Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ *Chapter 9* ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*Chapter 9*

Ryou awoke back in his own bedroom.
He figured Seto had probley carried him there. A tear rolled down Ryou's cheek.

Ryou's thoughts : ....is what I did with Kaiba wrong.....I mean not to long ago we had sexual intercourse.......and were boys.....but I do love him....but I guess its wrong....

Ryou had to do something... he didn't want to hurt Seto, but it was the best for him.

Ryou put his clothes and shoes on quickly trying not to make a sound. Then Ryou leapt to the window and opened it.

He was going to run away....

It was a long way down, but there was a rose trelouse by the window so Ryou got on it and climbed down.

Once he was on the ground he started running as fast as his legs could carry him.

Ryou's thoughts: I can always go back to my house...I feel so bad though.....I didn't even leave Kaiba a note.... *tear rolls down cheek*