Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Random Silliness ❯ Bathing a Pig ( Chapter 4 )
Hello again! I feel so loved! I'm still getting reviews! Thank you so much! Anyway, the disclaimer still applies…(sigh)
Chapter Four: Bathing a Pig
(Yugi/ Yami… at the farm) -We rejoin our young heroes( not really, but go with me) now at the farm, visiting the suffering pigs.
Yami: Yugi!
Yugi: yes Yami?
Yami: These are big cages!
Yugi: They aren't cages… oh never mind. See, I told you these pigs weren't mistreated…Yami, what are you doing?
Yami: ( in the fence knelt beside a pig) These pigs are so dirty!
Yugi: yes, that's what they're supposed to be.
Yami: but… that's horrible! This is worse than the cages of death…
Yugi: cages of death?
Yami: yes Yugi, don't interrupt me. Anyway, as I was saying, this is horrible! Someone should do something about this! Someone should bathe… these… pigs!(Dun..Dun..Dun…[superhero-type music])
Yugi: (anime fall) Yami, they'd just get dirty again. That's just what pigs do.
Yami: Well, …( walks over to one pig and looks at it carefully) not this pig. I will clean this pig and take him for my very own and he shall be a happier pig and I shall name him… hmmm…
@ 3 hours later@
Yugi: umm…Yami?
Yami: not now! I'm thinking… I've got it! I'll name him Bakura!
Yugi: Yami, that's not very nice.
Yami: Well… Bakura names a corn dog after me! A corn dog! Can you imagine?
Yugi: (Imagining Yami as a corn dog) (a/n: not a pretty sight, I'm sure)
Yami: Anyway, so I'm getting him back.
Yugi: But Yami, we can't just take a pig.
Yami: Not just any pig Yugi! He has a name! And why can't we?
Yugi: Because it…I mean, Bakura, doesn't belong to us.
Yami: Yes he does. I named him.
Yugi: That doesn't mean you own it. (sees farmer) Yami, see that man over there?
Yami: yes.
Yugi: He's the one that owns it… mean, Bakura.
Yami: hmm… okay. I'll take care of that. ( sends farmer to the Shadow Realm)
Yugi: (horrified) Yami! What have you done!
Yami: I got rid of the farmer. Now Bakura is all mine. ( walks away happily with the pig following behind)
Yugi: umm… okay. (walks away confused)
Yami: Hurry up Yugi! I must bathe this pig immediately and save him! We must get home!
Okay, I'm stopping right here… basically `cause I'm lazy and I ran out of ideas for this ch. Anyway, please review! I'm am going to start writing conversations that people suggested but it might take a while because I'm running out of ideas. Anyway, I'll try to update soon, but we'll see. Till next time!