Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites Attract ❯ Day in the life of a Demon ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter One - Day in the Life of a Demon
Darkness filled the bedroom of a sleeping teenager. Though, hearing his mumbled cries, you'd think, he can't be normal. The tanned boy tossed and turned in his sleep, blonde hair flopping over his shoulders.
"Mariku, please...I don't want to be like you."
He moaned, and let out a scream as the dream came to an end, and he sat up quickly, his bangs plastered to his forehead by sweat. His breathing slowed and he scowled, remembering the dream he'd had since he was a child, a flashback of the time his Yami had introduced him to the world of demonic vampires. He subconsciously reached a hand up to brush against his neck, feeling the scarred-over pinholes, a reminder of what he was. The boy, known as Malik, still wondered why he kept having this recurring dream. He had long since accepted his fate and gone on many missions, quenching the undeniable hunger that came from the pit of his soul, where a heart once stood.
Malik sighed and stretched, arching his back and letting his feathered, black wings unfold. He looked back at them and smirked, knowing they would help him on today's journey. Swinging his legs over the side of the high, lofty hammock, he jumped to the ground, wings acting like a parachute. Sleepy eyes sorted through his closet, selecting a long, black robe, silver threads embroidering the front in swirls. The soft, thin material brushed against his skin as he changed into the said garment, his semi-translucent wings phasing through the material. Putting a hand to his mouth, he yawned and turned, walking in the bathroom. A cold stare met his gaze, as he looked into the mirror, his violet eyes showing no emotion. He had now brushed aside his dream and reached for his toothbrush to scrub the bloodstains from his fangs, a souvenir-like stain of the night before. At once the doorbell rang, and Malik rinsed his mouth before going to the door and opening it. A pale-faced girl looked up at him with respect before handing him a card, the information of the day's victim written upon it.
"You'll enjoy this one, Sir Ishtar. He has the same blood type which you require," she said in a soft voice.
"Thanks," the blonde replied simply as he read over the card.
"Your w-," was all the girl has time to say as Malik turned, closing the door behind him.
"Five feet, five inches, weight 160, weaknesses, seeing blood," he murmured. "Perfect..."
He walked calmly to a shelf next to the door and brought down a necklace; a clear blood-red stone on a silver chain, which he put around his neck. Holding the card beneath the stone, it glowed, scanning the DNA sample and the demon felt himself being pulled towards the door, as if by instinct. He opened the door swiftly and flew from the doorstep, merging with other demons in a pillar of dark red and black light leading to the earth world. As he was absorbed by the light, the blonde demon's wings faded, becoming invisible and his clothing changed to a casual, yet satisfying attire. Black, leather pants clung to his hips, a light purple, hooded shirt rippling in the breeze about four inches above the top of his pants, leaving his tanned stomach exposed. Golden bands flashed on his neck and arms, and the wind stopped as he was pushed from the column of air, landing in a dark, deserted alley.
Violet eyes flashed, surveying the surroundings as he walked smoothly from the alley, into the busy street. Malik scowled at a car, which honked loudly and narrowly missed hitting him. A flap of his faded wings sent him sailing over the opposing lane and to the sidewalk, which was equally as busy.
"Putrid humans and their ways of transport," he spat, as the bustling people brushed past him, some pushing him off to the side, gangsters throwing curse words as he refused to move.
"Yea, nice to meet you too, imbecile," he replied in typical teenage sarcasm.
The blonde moved swiftly through the crowd to lean his back against a store window. A pair of children inside the store tapped on the window, pointing at his golden armbands, their faces in awe. Demon boy just shrugged and moved on, joining the crowd once more. He soon stepped from the busy sidewalk into the next alley, muttering, "It's like fish trying to move upstream," and looked up at a nearby building.
"Nothings too high for me," he said, snickering as he allowed his dark wings to show, and he put a hand on the wall for balance, preparing to take off. A teasing voice was heard from the end of the alley.
"Hey, look at the freak show. Did they kick you out and forget to take back your costume?"
Malik turned his head quickly and grinned, his fangs showing. Black wings flared as he growled, showing the offending gang member his full potential.
"You want to say that again?" he sneered.
The so-called gang member turned out to be just a fat kid, about 13, trying to act brave. The child's eyes widened as he yelped and ran in the opposite direction, unfortunately hitting the brick wall at the end of the alley.
"Please don't kill me," the boy pleaded, cowering against the wall, his vision spinning from the impact.
Malik chuckled and folded his arms across his chest.
"Don't worry, your not my concern for the day," but he was soon interrupted as the stone around his neck glowed brightly. The boy pointed a shaking hand at the red, glowing object.
"W-what is that?"
Malik smirked and cupped the stone in his hand.
"This tells me when my victim is near. It usually glows this brightly when I'm within ten feet. Looks like it's your unlucky day, kid."
He walked swiftly towards the shaking boy, who turned to run around the corner, Malik's wings flapped noiselessly, giving him more speed and he grabbed the back of the boy's shirt. He then slammed the kid against the wall and grinned.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Or, let me put it this way; you can be knocked unconscious or run and have me tackle you to the ground before unconsciousness. Which would you prefer?"
The boy stared blankly, frozen in fear.
"I see you'd rather just give in."
The blonde demon put a hand to the red stone and unclipped it from the chain, then pressed it to the boy's forehead.
"Pathetic humans," he muttered as he smirked, watching the boy's eyes close, the energy in the stone putting him to sleep. Malik cackled, wings shaking to express his morbid satisfaction, and he leaned closer to the boy's slumped form. Opening his mouth wider, the tanned demon sunk his fangs into the well-known artery in the human's neck, and let the sweet substance flow into his body. In blood, you can tell how innocent someone is, and he could figure that the boy had been in many fights and lost, as the fluid was tainted with bravery but also submission. He finished draining the blood of his victim and felt something natural flow out to the boy's body; a poisoned fluid which demonic vampires use to replace the blood of victims and change them to one of the same, an evil minion of hell. The grinning vampire now removed his fangs from the victim's neck and licked the wound, sealing it, then stood. He watched the body fade away slowly in a dark red and black flash, being transported to the underworld for training.
Malik licked his lips, then retreated his tongue back inside his mouth, running it along his teeth.
"Another tasty mission," he whispered darkly and walked back to the wall he was originally going to take flight near, when a muffled yelp around the corner caught his attention. Whatever it was, it distracted him and he peered around the corner, ordering his wings to fade as his gaze fell on a white-haired teenager who was cornered by a couple of punks.
"Give us all your money," They yelled at him.
Malik flinched at the volume of the voice but kept his gaze on the fearful teen, who replied, "I don't have anything, I swear."
He whimpered as the tougher looking gang leader slammed him back against the wall.
"Stop lying!"
The platinum blonde boy swayed, his vision starting to swirl. Malik walked from his hiding place and tapped the leader on the shoulder, causing him to flinch, letting go of his victim and look back at the demon.
"What do you want?" he growled.
Malik just shrugged and glanced over his shoulder at the now free boy.
"I thought maybe you could use some help. Screaming at victims really doesn't work."
The gang leader scowled.
"I don't need your help," he said, turning back to the cowering boy, who had started to inch away and ran as he saw the face of the thief turning back to him.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?!" He growled and looked over his shoulder at Malik.
"You idiot! You made me lose him!"
Demon boy just smiled. "I love creating havoc," he said as he turned, wings reappearing and he flapped them noiselessly, then jumped, landing catlike atop the building. He leaped from rooftop to rooftop, wings acting as a gliding parachute.
"Only thing good about these humans is I need their blood to survive," the demonic vampire hissed as he halted, looking over the edge of the roof at the busy street.