Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites Attract ❯ Punishments and Freedom ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5
“My name, is Malik,” the tanned figure spoke as he spread his dark wings and leapt into the sky. A faint blush crept across his cheeks, making him quite glad he had turned away quickly. Malik pushed back his sandy hair from his face as he flew, hoping to find somewhere safe he could return home. Instead of concentrating on getting home, his thoughts returned to the kiss with Ryou. Those soft, pink lips had tasted sweeter than sugar, nearly indescribable. Maybe like tropical, flavorous fruits as well. The older boy licked his lips subconsciously as he soared higher. Everything about the angel who plagued his thoughts seemed so flawless. His curiously pale skin caused him to fit the job perfectly, but it was those dark eyes which intrigued Malik the most. Nearly black around the edges seemed to represent some dark hidden past, and the color faded to a paler shade of brown around the pupils. Ryou's eyes appeared like they could be endless, and it was a miracle the tanned one had been able to pull himself away.
“Hm…” he purred deeply, narrowing his eyes as the details of his angel's body went through his mind. Someone so pure and innocent would be just right for him. Now the problem was getting Ryou to trust the demon long enough to make a move.
Somewhere to the left and below, an annoying, chirping bird tore Malik from his thoughts. He growled and kicked at the bird for disrupting him. Luckily for the bird, it swooped further away, twittering teasingly. Malik glared at the feathered foe, then sighed and muttered under his breath.
“Stupid bird isn't worth my time.”
Now distracted from daydreaming, he remembered the original reason for leaving, to get home and question Mariku. The dark red stone around his neck began to glow as the blonde demon tapped into his power, and created a portal home. Black wings on Malik's back carried him through the swirling portal and he landed at the front door of his home, sealing the dark vortex behind him. His tanned hand gripped the doorknob, and he turned it carefully. It seemed that the house was empty and he pushed the door open with a sigh, and walked in. Somewhere down the hall, his yami smirked, watching his light's every move, and he followed silently along the wall so he could sneak up on Malik later.
The vampyric teen continued into the room and traveled towards the kitchen. He started looking through the cupboards for a snack, unaware of the slightly taller boy creeping behind him. Only when two intensely buff arms slipped around his waist, did he realize the second presence in the house. Malik growled, trying to pull away from his attacker, but this attempt didn't do much good, as Mariku just tightened his grip. The younger blonde squirmed slightly before turning his head to look at who had grabbed him, and sighed, relieved but annoyed.
“Would you mind letting me go, please?”
The yami shook his head and chuckled.
“Why would I do that? I'm having too much fun.”
He grinned, lowering his arms to Malik's hips and increased his hold, then straightened up, lifting the hikari off the ground, and started to carry him towards the hallway. Malik yelped and brought his legs up quickly to kick off the side of the counter, causing both of them to crash to the floor. His yami's grip didn't loosen at all. Instead he rolled them over, now laying on his light's back to pin him down. Malik snarled, but finally became silent, as he couldn't do much about the situation. With the darker one pressing him down, he couldn't even move his arms to try and push off. Mariku smirked darkly as he leaned closer to Malik's neck.
“You little shit. Who gave you permission to knock me over?”
He waited a moment for a response, but got nothing.
“There are consequences for disobeying and trying to harm me. Hope you don't plan on going anywhere soon.”
Malik shook his head slightly and narrowed his eyes angrily. The darker nodded as he raised a hand to his light's neck and held him still. Then he tilted his head closer and bit into the tanned flesh with sharp fangs. The fluid was bitter, but worth it to Mariku, as he partially drained Malik's life force, and continued until the younger one's eyes slipped shut in unconsciousness. He then smirked as he licked the wound. It had been the same place where he initially bit the hikari years ago. Pushing off the ground with his arms, he stood and looked down at the now sleeping youth.
“That'll keep him out of it most of the day. He better learn his lesson soon or the punishment will be worse. Disobedient baka hikari…”
He shrugged and knelt, pulling Malik up by the back of his shirt, then gathering him into his arms. After walking out to the other room, he deposited his light on the couch. Mariku tilted his head to the side as he noticed a single white feather caught on the belt loop of Malik's pants. He reached out and grasped the feather, grimacing as it caused slight pain, and confusion.
“Wonder what the he's been doing that got him so close to an angel.”
The darker one only shrugged and tucked the feather in his pocket for questioning later, then turned and walked down the hall to his room for some peace and quiet, maybe a nap. Malik lay unmoving on the couch, a faint groan escaping his lips as he slipped deeper into sleep.
“Why didn't you pass the mission?”
Ryou was now kneeling before Yami, and was being questioned about his disobedience. He looked up, frowning as he tried to think of an excuse.
“I'm sorry…I was sleeping when the message came to me and I didn't notice until later.”
The tricolor-haired angel sighed.
“I can't keep giving you extra chances, Ryou. I know you failed the last mission, and now you're ignoring them completely. Listen to me; this is your last chance. The same target as the one sent to you in the park. Understand?”
Salty droplets started to form in the young blonde's eyes and he spoke shakily.
“Wait, please Yami. Let me tell you the truth. Could I have a moment with you alone?”
Yami nodded slowly and signaled for his guards and servants to leave. When the room was empty, except for the two of them, the head angel spoke calmly.
“You may stand at rest. What's on your mind?”
Ryou nodded slowly and stood, looking uneasily at Yami.
“I...I've been distracted lately…and your latest mission is only making it worse.”
The spiky-haired one nodded and shrugged slightly.
“Elaborate please…”
Ryou shifted his weight to his other foot nervously before speaking.
“The boy you want me to protect…is a demonic vampire, and I've fallen in love with him.”
His eyes shifted to a fearful expression.
“Please don't hurt him…I've gotten to know him some while on earth.”
Yami simply blinked.
“Do you know his name?”
The younger blonde nodded.
“He told me before he left last. It's Malik.”
Angel king nodded slowly, taking in the facts.
“Has he done anything to you?”
Ryou looked away, thinking of what to reveal, then turned back to Yami.
“He…he's confusing. The first time we met, he saved me from some punks in an alley. It was the same day of the mission I failed. Later than night, He found me in a club and…he was acting different, and attacked me. Yesterday, he apologized for attacking me. At first he was being kinda weird, and then he kissed me.”
A pinkish blush spread across the young angel's cheeks as he finished. Yami listened carefully, his face contorting to anger at mention of the demon attacking Ryou, then confusion at the end statement.
“I didn't even know he was a demon until you told me. Let me think over what to do about this. Go back to your apartment, Ryou. I'll send for you when I make a decision. Until then, please don't go to earth.”
The young angel frowned and nodded slowly.
“Please don't hurt him…”
Then he turned away and walked from the palace room, and down the hall. When he reached the door to a place he called home, Ryou opened it slowly and entered the small room. His feet took him out to the main room and he curled up on the couch, small tears threatening to leak from his eyes.
“I just wanted to see him again, and now I can't at all.”
He closed his brown orbs and lay there, shaking slightly. Sleep wouldn't come, so he just looked up at the ceiling, more worried and confused than when Malik had kissed him, this time for his love's safety.
When Malik awoke, it was still about as bright as it had been when he fell asleep. He shook his head and glanced at the clock, which showed about twelve-noon, a few hours before the time he had even left his house originally. The tanned one groaned; he had a headache a mile wide, or so it seemed. Idea started to flood back to him, of how he was knocked unconscious.
“Stupid yami…wonder where he went anyways.”
He sat up from the couch, grimacing as this action made him dizzy. As he listened more closely, it sounded like something was happening in the kitchen. Malik raised a hand to his forehead, rubbing it gingerly in an attempt to halt his headache's progress. This worked long enough for him to turn and look towards the kitchen. A bit of highly spiked blonde hair could be seen and then the yami's voice muttering darkly. Some rattling of plates and bowls came to the younger one's ears. He blinked when a loud crashing sound much like a plate hitting the ground resonated. This was followed by a random curse word from the darker of the two. Malik sighed and got off the couch, stumbling slightly from the pounding headache still at work. He slipped on his shoes to protect them from the glass and used the nearest wall to brace himself on the way to the kitchen. A piece of glass crunched underfoot as he got to the doorway.
“Yami, what are you doing?”
Malik blinked a few times at Mariku to clear his vision. His yami simply shrugged and hopped up on the counter, taking a bite of the piece of toast in his hand. Then he pointed to the broken plate on the floor, which had a burned slice of bread crumpled within the shards.
“Making breakfast. That one was yours. Clean it up if you wish.”
The hikari knelt down to look at the destroyed food and sighed. He pondered throwing a few broken pieces at Mariku, but decided it would be better for his health to just sweep it up. After the glass bits and toast had been put in the garbage, Malik wandered over to the counter to make some new toast. He leaned on the edge and closed his eyes to rest, hoping the sharp ache in his head would go away soon. He tried not to show his miserable it caused him to be. While waiting for the toast, he was vaguely aware of the yami's footsteps behind him. At the moment he didn't really care, until Mariku placed one arm around the younger one's stomach, his free hand waving a white feather in front of Malik's face.
The hikari opened his eyes slowly and looked at the feather. As Ryou had hidden his wings before Malik could see them, the feather didn't have much meaning to him. He shrugged.
“Seagull feather?”
Mariku shook his head and brought the feather closer, touching it to his light's forehead. Malik flinched and muttered.
“…Angel feather”
His yami nodded this time and pulled the feather back slightly so Malik could see it better again.
“I found it on the side of your pants earlier. How do you think it got there?”
The hikari blinked slowly, and memories of Ryou came back to him. Of course he wasn't about to reveal anything, so he just tilted his head to the side and up to look at his darker.
“I think you put it there to confuse me.”
Mariku growled quietly and tightened his grip.
“Wrong answer. I don't care how it got there. I want you to catch the angel it belongs to, and I've got just the tool for you.”
He then let go of Malik and backed away, going towards his room. The hikari took a moment to register what his yami meant, and it confused him. Mariku was actually helping him with something?
A few minutes later the taller psycho returned to the room, his hand clutching something with a gold chain hanging from it. Mariku held the small object out to his light, and Malik could see more clearly now that it was a silvery-white crystal shaped like an angel wing.
“Wear this around your neck and you can touch an angel without pain. It's been quite useful to me in the past.”
Malik nodded and smirked as he grabbed the small crystal and slipped the chain over his head to rest around his neck. The tiny wing dipped just below the top hem of his shirt, clinking against his reddish stone. Almost at once the two stones flashed, creating a pinkish glow. Malik felt a strange warmth spread through his body, and he completely forgot about his previous headache. When the sensation calmed and the light faded, he blinked at Mariku, who now had a trusting smirk on his lips.
“Before you run off, let me tell you something. If you lose that crystal, I'll not only turn you in, I'll give you a punishment personally. I know you enjoy being a hidden demon, so you better not screw up.”
The hikari's face showed a small amount of fear, and then confidence. He searched his mind for the right words.
“…Thanks. I understand, Mariku-sama.”
He turned away, that familiar devilish and perverted grin returning as he walked towards the door. Now he could surely touch Ryou, but not to capture and bring him back home, for other reasons which floated about in his mind. Malik walked from the house and looked up at the sky for a moment. It would be so much easier to search for the innocent angel from the air. His dark wings faded into view and he flapped them noiselessly to take off towards the column of dark air. A chuckle escaped his lips as he floated high into the reddish sky, and soon appeared in the human realm. He soared higher, careful not to go near some tall buildings as he scanned the ground. Malik soon got bored of this searching and flew higher still, his mind starting to wander. Various thoughts of what to do when he found Ryou came to mind.
More of that tropical, sweet flavor would be nice, and the tanned boy certainly wanted to feel if Ryou's skin was as soft as it looked. His violet eyes narrowed, going on with these fantasies. There were plenty of things he could do to the angel, but he wouldn't get far if Ryou didn't trust him enough to stay still. One solution made him visibly shudder. He would have to be nice to gain Ryou's trust. Though it would be worth it in the end. So, now a plan is formulated, what next? The blonde demon had searched nearly the entire city. Ryou could possibly be home, or elsewhere. Whatever the reason, Malik started to get bored. As he reached the center of the taller buildings, he got an idea. He perched on the roof of one of the buildings, which, for whatever reason, had gravel spread across the surface, He picked up a few of the stones and leaned carefully over the side. Then he dropped them and watched as a human flinched and yelped, looking around, then continuing on his journey. Malik snickered and gathered up another handful of rocks, dropping them over the side. This would surely keep him amused until later when he would search for Ryou again.
Don't forget to review! Please don't just say "oh, it was great". What was your favorite part, or other reasons why ya liked it. Stuff that could be changed would be good too. Thanks!