Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites Attract ❯ Angel's pain and musing ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Two - Angel's Pain and Musings
"More grapes my lord?" an angelic young girl asked the head angel.
A tall spiky-haired man responded, "No thanks. Maybe later."
The girl nodded and bowed low, then backed away. The angel king sighed, resting his head on his hands, but was soon interrupted as the palace doors opened. Two guards strode in, each holding a blonde angel by the arms.
"Lord Yami, we caught this rookie sneaking around. On closer inspection we found he was carrying a vile of magic labeled Love Spell."
The guards then shoved the small teenager forward and he fell to his knees, white-feathered wings flaring instinctively to slow his fall. The vile fell from his pocket to the ground, and lazily rolled until it stopped at sandaled feet. Yami bent to pick up the vile and tucked it away before looking at the blonde before him.
"Again Ryou? That's twice this week."
The boy brushed his white-blonde hair out of his eyes and rearranged a few feathers in his wings, folding them behind him, before looking up at Yami. He frowned.
"You're the only one that knows how I am. Can't you cut me some slack?"
Yami sighed, "I gave you an extra chance last time. You need to stop getting into trouble. I know life is hard for you, but love takes time. That's why it means so much."
He paused, expression becoming serious again.
"Now, I can't let you off with a simple warning this time. You're sentenced to work on Earth. The guards will give you your assignment on the way out. Another screw up and the punishment will be more severe. Understand?"
Ryou continued to frown during the speech, and nodded as Yami ended.
"Thank you for not sending me away. I'll try not to disappoint you."
Yami smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Good. I don't want you sneaking around anymore. Behave yourself. You may go."
Ryou nodded and bowed slightly before standing and walking towards the doors. A guard caught his arm roughly and handed him a small card, words of his mission printed upon it. He cast a childish smile at the guard before pulling his arm from the heavily-muscled man's grip. As he walked, he turned the card over and read it aloud.
"Ron. Five foot five, 160 pounds. Keep him safe for today."
He nodded and turned the corner, coming to his apartment door. Pushing it open, he looked around at the faded blue walls, white beanbag cushions scattered everywhere. A single black cushion lay in the corner, once belonging to his yami. Ryou frowned as his eyes fell on the dark spot. His yami had been sent to the underworld for his past actions. Unable to pass the test into heaven, the ungodly troublemaker was sent the other way at their death. He had expected that to happen, but it was still a sad event.
Ryou turned, wiping away a tear that threatened to roll down his cheek. The only person that had been nice to him was Bakura, and he wasn't even all that pleasant. The thief had protected him, but kept his tough disposition when anyone else was around. Ryou sniffled quietly and shook his head, then looked around for a bluish stone. He soon found it upon the counter. Picking up the icy blue stone, he placed the chain it hung on around his neck, then held the card below it. A faint glow came from the stone as it read the DNA sample; a single flake of skin trapped in clear glue. The blonde angel smiled slightly at the glow. He enjoyed helping people but it also set in the fact that no one was likely to have interest in him. Being an angel had its drawbacks, mainly immortality. This means it would be of no use to date a human, whom would get older as one stays the same. Ryou remembered learning that lesson in a movie, Tuck Everlasting.
He sighed and moved towards his room, which was also filled with white cushions, an especially large one made his bed. Upon reaching the closet, he chose a warm sweater to match his pale pants, then left the room and headed towards the front door. At once, he felt an instinctive force pull him, almost like a dove's homing sense. He walked calmly, hands in the pockets of his sweater, to the edge of town where a gateway down to earth stood. Some of the more experienced fliers leapt directly off the edge of the cloud and sailed to the ground, miles below. Others stepped onto a platform and were lowered slowly in a pillar of controlled air, using their wings only for balance. Ryou chose the safer route and stepped onto the cloudy platform, taking hold of the railing around the edge. He looked over the side, the view much like an airplane or a skyscraper, and shivered; he never liked heights much. As the platform descended, Ryou's slender fingers gripped the railing tightly, his knuckles turning paler. You'd think, how can someone who lives in the clouds be afraid of heights? Unfortunately, you don't lose any of your old habits or fears, just because you go to "the great paradise". Ryou shook his head, trying to rid himself of his fearful thoughts. After another five minutes, the platform reached the ground and he sighed, happy to be on solid ground. He stepped from the platform and looked around. Shivering, he realized his was at the edge of the rougher part of on NYC. The instinctive pull of his blue stone made him groan and frown as he walked deeper into the city. I hope they don't expect me to protect some wacko gang member," he muttered
He blushed slightly, remembering to hide his wings, and looked back at them, watching the feathers fade. Feeling people brush against him in the busy streets and sidewalk made him even more nervous. Suddenly, a hand grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him into the alley. Out of habit, Ryou knelt before his captor.
"I'm sorry for whatever I did. Please don't hurt me."
His captor, a punked out gang member just burst out laughing and pulled Ryou to his feet.
"Give us your money and no one gets hurt," another voice growled. The low raspy voice reminded him of Bakura and he smiled, looking over to their tougher-looking leader.
"What are you smiling about?" the voice hissed, as it's owner pushed aside the other gang member and put his hands on the angelic one's shoulders. Ryou flinched and looked up at the tall boy; black, spiky Mohawk included.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "Your voice reminded me of something else."
The leader smirked. "Does this someone else have more money than you?"
Ryou shook his head. "I don't know. He's dead..."
"Ha! Not my problem. That just gives me more reason to pick on you."
The voice changed to a deafening shout.
Ryou yelped and put his hands over his ears.
"I don't have anything, I swear."
The tough punk shoved Ryou back against the wall and he whimpered, vision swirling from the impact.
"Stop lying!" The leader shouted at him.
Ryou could faintly see a tanned, blonde boy approaching them, and the new guy tapped his captor on the shoulder. The gang leader released his hold on Ryou and turned to look at the distracting teen.
"What do you want?" he muttered.
Mr. Tanned and handsome just shrugged, peering over his shoulder at a fearful Ryou, then back to the face of the punk.
"I thought maybe you could use some help."
The ganger scowled, "I don't need your help!"
The whole time, Ryou had been gazing around the leader at the tanned boy distracting his captor. He smiled, but shook away his lustful feelings, and started to inch away from them. He ran when he saw the ganger turning back to him. A yell of, "You idiot, you made me lose him!" and running footsteps made him run faster. He turned the corner into the street and continued until he met the edge of town. Looking back, he realized his captor was no longer chasing him and he slowed to a walk. Only then did he realize the stone around his neck was pulsing as well as flashing, meaning he had failed to complete his initial mission, saving the boy on the card. Ryou frowned, tears starting to well up, as he continued down the street. He climbed onto the clouded platform waiting for him and knelt, letting his tears fall.
"I failed..." he whispered, looking down at the ground as he was lifted higher.
"Yami will send me away for sure, this time. Who wants an angel that can't do anything right?"