Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Our Song ❯ Beautiful Dream ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

HG4: Hi everyone! I have a guardian review angel. Tank you “Malik and Bakura kinky slave” for reviewing my fic. I am in a really good mood today, and it's not even cloudy. My friend mailed me after a long time of not speaking to one another. I thought something might have happened to her. Anyway, I have some really great ideas for this chapter, and I think you will like them. It's hard to write a fanfic when your just winging it, so I was hopping you could help me. In your reviews or find some way or another to tell me what should happen next. I'm kinda at a loss. Oh, I want to try this new idea that I came up with. Ok here it is… shout out's! Yeah I wanted to do shout out's. Ok here is what you do. You tell me your name and where you live, as well as the other persons' name and location. ((Example: Hi, my name is Ashley from Dallas Texas and I wana give a shout out to my friend Sandra from Mesa Arizona.)) You can give shout out's to who ever you want. Tell me your shout out in an email, or in your review. But if it's in the review put [this around it, to let me know that's the shout out part.]
Yami: So what's in this chapter?
HG4: Are you that impatient?
Yami: …Yes.
HG4: *falls over* Yami your going to hafta wait like everyone else.
Yami: -_-:
Yugi: Hi guys!
HG4: Hey Yugi!
Yami: can we just start the story already?
HG4: Someone is P.M.S. ing. ^_^
Yami: I am not!
Yugi: What does P.M.S. stand for?
Yami: Nothing Aibou.
HG4: I'll tell you what it means. *whispers in Yugi's ears*
Yugi: O_o Yami?
Yami: Yugi! I am not!
HG4: *trying to suppress laugh*
Yugi: Its ok, Yami. I know you're just mad.
HG4: Anyway, Yami, Yugi. Would you do the rest?
Yugi: Sure. Hikari Girl 4 does not own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Yami: Warning! This story contains Yaoi! You've been warned.
HG4: Just for clarification:
/yami to hikari/
//hikari to yami//
Now, on with the story!!!
-Our Song-
~Chapter 3~
Yami pinned Yugi down on the sand as he ran kisses down Yuigs' neck. He began to trace his hands over Yugis' sides as his mouth found one of his lovers nipples, he began to suck on it until it became a hard nub. Yugi moaned as he clenched at the sand underneath him, his body overflowing with sensations that made Yugis' member rock hard.
They where both completely naked on a deserted beach, the smell of salt water filled the air, as a breeze blew, the waves reached up to the two lovers and splashed up to their waist. The feel of the clod water made Yugi shiver under Yami.
Yami stopped all teasing and then placed his shaft at yugis' entrance. He looked at Yugi for reassurance. The little hikari gave a small, oking the pharaoh. The said pharaoh then pushed all the way in, causing Yugi to cry out in pain. Yami stood still to let Yugi get used to the new intruder. After feeling Yugis' muscles relax he began to move in a slow pace.
Yugis' head was spinning; he couldn't believe this was happening. “Oh Yami, please…”
Yami gave a smirk as he sow his little tenchi(angle) begin to pant heavily. “What is it that you desire?” He grabbed Yugis' arection and began to pump it with his movements.
“Ah! Yami!” Yugis' breathing became raged as all the heat in his body was running down towards his lower half. “Yami! Harder!”
Yami smirked, and without hesitation he began to pound Deeper into Yugi. The sound of body clashing body was mixed with the sound of the ocean waves clashing up to the shore. “Yugi, your so tight.”
Yugi could only moan as a response. “Yami… I don't think I can hold on mush longer.”
Yami leaned down and whispered into Yugis' ear. “Let it go. Don't worry.” The feeling of Yamis' breath tickling his ear made Yugi reach his climax. He flung his head back and screamed Yamis' name as he released himself between them. This was more than enough to send Yami over the edge. He to flung his head back and screamed Yugis' name as he released his seed inside Yugi.
Yami collapsed on top of Yugi as they panted heavily. Yami looked into Yugis' violet eye's as he traced his jaw line. He moved his head down to Yugis'. Yugi closed his eyes and leaned up to Yamis' lips as he was just a centimeter away- Good morning everyone! Its 6:00 in the morning and it's a little cloudy and chances of rain are 80 percent!
Yugi woke up panting slightly as he became aware of his surrounding's. `It was just a dream.' He turned off the alarm clock and started to get up, when he noticed a little moist present on the sheets. “Oh man!” Yugi got up and froze as he realized something. `What if Yami felt that? Did he sense the orgasm?' Yugi looked at the bed and began to panic. Grandpa is coming home today and he wouldn't like seeing Yugis' bed covered in sperm. He then quickly ripped off the sheets and ran passed the bathroom towards the laundry room.
Inside the bathroom, Yami had his own problems. “Damn wet dreams.” Yami had a good night, but it left him a little unsatisfied. He had one hand on the wall and had his head down as he pounded on his erection.
After Yugi got the laundry going and Yami had finally gotten himself satisfied, they both met down stares at the dinner table. They decided to eat bagels. They ate in silence until Yami broke the ice first. “So, Yugi. How was your night?”
Yugi froze as he was biting his bagel. “Um… great! How about you?” Yugi tried to put on as much of a convincing smile as he could.
“Oh, um good, good.” Of cores they where both lying, but they where too busy trying to keep there secret's from one another. “We should get going before weir late for school.”
“Yah, lets go.” With that said, they put their dishes away and ran out the door. They made there way to the school in an odd silence. Once they got there they were greeted with a group of friends waiting for them at the gate. A familiar blond headed pup was the first to speak up. “Hay, Yami! Over here!” He ran up to the duo and stopped when he sow Yugi. “Hay Yug` long time no see.” He patted Yugi on the back causing him to stumble a little. Joey then turned to Yami and pulled him in the bilging along with the others.
Yugi sighed and walked over to a big oak tree that he had grown accustom to. This was where he, Malik and Ryou would wait for the others or just gather to talk or have lunch. He leaned up to the tree and began to think to him-self. `Every time, every time. Why is it that every time I try to hang out with the other, they just ditch me? What went so wrong that it made them hate me?' Yugi was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Maliks' voice.
“Hay Yugi!” Malik ran up to his try colored haired friend, panting when he got to him. “Sorry I'm late, I over slept.” Malik tried to take deep breaths to get his breathing back to normal.
“That's ok, I didn't even notice the time.” Yugi then looked at the ground and concentrated very hard on it.
“Yugi? Is something the matter? Malik put a hand on Yugis' shoulder to try and get to the temporary lost Yugi.
“Well, you see…”
“Hay guys!” Yugi was cut off by Ryou who was also panting from running all the way to school. “Sorry I'm late, I over slept.” Yugi and Malik gave each other a look. The excuse seem a little familiar.
“We should get going before wear late.” Malik and Ryou nodded as they followed Yugi into school.
They entered their first class, science. They where taking notes today for tomorrow's dissection. The class was boring and the three practically slept through the whole hour. Once class was over they headed to their second hour, P.E.
Ryou and Yugi hated this class, but Malik loved it. They where doing track for today. It was the mile run, and the three where doing better than everyone else. After running away from monsters, bad guy's, and the shadow realm, you tend to get good at running for long distances.
After P.E. was English. Same thing, except the teacher forgot to tell the class that they would be having a major test today. (HG4: Yeah, you can just tell how good those grades are going to be.)
The day went on to sixth hour. That was their favorite class, art. Mrs. Hightower decided that today was free time. Now Malik, Ryou, and Yugi loved to do certain kinds of art. Each one was a way to tell if they where in a good mood, or a bad mood. For instance, Ryou loves to paint. When he is happy, he paints angles. When he's down, he paints dark angels. Malik likes to make pottery. He'll make vases, bowls, and other kinds of crafts, but when he's down, he just plays with the clay. Yugi loves drawing. If the seen is light, he's happy, but if it's dark, well you get the idea.
Ryou was currently painting a beautiful angel with big white wings. She was dressed in a long white dress that was made of silk. She had long blond hair that swayed in the wind, and to top it off, she had a beautiful safari gem necklace with a silver chain.
Malik was making an ancient pot that was used to hold the ashes of a pharaoh, when he was cremated. It had gold hieroglyphics around it, and it was covered in pictures of Egyptian good's. (HG4: Not the Egyptian god cards off the show.)
Yugi was drawing a seen of a sunset on the beach, the same kind of sunset in his dream. Yugi looked at his work and smiled. It was a beautiful picture considering it was a sketch.
After school the trio started to walk home when they where stopped by Yami. “Yugi, where are you going?” Yami was standing at the gate just a few feet away. Anzu was clinging to his arm like she was trying to cut the circulation off. Yami was trying to not flinch due to the lack of blood circulation in his arm.
“Well I'm going home. You know like where you go after school.” Yugi was giving him a confused look.
“Do you want to go to the arcade with us?” Anzu made a shocked look and gave Yami the death stare. He ignored her and waited for Yugis' answer.
Yugi looked at Ryou and Malik and turned to Yami. “Ok.” With that said, Yugi said good by to Ryou and Malik as he joined the other's to go to the arcade. `Wow, maybe there's hope for me yet.'
HG4: I'm gona end it there for today.
Yugi: I can't wait to go to the arcade with Yami! *hugs Yami*
Yami: O.o *blush*
HG4: Well please review if you want to know what happens next. See you then! ^_^