Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 34 ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm so sorry everyone! I was so caught up with other things that this was kept putting off. I'm so, so, so sorry for it. This is the last chapter and this is the last fic I will write about this pairing. I'm sorry, I will still love this pairing but I'm just fresh out of ideas to use for a new fic. Again, I'm sorry, but I'm going to make this last chapter the best it can. Enjoy
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Chapter 34
It's been a few months after that event and everyone is back in school or in college. Luna and Alysia went back to high school to finish the year there, as well as Noah and Moukaba. Seto was still being a CEO and Joey attended a college with Yugi and Atemu. Duke and Tristan attended a college in America while Duke was doing business there as well. Bakura and Ryou attended a college in England and Marik and Malik attended college in Egypt.
Mika and Mikey were engaged a month after the ordeal and both lived in Mikey's new house, a wedding gift from his mother even though they weren't married.
All Humanials and Aniumans and their adoptivies were sent back home, safe and sound.
“So boring!” Joey said as he and Atemu walked out of their classroom. “The summer was a hell a lot interesting then this!”
“I prefer this pace then that.” Atemu said. “I never want to experience that as long as I live.”
Joey sighed. “Yeah… With da bad guys afta our tails n' all, I wouldn't want that either.”
“Guys!” They turned to see Yugi come up.
Atemu braced himself for a hug and spinned them both until they stopped. “How was class Yugi?”
“It was okay. Same old stuff that we've been going over from last month.” Yugi said.
“Sounds like a test is coming up for you.”
“Sure does.”
“Well!” Joey said as he checked his watch. “I gotta bail on you guys. Seto is taking me out to eat.”
“Cool! Have a great time!” Yugi said.
“Thanks! See ya tomorrow!” With that, he left.
“I wonder what the others are doing.” Yugi wondered aloud, causing the other to chuckle.
“Why not pay them a visit?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
They went off their college campus and went to the high school, where it just started to let out. Within the mass of students, there was Luna, her hair was a dark red now due to the white dye finally fading away and was cut to shoulder length, Alysia, Moukaba and Noah.
“Yugi! Atemu!” Luna called as she spotted them and all four ran up to them. “What brings you here?”
“Just wondering how you guys were doing.” Yugi said as everyone started to chat about their few months in school until they had to part ways to go home.
Yugi and Atemu dropped by to the game shop to talk to Grandpa and stayed around for an early dinner with Grandpa's Aniuman of a cat, Kikyo.
“Hey Kikyo!” Yugi said as he petted her on her head.
Kikyo was a slightly older cat, looks about seventy years in human years. She was a smoke gray color with striking green eyes. She was very thin and good looking for an old cat, but Grandpa treated with much respect like a real cat.
Once that visit ended, they were at the bus stop to head to their beach house, where Yugi started to look up on his e-mail to find out that Ryou and Malik sent in pictures of what they were doing with their aibous in their college life. Once he sent his reply with some of his own pictures, he went to find his aibou, only to figure out that they were playing an unannounced game that both knew so well by now.
He smiled, as he knew what this game would lead. He checked the kitchen and looked in the fridge to grab the chocolate sauce and a small container of strawberries, as well as unbuttoning his shirt so his chest was showing. Then he proceeded to their bedroom, which was originally Atemu's room, but was changed to their room and the other room a spare.
Once he was in, he grinned to find the other, shirtless and laying back on the bed, just waiting for the other to come over.
“It's your turn.” Atemu said.
“I know.” Yugi said with a smile as he lifted the items. “I didn't forget.” He moved up to sit next to the other, while the other didn't make a move, instead just watch in a cool gaze as he opened the chocolate sauce and squeezed the bottle to make a puddle of chocolate on the middle of the other's torso.
Atemu shivered at the cold contact, but still stayed still, quite curious about what the other was about to do now.
Yugi then took a strawberry and dipped it in the sauce before putting it in his mouth, in a slow, suggestive way before bending towards the other and kissed him, giving the other the strawberry in his mouth.
Atemu took the strawberry as well as ran his tongue along the other's lips.
~*Lemon Alert*~
This continued until the strawberries were gone, by this time Atemu had access chocolate sauce all around his torso. Yugi bent forward and started to lick the chocolate as well as nibbled at the skin here and there, earning a gasp from the other. He even brushed his hand where the other squirmed to get away from the hand while trying not to let a chuckle escape. The younger of the two then moved so that he was above the other and settled between the other's legs as he moved down to lick again, slowly and more suggestive. Especially when he moved up to capture the neko's lips and grind his hips at the same time, causing the other to moan.
Atemu moved his hands from behind his head and wrapped them around the other's waist and his hands traveled to the rim of the other's pants, which cause the other to stop and look at him with a grin while shaking his head. He just grinned back before you saying. “You're teasing me Aibou.” As he said this he didn't notice the hand that was closing in on his pants and his breath hitched when he felt the other's hand on his hardening manhood. “Damn sneak.” He said as his eyes had a slight lustful hunger to them.
Yugi gets a slight turn on whenever he sees that look, but didn't want to hurry it up just yet; he still had much to do before getting to that point of the game. He moved his hand to the rim of the other's pants, causing a whimper, but undid the pants, only to do a hand job.
Atemu panted and squirmed as he was fighting on the decision of what he wanted the other to do, but couldn't make up his mind. That's when the other started to nibble at the sensitive spots on his neck and jaw, while he was still getting a hand job by the other. “Yugi…” He whispered heatedly as his hand went up to feel the other's chest, earning a sound of slight surprise that turned him on. He proceeded by letting his other hand undo the pants and teasing the other with making his fingers inch closer to the throbbing need, but ghostly retreating, causing the other to whimper in his ear, which made him purr in delightful bliss. He continued by taking the pants off as well as the boxers only to the mid thigh.
The other managed to get up to finish with taking off his pants and letting his opened shirt move off his left shoulder, showing that he was trying to be seductive.
Atemu licked his lips as he sat up to kiss and nibble at the exposed shoulder and neck. He was also pumping the other, causing the other to grip onto his shoulder. He led the other onto the bed so that he was the one on top. He kissed the other and grinds their hips together as he reached for something under the pillow he was resting on earlier, and brought out a tube of lotion. He stopped his motions and looked at the other, which to his eyes was a perfect picture.
Yugi panted as his face was burning as well as his body, but what was painful at the moment was his shaft that was in need of attention.
“Almost there koi.” Atemu whispered as he opened the tube and held it out for the other.
Yugi got the hint and dipped his fingers in and brought them out. The neko laid back and lifted his knees up, giving the other easy access. He went in-between the other's legs and slipped in the first finger in and waited until putting in the second finger in, slowly stretching the other out.
Atemu moaned in bliss and pain at the fingers, and whimpered when they were pulled out. But the other presented the tube of lotion to him and he smiled as he applied an amount on his palm before lathering it onto the other's hardened manhood, earning him moans and heated whispers in his ear. When he thought the other was lathered enough he laid back down and spread his legs.
Yugi had to blink away the cloud in his mind enough to know what to do next. He positioned himself at the other's entrance and pushed the head in, causing the other to grunt at the pain it was causing. He was in fully and bent down to kiss the other on the lips as he set a pace until he found the other's sweet spot, which he had quickened. He was also pumping the other's shaft as he thrusted within the other until both screamed and released.
Atemu panted as the other on top of him did as well. He felt the other move out of him and felt the other lick up his seeds like he had done earlier with the chocolate before settling next to the other.
Yugi looked at his neko lover and kissed him with lazy passion, but was returned with just as much before letting his head be cradled onto the other's shoulder.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Yugi said with a blush.
“You're still blushing after all this time?”
Yugi giggled. “I know it sounds stupid, but hearing you say that still has that effect on me.”
The other chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the other. “ I know.” He said as he kissed the other on the forehead. “Yugi…”
“If me saying I love you makes you blush, then I wonder what you would look like when I ask you this…”
Yugi was curious and looked at the other.
“Will you be with me forever?”
Yugi smiled. “I've course I will. You should know that.”
“Not that kind of way.”
“What do you mean?”
Atemu leaned forward to the other's ear and whispered in all seriousness and honestly. “Will you allow me to take your hand and bind it with mine for the rest of our lives?” He leaned back to look at Yugi for his answer.
Yugi was shocked, but in a good way, as he realized what the question was he smiled and wrapped his arms round the other saying yes over and over until he looked at the other and kissed him, and the feeling for another round but figured that would wait.
“I don't have a ring now.” Atemu said as the other calmed down. “But I wanted to know if you would want me, even though I'm a Humanial.”
Yugi then figured the other reason for the question and touched the other's face with such gentleness it surprised the neko. “Don't ever say that. You're more than that to me, and you know that.”
Atemu smiled as he kissed the other once more. “Very well, my Yugi.”
Yugi giggled and blushed, causing the other to giggle as well just before slipping away into the rest of the afterglow of both their activities and the proposal.