so created a strict adoptive form and regulations of even getting either one of the races. That means if you want to adopt them, you have to fill out a form and I send it to Kaiba and he looks up your file. And he will know who you are and will see to it that you can or can't adopt. One time, there was a man, seems kind and friendly enough, but turns out he's a drug dealer as well as owns a whore house. So by that, not only did he didn't adopt a bunny girl Humanial, but he even helped the police arrest him. That goes the same for the workers. There's no way for you to hide who you really are when it comes to Kaiba, if you did hide your true identity, he will send agents to spy on you and report you.
So, here I am the owner of `Second Chances' center and most of my workers are my friends from school and their Humanials or Aniumans. But I don't have one, and I'm okay with that. It's not because my mom always freaked out whenever one comes in uninvited. My mom is okay with them, but doesn't like the idea of having one in her house. But anyway, I don't have one because I already have one in mind… I just have to wait and find him.
“So, any luck on that one?” Joey asked.
I shook my head. “Not yet Joey, but soon.”
“Remind me again why you're waiting for this one… uh…”
“He's a Humanial.”
“Ya sure?”
“I'm sure of it!”
“But it's been… what… eight years? Ya sure he's even around here?”
“I don't know, but I'm not giving up finding him.”
“Right, I know that, but why?”
“He saved my life Joey.” I said with a soft smile. “If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here.” I remembered only red eyes and claws of the person from that stormy day.
Joey looked at me as he scratched his ear. “I see, but what about ya mum? Ya know she hates us.”
“She doesn't hate you, she just a little scared about the whole thing.”
“But it's been years!” He whined.
“I know, but I can't do anything about it.”
“Sure ya can.”
“I don't know, talk to her like Seto talked to da government to propose the center.”
“That would take forever.”
He shrugged. “Eh, probably doesn't matter now, ya going to college anyway.”
I nodded then asked. “Aren't you going to college as well?”
He smiled. “Ya bet! Money Bags didn't put me to school just for the fun of it.”
I laughed at that when a limo came up.
“Ah! Speak of da devil!” He said as Kaiba came out of the limo.
“Hey Kaiba!” I said. “How's it going?”
Kaiba nodded my way. “It's going.” He said as he looked at Joey. “I hope you were being a good boy while you were wandering.”
Joey looked pissed off then said. “Seto! How many times do I have to tell ya to drop wit' da dog codes already!”
I shook my head as I watched the two bicker, which they were famous for. But at the same time, I felt a little sad that I was the only one out of my friends that have a Humanial, which were picky about their owners while the other were way too easy to adopt.
“Hey Yugi!” Kaiba said.
“Yes?” I said, hoping that today was the day he found the Humanial that I mentioned earlier. For helping him, Kaiba set out a search for any male Humanial with cat-like claws and red eyes.
He sighed and I knew the look far too well. “Sorry…”
I nodded. “That's okay, he'll turn up.”
He nodded, but looked like he failed to help me out when I helped him without question. “Well, I'm sorry to have to end this friendly conversation, but I have to take my run away puppy home.”
“Quit calling me a puppy!” Joey shouted. “And I wasn't running away you stick up the ass!”
Kaiba ignored him and bowed to me. “I'll keep you updated.”
I bowed back. “I know.” I said as we both straightened and they entered the limo.
“Hey Yug'!” Joey shouted. “Ya still up for that party right?!”
I smiled. “I wouldn't miss it!” I called back as they started to drive off.
“See ya tomorrow!” Joey called.
I waved before getting back into the shop and went upstairs to my room, where I saw the cape that hanged over my bed. The same cape that he gave me that day… eight years ago.
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Here you go everyone! Whatcha think? R&R me if you want me to continue. Jaa!