Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One's Desire ❯ Ones Return ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Insanity Gurl: Ok sorry I haven't been updating these recently, just been busy with school and stuff.

Bakura: That means I can terrorize all your friends… Mwahaha!

Insanity Gurl: … no…

Bakura: damn.

Insanity Gurl: ok on with the fanfic… by the way.. me no own Yugioh. BUT I SHALL ONE DAY!! MWAHAH!


~ Ryou's POV ~

It's been two years since Bakura's left me now. I feel somewhat lonely, although life has gotten back to it's normal routine. I've had to make a lot of sacrifices though. I'm still missing Bakura. And stuck with two lovers isn't really helping. They're all right to live with I guess. It's ten thirty in the morning so I'd better get ready and make breakfast for the two blondes.

I hop out of my bed rubbing the sleep away from my eyes, as I groggily and hesitantly get into my clothes. I pick out faded blue jeans and a green turtleneck, and stretch yawning loudly as I make my way down the stairs.

I pop the bread in the toaster, and turn on the jug as Malik comes bouncing in chirpy as always.

"Morning Ryou!" he chants, as I give him a warm morning smile, and he crosses another day off the calendar. We made a calendar to see how long it takes for Bakura to return home. That's if he ever does… and if anything happens to him I don't know what I'd do to myself! I wouldn't commit suicide. No. I promised myself I wouldn't do anything like that again.

Slowly entering the room I see Malik's darker half Marik wander in as he too rubs the sleep out of his mixed violet eyes, and I give him too a warm smile.

"Is Bakura here yet?" hearing that name my eyes instantly drop, as I see from the corner of my eye that Malik smacked his hand over his yami's mouth. It's too late I already heard it.

"Don't worry about it. And no he hasn't."

"You're to good for him Ryou! Try and go out with someone else! I'm pretty sure a lot of guys or girls would like you!" chirps Malik, as I look up with him. Does he really expect me to fall for someone else when he knows I'm totally fallen for the guy!

I take a deep breath in and slap myself mentally. I need to stop panicking about him. I just jump to too many conclusions at once. I'm good at that. I sigh a little before making the insane blondes their daily breakfast as the day goes out normal.

First of all this is the normal things that we go through in a day,

-Have breakfast

-Have shower

-Go shopping

-Make lunch


-Then dinner

Our days weren't nothing special. Yet sometimes we get to see Yugi and the others, which is all right. He'll normally come over and help us clean. Only because Marik and Malik refuse to do any housework at all, which I guess is ok if Yugi helps. So nothing much in life has been happening… just waiting for Bakura to return home, to where he really belongs.

I wonder how long it will take him to realize that? He always had a home here. I guess I can't say much. This doesn't feel really comfortable and homey-like. In fact this feels all new to me. But lots were different when I was with Bakura. I felt more at home and happier than I ever had, or have.

I take a deep sigh, before taking a quick sip of my cup of tea and relax down on the couch. I smile at Marik and Malik as they both cuddle up to each other nuzzling. I wish Bakura would be like that with me… but he doesn't like me in that way…

I take another sigh and sip of my drink, shaking my head to get rid of those fantasies. I shouldn't be thinking about Bakura. I need to stop clinging onto him and the past. If he really isn't going to return home then maybe Malik's right. I should find someone else to be with. Bakura mightn't even return home ever! I could just be waiting for a guy who doesn't even want to return home or worse…

What is he already has a family? A wife? Children? My hopes of seeing Bakura again instantly dropped with a flick, and I ran my finger delicately over the rim of the teacup, and bit my lip. He might… well wherever he is he must be happy there since he hasn't returned…

I close my eyes fighting back the burning rage to cry, and slowly pace myself up the stairs without a word. Malik and Marik are both watching me with their lavender mixed eyes, as I drag my limp body up the stairs. I can almost see the pity the have for me, as if it was there to see. I head over to my bedroom, collapsing onto my bed, closing my honeycomb chocolate eyes only to hear the doorbell ring. Most likely Yugi. I roll onto my side. I'm pretty sure Malik or Marik will let him in.

The doorbell rings again and again, as no one is answering it. I sigh loudly as I bounce off my bed as I glide down the stairs, as the ringing becomes louder and more annoying. I twist the doorknob just waiting to see Yugi's perky face light up.

I open the door and bring my eyes to his only to see…. BAKURA!


Insanity Gurl: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry that took so long! I mean I'm really slow to update stories!! Hehe so sorry!

Bakura: I returned home?

Insanity Gurl: Ahum! ^-^ How sweet… you must really wuv him!

Bakura: …

Insanity Gurl: PLEASE REVIEW!!