Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Our Song ❯ The Fair ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

HG4: Hi everyone! I am in such a good mood. I just feel like writing. It's weird that I feel really good on a cloudy day that's about to rain and I hate days that are sunny. Ok, this time I'm determined to make no spelling errors. Though I would like to thank Kalico for the review.
Yugi: Yeah, Thanks.
Yami: Yes, thank you.
Yugi: Ok, now tell me what you wanted to ask me, yami.
HG4: Now, now, now. You hafta wait till the story starts.
Yugi: Oww. *begins to pout*
Yami: Its all right aibou. *try's to comfort Yugi*
HG4: Well Yugi, if we get the disclaimer don, we can start the story quicker.
Yugi: Ok. HG4 doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any songs on here.
HG4: Thank you Yugi. Yami, would you be so kind as to do the warning?
Yami: All right. Warning! This is a yaoi fic. Don't like, don't read. It also contains Anzu bashing. There, can we get on with the story now?
HG4: All right then. On with the story!
-Our Song-
~ Chapter two ~
Yugi looked into Yami's stern eyes as he gazed back into Yugi's immense orbs. “What is it?” Yugi's heart began to race. `Oh no. Don't tell me that he found out about my crush on him.'
Yami couldn't help but feel his heart begin to hurt. Asking Yugi this question was harder than he thought. Yami thought of a way to put his question into words. “Yugi. Are you… um…do you…”
“What is it?” Yugi could see that this was very hard for the pharaoh to say.
`Ok Yami, its now or never.' He then swallowed a huge lump in his throat. “Yugi are you gay?” He blurted out and immediately regretted it.
Yugi gave Yami shocked look. For a wile there was just silence, you could even hear a cricket in the back round. “Um, well…why do you ask?” Yugi was hoping that one thing would lead to another. `Oh please say because I love you.'
“Well, I mean…the sleep over! Yes the sleep over.” Yami wanted to know Yugi's sexual preference before he told him how he felt. Yami loved Yugi, but when Anzu asked him out and Yami said yes, Yugi seemed so happy for him. He only said yes because he didn't want to hurt his friends' feelings by turning her down. He had known Anzu had a crush on him ever since he first made his appearance.
“Why do you ask that? I have lots of sleep over's.” Yugi was trying to tell if Yami was disgusted by homosexuals or he didn't mind.
“Well, you Ryou and Malik are really close.” It was true that they where close, but only because they all had one thing in common, they loved their yami's, but didn't know if they liked them back. “I mean don't you think you spend just a little to much time with them?” Yami was hoping that Yugi didn't love one of them. If so, that would mean that Yami could never be with Yugi.
“What?! No! Weir just friends, nothing more!” The last thing Yugi needed was Yami to think that he was unavailable.
“So, your not gay.” There was a hint of sadness in Yami's voice. `It feels like my heart was just split in two.' Yami soon began to stare at the floor. `He probably thinks I'm a queer for asking such a question.'
“Well um…I never said I wasn't.” His cheeks began to turn pink, as he started to fidget with his fingers.
Yami looked up at Yugi to see him acting nervous. He was about to say something when the phone rang. “Um, I'll get that.” With that, Yami walked over to the portable phone on a little nightstand in the living room. “Hello? Oh hi…”
Yugi let out a big sigh when he herd Yami begin his conversation on the phone. `Well, I think that went well.' There was a lot of sarcasm in the statement, but a hint of hope as well. Yugi's moment of peace was cut short when he herd Yami's voice.
“Yugi. I'm going out for a while. Anzu and the other's want to go to the Domino State Fair.” Yami then got his coat and was about to leave when he sow the expression on Yugi's face. “Yugi are you all right?”
“Yah, I'm fine. You go have fun with the other's.” He gave Yami a face smile, but Yami sow this and wasn't going to let it slide.
Yami thought for a wile. He then came up with an idea. “Yugi. Would you like to come a long?”
Yugi's eyes widened. “Sure.” His face filed up with joy. He was going to actually spend time with Yami and his friends after god knows how long.
Yami's heart melted when he sow his hikari, Yugi was so beautiful when he was happy. His fetchers seemed to glow as his smile radiated his immense eyes. “Go get ready aibou, then we'll go.”
Yugi gave a nod in understanding as he dashed up the stairs to his room to get his shoos and came rushing down to meet Yami at the door. “I'm ready to go.”
Yami nodded and held the door open for Yugi as they made their way to the fair. Once they got to the front gates they sow their friends. There was Tristan, Anzu, Duke, Joey, and Bakura and Marik with their hikaries as well. Yami walked up to the gang and began to talk, leaving Yugi behind. (HG4: Gees, I'm making Yami a real jerk.)
Yugi then looked down in order to not make any eye contact with the others. `Maybe it was a bad idea to come.'
“Hay Yugi!”
Yugi looked up to see Malik and Ryou coming up to him. “Hi guy's!” Yugi ran up to them filling in the gap between them. “What a coincidence seeing you here.”
“Well, are yami's all of a sudden wanted to do something together. Weird huh?” The albino looked at the group of friends and then looked down. “Well, they used to want to do something with us.” Ryou's eyes began to water up.
“Hey, we just hafta make ourselves known that's all.” Malik was trying to put some confidence back into his friends.
“Like how?”
“Like this.” Malik then dragged Ryou and Yugi over to the group. He then walked over to his yami and grabbed his hand. “Marik, can we go now?” Malik tried to look as innocent as possible.
“Sure, lets go.” The two then walked off into the fair still holding hands.
“Wow, he's good.” Bakura then placed an arm around Ryou's waist and began to fallow the Egyptians into the fair as well.
Yami walked up to Yugi. “Ready aibou?” Yami then held out his arm for Yugi to take.
Yugi was about to take it when Anzu ran up to Yami and grabbed his arm before Yugi. “C'mon Yami lets go!” Anzu then dragged Yami away before he could protest. (Biotch!) The rest of the group ran up to catch up with the other's ahead of them.
Yugi stood there alone, his hand still out. `This was a bad idea.' He then walked slowly through the gates of the entrance.
For about two hours Yugi stood on the sidelines as he watched the other's have fun. Evan Bakura and Ryou where having more fun than usual. They where obviously enjoying one another. Anzu then got Yami to go on a ride with her that was making the pharaoh tremble. The ride started out slow and easy, a little turn here and there, but then it began to climb up and up to 175 feet in the air. After pausing for a couple of seconds it plunged down at 80 miles per hour. (HG4: Can you guess the name of the ride their on?) After going threw loops, spins, and dives the ride was over. “Oh Yami lets go on that one.” Anzu pointed to another ride that went extremely fast and several dives that where sure to make you barf, even if you didn't eat anything.
“Um, that's ok. I think I'll sit this one out.” Yami then pulled his arm out of her tight grip and sat on the bench near by.
“C'mon! Don't be a big baby!” Anzu began to pull on Yami's arm, practically pulling it out of its socket.
“Anzu, please. Go on your own. I really don't feel like going on another ride.”
“Fine then! Maybe I'll find some one who isn't such a baby! Humph!”
Yami watched Anzu strode off, making sure she wasn't coming back. “Finally.” Yami laid down on the bench and closed his eyes. The ride made him dizzy, and the pounding music from the other rides weren't making him feel any better. He tried to get comfortable, but the bench was too hard. Suddenly Yami felt a soft object slide under his head. He opened his eyes to see immense ones stare right back. “Yugi?”
“You looked tired. And I don't think that that bench is very comfortable.” Yugi gave Yami a warm smile that made his heart melt. It also made his heart ache. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten all about him. “You ok? Where's Anzu?”
“She's on a ride right now.”
“Why aren't you with her?”
Yami sat up and let a sigh loose. “Lets just say I don't like the kind of rides she likes.” He then sow the object that his head was lying on. It was a Dark Magician plushy. “What's this?”
“Oh, I won that for you.” Yugi pondered something for a second. “Well, what kinds of rids do you like to go on?” He then took a seat next to Yami waiting for an answer.
Yami picked up the plushy and stared at it as he got an idea. “Would you like to find out?” He then gave Yugi an evil smile. Yugi only gave him a questioning look, due to the smile he was getting. “Come on, I'll show you.” Yami grabbed Yugi's hand causing blush appear on his cheeks as he pulled him towards a ride. It was a ride that spun around really fast, and at points it would put up a tarp over everyone causing them to scream. “C'mon aibou, it will be fun.”
After they paid the tickets, they found a cart and got themselves seated. The loud music began and so did the ride. The song was “Blue [Da Ba Dee]” by Eiffel 65. The ride started to turn, slowly picking up speed until the music reached its climax, so did the ride. The speed made Yugi slide over the seat, making him pres up to Yami. Yugi began to blush once again as he was forced to brush shoulders. Yami's cheek where also turning light crimson to the contact. Suddenly the tarp was pulled over everyone as they screamed. After a little bit the tarp was pulled down showing light once again. The song began to slow down and so did the ride. Once it completely stopped, every one got off.
Yami and Yugi walked down the slanted ramp and made there way to a table and sat down. “That was so much fun, Yami.” Yugi then hugged Yami around the waist. Yami couldn't help but smile at his little hikari.
“What else do you want to do?” Yami looked down at Yugi who was still hanging onto Yami's waist.
“What about Anzu?” Yugi let go of Yami so that he was looking strait into his eyes.
He gave Yugi a smile. “She said she would find someone else to hang out with today.”
“Really.” Yami then pulled Yugi up and they began to look for a good ride to go on together.
It was now 7:00 p.m. and they where tired from going on so many rides. “Yami, you want to go on one more ride?”
“Sure. Anything you want.” Yugi then led Yami to the fairies wheel. “Aibou, are you sure you want to go on this ride?” Yami looked at the giant wheel that spun around.
Yugi sow that Yami was nervous about the fairies wheel and tried to ease his worries by wrapping his arms around his wais again. “Don't worry Yami. There's nothing to be afraid of. Trust me, it will be fun.”
Yami couldn't help but calm down to Yugi's touch. “I trust you aibou.” With that said Yugi led Yami up to the line. When they got to the front they got in cart 4. The door closed and they where elevated up. Yami began to shut his eyes waiting for something to happen. When he felt a hand hold his he opened his eyes to the most beautiful thing he ever sow. There sat Yugi, hiss face glowing from the moonlight that cascaded on him. He was like an angle sent from the heavens. Yami was lost as he stared into the shining immense orbs that made him feel so content. The feeling didn't last ling for the cart came back down to the ground and they had to get off. (HG4: My goodness, what a mood killer.)
They then made there way to the exit and began to walk home. “Oh, Yugi I got you something.” Yami then reached behind him and pulled out a Dark Magician plushy. (HG4: Just so you know he had it clipped to his belt.)
“Yami! You shouldn't have.” Yugi took the plushy with great care as he examined it carefully. “Thank you Yami. I'll cherish it forever.” Yugi then hugged it to his chest blushing lightly.
“I'm glad you like it. Now we are the same.” Yami said as held up his plushy. Yugi gave him a smile and then wrapped his arm around Yami's. Yami's cheeks began to burn. Having Yugi so close to him was torture. They walked home in silence until they got inside. They made there way upstairs and to their room. They shared a room, but not a bed. Yami looked out the window to see the busy nightlife of Japan. “That was a fun day, don't you think Yugi?” Yami turned to see Yugi lying on his bed cuddling the Dark Magician plushy. Yami smiled at the sleeping cheribudic figure. He lifted Yugi up under the covers and kissed him on the cheek. “Goodnight my koi.” Yami then got dressed and turned out the light as he to got into bed. He then grabbed his plushy and held it tight as he let sleep consume him.
HG4: I'll stop it there for now.
Yugi: Wow that was a fun day!
Yami: Yes it was. Though I would like to know what happens next.
HG4: Well, I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that in the next chapter there will be.
Yugi: There will be what? *sits at the edge of seat*
HG4: Not saying.
Yugi: *falls out of chare*
Yami: Aibou, are you all right!?
Yugi: I'm fine *gets up*
HG4: *smiling to her self*
Yugi: C'mon. Tell us what happens next. Like, what about Bakura and Ryou. Marik and Malik.
HG4: That will be in the next chapter. But I will say this, Yami, you have a VEARY angry Anzu to answer to, and you might not like what she does.
Yami: O_O Oh, dear.
HG4: Anyway, I wont write unless you review.
Yugi: Please review! I want to know what happens next! *starts doing the lip thing*
Yami: Gods, I have to deal with Anzu. -_-;
HG4: Anyway, hope to see you then. ^_^