Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Night in Bangkok ❯ Lust ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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One Night in Bangkok
by Edmondia Dantes

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Chapter Seven - Lust
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They staggered together to the suites, blinking as they realized just how close they had been to each other. The room across the hall...

I could have had him in my bed the night before...

Slim hands fumbled for plastic keys between deep frantic kisses, and when the first door opened, one tumbled behind the other to get inside.

Whose room was it anyway?

When the door slammed behind them, it no longer mattered.

The carpet was thick and deep and plush and ludicrously expensive, but he didn't notice it, hands and arms and lips full of his hikari and aching for more.

Yugi's shirt was slipping off, and he couldn't be bothered with rational thought any longer.

They fell together, entwined in a desperate tangle of madness and longing and need.

Slim fingers splayed in his hair, and soft heat lay trembling and wanting beneath him. So willing, so ready, so perfect and vulnerable and beautiful and eager and unashamed and oh gods Yugi I do love you, I do...

Wet bruised lips caught his own like honey and forgotten purity, and he was lost.


Heat and touch and slender arms and legs and rough kisses and small hands roaming his skin and shifting and wriggling and soft gasps and eyes so dark they bordered on violet-tainted ebony and he couldn't think anymore and didn't want to because oh gods gods gods Yugi...

Pale milky skin, soft tangled hair, soft open wet bruised mouth, eager urgent eyes shaded by thick dark lashes, soft pleading cries against his lips... pleaseyes-mineminemine!

Desire so strong he ached for him.

Soft panting and heat and need and need and need... gods, he had no idea how very beautiful he was, flushed and sweet and sleek velvet silk in his arms...

Yami...? he questioned, soft hands cupping his cheeks, eyes dark and shy and wanting...


Sweetwettaketaketake! Please no, don't shy away now! Please!


A sweet, helpless sound, velvet lips parted in a moist mewl, pleasure and pain and madness, soaked in desire and need, tears shimmering on the edge of brilliant amethyst.

...gods, yes.











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Thick darkness, deep enough to drown in.

Utter still night torn by ragged cries.


A whimpering scream, soft fingers sliding urgently over sweat-slicked flesh. Impatient kisses, bruising and slippery and wet. Touch - touch and touch and touch... oh gods, let me touch, let me pet let me own let me have let me take... yes? Yes... always always yes...

A shuddering gasp, a desperate thrust, pushing down, pushing harder, pushing deeply into yielding velvet warmth. Gods, he'd never felt this good before... helpless heat and his Yami murmuring breathless pleas against his skin again and again and again...

Rough - hard and wanting, but gods, gods... his Yami snarling and arching and taking and gasping his name like a prayer...




Forced sweetness.




The joining was sticky and sweet and hot - bodies tangled together, soft voices catching on frantic pleas, moist lips grazing his throat and hands twined in his hair, deep pressure sliding and twisting inside him.

They hadn't even made it to the bed.

He whimpered as his newfound lover slammed against him again, a soft moan ghosting over his naked skin, slim hands tightening on his body. Sharp teeth closed over soft flesh, and he cried out, pushing back against heavy warmth, a silksoft cry tumbling into his mouth.

Slippery heat and a trembling body arching and pushing inside of him. It was good, better than good, better than anything, better than-! God!

"Yami..." he whispered, and the darkling pressed harder inside him, another soft cry muffled against his hair. God, the heat...! So much, so much! Yami slammed frantically inside him, pushing so hard, so hard that he gasped and bucked and cried and latched pale fingers into dark hair, crying his name.

A soft, torn whimper answered his plea, his ruby eyes dark and clouded and desperate, thick and deep as blood newly-spilled on virgin ground. "...gods...Yugi..." Trembling - so much... clinging and wanting and craving and longing and his Yami so heavy and sweet all around him... Silently begging need, slippery shifting, heat and pressure and it felt so good!

Wet - gods, so wet, his tanned body slicked with sweat and shivering in his arms, buried so deeply inside him, slippery and hot as he pushed and pressed and gasped and moaned and kissed him so hard and so deep and so desperate...

Can you save my soul?

Can you destroy it?

God, just never stop - never stop needing me and never stop begging me and never stop never never stop loving me.

White flashed behind his eyelids, and he shrieked, clutching desperately around his Yami, and God harder more Yami please harder yes more please! Pleasegodsplease!

Soft lips found his eyelashes and his cheeks and his mouth and pleasepleaseplease! Heat and crying and yesyesyes! Sleek wetness twisting and arching and God! Whimpering and pleading and unity and sweet fumbling and pushing and yes...!

"I love you," he whispered to the darkness enveloping him. "I love you..."

Teeth dragged over his neck, sharp and delightful. "I love you forever," midnight's lost child murmured raggedly against his trembling lips, plunging roughly inside him for the thousandth time, "I love you forever."

So good, yes, good good yes! Yes! God, don't stop, not now!

Frantic pressure.


Desperate pleasure.




A single choked scream, muffled in the searing heat of a painful kiss.



Ecstasy - drenched in tears.

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They lay in a tangled, panting heap on the floor, still intertwined, trembling in the wake of perfection.

Deepest ruby, thickly shaded in black, wild and shimmering with sated desire, dark and glowing in his beautiful face, tilted to meet ebony-framed amethyst, touched with stardust and all the grace of heaven.

His Yugi lay quietly beneath him, carefully stroking damp gold away from long lashes, so exquisite and beautiful it almost hurt to see, to feel, to taste... Yami shuddered, brushing bruised lips across the pale skin of his palms, his hikari warm and drowsy and still and calm, unspoken adoration melting into his soul like a kiss, sealing the hurt and easing the harshness of the restless shadows that made up his self.

//...I give you me,// he whispered, teeth closing tenderly over his fingers, suckling softly at pale flesh. //My self and my soul and my heart, I give you me.//

/...mine./ Yugi's smile was lazy and beautiful and breathtaking and... he loved him so much... Yes... you can own me and take me and break me and oh gods I'll love you for it, I'll love you for anything...

//Mine forever.//

A soft, tender kiss, slow and deep and contented at last.


Love you always.

Softness and innocence and pure adoration... /...you're crying,/ his hikari whispered into the still quiet before dawn, and he knew it must be true.

Strange... he'd never cried before... //Yes.//

So soft... /I love you only.../

//Biaw... biaw nehk...//


All was silent.

After a moment or forever, slow movement stirred the precious stillness - careful, tentative steps, clinging hands and lips and bodies, and they stumbled over to the bed without a single word.


Silk slid with a faint rustle over sticky skin, and when they were both wrapped in the sheets, Yugi drew the larger body against his own, and gently kissed away his tears.

//Only for you...//

/Only ever for you./

You alone do I love.

Beneath the protective cover of the shadowy corner where careless hands had abandoned them, twin puzzles gleamed sun-bright in the heavy gloom.

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