Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Weeeeeeiiiiirrrrd Summer Vacation! ❯ Chapter 01 - The Nightclub ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~One Weeeeeeiiiiirrrrd Summer Vacation!~
~Chapter 1: The Nightclub~
Authors Note: Hey ppl! I'm the auther, Kay! I was super hyper when I got the idea of this fic, and also under summer vacation fever! Oooooh yea! So I made it in June, but didn't send it in for a while and then I updated it, and am re sending it in now! Best part is, it IS summer now!
Anymoo, just please R & R and maybe I'll continue with it.
Malik: You'd better continue with it, or I'll go Sightly Psycho on your ass! Any fic that has me in it, is a good one!
Bakura: Yea, me too.
Kay: Now thats just not true, I've read plenty of crappy Yu-Gi-Oh fics.....now hush.
Yami: I've read this fic, and I love-a-love-a-loved it! You butter continue with it, or else!
Kay: Man, I don't want a swarm of angry yamis on me......again.....but I still cannot continue a fanfic, without good reviews!
Yami: *cracks knuckles* Then you better hope for good reviews...
Kay: O.O Um....on with the fic!
Disclaimer: Hey, it aint mine, GOT IT? Good.
*It was the first day of summer vacation, and everyone was galad for it (yes, I said galad). But, unfortunately for them, a caraaaaaaaaazy author is writing this fic! I've probably said that so mny times, it's lost all meaning. Anymoo, Jounochi's sitting at his house, watching T.V. Really great way to spend your summer Jou.....well, actually thats pretty much I do...*
Kid at Zoo: mommy! look, it's an Author! Damn, this things lazier than that Sloth we saw!
Kid: Ahhhhhhhhh! *Runs away*
*Now lets get back to the story.*
Jou: *Watching T.V.* Awww, come on! You can't let that monkey beat you, give him the old 1 2!
T.V.: *Displying a boxing match between a monkey and Redrick Tatum* OH! THATS GONNA HURT!
Announcer: And that monkey's just wailing on 'im!
Jou: What trash! *Turns off T.V.* Theres gotta be something around here I can do... *walks over to a pile of stuph.* Lets see, invite to a childrens b-day, a taco, week old pizza,....Ooooo! An invitation to a rave at a Nightclub! I'm there! SHIZUKA!
Shizuka: *Calling from upstairs* WHAT?
Jou: I'm going to a rave!
Shizuka: So am I! See you there!
Jou: Ok!
*Hey! Jou is'nt supposed to be OK with his sister going to a rave! Well, I'LL change all that! (works author magic to alter Jounochi's emotions)*
Jou: *Realises Shizuka said she was going to a rave* WHAT? Shizuka, you are NOT going to a rave!
Shizuka: Why? You get to go!
Jou: Thats because I'm older, and a rave is too dangerous for you!
Jou: Raves aren't fun!
Shizuka: Then why do you go?
Jou: Uhhhh......um, buisness?
Shizuka: Uh-huh, chya. I'm going Jounochi.
Jou: Fine. But don't blame me if I tell mom and dad.
Shizuka: Fine, but don't blame ME if I tell mom and dad about your pot stash.
Jou: Wuh-oh...fine! Just fine! I'll be going now! *leaves*
Shizuka: UGH! Why does he always try to control me? He's like a young Phillis Diller hyped up on her fix...And more importantly, why do I talk to myself so frequently? I could use some help....Oh well ^_^, at least I'm going to the night club! ^_^
*Meanwhile, at the night club*
Yugi: Wheres Jounochi? I told him about this thing a week ago! But knowing him, he probably buried his invite underneith a box of pizza....OOOO! Conga line! *Joins conga* CONGA CONGA CONGA!
(An: For all you english readers (Meening people who don't know stuph), Bakura is the spirit of the millenium ring, and Malik is obviously Marik[YAMI Marik], and in this fic, regular Malik will be called MARIK (derf). Oh yea, and Jounochi and Shizuka is Joey and Serenity incase you havn't figured it out yet. Isis is Ishizu, and honda is Tristan. Now on with the fic!)
Yami: *Sitting at a table with Malik and Bakura* I really don't see the point of being here. It's just a bunch of people dancing like crazy and passing girls around. I mean, what's the point?
Malik: These mortals seem to find it amusing. I guess they like the feel of a girls leather pants on their hands when their passing them around. Quite frankly, I beleive it would be far better if the girls were naked.
Bakura: Aint that the truth.
Yami: I am fed up with this, TENDER!
Bar tender: now what?
Yami: I want a bloodey Marry! Hold the Marry!
Bakura: And I'll have a Sex on the beach, hold the beach!
Malik: Just bring me anything with alchohol in it.
Tender: yea yea, thats all you jerks ever ask for.
Malik: I'LL KILL YOU! *unsheaths Millenium rod* YAAAAAA!
Bakura: *stops him* Just leave the tender alone, you drunk basterd, or else he won't bring me my sex on the beach!
Yami: and my bloodey Marry will go undelivered!
Malik: and my alchoholic beverage.....so don't do it Malik, or else Malik won't get his drink!
Yami: Is he telling himself not to attack the bar tender?
Bakura: like I said, drunk basterd.
Yugi: *runs up* Come on Yami! Their making super conga line! It's two conga lines put together!
Yami: actually, I think I'll pass. I'm waiting for my drink.
Yugi: But you've already had 14! I don't even drink that much on a saturday night! And today IS a saturday night!
Bakura: you know, I don't think that conga line looks right....
Yugi: eeeewewwwwwwww! Why did ya have to bring that up? now I don't want to conga...*walks off pouting*
Jou: *walks in* well, looks like I'm here.
Guard: you would think that, but no. you have to pay. and since you did'nt.....
Jou: *lying outside the night club very beat up* ooooo......
Shizuka: *walks up* *gasp* Jounochi! What happened to you?
Jou: Pray....for....Jounochi.....
Shizuka: *walks up to guard* did you do that to him?
guard: yep!
Shizuka: let us in!
guard: nope.
Shizuka: *back slaps him*
guard: *feeling cheek* ow. ok, you can go in.
Jou: thats all I had to do? Kuso!
Shizuka: come on Jounochi, lets go in!
Yami: I can't beleive that conga line is still going on!
Bakura: I mean come on! Those people don't even look like their enjoying it! They just keep congaing because Yugi's forcing them to!
Malik: I'm sightly psycho.
Yami/Bakura: *scoot away*
*suddenly Ryou (normal Bakura for you english readers) walks in with seto, Isis, and Marik.*
Ryou: This is the night club? All I see are people in a conga line being led by Yugi, who appears to be whipping people who arent congaing fast enough. Ooooo! Thats gotta hurt!
Marik: Hey look, theres my yami....dancing around with underwere on his head.
Malik: *dancing around with underwere on his head* thats me lucky charms, there magically delicious!
Yami: get down from off the table ya fruitcake!
Isis: *sigh* This is EXACTLY how I wanted to spend the first day of my summer vacation, spending the night at a rave, that is just a conga party, with some drunken whosits.
Seto: since when do you go to school here?
Isis: .........KYATE! *slaps seto*
Seto: ow..............bitch....
*Jounochi and shizuka walk in*
Jou: What the hell is going on here? this dos'nt look like no rave!
shizuka: this sucks!
Kay: *sipping tea* you know, I appear to be wasting valuble fic time with all the comments on how much the party sucks.
Jou: yea, I'll bet.
Yami: I'm afraid I have to go with Jounochi on this one.
Kay: umm......*uses author magic* hah! Now yami, your a lobster! MUAMAMAMA!
Yami: dude, you just turned yourself into a lobster.
Kay: AOL pisses me off.
Jou: sure it does.
Marik: you hav'nt given much Marik time in this fic. In fact, your in danger of ruining the fic just by making contact with your fic charecters!
Kay: I am? Oh well, better resume my normal position.
*And that I did! I'm narrator man again! anymoo, they all went home....because the party sucked. Malik Bakura and Yami were really drunk.*
*the next morning*
Jou: *sitting at his breakfast table in his house.* man....last nights party sucked.
Shizuka: get over it big brother, it was just one party.
Jou: It's not just that, its just, usually I have plans for the summer. But this year, I don't have a single plan for summer! It's really bumming me out me out because I don't want a summer to be wasted without beaches or lady's or.......A ROAD TRIP! thats what we'll do! Shizuka get some sticky glue!
Shizuka: naze ka? (why?)
Jou: to make invitations! I'll start the packing of the car! were going on a road trip!
Shizuka: have you given any thought as to where this road trip is going to?
Jou: um..........I know! forget the road trip! we'll go on an airplane ride! we'll go to hawaii!
Shizuka: with what money?!?!?!?
Jou: yours of coarse! you havent spent any of your birthday money since the day you were born!
Shizuka: Oh no! you are not spending my money!
Jou: please? *gives puppy dog eyes*
Shizuka: oh, allright!
Jou: alright! *goes off to pack stuff*
Shizuka: why do I feel like I'm the older sister?
*at yugi's*
Yugi: *playing thumb war with himself*
Yami: I don't know how you find amusement in that.
Yugi: shhhh.....I'm winning.
yami: O.o
*phone rings! yay!*
yami: *picks up the phone* hello?
jou: *on phone....duh!* hey yami! I am formerly inviting you and yugi to hawaii with me!
Yami: and how are you paying for this?
Jou: shizuka.
Yami: I see.
Jou: anymoo, you need to come.
Yami: ok.
Jou: is yugi comin'?
Yami: *looks at yugi*
Yami: yep, he's coming. he needs some out door air.
*back at jou's*
Jou: who to call next....*dials Isis's house*
Isis: hello?
Jou: hey Isis! I'm inviting you, and Marik to come to hawaii with me!
Isis: Ok sure! but what about Malik?
Jou: uh.......I don't want him there, he'll kill everyone on the plane.
Isis: not if I load him full of liquid-nighquill.
Jou: oh....ok, I guess he can come.
Isis: yay! ^_^ *hangs up*
Jou: *dials Ryou's house*
Ryou: Hello?
Jou: hey ryou, wanna come to hawaii with me?
Ryou: why not? I want to go there anyway. so I-hey!....stop!
Jou: huh?
Ryou: It's my yami, he keeps asking me were the peanut butter is. shut up! ugh, leave me alone damn it! I'm on the phone!
Jou: um, you don't have any. I kinda stole it when I came over last week.
Bakura: *snatches phone from Ryou* you stole my peanut butter? you basterd!
Jou: I was hungry! anymoo, are you and ryou coming to hawaii with me?
Bakura: fine.
Jou: good. *hangs up. dials up seto*
Servant: hello?
Jou: is kaiba there?
Servant: just a moment.
*a couple minutes later*
Mokuba: hello?
Jou: I asked for kaiba.
mokuba: s'ok, you can tell me whatchu wanna tell him. what is it?
Jou: well, I was gonna invite you two to go to hawaii with me.
Mokuba: cool! I'll tell seto!
Jou: how do you know he'll want to come?
Mokuba: *voice becomes stern* he'll be there. *voice becomes threatening* cuz if he is'nt....
Jou: ok, bye! *hangs up*
*alright, then jounochi phoned Mai then he phoned anzu. so now everyone knows!*
Jou: this is gonna be the best summer ever!
authors note: yay! first chappy is up! Now, don't be shy....tell me watchu think! so read on ppl! see ya next chappy!
Yami: let me restate what was said at the begining of the chappy. You had better get good reviews, cause if you don't that meeens you can't put the next one up....
Malik: and if you don't put the next chapter up...
Bakura: *glares and smiles insanely*
Kay: *screams like a little girl*
Jounochi: Hey, you know, I think this fic is stupid. why am I childish?
Honda: Why am I not here at all?
Seto: why is mokuba acting like he owns me?
Kay: the answers to all of these and more, in the next chappy! .....if any....*gulps*
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Ok, yea, wrote this a long time ago and it had some errors, so please forgive......and PLEASE review....I'm so lonely....
~Chapter 1: The Nightclub~
Authors Note: Hey ppl! I'm the auther, Kay! I was super hyper when I got the idea of this fic, and also under summer vacation fever! Oooooh yea! So I made it in June, but didn't send it in for a while and then I updated it, and am re sending it in now! Best part is, it IS summer now!
Anymoo, just please R & R and maybe I'll continue with it.
Malik: You'd better continue with it, or I'll go Sightly Psycho on your ass! Any fic that has me in it, is a good one!
Bakura: Yea, me too.
Kay: Now thats just not true, I've read plenty of crappy Yu-Gi-Oh fics.....now hush.
Yami: I've read this fic, and I love-a-love-a-loved it! You butter continue with it, or else!
Kay: Man, I don't want a swarm of angry yamis on me......again.....but I still cannot continue a fanfic, without good reviews!
Yami: *cracks knuckles* Then you better hope for good reviews...
Kay: O.O Um....on with the fic!
Disclaimer: Hey, it aint mine, GOT IT? Good.
*It was the first day of summer vacation, and everyone was galad for it (yes, I said galad). But, unfortunately for them, a caraaaaaaaaazy author is writing this fic! I've probably said that so mny times, it's lost all meaning. Anymoo, Jounochi's sitting at his house, watching T.V. Really great way to spend your summer Jou.....well, actually thats pretty much I do...*
Kid at Zoo: mommy! look, it's an Author! Damn, this things lazier than that Sloth we saw!
Kid: Ahhhhhhhhh! *Runs away*
*Now lets get back to the story.*
Jou: *Watching T.V.* Awww, come on! You can't let that monkey beat you, give him the old 1 2!
T.V.: *Displying a boxing match between a monkey and Redrick Tatum* OH! THATS GONNA HURT!
Announcer: And that monkey's just wailing on 'im!
Jou: What trash! *Turns off T.V.* Theres gotta be something around here I can do... *walks over to a pile of stuph.* Lets see, invite to a childrens b-day, a taco, week old pizza,....Ooooo! An invitation to a rave at a Nightclub! I'm there! SHIZUKA!
Shizuka: *Calling from upstairs* WHAT?
Jou: I'm going to a rave!
Shizuka: So am I! See you there!
Jou: Ok!
*Hey! Jou is'nt supposed to be OK with his sister going to a rave! Well, I'LL change all that! (works author magic to alter Jounochi's emotions)*
Jou: *Realises Shizuka said she was going to a rave* WHAT? Shizuka, you are NOT going to a rave!
Shizuka: Why? You get to go!
Jou: Thats because I'm older, and a rave is too dangerous for you!
Jou: Raves aren't fun!
Shizuka: Then why do you go?
Jou: Uhhhh......um, buisness?
Shizuka: Uh-huh, chya. I'm going Jounochi.
Jou: Fine. But don't blame me if I tell mom and dad.
Shizuka: Fine, but don't blame ME if I tell mom and dad about your pot stash.
Jou: Wuh-oh...fine! Just fine! I'll be going now! *leaves*
Shizuka: UGH! Why does he always try to control me? He's like a young Phillis Diller hyped up on her fix...And more importantly, why do I talk to myself so frequently? I could use some help....Oh well ^_^, at least I'm going to the night club! ^_^
*Meanwhile, at the night club*
Yugi: Wheres Jounochi? I told him about this thing a week ago! But knowing him, he probably buried his invite underneith a box of pizza....OOOO! Conga line! *Joins conga* CONGA CONGA CONGA!
(An: For all you english readers (Meening people who don't know stuph), Bakura is the spirit of the millenium ring, and Malik is obviously Marik[YAMI Marik], and in this fic, regular Malik will be called MARIK (derf). Oh yea, and Jounochi and Shizuka is Joey and Serenity incase you havn't figured it out yet. Isis is Ishizu, and honda is Tristan. Now on with the fic!)
Yami: *Sitting at a table with Malik and Bakura* I really don't see the point of being here. It's just a bunch of people dancing like crazy and passing girls around. I mean, what's the point?
Malik: These mortals seem to find it amusing. I guess they like the feel of a girls leather pants on their hands when their passing them around. Quite frankly, I beleive it would be far better if the girls were naked.
Bakura: Aint that the truth.
Yami: I am fed up with this, TENDER!
Bar tender: now what?
Yami: I want a bloodey Marry! Hold the Marry!
Bakura: And I'll have a Sex on the beach, hold the beach!
Malik: Just bring me anything with alchohol in it.
Tender: yea yea, thats all you jerks ever ask for.
Malik: I'LL KILL YOU! *unsheaths Millenium rod* YAAAAAA!
Bakura: *stops him* Just leave the tender alone, you drunk basterd, or else he won't bring me my sex on the beach!
Yami: and my bloodey Marry will go undelivered!
Malik: and my alchoholic beverage.....so don't do it Malik, or else Malik won't get his drink!
Yami: Is he telling himself not to attack the bar tender?
Bakura: like I said, drunk basterd.
Yugi: *runs up* Come on Yami! Their making super conga line! It's two conga lines put together!
Yami: actually, I think I'll pass. I'm waiting for my drink.
Yugi: But you've already had 14! I don't even drink that much on a saturday night! And today IS a saturday night!
Bakura: you know, I don't think that conga line looks right....
Yugi: eeeewewwwwwwww! Why did ya have to bring that up? now I don't want to conga...*walks off pouting*
Jou: *walks in* well, looks like I'm here.
Guard: you would think that, but no. you have to pay. and since you did'nt.....
Jou: *lying outside the night club very beat up* ooooo......
Shizuka: *walks up* *gasp* Jounochi! What happened to you?
Jou: Pray....for....Jounochi.....
Shizuka: *walks up to guard* did you do that to him?
guard: yep!
Shizuka: let us in!
guard: nope.
Shizuka: *back slaps him*
guard: *feeling cheek* ow. ok, you can go in.
Jou: thats all I had to do? Kuso!
Shizuka: come on Jounochi, lets go in!
Yami: I can't beleive that conga line is still going on!
Bakura: I mean come on! Those people don't even look like their enjoying it! They just keep congaing because Yugi's forcing them to!
Malik: I'm sightly psycho.
Yami/Bakura: *scoot away*
*suddenly Ryou (normal Bakura for you english readers) walks in with seto, Isis, and Marik.*
Ryou: This is the night club? All I see are people in a conga line being led by Yugi, who appears to be whipping people who arent congaing fast enough. Ooooo! Thats gotta hurt!
Marik: Hey look, theres my yami....dancing around with underwere on his head.
Malik: *dancing around with underwere on his head* thats me lucky charms, there magically delicious!
Yami: get down from off the table ya fruitcake!
Isis: *sigh* This is EXACTLY how I wanted to spend the first day of my summer vacation, spending the night at a rave, that is just a conga party, with some drunken whosits.
Seto: since when do you go to school here?
Isis: .........KYATE! *slaps seto*
Seto: ow..............bitch....
*Jounochi and shizuka walk in*
Jou: What the hell is going on here? this dos'nt look like no rave!
shizuka: this sucks!
Kay: *sipping tea* you know, I appear to be wasting valuble fic time with all the comments on how much the party sucks.
Jou: yea, I'll bet.
Yami: I'm afraid I have to go with Jounochi on this one.
Kay: umm......*uses author magic* hah! Now yami, your a lobster! MUAMAMAMA!
Yami: dude, you just turned yourself into a lobster.
Kay: AOL pisses me off.
Jou: sure it does.
Marik: you hav'nt given much Marik time in this fic. In fact, your in danger of ruining the fic just by making contact with your fic charecters!
Kay: I am? Oh well, better resume my normal position.
*And that I did! I'm narrator man again! anymoo, they all went home....because the party sucked. Malik Bakura and Yami were really drunk.*
*the next morning*
Jou: *sitting at his breakfast table in his house.* man....last nights party sucked.
Shizuka: get over it big brother, it was just one party.
Jou: It's not just that, its just, usually I have plans for the summer. But this year, I don't have a single plan for summer! It's really bumming me out me out because I don't want a summer to be wasted without beaches or lady's or.......A ROAD TRIP! thats what we'll do! Shizuka get some sticky glue!
Shizuka: naze ka? (why?)
Jou: to make invitations! I'll start the packing of the car! were going on a road trip!
Shizuka: have you given any thought as to where this road trip is going to?
Jou: um..........I know! forget the road trip! we'll go on an airplane ride! we'll go to hawaii!
Shizuka: with what money?!?!?!?
Jou: yours of coarse! you havent spent any of your birthday money since the day you were born!
Shizuka: Oh no! you are not spending my money!
Jou: please? *gives puppy dog eyes*
Shizuka: oh, allright!
Jou: alright! *goes off to pack stuff*
Shizuka: why do I feel like I'm the older sister?
*at yugi's*
Yugi: *playing thumb war with himself*
Yami: I don't know how you find amusement in that.
Yugi: shhhh.....I'm winning.
yami: O.o
*phone rings! yay!*
yami: *picks up the phone* hello?
jou: *on phone....duh!* hey yami! I am formerly inviting you and yugi to hawaii with me!
Yami: and how are you paying for this?
Jou: shizuka.
Yami: I see.
Jou: anymoo, you need to come.
Yami: ok.
Jou: is yugi comin'?
Yami: *looks at yugi*
Yami: yep, he's coming. he needs some out door air.
*back at jou's*
Jou: who to call next....*dials Isis's house*
Isis: hello?
Jou: hey Isis! I'm inviting you, and Marik to come to hawaii with me!
Isis: Ok sure! but what about Malik?
Jou: uh.......I don't want him there, he'll kill everyone on the plane.
Isis: not if I load him full of liquid-nighquill.
Jou: oh....ok, I guess he can come.
Isis: yay! ^_^ *hangs up*
Jou: *dials Ryou's house*
Ryou: Hello?
Jou: hey ryou, wanna come to hawaii with me?
Ryou: why not? I want to go there anyway. so I-hey!....stop!
Jou: huh?
Ryou: It's my yami, he keeps asking me were the peanut butter is. shut up! ugh, leave me alone damn it! I'm on the phone!
Jou: um, you don't have any. I kinda stole it when I came over last week.
Bakura: *snatches phone from Ryou* you stole my peanut butter? you basterd!
Jou: I was hungry! anymoo, are you and ryou coming to hawaii with me?
Bakura: fine.
Jou: good. *hangs up. dials up seto*
Servant: hello?
Jou: is kaiba there?
Servant: just a moment.
*a couple minutes later*
Mokuba: hello?
Jou: I asked for kaiba.
mokuba: s'ok, you can tell me whatchu wanna tell him. what is it?
Jou: well, I was gonna invite you two to go to hawaii with me.
Mokuba: cool! I'll tell seto!
Jou: how do you know he'll want to come?
Mokuba: *voice becomes stern* he'll be there. *voice becomes threatening* cuz if he is'nt....
Jou: ok, bye! *hangs up*
*alright, then jounochi phoned Mai then he phoned anzu. so now everyone knows!*
Jou: this is gonna be the best summer ever!
authors note: yay! first chappy is up! Now, don't be shy....tell me watchu think! so read on ppl! see ya next chappy!
Yami: let me restate what was said at the begining of the chappy. You had better get good reviews, cause if you don't that meeens you can't put the next one up....
Malik: and if you don't put the next chapter up...
Bakura: *glares and smiles insanely*
Kay: *screams like a little girl*
Jounochi: Hey, you know, I think this fic is stupid. why am I childish?
Honda: Why am I not here at all?
Seto: why is mokuba acting like he owns me?
Kay: the answers to all of these and more, in the next chappy! .....if any....*gulps*
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Ok, yea, wrote this a long time ago and it had some errors, so please forgive......and PLEASE review....I'm so lonely....