Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Out My Window ❯ Something Strange (I know I keep changing the title) ( Chapter 1 )
Out My Window
This is only my second fan fic at age twelve so go easy okay. Character death later on so go away if you don't like death of Yu-gi-oh cast. R&R. Chappie 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer: Don't own Yu-gi-oh but I own my mind.
//Yami to Yugi//
/Yugi to Yami/
Chapter 1
Yugi Motoh walked quietly home from school, breathing deeply as his fingers started to go numb. He had been avoiding his friends all day, and for what reason? None. Yugi shook his head vigourously. None.
Yugi did think it over carefully. He had to have a reason. Yes. There always was a reason. And this time Yugi couldn't even explain it. It was as if something was wrong, something that Yugi needed to know about. He felt as this feeling was a life and death situation.
He shuddered softly as the warmth flooded his body from taking a step into the game shop. He trodded upstairs and colapsed on his bed, seeming to stare off into space, and at one glance, you would think he was deep in thought. But Yugi wasn't. He wasn't thinking at all.
Yugi heard Yami calling out to him within the puzzle, but he didn't answer. He just wanted to try and think. Try and focus what was going on with him.
Yami called out once more. Yugi pursed his lips. 'Why won't he just go away? I know he is just going to ask me what is wrong, which is the exact thing I'm tring to figure out myself.'
//Yugi. No use of hiding. I know you can hear me. Tell me what is wrong.//
Yugi sucked in more breath. 'Exactly what I knew he would ask.' /Nothing Yami. Nothing at all. I'm just tired and cold and want to get some rest./
//Get some rest? You slept well last night and took quite a long time getting home I might add.//
//Yugi, you are being stubourn.//
'Me just the same as you, Yami.' Yugi said to himself. And at that Yugi shut off their connection and slipped off the puzzle, placing it on his night stand. He buried his face in his pillow for a few moments and turned to his side. For a split second he thought he saw blood on the window pane of his bedroom, trickling down the side. He sat up abruptly and blinked his eyes heavily. When he opened his eyes the blood was no longer there.
Yugi went over to the window and touch the board of where he saw the blood trickling. Nothing was there. Not a drop of blood. Yugi closed his eyes softly as he ran his fingers up and down the panel. It felt warm to Yugi's touch, prior to the fact that it was cool in the bedroom. He opened his eyes to stare out the window.
He could see the cars driving past, and even seeing some kids noses pressed upon the car window, eyes glinting at the sight of the game shop. Yugi could just see their minds wanting to have duel monsters cards, so they could duel their friends for pocket money or yo-yos.
Yugi walked back to his bed and was about to collapse when he heard continuous, loud poping noises. As he ran to his window again, the burps of gunfire continued for a few moments more, then ceased. Two minutes later, sirens could be heard in the background and grew louder as police officers and ambulances came into view. A knot formed inside Yugi's stomach as he dived for his shoes and put them on. He reluctantly put the puzzle around his neck and headed outside.
He ran a few yards before running into three police officers, trying to hold a screaming, crying teen back from the ambulance.
"C-c-c-curse you idiots!!!Curse you! I want to see my brother! I-I-I want to see my BROTHER!" her frantic cries rang out.
" I'm sorry ma'am, but your brother is in no condition to..."
" NO!!! My brother has been shot you nimrods. Just wait till I shove a sauage up your..." the teens words were cut short as Yugi cautiously approached her, opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again.
The teen looked like she was about to kill him if he took one step closer or said anything to her when she noticed who she was staring at and stopped stuggling with the officers. The police were about to take her away when she told them to stop. She glanced at Yugi.
" You... you are Yugi Motoh, correct?" she asked in a voice barely above a whisper.
Yugi nodded, the knot in his stomach worsening.
The teen cringed and clenched her fist. " You... you had better watch your back Yugi. I know of the creeps who shot my brother. They are not criminals, just assassins looking for power. I...."
" What?" Yugi asked, his voice breaking down into quavers from the cold and fear fused into one.
" They are after you Yugi. They are after many who they think would be excellent sacrifices. They call them that. Sacrifices. Pathetic. I call it murder," her voice cracked and she broke down into uncontrolable sobs.
Yugi's knot became so tight that it felt like he was going to burst.
" They are after Seto to. Seto Kaiba. Those blood thirsty sons of a ..." she broke down again.
"Well who exactly are these people?" Yugi squeezed out.
" Worthless pieces of crap. They dress in cloaks and armor. And let me tell you this, all hell is going to break loose. They are now unleashed." And with that the teen's eyes rolled back inside her head and she fainted.
________________________________________________________________ _________
OMG!!! Did I just write that! I don't think have have ever done something this weird in a long time. Okay, two days ago but still... REVIEWS PLEEZ! I know I ended it with a cliffie so I need to write more. Flames accepted as well okay??? And this is based on a stupid ole dream I had! Pretty freaky huh? ^________^ '
Kari S.