Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 32

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm just going to start the fic, is that okay with everyone? Right? Right. Enjoy!
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Chapter 32
Later that evening, the ports were quiet as some of the guards were playing cards, talking, or just dozing off. A guard was doing his rounds when he was gagged and dragged into the jungle. Soon the guard came back out and went over to the other two guards.
“Hey! I think there's something in the bushes over there!” He said to them.
“Alright! We'll follow you.” One of them said as they followed the other into the jungle, where they were gagged as well.
Soon there were three of them and they went into the port, unnoticed, and they went into the sub.
“You there!” One of them said to one of the crew men. “Your superior has asked me to tell you that you have the night off, we'll take over.
The crewman seemed too tired to even care that there was something going on and left the sub. Soon they cleared the whole crew on the sub and one of them found a uniform and changed and went out of the sub, only to head into the jungle.
“Is it clear?” Asked Duke.
“Yes, but now we have those other guards to worry about.”
“Leave that to us, you just make sure it's ready for our leave.”
“Yes, sir.” He said as he snuck back into the sub.
“Okay,” Duke said as he looked at the other man next to him. “Go tell Atemu.”
“Right!” The man said as he ran back to the opening. He went up to the Humanial and told him the news.
“Alright…” He said as he looked at the sky. “Good timing…” He looked at the other group that came in: Malik's group. “What's the status there?”
“The whole camp seems to be surrounded by guards! It won't be easy getting in.” Malik reported.
The other nodded. “I expected as much.” He said. “We may have to borrow some of the port guards' weapons.”
“I'll let Duke know.”
“Okay, but be careful, I expect everyone to come out of this in one piece.”
The man nodded and left to tell Duke that. When he got the news, he waited for another guard to come up on a `pit stop' break and gagged him as well. With the outfit on, they were able to get all the port guards and brought the weapons they could find on the guards and in the sub and brought them over to the clearing.
“Good job!” Atemu said as he looked at the variety. “Are we ready to raid the camp?” The group cheered. “Okay, who here is good at being the sniper?”
“We are sir!” Said an elder man. “A veteran sniper and my comrades as well.”
“Great! Now we need two more.”
“We've taken the field about a year ago.” Said a female and a male.
“Perfect!” He said as he created a diagram on the ground on how the plan is going to turn out. “I want the snipers to be in these areas, almost in a circle, and the rest will either take out the other guards and or get the aibous out of the huts. But wait until I have fully gotten rid of the source of the control, otherwise none of you would stand a chance.” Everyone nodded in understanding. He got up and looked at a certain area. “If I'm unable to give you a signal by the stroke of midnight, I want all of you to get out. Understood?”
“Yes sir!” Everyone said as he started to walk towards the edge of the jungle, only to pause and look back to see Yugi, who is still unconscious, and looked forwards towards the one place he fears to go.
`I have to destroy the source or they will be forced to kill their or another's partner. I can't let that happen! These people have had enough to worry and had enough punishment already.' He thought as he ran as quickly and as quietly as possible. Taking his knife out and ready to kill anyone who stands in his way.
When he finally reached to the area he wanted, he had to take a deep breath as he looked at the circular hut that was almost as big as a storage room. He could see two guards and a camera. He cut the camera's cords then the two guards. He took the key card from one of them and opened the door.
Once he was in, he saw a few other guards and sighed. `Oh come on…' He thought as he took out two of his handhelds and started to shoot the guards while their bullets were missing him. Once that was done, he drops the used and emptied guns to the ground and starts walking forward, while gathering some useful firearms to use. As he walked down he looked for the security room just to find the one room he knew where the others would be.
When he did find the room he opened the door only to find three pistols at his head. `Typical…' He thought as he looked at the closest gunman. “I'm only here to find my friends. Put the gun down if you want to live.”
The security guards were trembling with the guns in their hands.
He looked at the guns and saw that they were on safety. `I wouldn't be surprised if they thought of pissing themselves right now.' He thought as he just walked in and saw that the guards were fruitlessly pulling the trigger. He knocked them out before going to the many television screens and pressed a few buttons until he found the room where the others were at. “Damn…” He said as he saw the others lined up and ready to destroy the hostages. “I've got to stop them!” He ran out of the room and tapped into his inhuman speed, hopefully it was enough to stop them and give the others more time to retrieve the others from the head bands and get out.
He found them just in time and stood in their way of exiting. `I'm known to be the best of my class and race…' He thought as he saw guns, grenades, and gloves with spikes on them on the others. `Let's test on what I can do now…'
~`Safe Area'~
Yugi was coming around and stared in a daze at the night sky. The sounds around him were starting to follow into his ears and looked to find the sources of the sounds. He saw his mother talking to a woman in a worried and frantic way.
“What if this plan won't work?!” Mika said.
“I understand your worry, but at this point we have no choice but to trust in Atemu's plan at this point.” Said the doctor.
Mika sighed. “I just don't know what to do anymore…”
The doctor placed a hand on the woman's shoulder. “None of us really know what to do at this point either, but that makes all the reason to do the best we can now.”
“M…M-Mom?” Yugi said, hardly above a whisper.
Mika looked at her son and ran up. “Yugi! Thank god you're alright! Do you hurt anywhere?”
Yugi shook his head. “Just a little dazed…” He said as he looked around. “Where are we?”
“We're in a safe area that Atemu found for all of us to stay until we can get off this island.”
That woke him up a bit. “Atemu! Where is he?! Where's Atemu?!” He cried.
“Yugi! Please calm down! Your wounds haven't healed and you have a few broken bones.”
“Where is he? Where's Atemu…?” He started to tear up. “Where's Atemu?”
Mika set her son down back on the leaf and grass made bed. “Atemu went to the top lab to get Alysia, Tristan, Joey, Bakura, and Marik, and any others that may be in there.”
Yugi's eyes were wide. “He didn't go by himself, did he? Did he say when he'll come back?”
Mika's heart nearly tore in half at seeing her child at the edge of insanity. “I don't know sweetie… He only said that the will signal us to get the other Humanials and Aniumans and go to the sub and get out. He… never said that he'll be there with us as well.”
Yugi tried to get up, but the couple of broken ribs made him howl in pain.
“Yugi! Please calm down!”
“Not until I know Atemu will be okay!” Yugi said as he struggled to get up, only to have someone place a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down. He looked up to see Ryou. “Ryou?”
“Hey Yugi.” Ryou said with a smile. “You're being active for nearly being beaten to death.”
“It's not his fault!” Yugi said with a hiss. “It's him… That guy that was suppose to be dead! He forced him to do it! He even managed to erase his memories to control him!”
Ryou could see that Yugi wants to run out and find Atemu, but he placed a hand on the other's shoulder. “I know what you're feeling, I want Bakura back as much as you want Atemu. But I know that I can't go out in blind haste to find him, because what good would it do if I happen to die? Bakura would have no choice but to be a slave to those guys.”
Yugi looked calmed down, but was very worried and sad. “I just want to see him…”
Ryou hugged his friend as he cried. “I know… I know…”
Mika looked at this sight and was relieved that Ryou could calm the young man down before something awful would happen. She looked up at the sky and saw the stars. `Atemu… please come out of this alive… for Yugi's sake.' She thought.
~`Top Lab'~
“GAH!” Atemu called as he was thrown towards the wall. `Damn it…' He looked to see Joey, the one wearing the gauntlets with some kind of small explosive in them. “I forgot that your specialty was hand to hand fights.” He said to the controlled Joey, who was unresponsive. “Come on Joey! It's me! Atemu! Don't' you remember!” He called when he narrowly dodged a bullet from Tristan, and another from Alysia. “Come on! Don't you remember?! Luna?... Duke?... Seto?...” He looked at the side and jumped from a two way punch from Marik and Bakura. “Malik?... Ryou?... Don't those names ring any bells?”
He kept running until he was kicked to the ground by Marik. He rolled and continued to run. `There has to be a way to snap them out of it!' He thought with a growl. `If I could only find that damn control source room!' He looked at the walls and doors just as he dodged another explosive punch by Joey and jumped another few bullets. That's when an idea came on. `Of course!' He grinned as he found a door and leaned on it and waits until Joey and Bakura came at him before moving out of the way and watched as the door was knocked over. `I could use their specialties to find the room as well as destroy it!'
He kept doing this process for a good amount of time as he dodged the bullets until the fire armed were out of bullets and went into hand to hand combat. They went to about five rooms until only one was left. `That has to be it! Otherwise they would've stopped by now!' He had his back onto the door and waited for them. `Not to mention that I'm really tired of running and those last few punches hurt like hell.'
He moved out of the way just in time for the others to knock over the door. He jumped over their heads and stood in the middle of the room, which had a lot of computers and other machines. `Please let this be the room!' He thought as he and the other's were causing chaos in the room, destroying all the machines and computers until one of Joey's punches seemed to hit the heart of the control room.
For a moment, all of them except for Atemu were screaming and holding their heads as if forcing the bands off.
Atemu jumped on Bakura and tinkered with the band, while being shocked as well, and got it off and jumping on Marik and continued until he got the last one off. He took a deep breath and looked at Alysia's unconscious body on the ground and looked at the others. “Finally!” He said as he leaned against the wall and slid down. “You guys owe me big time!” He said out loud.
He looked at the damaged room and thought about what his life was like. His childhood wasted on training on something that he wasn't going to be a part of in the first place. His life in the dark side of the city with the man's twin. His small time with Yugi and other's like him with their aibous. And now this… he had held a weapon and killed many people… for what? He looked at his hands, which were covered with splatters of blood and blisters from holding an unfamiliar gun. He was made and raised to be a weapon, but here he is fighting to protect, but does that still makes him a weapon?
A groan was heard and he looked up to see Bakura coming to. “Hey…”
Bakura looked at him, slightly dazed before placing a hand on his head. “What the hell happened?” He said. “I feel like I was beaten up by a dozen trucks.”
“You mean you feel like being run over by a dozen trucks.”
“Does it matter?”
Atemu chuckled dryly. “Guess not.”
“Where are we?”
“The top lab.”
“Fuck…” He looked around the room.
“We caused this?”
“Yeah, with my help.”
“What happened?”
“You were being controlled by those bands right there.” He pointed out to the broken pieces of the devices.
“Weren't you being controlled as well?”
“I was yesterday…” He looked guilty. “And I nearly killed Yugi…”
“Yugi? What happened? And where are the others?”
Before he could respond, the others were getting around as well.
“What the fucking hell happened?” Alysia said as she held her head. “I feel like my head just been stabbed by a katana a dozen hundred times! Damn it!”
“Hey everyone!” Atemu said with a weak wave.
“Atemu?” Joey said. “When did ya get `ere?”
“Since yesterday, but right now, we have to blow this lab sky high.” Atemu said as he got up.
“How come?” Marik asked, clearly not realizing where he was.
He looked at them like a king would look at his warriors. “To let everyone know that the end is near!”
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Okay! Sorry it took awhile! But here you go! Okay! See you next time! R&R!