Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites Attract ❯ Why ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four - Why
Ryou was currently running from the alley where the tanned one has tried to hurt him. Tears started to stream down his pale cheeks as he wondered to himself.
`I thought I could trust him after he saved me from that gang. I thought for once, I had a chance for love. Why does it matter so much to me? He obviously doesn't care for me, as he just tried to kill me.'
His sprinting slowed to a walk as he neared a large park.
“Maybe I should have just gone back to heaven to daydream instead of staying here, in fear of punishment.”
He walked along the path until he found the trees becoming denser. Ryou looked up at the branches, remembering how he had always loved to rest in them when he was originally alive. He shook out his fluffy, silvery-white hair, then wiped away what was left of his tears. Brown eyes scanned the seemingly empty park before revealing his wings. Smiling, he flapped pure white feathers and leapt into some high branches, settling at the top where some of the thinner limbs intertwined. Ryou closed his tired eyes to relax, and curled up slightly. However, he didn't get to rest long, as he felt something light brush against his arm. He twitched and tried to brush it away, but the small piece of paper clung to his skin, as if it was sent by someone powerful. Ryou opened his eyes slowly and looked at what seemed to be an ordinary piece of paper. As he sat up, the parchment released its hold and floated about, being carried around him by the wind. He raised a pale arm to catch the slip, and he flipped it over where words appeared in a golden font. The blonde angel sighed, knowing this could only be a message from Yami to say he couldn't come back. As he read the note, he was surprised to find that it was actually another mission.
`Yami can see everything, so why is he giving me another chance?'
He frowned and sighed yet again before reading it over. The description surprised him and he read it again out loud to reassure himself.
“Blonde, 5'11”, 120 pounds, tanned skin…”
It seemed familiar, and more information than usual. He brought a hand to his mouth, chewing lightly on a fingertip until something clicked.
“It sounds a lot like the boy I met in the alley, and that attacked me. How am I supposed to save him? I'm pretty sure he's a demon. That couldn't be who Yami means, just a coincidence. I'll deal with it later though. I just want to rest for now.”
Ryou leaned back in the branches again and tucked the slip of paper in his pocket. Then he narrowed his eyes, watching the clouds move slowly by, and soon fell asleep.
~Malik's POV~
Malik smirked as he stood, having just finished his first real drink in a couple days. Power surged through his body and he licked his lips where a drop of blood had clung. He chuckled before turning away from the fading victim's body.
“I feel so powerful…and alive,” he muttered darkly.
The demon walked away from his now finished meal and back towards the busy street. He wasn't quite sure what to do with himself, as he had half the day before his yami would annoyed with him. Malik shrugged, then walked along the sidewalk, and found himself thinking of his latest encounter with his pure, angelic, object of lust, Ryou. He couldn't stop thinking of the other boy.
`I want to touch him…is this stupid way of life really worth it? I'll ask Mariku later if there's any way to bypass the pain.'
He sighed and looked up from the sidewalk he had seemed to find so interesting when he was spacing out. A sign could be seen in the distance, which showed the name of a park. He continued this direction and walked down the quiet path into the park It seemed so peaceful, so unlike him, but also so much like Ryou. His subconscious mind led him towards where the trees thickened, almost like a forest. His thoughts returned to the gentle angel as he folded his arms across his chest and leaned against one of the trees. Malik found himself visualizing the other boy in his mind, wanting to find him. Not just to see him again, but to apologize for letting his hunger take over the day before. Since he had a drink only an hour before, he could better control his urges for blood. He smirked, as he fell into a light slumber. He mumbled Ryou's name and slumped down into a sitting position to sleep and dream better. The blonde demon didn't even notice his silver-haired angel sleeping in the branches above him.
~Ryou's POV~
Someone mumbling his name caused Ryou to wake. He opened his eyes halfway, expecting to see Bakura trying to poke him awake. Then he remembered his yami was gone. His eyes opened completely when he realized that no one else was there but him, and he remembered he was sleeping in a tree. The faint sound of breathing other than his own made him startle and sit up, looking for the source. Nothing could be seen directly around him and he looked down, towards the base of the tree when he heard his name again. There sat the sleeping form of the tanned demonic one he knew so little about. Ryou blinked and leaned over the branches to get a better view.
`Definitely him…but what's he doing here?'
The boy below him fidgeted in his sleep and Ryou became more interested. He found himself gazing at the slightly older boy, trying to figure out what he could be dreaming of. He was caught off guard when the target of his staring started to mumble again.
Ryou's eyes widened and he gasped quietly. He had some idea of what the other boy was dreaming about, but he wondered why it included himself. He though the taller one would never think of him like that. Then he frowned, realizing it could possibly be a coincidence. There were surely other people out there with his name.
While trapped in his wandering thoughts, he didn't realize the thin branches he was leaning on were starting to crack. They now broke completely, causing Ryou to tumble down towards the ground. One of his wings snagged on a sharp branch, making it quite painful when he tried to fly. The obstructing limb also caused his path to chance and he landed directly on the lap of the sleeping blonde. He didn't realize what he had landed on at first, as his back was to the tanned one, but when he was pushed off, followed by a groan, he certainly figured it out. Ryou scrambled to his feet, commanding his wings to fade, and backed away quickly, then turned his attention back to the one he had landed on, and watched him fearfully.
Malik happened to be sleeping, having a very nice dream about the one of his obsession, when something heavy fell onto his lap. His eyes shot open and he groaned, pushing whatever it was off. Only when the figure stood and moved away, did he realize who it was. The more perverse of the two blushed, though he tried to hide it by raising a hand to his cheek, pretending to fix a sandy blonde strand resting there. He only hoped the innocent-looking boy before him hadn't heard anything, as he knew from his yami's teasing that he sometimes talked in his sleep. Ryou only stood there shaking, and he backed away more when Malik rose. The tanned one held out a hand in what he hoped was a peaceful gesture and called out to the younger blonde.
“Wait, please. I wanted to apologize for yesterday. My hunger got the best of me. I can usually control it better.”
He gave Ryou his best sympathetic and hopeful look, and waited for a response.
Ryou blushed a faint pink at Malik's kind expression and he took a few hesitant steps closer.
“W-why did you say my name while you were sleeping?”
Malik opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't find a reason in mind. He closed his mouth quickly as he looked over the boy before him. A bluish light was coming from inside Ryou's shirt caught his eye.
“I've got a question for you first. Why is your shirt glowing?”
The angelic one blinked, looking down at his shirt where he knew his crystalline stone would be hidden. He frowned when he realized that it was indeed glowing. He then looked back to Malik.
“I…it's just a necklace one of my friends gave me, like a glow stick.”
Ryou tried to keep the fear from his voice as the demonic one stepped closer so they were merely a foot apart.
“Then you wouldn't mind if I take a look at it?”
Malik raised a hand to reach for the collar of Ryou's shirt in an attempt to peek in at the stone.
Ryou's eyes widened for the second time that day and he brought his arm up quickly to block Malik's curious hand, then backed away.
“Please, I'd rather you didn't. It means a lot to me.”
Malik flinched at their contact, and started to grow frustrated with the other boy's movements, but he kept his temper down. A slight smirk crossed his lips, then he frowned.
“If it means so much, then you could just hold it and show it to me. Hmm?”
Ryou shook his head, becoming slightly more fearful.
Each of them, by now knew what the other truly was; an angel and a demonic vampire, but they toyed with emotions, trying to find solid proof.
Ryou was getting worried. He didn't understand why his stone was glowing near the demonic one. He found it hard to believe this could be who Yami wanted him to save. Ryou had no doubt the tanned one would survive but he couldn't help wondering how his profile could possibly be among the living. The dark aura from before still surrounded him and it had a way of scaring Ryou even more. He was certain this boy was a demonic vampire. It was possible he had been taken to the hellish palace of demons just recently, or that he had stayed hidden from all sensors. What was he supposed to do? Ryou turned his head up towards the clouds.
`I hope Yami, or someone can see this…'
A sigh tore Ryou from his thoughts. He let out a small yelp when he realized the demonic one has moved closer and was gazing down at him. Violet orbs, now clear of anger seemed to analyze every feature of his pale face. Ryou's fear started to ease as he looked up at the tanned one, but didn't move away like he had before. Somehow the threatening aura from before had faded, causing Ryou to be almost calmed. He still had nervous feelings in mind at being so near the other boy. Those roaming eyes halted to look into Ryou's chocolate brown one. His voice was gentle.
“If I can't have you, at least let me leave you with something.”
He tilted his head closer and placed a soft kiss on Ryou's lips. Then he backed away slowly and turned, dark wings materializing, and took off before Ryou could figure out what had happened. He called out to Ryou just as he leapt into the sky.
“My name, is Malik.”
~Ryou's POV~
The younger blonde angel was dumbfounded by the other boy's actions. First he saw that tanned face peering at him, and in what seemed to be a split second, the distance between them closed and Ryou felt the others gentle lips touch his own. Then the violet-eyed boy disappeared. He could also remember the boy call out to him as he left.
“Malik…” he whispered.
It took him a few minutes to return from his dazed state. He bit his lip nervously.
`Why did he kiss me?'
The situation confused him, and he thought of the words Malik had spoken before their lips met.
`If I can't have you…'
Why would Malik want him? Ryou thought of himself as nothing special. Apparently the other boy saw something good in him. He sighed as he started to walk from the park.
“He doesn't know how worthless I am…” he muttered to himself.
Through his depressed and confused thoughts, he felt other emotions rising again. He admired Malik's tanned form. Something about those violet eyes made him so alluring and mysterious. Ryou licked his lips tenderly, remembering how the kiss had tasted. Exotic, and like cinnamon, which is almost like he could have expected, had he planned their meeting. He even looked exotic, almost Egyptian. Ryou soon found himself wanting more of Malik's tropical flavor.
He blinked as he bumped into someone, and blushed, moving to the side with a quick apology. Ryou frowned, his thoughts returning to life in heaven. Eventually someone would be sent to fetch him. He sighed. He didn't want to go back yet, and after his latest encounter with the boy now known as Malik, he wasn't so sure he wanted to report the unregistered demon. All he wanted right now was to rest and collect his thoughts. The gentle blonde stopped and looked back at the tree he had been resting in earlier. Something was drawing him towards it, and he walked towards the tall wooden being. He knelt at the base of the tree where Malik had been, and he turned to lean his back against the toughened wood. He looked up at the branches, then tipped his head down slightly to look out across the park. A single word in question went through his mind.