Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Our Song ❯ Havin Fun In The Club ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey everyone, it's me again. I'm having some technical difficulties with my other fic, so to pass the time I'm going to try out my other story. I noticed that I dad a lot of spelling error's on my last story, so I'm trying to fix that little problem. I promise that this one will be better.
Yugi: Yeah, last time you really sucked. ^_^
HG4(that's me) What?! I wasn't that bad. *crossing her arms*
Yami: Well, I must agree with Yugi it did really suck *starts giggling*
HG4: Watch it Yami I can make you die forever you know.
Yami: You wouldn't!
HG4: Try me. *evil grin*
Yugi: No Yami! *hugs him tightly*
Yami: Um. *starts blushing*
HG4: Anyway, I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the songs on here. I wish I did though. Anyway, on with the story!!!
HG4: Oh and warning! This is a Yaoi fic. Don't like, don't read. Also there is Anzu bashing, so those who are Anzu fans, go somewhere else.
~ Our Song ~
-Chapter 1-
Yugi slowly waked down the stairs from his room to the kitchen. He looked at the frig that had a note taped on it.
Dear Yugi,
I have gone to Kyoto for a game store convention. I will be back in two day's. Be good and look after the shop while I'm gone. There's money on the counter for dinner. Order pizza or something. You and Yami take care.
Yugi frowned. Now he would be alone. Of coarse he had Yami there, but he was always out with the others. Ever since Yami got his new body he was always out going to clubs or just doing anything to keep them busy. Anzu and Yami are dating, so it seems that their always together and they don't even notice Yugi.
Yugi then got an apple and left the kitchen for the living room. He ungracefully flopped on the couch and took a bite of his apple. `What should I do now?' he thought. As if the god's where answering his question the doorbell suddenly rang. Yugi jumped up and quickly ran towards the door.
When he opened it, he was greeted with a warm smile from a pair of chocolate brown eyes. “Hello Yugi. Do you mind if I hang out here with you? Its kind of boring at my house.”
“Sure Ryou! C'mon on in!” Yugi gestured for the albino to come in. “Actually I was board to. I'm glad you came.”
“What do you mean? Isn't Yami here? Ryou then looked around trying to find someone else in the abandon house.
“Nope, its just me here. Yami is out with the other's, and grandpa is out of town.”
“Oh I see… Hay, I have an idea! Since your grandfather is gone and my dad is always gone, maybe we could have a sleep over.”
“Well I don't see why not, so I guess it's all right.” Ryou had a very happy expression on his face. He to was always left alone like Yugi. His yami went ought as well and left him alone in his apartment. “Hay Ryou. What would you say to a slumber party?”
“What are you taking about?”
“Well, since Malik is probably alone I was thinking we could invite him to.”
“I'm ok with that. Lets ask.” The two then went to the stand that had the cordless phone on it. Ryou decided to dial the numbers since he new Malik's number by heart.
“Hello Malik.”
“O hay Ryou! How's it going?”
“Fine. But Malik, Yugi and I was wondering if you would want to sleep over with us.”
“A sleepover? Well I have nothing better to do, so ok I'll come.”
“Great! When can you come over?”
“Right now if you want.”
“All right then see you as soon as you get here.”
“All right, see you then. By.”
“Good by.” Ryou then hung up the phone and turned to Yugi. “He'll be right over.” Yugi have a nod in confirm. “I should go get my stuff. I'll be back in a few minuets.”
“Ok then.” Yugi watched as his friend as he ran out the door for home. At least he wouldn't be lonely.
~ ( mean while with Yami and the others ) ~
Yami swayed his hips to the beet of the music, as sweat groped from his face and falling on his skin tight black taint-top making it look even tighter (HG4: *drools*) He was dancing to the song `Whats Hapenin' feat. Trick Daddy by the Ying Yang Twins. He and Anzu where on the dance floor making everybody else gape at how well they both danced. Anzu then began to belly dance agents Yami's growing throwing her head back moaning. Yami then backed off and began to thrust his hips harder to the bet of the music as it began to get faster. He raised his arms and did a very seductive belly dance and all the girl's gave an eek and started to whisper to one another. Anzu gave a smirk as she went over to Yami and wrapped her arms around his neck and started to kiss him. (HG4: YOU BITCH) She then traced her hands down Yami's hips. Yami replied by wrapping his arms around her waist.
The two continued to dance and make out on the dance floor. When the song ended they made their way to a table and sat down. They where panting heavily due to the fact that they have been dancing for more than three hours. “Yami?” Anzu asked as she tried to catch her breath “Do you love me?” (HG4: Say no Yami!) She then gave that flutter the eyelash thing and began to pout.
Yami's breath hitched. He never thought about that. Of coarse he always made out with her, but he never thought if the relationship they had was about love. “Well…um.”
“You do love me right?” Her voice was now rising.
“Oh, of coarse I do.” Yami gave a week smile. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, so he lied.
“Oh Yami I love you to.” She then began to kiss him again.
“Well, what do we have here?” Yami flinched at voice. “So, you becoming a real two timer.” Yami gave Bakura a threatening look.
“What do you want tomb robber?”
“I want to have a word with you.” He then glanced at Anzu. “Alone.”
“Don't look at me. I'm not moving.” Anzu said as she then stuck her nose up.
“Why you little bi-“
Yami quickly cut in “Its all right Bakura. I'll just leave.” Yami then got up and pulled Bakura by the arm over to a vacant table and sat down. “What do you want to get the hell out of here.”
“Well go on ahead, no one's stopping you.”
“You baka! You're the only one with the car!”
“Fine! Lets go then!” Yami made his way back to Anzu's table. “Anzu, sorry, but its time to go.”
“But why?” She then began to fake cry.
“Just shut the fuck up bitch and lets go already!” Bakura was now more than pissed.
“What did you say to me!?” Anzu shot up and tried to act all tough.
“You herd me.”
“Why I never!”
“Guy's stop that!” The two then seized their bickering. “Now let's find Marik and get out of here.”
“What?” The other's than jumped as they herd Marik's voice. “What about me?”
“Where leaving, lets go.” Bakura then started off for the exit. Marik soon fallowed.
After Yami dropped everyone off he went to his own home. He tiredly walked throw the front door and to the hall. When he passed the living room he sow something. He looked back to see Yugi, Ryou, and Malik on the couch huddled up together. Malik was in the middle while Yugi and Ryou where holding onto each one of his arms. A scream was herd from the T.V. as the hikaries jumped and huddled even closer. Obviously they where watching a horror movie. Yami smiled and slowly walked up stairs with ought being noticed.
“Yugi that was Yami.” Malik said as he ate some popcorn.
“I know.” Yugi then reached over and grabbed some popcorn in the bowl on Malik's lap.
“Then why didn't you say something?” Ryou asked as he took a sip of his soda.
“Just because.” Yugi then looked down at the floor as he tried to hold back tears. Malik and Ryou gave each other a sad look. They new Yugi had a crush on Yami. No he loved Yami, but he was dating Anzu. They all loved their Yami's, but didn't know if they loved them back. They didn't even know if they where gay. They then herd a quiet sob and turned to see that Yugi was now crying. Ryou and Malik then hugged Yugi. They shared each other's pain.
~ (in the morning) ~
Everyone woke to the sound of a loud thunder. Yugi then poked his head out from under the covers and walked over to the window. “Well, how bad is it?” Malik then perched himself up on his elbows.
“Well you guys wont be going out for a long time. It's even haling out there.” Yugi then went out of the living room and went to the bathroom.
“Well I guess we'll be here a while.” Ryou then took his shirt off and looked through his slumber bag and got out a new one.
“Well I'm not complaining.” Malik fallowed Ryou as he to began to change.
Yugi came back out wearing a pare of blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Ryou was wearing a White turtleneck shirt with the sleeves pulled up to his elbow, and to top it off he ha had on a pair of black jeans. Malik was wearing a violet button shirt that showed some of his chest. The sleeves where rolled up to his elbows as well, and he wore a pare of white pants.
They then went to the kitchen to look for something to eat. They found some serial and sat down to eat. Yami came down the stairs rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. “Good morning Yami. Have fun last night?” Yugi had a huge smile on his face. Malik and Ryou gave each other a questioning look. How could Yugi be so happy at a time like this?
“Oh, good morning Abiue.” Yami got a bowl and grabbed the serial and pored himself some.
“So?” Yugi continued to wait for an answer.
“How was your night?”
“Oh, it was great.” Yami gave Yugi a fake smile and got the same fake smile back. Yami noticed this and tried to read Yugi's feelings, but his side of the link was blocked. Yami wondered about this. Lately Yugi had been very distant to him. He always seemed really sad when he would tell Yugi that he was going out. He tried to invite Yugi once, but Anzu said that Yugi would just get in the way. (HG4: You Bitch! XD)
After breakfast the rain stopped and Ryou and Malik said their good by's and left. Yugi closed the door after waving his friends good by. He turned around to see Yami really close to him. Yugi gazed into Yami's mesmerizing crimson orbs
Yami was frozen when he sow Yugi's gaze. He couldn't help, but stare at the beautiful amence eyes that he fell in love with. “Yugi, we need to talk.”
“What do you mean?” Yami felt his heart get heavy as he sow the sweet innocent look on Yugi's cheribudic face. He needed to know something, something that he feared that would change Yugi's and his relationship forever.
HG4: Well I'm gona leave it at that.
Yugi: No! What does Yami want to ask we?
HG4: You'll have to wait for the next chapter.
Yugi: Man. *starts to cry*
Yami: don't cry little one. *try's to comfort Yugi*
Yugi: *stops crying and huddles up to Yami's chest*
Yami: O.o
HG4: OWW! That's so cute! ^_^
Yugi: *falls asleep in Yami's arm's*
Yami: ^________________________^
HG4: Oww, Kodak moment!
Yami: Shhhh. He's asleep.
HG4: *whispering* Sorry. Anyway, tell me how I did ok. I won't update unless I get reviews.
Yugi: *talking in his sleep* Please review.
Yami: *kisses Yugi on the forehead*
HG4: O_O… Huh, oh yah. So please review. Hope to see you next chapter. ^_^