Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Online ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
(just remove the spaces)
Nanashi - http:// myladydragon . brinkster . net
Bish Fics - http:// www10 . brinkster . com / bishfics
Fanfiction.net - http:// fanfiction.net / ~LadyDragon
AdultFanFiction.net - http:// adultfan.nexcess.net / aff / authors.php?no=782
Mediaminer.org - http:// www.mediaminer.org / user_info.php / 53604

Disclaimer: I do not now, nor will I probably ever own YGO.

Author's Notes: This chapter is exceptionally short in comparison with the previous chapter, essenttialy its what one might call a filler. It's bland and boring and I'm not entirely too pleased with how it turned out but, it sets the stage for future chapters and gives you an idea of just how close Ryou is to his online pals (who are becoming RL friends) and just how distant he's become with his RL friends.

Thanks to:
Of FanFiction.net - BabyAznGrl, Raven Haired Ru, SubJacket, Relinquished, Misura, Hibikime, Nir, Saiyan-Kitsune-Foxfire, Dark-tyrell, Moon Drifter.
Of Mediaminer - Lid'l, RainOwl, MommaCat, and purplechaos04
For your wonderful reviews! ^_^

By Lady Dragon

Chapter Two

He was on cloud nine that morning and not even Anzu's friendship rant being belted out at maximum volume at the helpless, but not totally undeserving Jounouchi would bring him down. After all Jounouchi was the one who decided to flip Anzu's skirt up in order to settle a bet with Honda on Anzu's choice of lingerie, not him.

And what exactly was the reason for his good cheer? Why waking up to see a brand new laptop sitting on the pillow next to his head addressed to him of course! Obviously Ryou's yami, everyone's favorite thief, had stolen it for him, but he couldn't fault him at all. It was the thought that counted after all.

Tucked away in his backpack was said laptop. Ryou had often wished for one of his own, especially after their school set up a section of the library for students to plug their laptops in and dial onto the net; and frankly spending every lunch period with his friends was starting to give him migraines.

Now he appreciated and liked Yuugi-tachi to no end, however one could only take so much of their endless chatter on duel monsters and well each other. They knew each other so well, could finish each other's sentences, and knew exactly what the others were thinking. To be frank, Ryou just felt out of the loop, an extra (and unsightly) appendage when he was with them.

Bakura had picked up on his growing unease around them and wholeheartedly supported his total abandonment of Yuugi-tachi - hence the laptop. Despite knowing his yami's ulterior motive Ryou was still greatly moved and touched by his yami's thoughtfulness. It was a sign that Bakura did care for him.

And so noontime found him not seated with Yuugi and the others in the cafeteria, nor did it find following behind Otogi's mob of fangirls trying to hold a decent conversation with the vain boy while attempting to be heard over the ruckus that was fangirls either. Instead it found him setting up his new laptop at a station of his own (for the lunch period anyway) in the "rich kid's corner" of the library. It was dubbed this as only the richer students of Domino High (and the nerds but everyone forgot about them) could afford to bring their own computer to school.

With a cautious and hesitant glance around him Ryou booted up his computer and set to work fiddling with his personal settings. He removed several discs from their safe storage in his backpack and placed them on the table next to his laptop in order of importance. Selecting the first disc he slipped it into the laptop's DVD/CD/CDRW drive and waited for it to load before browsing through the disc's files for the features he wanted.

First he installed his favorite set of Harry Potter desktop icons, than of course the wall paper and the screensaver had to be changed as well; both featuring his favorite potions master. He also quickly removed the computer's normal and plain pre-installed calculator replacing it with a scientific version featuring Remus Lupin. This done he quickly changed the computer's resolution from 800x600 to his preferred 1054x768 before popping out the first disc and inserting a new one. This contained many back up copies of programs he used on his personal computer, the paid for applications that he would be hard pressed to purchase again and re-install should something happen to his computer.

Programs safely installed and settings adjusted to his liking. Ryou felt it was now safe to open "My Documents" which was now entitled: "Dark Arts" and began the somewhat tedious job of browsing through yet another disc's contents; making sure that the latest and updated versions of all of his writings were contained there before copying them over into a separate folder inside. Another folder inside of this one he placed copies of his favorite stories by other authors for safe storage.

Once the computer possessed a few of his personal touches, and he felt right at home he considered getting on the internet. A glance at the Library's clock revealed he still had about twenty minutes or so of lunch left. Deciding it would be a shame to waste that time just tinkering around when he could instead contact Rin and KCG and let them know of his good luck. Leaving out exactly how he got the laptop, as he wasn't quite ready to tell people about his sometimes homicidal yami with sticky fingers. He immediately began to dial onto the internet using the school's connection. KCG and Rin would be extremely happy, once they got over their initial shock that Ryou had finally managed to get a laptop of his own now!

With that thought came unbidden the question of what BlueEyedRyuujin would say. Ryou flushed in anticipation and found himself hoping that despite what BlueEyedRyuujin had the night before about working, that he would have found the time to get online as well. He did say he was high school too right? Surely his school had a library with computers! After all what school didn't?

As luck would have it, Rin was thankfully online.

Rin: yadonushi-chan if I may have a word.

yadonushi_no_yami: Yes of course ^_^'.

Rin: You just had to corrupt KCG's opinion of my story didn't you!

yadonushi_no_yami: Rin I wasn't trying to corrupt her she just asked for my opinion and I gave it.

Rin: Right. You know it is nice to get glorified reviews alongside the critiques ya know. I look forward to certain reader's responses. They BOOST MY EGO DAMNIT!

He just knew Rin was going to scold him again. One of these days he would learn to hold his tongue until after KCG had submitted a review to one of her stories. One of these days, right after the devil started doing perfect figure eights and triple axels in hell.

yadonushi_no_yami: I'm terribly sorry?

Rin: You'd better be. Now all that aside did you really enjoy the story?

yadonushi_no_yami: Yes I really did, though I think you already got the gist of my complaints from KCG's review.

Rin: I'm sorry.

yadonushi_no_yami: For what?

Rin: Biting your head off for no reason, I know how she is yet I still jumped down your throat like it was your fault.

yadonushi_no_yami: No harm done, besides you're allowed to be a bit snarky with me as a reward for dealing with me.

Rin: lol.

yadonushi_no_yami: Bad day?

Rin: Horrible! I completely choked on my French presentation. I forgot my lines and then totally mixed up the tenses and worse yet I could conjugate a single verb on the oral test.

yadonushi_no_yami: Ouch.

Rin: That's not the worst of it. You know that paper that was due for my Studies of Islam class today?

yadonushi_no_yami: The one you were stressing over for the past two weeks, but managed to complete a few days ago that me and KCG proofread for you?

Rin: Yes well being the lazy idiot that I am I kept it saved on the disk and never printed it out. When I went to print it this morning there was an error reading the disk and the computer essentially ate the disk.

yadonushi_no_yami: This happened in the computer lab correct?

Rin: Yes, in fact one of the lab techs had to pry the disk out of the drive because it just would not eject, nor would the computer read it. Thing is, in order to get the disk out - well it got damaged beyond repair.

yadonushi_no_yami: Then surely a lab tech can vouch for you're troubles to your teacher and I'm sure they'll give you some time to resubmit your paper. Right?

Rin: There are no late papers accepted What So Ever. Believe me I tried, I explained and I even thought of the same idea as you did just now. Hell the tech wasn't even a student-aide but a paid tech and nothing doing.

yadonushi_no_yami: What a horrible and might I add a cruel teacher.

Rin: Wait, I just thought of something.

yadonushi_no_yami: A way to convince your teacher into giving you a day or two in order to resubmit your paper?

Rin: No. Why are you online? Not that I don't want to talk to you but you're never online during lunch time. Did your school finally install more computers in the library?

yadonushi_no_yami: ^_^ nope.

Rin: Did you like run to the library then? How many times did you fall?

yadonushi_no_yami: Oh ha ha.

Rin: Sorry but you're not very athletic ya know.

yadonushi_no_yami: Too true. Shall I just tell you, I doubt you'll be able to guess.

Rin: Ooh, a challenge. I accept!

Rin: Now lets see, you ditched the period before lunch - no wait you wouldn't do that.

yadonushi_no_yami: Give up?

Rin: No! You can't have ditched, nor would you have bullied a smaller kid into getting off, I doubt you blackmailed anybody, and you probably wouldn't have locked a computer during break in order to reserve it for yourself either.

yadonushi_no_yami: -_-' You think real highly of me don't you.

Rin: Hush, I thinking!

yadonushi_no_yami: Do be careful, I wouldn't wish for you to hurt yourself.

Rin: *ignoring that last comment* Deceitful methods are out, you don't have a laptop, and wait that's it!

yadonushi_no_yami: Ah you figured it out so fast!

Rin: Yup! You're not a school today, you stayed home!

yadonushi_no_yami: O.O! Um no, you're cold very cold.

Rin: I am? Alright then I give.

yadonushi_no_yami: I got a laptop.

Rin: o.O ^o^ O.o

yadonushi_no_yami: Surprised I take it?

Rin: CONGRATULATIONS!! OHMYGOD It's about time you finally got one!

yadonushi_no_yami: Isn't? Oh dear, the bell is about to ring.

Rin: Hmm? Same here. Damn.

yadonushi_no_yami: Don't worry, your day can only get better.

Rin: I hope so. Bye-bye!

Rin has signed off.

At that exact moment the bell sounded signaling the end of Ryou's free time and the beginning of a most gruesome and hideous class period known as Physical Education. With an almost inaudible groan, as it wasn't polite to make loud noises in the library, Ryou began to pack up. The gym was clear across campus and he would most likely be a little late, meaning the locker room would be nearly empty by the time he got there allowing him to dress in privacy - somewhat.

He had managed to tell Rin his good news, though KCG and sadly BlueEyedRyuujin had not been online. He should have known someone who held a job while attending high school in Japan probably didn't have the luxury of spending their lunch period in leisure. Most likely BlueEyedRyuujin had been studying, eating, or even just now returning to or leaving campus because of his job.

So lost in his thoughts was he that Ryou almost didn't see the tall figure leaning casually against the lockers as if they had all the time in the world. Ryou hadn't even realized that he had reached his destination, the dreaded boy's locker room, which was thankfully or maybe not so thankfully empty depending on how you looked at it, save for the intimidating figure of Kaiba Seto who just happened to be leaning against his locker .

· - · TSUZUKU · - ·

I feel so horrible about this chapter, no doubt I'll re-write it about five more times now that I've posted it -_-'