Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One's Desire ❯ Getting To Know You Again ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Insanity Gurl: Ok another chappie to be done!

Ryou: O_O I'm ashamed of love?

Insanity Gurl: Well… That's what Rowan Girl said… thank you all for the reviews!

Bakura: I bet you wrote all those reviews…



~ Bakura's POV ~

I look about this newly deformed house, as Ryou embraces me tightly smiling warmly. How could he be so happy to see me when I left for that long? Without a word too. He pulls away smiling somewhat cheerfully with those eyes I've longingly wanted to see for so long. His face flushes for a moment before revealing me to his home. It's never been this messy…

I take a step into the house, looking about as I glare down at a piece of clothing down at the ground. I grunt a little, and point to the clothing still glaring as I turn my gaze to Ryou.

"Whose clothing is this? It's not mine and I know it's not yours" I say taking a quick glance at the pair of boxers holding back the anger which is awaiting to be released. His mouth goes to gap something as place my hands on my hips looking over to him. He goes to say something as I hear a glee behind me… Don't tell me… No Ryou you don't live with…

"Kura-chan!" the perky voice squeals pouncing onto my back as I collapse onto the ground. I groan as I see the clinging Egyptian on my back known as Malik as his yami wanders into the room only to tackle me as well. I grunt and look up at the snickering Ryou, as I struggle to make my way out underneath the insane blondes.

"Get off me you bakas!" I shout continuing to struggle as Ryou holds a hand out for me and I gladly take it pulling him down too. If I am on the ground hell we all can be.

"Bakura!" he squeals as he lands on the ground with a quick `thud' I smirk at him as he rubs the back of his head and Malik and Marik finally climb up off me. I boost myself off the ground and grin down at my hikari whose somewhat sulking. I offer my hand out to him as he did to me, as he eyes my hand suspiciously. I simply roll my eyes before saying,

"Don't worry I won't drop you" with that hand places his hand in mine as I slowly heave him up and he brushes the dirt of his pants.

"I can't believe you came back Kura! We missed you! But not as much as - Oh come now Marik let's just let Bakura have a break. He just got home" Ryou cuts in as I eye him. Did he really miss me? After I ran away? I shake off the thought as Ryou leads me about his home. I found out he's had much trouble at school now with bullies, which I'm going to deal with on Monday. All I'll need to do is take over his body and show those losers something that there've never imagined. But if he's had trouble then why didn't he tell Malik and Marik? I'm pretty sure they would help him. I'm going to have to ask them about that later.

I stare about the kitchen as Ryou fetches a hot milo for me and I slowly take it taking a few sips watching my younger lighter more innocent half. He flusters slightly I don't know if it's from the cold or from me staring at him I'm guessing it's the second one.

I hear a few clatters and yells as both me and Ryou turn our heads around to the direction of Marik growling and fuming. I cock a brow up as he shouts,

"Fine then! Don't expect to see me soon!"

"Fine I won't!"

The other voice was Malik I am guessing. Unless Ryou has more people living with him that he hasn't told me about…



With both of them yelling the same thing at each other I hear Marik have the last word as he slams the front door stomping outside.

Ryou takes a deep sigh and I shrug off what just happened. None of my business. And I don't really want to be apart of it. But maybe I should ask Ryou something and what it is about.

"Hey Ryou…" I say calmly as he takes a quick sip of his tea and looks at me.

"Yes?" he replies as I run my finger along the top of the fragile cup and look back up at him.

"What was that about?" I yawn while saying that as he bites his pale lip.

"This has been happening a lot. I've leant just to let them deal with it. They always get into fights. But never this bad… this one's been going on for at least two months now" Typical Marik. He thinks he can get everything he wants and since he is with his hikari he thinks he can make Malik do whatever he wants. I bet Malik let him have it. Heh. That's a pretty funny sight. Like those TV shows when the wife tells the husband off. Ahh. That's what reminds me of those two. An old married couple. Both stubborn and ignorant.

Anyway enough of that subject I think I might go with Ryou for a walk, to see how he's really feeling. It'll be good for him to get outside.

"Get your coat and scarf Ryou we're going out" I demand as I drop the cup into the sink, pacing over to the door. He watches me as I shoot him a small glare.

"Are you coming or what?!" I growl as he twiddles his thumbs.

"It's just that Yugi's coming over to help us clean and he'll be here any minute…" he whispers gently as I look at the ground for an answer. Good ground you gave me one!

"He has a key doesn't he?" I ask as Ryou shakes his head a simply `no'

"Well Malik's here and I'm pretty sure Yugi can take care of things himself. He's a big boy after all" I grin while saying that as I can see Ryou didn't nearly find that as amusing as I did.

He nods at me and walks over to the coat hanger by the door stripping it of his raincoat and scarf tossing it around his turtleneck and I open the door for him. He flashes me a warm smile and walks out the door as I soon follow. I just hope those blondes don't start a fight and damage the house. One scratch I swear they'll go to the shadow realm.


Insanity Gurl: Oh my god I'm so sorry that took so long. It's just that I've got science fair and I'm trying to finish my other story so I can really work on this one and my Journals one.

Emma: Do you know how long it's been?!

Insanity Gurl: SORRY!!! >_< Please review… if you forgive me for the late update!!!