Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 33

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bad authoress! Bad authoress! Bad authoress! I'm sorry!!!
Bakura: Calm down, no one is going to kill you.
Marik: Yeah, they don't know where you live.
Bakura: *beats the crap out of Marik* R&R on this fic, if you will. *kicks limp body*
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Chapter 33
~`Safe Area'~
Everyone started to move to the edge of the camp as guns, clubs, rifles, and snipers taking their time and waited for a sign. The other's, who are too young or too old, were in the sub… waiting. Yugi was in the sub with his mother, since he was too wounded to fight. The other's outside waited in the forest, gagging any passer by guard that happens to be in the way.
Then the sound of a huge explosion was heard from a far off distance, causing some to rouse up in the camp to see what was going on and screams were heard from the other buildings.
“What the hell is going on!?” Akhenaden shouted as he came out of his office, obviously was asleep.
“It seems that the top lab is destroyed sir!”
As if to answer his question, Atemu came out to the center of the camp, along with the others. “Miscalculated on something? You ass hole!” He called out.
Akhenaden glared as well as growled. “You! What have you done?!”
Atemu glared as he held up his had with a gun in his hand. “FREEDOM TO ALL!!” He shouted as he fired to the sky, causing other gun fire from different angles, almost completely annialating the guards, leaving the ring leader. “Everyone! Get the others and take them to the sub! Bakura and Marik, you're in command of the subs!”
“Right!” Everyone said as they spread out and went into the other buildings to get the other Aniumans and Humanials and, like a stampede, got the hell out of the camp.
Within the chaos, Atemu walked towards the man that caused him so much pain in the past, who was on the ground completely afraid.
“W-Wait! Don't kill me! I'll do anything! Just name it!” Akhenaden stampered as he crawled backward to his office.
Atemu was now hovering over him as flames, caused by the artillery hitting the chemicals, started to surround them. “Anything…?” He repeated what the other said and chuckled dryly. “Funny… After you created me to be a weapon for a war that's non-existence, to raise arms that are unnecessary and kill those you hate because you're too much off a coward to do it yourself!” He glared down as the flames gave him the appearance that he just raised from hell. “Even after all that, I have no desire to kill you.” His look was still stern, but it only soften a little.
“If it wasn't for this sick operation of a false goal, I wouldn't be able to be born into a world that's chaotic and evil, as well as peaceful and beautiful. Life is a gift that you have to be appreciative to have. There are times I wondered what's the point to my living if all I do is kill? But you know what? I may be raised to kill, but my abilities can also protect if put by the right hands.” He put his gun away. “I have choices, like any living being. Sure I didn't choose to be born into a sick lab and be like this, but I do have a choice of who I want to kill and who I spare.” He turned to walk away from the man. “I chose to spare your life, for by the time we leave, you'll be here, by yourself, on this island, with no way to contact anyone and no one to help you.”
The man had a hidden gun and stood up and pointed to the other, whose back was facing him. “DIE YOU PATHETIC WASTE!” He called as he pulled the trigger.
Atemu spun around only to hear the sound of a gun going off.
“Bakura!” Ryou called as he ran up to the familiar white-haired rabbit Humanial.
“Marik!” Malik did the same to the silver fox Humanial.
The mentioned two opened their arms and embraced their aibous.
Everyone else seemed to be doing the same as they all went into the sub.
“Damn this thing can fill up a lot of persons.” Joey said.
“This sub does have to carry a lot of Humanials, Aniumans, guards, and submarine sailors.” Alysia pointed out.
“I'm glad everyone is alright!” Mika said as she looked around to find Atemu. “Where's Atemu? Isn't he with you?”
The group became silent.
“Atemu… He didn't stay back to deal with…” Mika said as she covered her mouth, realizing what the other was going to do. “He's staying on the island?!”
“We don't know what he plans to do.” Joey admitted.
“We were told to get everyone on the sub and get the hell out as soon as possible, whether or not he comes. That's what he told us.” Bakura said in a solemn tone.
“We better get out of here.” Marik said.
“You're just going to leave him?!” Malik said.
“He's our leader! What do you want me to do about it!” Marik called out as he looked like he was going to tear up. “We have to listen to what he says or this whole thing is a total waste!” With that he and Bakura left to get the sub ready to leave immediately.
Malik was stunned to see the crazy fox like that. `He never listens to anyone but me… But I guess in times of war, you have to listen to someone higher in your standards.'
As soon as the doors closed and headed out into the vast open waters, the doctor came running in where Mika was. “Mrs. Mouto! Ryou! Malik! Tell them to stop!”
“What's wrong?” Joey asked.
“It's Yugi! He's not here!”
The sound of a gun fire was heard within the crackling of the flames. For a moment Atemu looked like he was going to fall over, but it was Akhenaden who fell with a head shot. The Humanial looked to where the bullet was fired, and there, shivering from the shock of killing someone, was Yugi!
“Yugi!” He called as he ran up to the young man, who dropped the gun due to the shock.
“Atemu!” He called as he ran up to hold the other, who held him close, but careful about his broken ribs. “He was going to kill you! I-I…”
Atemu hushed him as he tried to calm the other down. “Thank you, Aibou. You saved me once again.”
“Did you really plan to die here?”
He shook his head. “No…”
Yugi looked up at the other. “Then why did you told the others to leave without you? Huh?!”
“I plan to swim my way back.”
Yugi looked at him as if he lost his mind. “Please tell me you're kidding, you baka.”
Atemu didn't say anything as he looked around the forest, which was burning at a rapid pace. “Talk later!” He said as he lifted the other in a bridal style and started to run out of the burning jungle.
“And here I thought you were sane!” Yugi said.
“Be quiet!” Atemu responded. “I have to give that guy a lesson about life after all!”
“Yeah… And you nearly got a bullet in the back of the head for it!”
Okay! The Humanial admit that it was a stupid move on his part. “I have to stall sometime so he doesn't try to sneak in.”
“Right…” Yugi said as he held the other. “I'm just glad you're alive…”
“Yugi… I'm sorry about what I've done to you.”
“It wasn't your fault.”
“Yes it was.” Atemu said as they reached to a beach and he looked behind to see that the island isn't going to let up on burning itself. He headed to the water until it was up to his chest. “We'll have to stay here until the island stops burning.”
Yugi held onto the other. “Atemu…” He said. “What do you think of me?”
Atemu blinked at the strange question. “What do I think of you?” The younger nodded. “What ever do you mean?”
“I mean… Do you think of me as only someone that you can live along side as a friend… or… as someone you really like?”
Atemu blinked, not really getting what the other was asking. “Well… You saved me, so… I see you as a savior and someone to protect…” He was trying to find the right words for this. He has no idea what the other was asking of him and he was worried that he wasn't answering the question. But since his charge didn't make any motion that he said the wrong thing so far. “I… I see you as a kind individual, anyone can easily be friends with you… But… I…” What did he want to say? That he liked the other as a friend? But the feeling was much stronger than that, but does that mean anything? “I do see you as a friend… but I don't think of you as a friend…”
Yugi started to look interested in what the other had to say.
Atemu didn't know how to put it in words. “I really don't know how to explain this… but… When I'm with you, obviously I feel free and safe… But there's more to it than that.” He couldn't help but stare into his charge's eyes, which seems to glow despite the fire going on the island.
“What's that?” Yugi said, eyes filled with hope and his heart seemed to be going at a quicker pace.
“I don't know really…” Atemu admitted. “It's really hard to explain it in words.”
“Can you try to explain it in another way?”
That surprised the older of the two. “Huh?”
“You said it's hard to explain in words, so show me.” Yugi said simply.
Atemu blushed, but thanks to the dark and the fire, it was hard to see. “Show…” He was nervous now. How the hell was he suppose to `show' Yugi if he himself has no idea what he's feeling.
Yugi, figuring that the other was in a jam, just smiled and hugged the other. “It's been a long day.” He said. “Are we really going to try to swim back home?”
“I don't know Yugi.” Atemu said as he rested his head on the other's shoulder. “I just hope the fire didn't destroy everything, we could build something. I have a good sense of direction you know.”
“Most cats do.”
“Shut up.”
Yugi giggled, making the other smile.
Atemu's ears twitched as he heard something.
“What's wrong?”
Atemu carefully listened. “A helicopter?”
“Huh? All the way out here?”
Atemu looked to where he heard the sound, and sure enough he could see a light blinking as it went closer. “Yugi… Doesn't that helicopter belong to…?”
“HEY!!” Moukaba's voice was heard through the speakers. “ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT?!”
“Moukaba!” The two called as the copter came closer until it was above them and a ladder came down.
Atemu grabbed hold of the ladder as Yugi climbed up first, followed by him, and both sat down at the seats that were in the copter.
“Thanks a ton Moukaba!” Yugi said as he found a towel and handed the other one to Atemu.
“No problem!” Moukaba said, who was piloting the copter.
“How did you find this place?” Atemu asked as he dried himself, hating how wet he felt.
“I didn't, my brother did!”
“Seto's awake!?” The two said.
“Yeah!” Moukaba said excitedly. “About an hour ago he woke up in cold sweat and immediately went into the super computer room and managed to type in the last digits and found the location. And once he found that, he was able to tap into the tracker chips you guys have and, as it turns out works when there's a group around. It wasn't able to work for Tristan because he was the first one sent with the chip, so what ever the island has that's jamming it, it was too weak for it by itself. But since all you guys were at the same place, so the chip gained some strength.”
“That's good to know.” Atemu said as he tried to dry his hair. Man he hated being wet.
“We already let the ones in the sub know about Seto and that he would be waiting for them.” Moukaba continued.
“I bet Joey was happy to hear that.” Yugi said.
“I wouldn't be surprised that he's crying his eyes out now.” Atemu said, which earned him a wet towel thrown at him.
Moukaba laughed. “Oh yeah, I just talked to him about it, and he was cheering all through out the conversation I was trying with Bakura.
The two chuckled at the thought as Yugi yawned.
“You should get some rest Aibou.” Atemu said as he went across and sat next to the other.
“We'll head to the hospital first.” Moukaba said, seeing some of the burn marks on both of them. “It would take an hour though.”
“That's fine.” Atemu said as he made Yugi feel comfortable to rest up a little. When Yugi finally fell to a light slumber, he thought with a feeling that a heavy burden was lifted. `Finally… peace at last…' With that, he fell into a light slumber as well.
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Hoped you guys liked it and I'm really sorry about not updating in a long time, again!
Marik: Don't beat yourself up.
Bakura: You're not really helping matters.
Marik: I tried.