Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Random Silliness ❯ Ice Cream havoc ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey guys! I got to get to a comp after all! Yea! Ok, my brother wrote this chappie, so you better not flame him!! On with the chappie!

Chapter six:

(Tea/Malik: at the mall)

Malik: Hey Tea, do you want to go get some ice cream? That is, if you want to.

Tea: Yeah, that would be really good right about now.

*walks over to ice cream shop*

Malik: hmm…I'll have the onion, banana, pepperoni, neapolitan (a/n: you know, choc, vanilla, strawberry) ice cream deluxe cone.

Tea: (sweatdrop): Are you crazy?

Malik: hmmm… yes, last time I checked, I was.

Tea: Whatever. I'll have a vanilla cone.

*walking over to table, Malik's ice cream falls*

*Malik embarrassed*

Malik: My ice cream! NO! Its been lost! Tea, call the doctor, hurry!

Tea: I don't have my phone with me, but it'll be okay. We'll have a nice funeral for it.


Tea: Since I went somewhere for you, now you have to go somewhere with me.

Malik: where? *still sobbing over ice cream*

Tea: hmm… you'll see…

Where is Tea taking Malik? He's just going to leave his ice cream? Why is Tristan's hair so pointy?? All this… and probably more will be answered next time. Till then…review!!