Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rewind 1 ❯ KC Base ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey guys! Okay, this chapter is too big -even for me!!! I'm afraid I might lose my few reviewers because of the lengthof this chappie!! Please don't hate me about this: read it in doses if you are too bored! This is a really good chapter though -and very important to the plot!
v son sayian: thank you for your reviews! You can't imagine how happy you made me! I wrote all of chapter nine just because of that huge review!! Please don't stop reviewing! Your questions and everything motivate me to write more!!
newblue2: Don't worry! I haven't forgotten about Joey! He'll show up in a couple of chapters! I promise you I'll do my best to include flash backs and stuff, though…This chapter doesn't talk about him that much….but I promise the next chapter will have more Joey and Earth-related flashbacks!!
Tramontana Keeper: teehee!! I like the Marik/Bakura moments too!!! Not because it's shounen ai, or anything, but mainly because their feelings are more natural. You know…sometimes I'm just out of inspiration with Ryou/Serenity…It's not like the couple isn't interesting…It's just that all this lovey-dovey stuff gets boring after a while…Please don't stop reading because of this HUGE chapter!! You're my most devoted reviewer!!
The air around them had turned icy. Lena and Rika kept hugging girlishly while sitting on the floor in search for warmth and comfort. As for the guys…no such luck. Kenji and Taichi were sitting helplessly on the metallic tiles of the spaceship floor. They had no other source of warmth than to try and keep active. Thus they had resulted to an aimless chat, where Kenji informed Taichi of everything that had happened while he was out due to toxins.
Tea kept rubbing her arms and seeking support from Yugi, who was sitting right next to her. Serenity truly pitied the boy. Albeit tall and sturdy, Yugi was a bit too thin for his age. He didn't seem to be faring to well in the polar atmosphere. The fact that he tried to comfort Tea instead of himself, however, was praiseworthy.
Yugi could sometimes act inexplicably valiantly. Right then, he was obviously cold and trembling, but he tried to help the damsel in distress first. Yugi's huge, sweet eyes had glazed over with weakness and his incredible spiky hair was adorned with bits of ice.
A few feet away, Serenity and Ryou were sitting suspiciously close to each other on the floor. Serenity had her legs pulled against her chest and her arms wrapped around them, while Ryou had settled on resting his elbows on his knees.
The albino boy was blinking steadily, trying to breathe easily. His snowy hair was still dirty and dull, while his ripped clothing was not helping one bit. He kept eyeing Serenity worriedly, periodically reaching out and stroking her hair in a motherly manner.
The girl was trying not to show her weakness, so she tried to focus on watching her hot breath leave her mouth in a visible misty trail. She wished she could muster the courage to cuddle up to Ryou, but didn't know whether he'd feel comfortable or not. Unbeknownst to her, the silver-haired boy was having the same thoughts.
The lighting of the room was that of a dark blue alcove and the whole scene eerily reminded Ryou of a refrigerator. He shook his head suddenly, and saw parts of frost fly from his hair. He sighed. How much longer would they have to endure this? The air was obviously getting colder every second…
Well, at least until now they'd had something to talk about. Lena and Rika had told Serenity everything that happened while she was unconscious.
Ryou was also ignorant about what Bakura had been doing with his body, but couldn't ask the girls…Lena and Rika would think his was crazy. After all, he was supposed to be there all the time. How would it sound if he asked the girls what his own body had been doing?
Periodically, he kept noticing various things, like the way Rika was trying to avoid him and the way Rishid kept glaring at him for some reason. He was also very unhappy to see his torn shirt and the bruises in his arms. What the heck? According to the girls' sayings, he had fought robotic spiders…Oh well.
Ryou tried to search in his mind for Bakura. Maybe the spirit could…give him some answers.
/Bakura! Are you there? / Ryou inquired mentally.
It didn't come as much of a surprise when no answer came. Typical Bakura. First he ruins Ryou's reputation and then he disappears. Ryou sighed loudly and glanced around.
He saw Rishid standing rigidly beside a nearby wall. How could that man stand so still? Naturally, a few inches beside Rishid was laying the battered body of none other than his precious master.
What once was a seductive, tropical beauty was now reduced to a bloodstained, worn body. Marik's eyes were closed and he was clearly sedated. After Serenity had used special techniques that Ryou didn't even want to know about, she had managed to make Marik's `skin tissues reproduce immediately'. Thus, Marik's wounds had closed. The loss of blood, however, was severe; and Serenity didn't have a blood bank with her!!
So the blonde boy was instructed to rest, a thing not very hard when you have lost about the three fifths of your blood. But the atmosphere was cold, and the weak Marik could die in his sleep if exposed to the cold for too long.
Ryou soon found out there was a solution for that too; in this century…Thin-layered, sticker-like little bags had been attached to Marik's body. They had the ability to produce a small amount of heat for a short while.
Since they only had five of those, they decided to use them all to keep the patient in a relatively good state. Consequently, no one else could have a `magic' tab…they were alone and unarmed in the cold.
Serenity sighed. Would Marik ever wake up? She was starting to get worried already. They had made sure he would stay a little warm, but these things must be well taken care of…
She turned to Ryou and wrapped her hands around one of his arms. He smiled and patted her head with that wise, monk-like smile. He remotely registered that the girl's lips had turned blue from the cold.
But there was nothing he could do. He didn't even have a jacket to lend her… He finally decided that his shyness could come after Serena's health.
With a fluid movement, he reached out and took her in his arms, momentarily rejoicing in the sparks of heat the fraction of their bodies produced. But it was soon gone, and now they were cold again.
He watched her face carefully for any sign of disapproval, but all he saw was blessed contentment. Maybe she'd been hoping for this, after all…
The girl had now ultimately sunk in her angel's arms, savoring the simple show of affection in the cold. Neither of them was washed and clean. Neither of them was perfectly healthy and beautiful at this point. But Serenity still felt as though this was the happiest moment of her life.
She opened her eyes lazily, only to come face to face with Ryou's throat. He had placed his chin over her hair and had wrapped his arms completely around her waist. She, in turn, had her hands pressed against his chest and her head resting soundly at the crook of his throat.
From where she was, she could see Ryou's snowy locks from an extreme close-up. She reached a palm and started to play with a few silvery strands. Tiredly, she noted that Ryou's hair was not completely white or completely silver. It was both, depending on the light…
In the blue sunlight of Mercury, she had seen his hair turn light blue…and in the red moonlight it had been dyed red…She idly wondered how Ryou's hair would shine under the sun of the Earth -the white lighted one. Would she ever see that? Would they ever reach Earth?
A sudden hit of nausea hit Serenity as her thoughts came to rest on one single person.
Joey…her brother.
What about him? Would she ever see him again? Her guiltiness started eating at her gut once more. Now she was cold and helpless, but Joey had always felt like this in the Catacombs…Always helpless and worn…and what had she done for her brother? What had she done to help him? She left the house.
Unconsciously, Serenity squeezed Ryou closer to her…She could remember her brother's dirty blonde hair falling over his kind, sincere brown eyes. The deepness of those eyes had always amazed her…well-hidden pain and anxiety was always hidden inside them.
That boy, Joey…He had gone through so much…He had endured unbelievable pain before Serenity even understood what to be in pain meant. As for his dreams of becoming an artist…they were lost. Lost in the sands of time and in the heat of the Catacombs. Was he alive? Would she ever see him again?
And to think she was the one who left him on the first place…he would hate her. He would hate her and she couldn't blame him…Serenity gulped pathetically. She was guilty, so guilty… How many more people would get hurt on this crazy quest? Would her friends still be alive when they reached Earth? Would SHE survive?
She slowly turned her head around to look at Marik's lifeless body -the steady heaving of the boy's chest was the only proof of breath. The first victims of Kaiba's fury had been their scientist friends in Mercury…but Marik was the first real victim she had ever seen up close.
She watched a frozen trail of red that started from Marik's exposed belly and finally sunk in his trousers. The very blood had frozen on his skin- the cold was truly more than she could imagine…
“I hope Marik gets well.” She found herself muttering involuntarily, her voice muffled from Ryou's chest. She felt the albino turn his head around to where she was facing. He looked at the exotic boy's fallen body.
Ryou's overly pale face had small droplets of ice frozen on it. Water drops were threatening to fall from the edge of the boy's bony nose. His innocent expression narrowed in thought.
“He will be.” He simply said in a voice that was hoarse from not been used for a long time. Serenity nodded lightly and turned her head fully into Ryou's chest, seeking warmth from the simplest of sources. The guilt and anxiety was more than she could bear.
This indicated the end of the conversation, as Ryou squeezed her body reassuringly to emphasize his point. He couldn't even imagine what went through the girl's mind at a moment like this, and so he chose to give her comfort in the simplest of ways.
Serenity's eyes started to shut slowly. How many more people would get hurt in crazy adventure? How much more blood would her friends have to shed? Kaiba was hauling them to his secret Base, which was full of his body-builder goons and was equipped with the security systems of a governmental fortress. They were only hours away from what could be considered their deaths, and all they could do was sit there and sleep in the cold.
Well, at least they could sleep in the arms of the one's they loved.
With that last thought, Serenity sunk into a dreamless sleep of ice.
Serenity and Ryou didn't wake up as calmly as they would have wanted. Rough tugging on their arms and shaking on their shoulders awoke them. Loud shouts and noises echoed all around their freshly regained sense of hearing.
Ryou felt himself be hauled to a standing position against his will, while Serenity was forcefully pried out of his embrace. All the while, deafening crashes were heard all around. Eventually, Ryou's eyes cracked open, only to be momentarily blinded by the sudden light.
“Take the broad with the others!” a loud order boomed around. Ryou's eyes widened and he tried to focus his sight. Broad? What broad? It couldn't possibly mean his beloved girl, right?
Finally, Ryou could see what was going on around him. Tall men wearing black suits and oxygen masks were running all around the shattered bridge of the spaceship. He tried to understand why he felt there was something on his face, and it finally dawned on him that he was also wearing a mask. But why?
Something grasped his arm tightly and squeezed mercilessly, so Ryou yelled in reflex. His entire body felt frigidly stiff, and someone trying to squeeze was not a good idea.
“Shut up, you little tramp! Here, Kyle! Take this snowball with you!” a voice shouted on Ryou's left. Things finally came into focus and Ryou realized what was going on.
His whole body felt numb and frozen from the now arctic atmosphere, while the mask of oxygen provided him with normal, warm air. There was one of those black-clad men holding him, while others were moving around the bridge, tinkering with machines and seemingly searching for something.
Ryou caught a fleeting look of what looked like Kenji and Taichi being ushered out, accompanied by two tall goons. All around him was mist -probably due to the cold atmosphere- and all lighting was deep blue, so it was very hard to see.
“What-” Ryou started saying, but never got the chance to finish that statement.
“I said shut up!” the man who was holding him shouted and hit the back of Ryou's neck with unbelievable force. Ryou's already frozen body was not inclined to endure such hits, thus the albino boy dropped numbly on the ground, only to be supported by the attacker's death-grip.
“Kyle, get this bitch out of my sight!” the person said, and Ryou felt himself be literally thrown to the other end of the room. He distantly acknowledged that he was being treated like a ragged doll and there was nothing he could do about it.
He felt his chest hit something solid and grudgingly realized that a tall man was standing in front of him. It was probably `Kyle', the sturdiest and tallest man Ryou had seen in all his unnaturally long life.
“Take them out!” Somebody shouted from somewhere and Ryou had no time to turn around. Instead, all he knew was a screeching pain on his head. He realized Kyle was there, pulling him by his hair and nearly lifting him up.
“Come on!” the Kyle-goon shouted and literally dragged Ryou forward by his silver locks. It was all a bit confusing for Ryou and he couldn't help but think about what he kept hearing. `Take them out!' a guard had said…take who out? Were there others? Were his friends okay? What about Serena? What had happened to her?
Ryou promptly ignored the fact that he was being roughly shoved around, and took some time to make valiant thoughts. `I'll break the bones of anyone who dares to touch one hair of her head!' the angelic boy thought.
Unfortunately, that courageous trail of thought was broken by a loud cry.
“MOVE OUT!” a gorilla-wide man yelled, as he loaded something that looked like a sniper rifle. Ryou gulped involuntarily. Guns? They still had guns in this century? Of course…how could humanity EXIST without guns…?
Ryou didn't even want to think about what 25th century guns could probably do. He felt a persistent push on his back, which was forcing him to move quicker. Suspiciously, the thing that was pushing him was very pointy…the edge of a gun, probably.
He was forced to walk out of the bridge and into the corridor. The walls around him were covered in ice and frost. Ryou shivered from the cold and tried to focus on the warm air he was breathing from the mask.
Suddenly, he felt something -someone, rather- grab his arm and haul him forward. He hardly found his balance before he collided with somebody else. Slowly and very tiredly, Ryou raised his head to look at the person in front of him.
The person didn't look half as tall as all the others, and Ryou could clearly recognize an outline of long, blonde hair.
“Marik!” Ryou shouted from beneath the mask, only to receive an inhumane hit on his back.
“No talking, poppet!” somebody on Ryou's side ordered and Ryou resisted the urge to shout that he was tired of being addressed as a girl -even in cursing.
The guards behind surprisingly didn't shove him forward to walk…they were obviously waiting for the other goons to come out of the bridge, so the whole unit could move out as one.
Ryou took what little time he had to merely look at Marik, who was standing next to him a bit limply. The blonde boy's once golden hair had turned into a dull dark blonde. His lavender eyes were glazed over with cyan blue, and his now sickly tanned skin was adorned with frost. The mask on his face concealed most of his features, but Ryou could sense his friend's pained expression.
Ryou eyed Marik's body. The little `magic' bags that gave warmth to his torso had long since blacked out and now stood as simple stickers on his skin. As for his black clothes… They were torn, bloodied and completely dirty with grease and ice.
The albino really wanted to talk to his friend, but knew that someone would hit him as soon as he opened his mouth. He settled for giving Marik a compassionate glance. Marik didn't really seem to acknowledge it, and continued to stare morbidly at the distance. Ryou was really worried by now.
Suddenly, the white-haired boy recognized a shout in the mayhem. It was that man again- Kyle.
“Put him with the others! You idiots! I can't believe you almost missed him!”
Ryou was shoved to the side as somebody's body was pushed on his. The albino's eyes widened considerably, as he clearly saw a spiky mop of hair stand out from the mist. Yugi!
“Yugi!” Ryou whispered in glee as he watched Yugi recover from the fall and stand up shakily. Yugi's huge, wide eyes turned to Ryou and he gasped.
“Ryou!” Yugi shouted and Ryou winced. He hoped no one had noticed them talking, but no such luck.
“I SAID SHUT UP, YOU LITTLE MUTT!” a nearby goon shouted, and slapped the back of Yugi's head harshly. The spiky haired boy flinched and shook his head to recover. He had been taught his lesson, now.
Yugi and Ryou eyed each other. They were visibly cold, tired and wearing masks. Frosty water seemed to be slipping down Yugi's face and spiky hair, while his leather clothing kept sticking on his body.
“Are you okay?” Ryou whispered.
“Yeah…they took Tea away…” Yugi whispered back quite miserably.
“I know…and Serenity. Do you think they're okay? What about the others?” Ryou made sure to keep his voice in a low mutter so as not to annoy the awaiting goons.
“ I don't know…” Yugi audibly sighed and then turned to look behind Ryou “What's wrong with Marik?”
Ryou understood what Yugi was talking about. Marik had not spoken or moved at all…he seemed to be in a comatose state of living dead. The albino slowly turned to look at his blonde friend and felt a new surge of worry assault him at seeing Marik's blank expression.
“He won't hold on in the cold much longer…He needs heat soon…” Ryou started saying and Yugi nodded anxiously from behind, his kind eyes widening with worry.
Suddenly, Ryou and Yugi heard bangs and crashes from behind, and turned to see new guards come out of the bridge.
At the sight of their companions, the ones who were guarding the three friends started to move. Yugi's harmless eyes widened considerably when he felt a rifle shove him forward. Ryou's generally innocent expression was reflecting worry and tiredness. And Marik…he just moved lifelessly taking one step after another. He allowed himself to be pushed forward by the point of the gun behind him.
And so they walked silently down the corridors of the ship, meeting destroyed rooms and machinery everywhere. Ryou could almost feel Yugi's crushed disappointment as the thin, sweet boy watched his dreams shatter in front of his eyes, along with his beloved ship.
“It's okay…Yugi…” Ryou tried to give comfort, but realized he had none to give. Perhaps it was because he felt helpless himself. Without Serenity to believe in him…without Marik to help him…he just felt deserted in this unknown dimension. What was his purpose of living any more? He was left alone in an unknown world, with no friends and with many foes…
Slowly, Ryou witnessed his dreams of a peaceful life crumble in front of him. Like Yugi's ship, all that was left was ruins.
Yugi nodded silently at Ryou's effort to help him, and tried to seem courageous at a time of peril. After all, he still had to find Tea and save her. He still had to visit other planets. He still had a life to live…that couldn't die so easily.
“We have to find the others.” Yugi stated finally, his determined tone surprising Ryou. Just then, the albino boy grinned wisely behind the mask.
`I guess that's why they call you Game King, Yugi…' he thought `You just never give up.'
Ryou smiled. That was the right thing to do. He turned to his right, where Marik was walking numbly. `I'll help you Marik…I'll get Serena back…' the angelic boy thought, and nodded determinedly at his own thoughts.
Yugi and Ryou were lost in their own musings, so they didn't notice they were being dragged towards the ship exit. At some point, Ryou numbly realized that the passenger ramp had been lowered, and that they were being ushered out of the ship.
Yugi and Ryou gasped suddenly, when a wave of heat hit them full-force. Their ship had been frozen and ghastly, and once they stepped away from the ramp and onto a lean metal floor, the atmosphere felt immensely better.
Ryou turned to his right hurriedly. Marik was walking there, still lifeless. The albino shook his head dejectedly and turned to his left. Yugi was staring around in wonder, his eyes wide and eager. Ryou vaguely registered that Yugi had found his way to explore outer space, even though under the worst of circumstances. It was probably the first time for the Game King to see such things for real.
And Ryou honestly couldn't blame him, because the place they were in was truly wondrous. A long and slim corridor spread endlessly before them. The walls and ceiling of the corridor seemed to be made of glass, and Ryou could see the sky of space spread above their heads.
Adorning the vision of black starry skies was a huge, white, intricate construction. It was floating right in front of them and Ryou finally understood that the corridor they were walking on led to the entrance of the fortress.
Ryou had an uncanny feeling he had seen such things before in the cinema of the 21st century. He had seen movies with huge space buses or space colonies…but he'd never dared to imagine he'd see one for real.
Marik seemed completely indifferent about this change of events, and continued to stagger pathetically, in opposition to Yugi, who stared upwards in wonder and only wished he could be allowed to marvel at the huge ship-planet freely.
Ryou tried to rip his gaze away from the Base, but he just couldn't. Shining and huge, it was flying in the middle of space. Little lights and windows adorned every inch of it, and Ryou was curious whether those movie directors of the 21st century had had the ability to see the future.
He was just too old for this.
“Hurry, mutt!!” some goon shouted from the back and pressed his gun roughly on Ryou's back. Ooops…it seems he'd been too carried away in his mental rant to notice he'd slowed his pace.
After a great amount of speechless walking, Ryou had decided to forget any coherent thought and just focus on staring at the Base, which seemed to get closer with every step they made.
Occasionally, some guard would bark at the three friends for being too slow and apart from that, Ryou and Yugi had to endure all the silly chats between the guards and the pathetic jokes they said.
Ryou felt the ice on his hair and clothes melt to water from the sudden heat. He rejoiced in the wonderful feeling of normal temperature and temporarily forgot about his predicament. That is, until he found himself suddenly looking straight at a huge, sickly white door.
They had reached the Base. Yugi felt his heart pounding in his chest and the anxiety almost overwhelmed him. He watched, frozen on the spot, as a black-suited guard walked up to the entrance.
He took out an ID card of some sort and pushed it forcefully in a pedestal, which Yugi hadn't noticed before. At once, a computer voice broke out.
“Welcome to KaibaCorp Kleria Base. Have a nice stay.” The computer said in a boring girlish voice. The guard in front of the door motioned for the others to follow, and Ryou found himself being forced forward yet again.
When the white doors parted, the first guard walked inside, accompanied hurriedly by the rest of the group. Yugi dazedly noted that there probably were more than twenty goons surrounding them.
The heat that greeted the near-frozen boys was almost unbearable when they walked in the Base. Ryou's eyes widened as he watched all kinds of people walk around quickly -this looked like the spaceport in Mercury. The place was teeming with people who were buzzing ceaselessly in queues.
Yugi's eyes had widened to the size of saucers. He had never seen anything like this. He saw blue-headed aliens talk in a weird language, he saw a girl dressed in a long gown sauntering around, he saw a person wearing a green turban holding a cobra…he even saw a group of little boys eating ice-cream and shouting at some point.
Ryou was equally surprised to see all this, the sudden vivacity hitting his broken body. `They still have ice-cream and cobras in this century?!' the albino thought incredulously. He turned to check on Marik, only to see that the blonde boy had his eyes shut and his eyebrows furrowed, Well, at least it was a change…
Ryou thought about trying to speak to Marik but decided against it. Who knew what these cruel guards would do if they saw him. Besides, Marik seemed to need some time to adjust to the heat. Bathed in the sudden bright light, Ryou realized just how bad their condition was.
Torn clothes, bloody bodies, puffy eyes, swollen lips and ice melting on their hair. How had they survived? The sudden liveliness of the Base reminded Bakura what they had all gone through.
They had been alone in the cold space, stuck and abandoned in a dark ghost-ship, with only a cargo ship to drag them to the hands of Kaiba. Ryou's eyes had adjusted so much to the blue light that he found it magnificent to be able to see properly again.
Wait a minute! Wasn't KaibaCorp a medical company? What were all these people doing in the Base? Ryou turned around to Marik again in desperate search for answers. Marik was the one who usually helped in these cases…but the blonde's face was still blank and unmoving. Maybe this whole sudden switch in temperature was not faring too well with his still-recovering body.
Yugi noted that they had been standing in front of the entrance for more than five minutes. What were these guards planning? From the corner of his eye, he saw the goon that he supposed was the leader talk on a walkie-talkie-like contraption.
So that was it…he was getting orders…Yugi strained his ears to listen to the guard's conversation.
“Yes sir…I see. Yes sir…Uh-huh. I understand…Roger that, Kaiba sir.” The guard nodded dismissively “Yes” he finished and pressed a button to end the transmission. He turned to a man behind him.
Yugi could see the leader's aggravated scowl. He was probably sporting an irritated expression behind that mask…
“Kaiba says take them to the cells in the bottom of the Base…man, I swear I'd kill that guy if I could…” The leader turned his scowl at the three friends “Their friends are getting carried there right now…” he turned back to the other goon. “Well, go! What are you waiting for? Move!”
It didn't take much more for the other guard to catch the drift. He immediately turned to his other partners and motioned for them to follow him as he turned to walk behind the leader.
Yugi and Ryou didn't need a gun to remind them they had to walk…they were much to excited about what they'd just heard. Their friends were okay!? They were getting carried in some cells? Did that mean they'd see them again?
“Man, I can't believe I get paid to do this shit…” one of the guards muttered darkly from behind Ryou.
Marik was as unmoving as ever and only the push of a rifle could make him walk. Ryou sighed as he watched the once lithe boy move so robotically. What on earth was wrong with him?! His wounds had been completely healed and his blood should have regenerated by now…so what was the problem?
Yugi followed the guards eagerly, hoping to see the others. Ryou was also impatient to see Serena and his other friends, but he had to wait for Marik, who was pushed and shoved roughly by the guards. He truly wanted to reach a hand and help the boy, but he knew that some guard would hurt him if he even tried.
Thus, the company of guards moved through the crowd, receiving inquisitive glances from many people.
“KC (KaibaCorp) business, people. Go back to what you were doing.” A goon would shout periodically. Ryou was a bit puzzled. Couldn't all these people see that someone was being dragged to their murder? What was going on?
He heard a snort on his right and froze his thoughts. Slowly and with trepidation, he turned around to see the hurt violet eyes blink back at him. Marik was looking at him, and he seemed thoroughly aggravated.
“T-they probably think we're murderers or thieves…” Marik started with a low, impending tone. His smirk couldn't be seen under the mask but it was surely there “Kaiba has probably made sure we are wanted by the government for some murder…maybe Ayano and Suzuki…” a small spasm shot through Marik's body as he muttered “…you see…Kaiba has connections in the senate…”
Ryou shivered involuntarily. Marik's tone did that to people…Connections? What kind of `connections'? Did this mean that their happy group of ten would be wanted by every authority in the galaxy -providing they survived Kaiba first, of course…
Suddenly, Ryou realized Marik was talking. Did that mean he was okay? The blonde boy still didn't look very healthy, but he was at least walking normally. Ryou thought about asking something, but Marik unexpectedly continued.
“…Kaiba has probably convinced the government that he's in some sort of holy crusade to avenge his dead scientists…” Marik coughed pathetically but continued nonetheless “That sounds just like him…He's turned the whole world against us, I bet…”
By now, Yugi was listening as well while walking. The spiky-haired boy couldn't help but ask “Where are they taking us?”
Ryou could almost feel Marik's ironic grin. “Where do you think?” he gave a short, choked laugh “this is a KC building…so it would surely include torture halls…they're taking us to the dungeons in the bottom of the Base…” Marik gave a dirty, dark look “The ones nobody knows about…” he continued “Kaiba will kill us there, and say it happened while he was hunting us down…”
Ryou stared simply at his recently recovered friend “how can you be so sure of this, Marik?”
Marik's eyes glazed over in a tired manner “I understand how he thinks.” The boy simply stated. For some reason, it made sense to Ryou...For all Ryou had seen, Marik was the only one who could ever remotely control Kaiba. It was logical for Marik to relate to Kaiba's way of thinking.
People from around kept throwing them dirty looks, and as time went by, Marik's words seemed to make more and more sense to Ryou…Kaiba HAD turned the world against them.
“But what about me?” Yugi suddenly asked “Why does he want me? How could he have time to turn everyone against ME?”
Marik smirked “He has all the time he needs to destroy your life as we speak…He will hunt you down…you and everyone that has anything to do with you…and he will turn you all into scientific gore experiments…” he murmured and Yugi took a terrified expression “As for your other question…” Marik started “…he wants you because you helped us.”
Ryou gasped. It was their fault? Everything was their fault? Yugi silently nodded from his side, not wanting to know anything else. Ryou remotely wondered whether Yugi regretted helping them or not…even if he did, it was too late now. Kaiba would kill him anyway, just for the aggravation he caused.
The three friends lapsed into silence after that and watched the guards lead them to the doors of an elevator. When they went inside, surrounded by a dozen goons, Ryou heard the leader say `lower levels'.
Immediately, the elevator started to move downwards and Ryou was eerily reminded of his latest, unfortunate elevator experience in the Yango tower. He focused on Marik, who seemed to look dead again -but Ryou was not fooled. Beneath that limp façade, Marik's brain was functioning ceaselessly, obviously observing and processing everything it came across.
Marik's theory of Kaiba's plan had been proven right, so far. They were going to the `lower levels' -that probably meant the dungeons. The prospect of dying in a 25th century catacomb complex was nearly killing Ryou.
Moments passed in absolute silence, broken only by the periodical talking of guards. Ryou glanced at Marik. The boy's body was wrinkled and broken, and his proud shoulders had slumped into a sad pose. The only thing that escaped the image of helplessness was Marik's face. Ryou believed there was an ironic and sort of crazed grin on Marik's hidden lips. The only thing that could be seen was his disappointed and quite sarcastic gaze. What was he thinking anyway?
A sudden click echoed and the computer voice boomed around.
“Lower Levels. Only Level-A personnel allowed.” The computer voice said and Ryou felt confused. Level A personnel? Beside him, Marik smirked yet again.
Everything soon made sense, as the elevator doors parted. A metallic corridor greeted them, in the end of which stood a tall metallic door. A sign was placed all over the metal:
It suddenly dawned on Ryou. `The dungeons nobody knows about!' he thought `People think this is some sort of hangar for KaibaCorp, while Kaiba keeps his illegal prisons here! Security Level A…is that what we call these goons now?'
Ryou's suspicions were justified, when the leader of the guards took out the same ID card he had used earlier for the entrance door. He plunged it in the system of the door and a soft sound was heard.
“Access granted.” The digital voice stated, as the doors slid open. A dark, green-lit corridor greeted them after that. Four guards walked in front of the three friends and all others followed after.
The surroundings were already reminding Ryou of some sick, deserted clinic. On the albino's left, Yugi was walking wide eyed, impressed and frightened at the same time. In contrast, Marik allowed himself to be pushed by the guard's rifle once again, his limp body coming in opposition with his ever-watchful eyes.
They progressed down one corridor after another, getting lost in the maze of green lights and intricate passageways. They reached a fork and took a left. Then, they took a right on the next fork.
Ryou tried to remember the way out, but realized it was useless -and hopeless. There was no way one could find his way in this labyrinth, except if they had a map.
Yugi and Ryou were getting desperate and very tired from all this walking. They knew that they could never protest of course, but the sense of leaving civilization behind in combination to getting lost in a KC maze was having a dangerous impact on their sense of right and wrong.
“Where are you taking us?” Ryou inquired quite boldly, only to receive the inevitable hit on his back.
“Shut your mouth, dolly!” the guard behind him roared. Ryou felt his patience fuel out, something very rare and very dangerous to happen. For the solid patience of an old man to wear out totally, it meant that something very serious was going on.
Ryou's tiredness in combination with his aching body and his aggravation about being called a girl more than once was threatening to break lose in a chain reaction.
-You remind me of myself, Brightside- a voice suddenly echoed inside Ryou's very soul -I used to try and restrain it too…-
Ryou inwardly glared / You mean you tried to restrain it BEFORE you used my body to burn down that mall in the 21st century? Since when did you start talking to me, anyway? I never heard you answering when I called you all those times before! All you ever do is jump out, take over my body and start destroying things! I'm so tired of you! Tired! / Ryou actually sounded angry, and Bakura enjoyed hearing his other self try to vent out his fury on him.
-Feels good, doesn't it? The way your blood pumps in your ears…The way your heartbeat quickens and hurts…The way you want to strangle something…the way you want to hear them all screeeeeam….- Bakura said in a somewhat high tone, trying to infuriate Ryou furthermore.
/Silence you demon! Get out of my mind! / Ryou shouted inwardly. He was about to say more but was broken out of his trance by a loud squeal.
His head snapped up in attention to greet the sight of a group of people approaching their own. It was another group of guards, only they were surrounding and pointing their weapons at what looked like…Lena, Rika and Serenity!
Lena was the one who had squealed previously, and now the guards were shouting at her and trying to silence her at all costs. Next to her, Rika was screeching like a banshee upon seeing the group of Yugi, Ryou and Marik.
Ryou's eyes widened as he stared at Serenity, her disheveled appearance and tired eyes gawking at him.
“SERENA!” he suddenly shouted, but immediately, the back of a gun collided with his spine harder than any other time. He felt his body fall, only to be supported by Yugi's arms.
“Hold on…” the boy muttered as he glared at the guard who had hurt Ryou. Naturally, the guard couldn't care less. Marik looked willing to help his friends, but the spasms running over his body were not helping.
Ryou stood up shakily and looked at Serenity, who was now looking at him with pleading eyes. If only there was something he could do…He saw those bastards pointing their guns at her, and felt his ire flow deep into his veins. If they dared touch one hair of her head…if they dared to touch one of those silky auburn bands…he would make sure they would never live to tell the tale.
She was staring at him, her face a mask of tears. The oxygen mask that covered her face could not hide her expression of pure desperation, mirrored greatly in her terrorized hazel eyes.
Ryou vaguely registered that the group of the girls was standing on the other side of the fork. They walked closer and soon the two groups were facing each other. Ryou vaguely registered that the distance between him and Serenity was a mere five feet…She seemed to notice that too and kept her teary eyes stuck on the angel boy, as though afraid that if she simply blinked, he would fade away to oblivion. Marik watched the whole wordless interaction with tired, broken eyes.
When Rika and Lena's horrified faces fell on the blonde boy, they both gasped in sorrow. Marik smirked. He could only imagine the image he portrayed right then. Oh well, hygiene would have to wait…he had to save his life first. Where had his handsome face gone, now? Where was his lithe, beautiful body? Maybe Kaiba was right…maybe he was a loser. Even Bakura never seemed to acknowledge that he was worth something…and he had tried so hard…
The guard who was standing in front of Rika smirked at the leader of Ryou's group.
“How's it goin'? What did Kaiba tell you?” he asked.
The man in front of Yugi chuckled harshly “You mean what Kaiba barked at me?”
The guard in front of Rika shook his head “Watch it, Jay…there are surveillance cameras everywhere, remember?”
Although Ryou couldn't see Jay's face since he was standing behind the man, he knew there was a thunderstruck expression separate on it.
“Anyway” Jay finally said “We're taking them to Section 9. How about you?”
“Well…” the man in front of the girls started “He told us to put them all in separate cells…But I guess we'll just put these three together.”
Jay nodded dumbly “Cool. We'll do the same then…” At this, Marik gave an unseen and very unnerving smirk.
“Yeah…we'll just take them in Section 5. The others have already gotten rid of their group…”
Yugi's attention bucked up. There was another group? Tea and the missing people were probably there! So everyone was okay -for now. But he still had to find Tea…maybe these idiots would mention where she was! Yugi strained his ears to listen carefully, but was disappointed by what he heard.
“Cool, man. So are we on for tonight? You know, I haven't had a good drink in ages.” Jay said and Lena rolled her eyes from behind the other guard.
“Sure. Okay, I'll just get rid of these chicks and meet you in the bar.”
Ryou felt furious at hearing Serenity being called a chick from this brainless body-builder. He watched Jay nod in apprehension and motion for the group to move. Ryou was forced to walk again…His eyes were stuck on Serenity's, trying to give her the best amount of comfort he could. He watched her fearful orbs observe him from afar, until a guard grabbed her arm and thrust her forward.
Ryou stopped dead in his tracks and watched her get shoved by the goon. He promptly ignored the gun that poked him from the back and continued to glare daggers at the man who had dared to touch his girl.
-How would it feel to snap his neck, Brightside? Don't you just want to hear that satisfying `crack'?- the infuriating voice in his mind suggested. Ryou felt guilty for fantasizing about Bakura's description of himself killing that goon. Maybe Bakura could be considered his satanic apparition, after all…
It didn't really dawn on him that he had to move, until he heard the click of a gun holster holler next to his ear. Begrudgingly, he realized that someone was aiming a gun at his temple…he watched the goon's heartless black eyes constrict in anger, the rest of his expression hidden behind the mask.
“Move.” He simply stated, and Ryou knew that he had no choice. He sighed and turned to walk forward slowly, but his eyes turned back to Serenity's retreating figure.
Not until he had completely lost sight of her did he refocus his gaze on his surroundings. Marik was still walking limply by his side, while Yugi seemed anxious for some reason. Ryou could only guess it had to do with Tea.
There was no time to ask, however, seeing as the leader of the guards -Jay- stopped walking suddenly and took a right turn in an unknown corridor. Ryou took a few seconds to acknowledge that there was an inscription carved on metal at the top of the corridor entrance. `Sector 9' it wrote, and Ryou knew that their doom was close now.
After a few turns and many minutes of walking, Jay came to another halt. They had reached what looked like an empty platform, which didn't lead anywhere. Ryou idly wondered if they had taken a wrong turn and ended up in an empty room…
He was shaken out of his musings by a rough push on his back. The guard behind him dragged him into the empty platform and simply let him stand there. Ryou was a bit confused as to what was happening when he saw all the guards back away from him and aim their guns directly at his head. Oh no! Was this the end? He couldn't die like this!
Yugi was also pushed into the empty room next to Ryou. A loud shout echoed, as a tall guard cursed at Marik for not moving. With a cannibalistic movement, one of the guards took hold of Marik's bleach blonde hair near the routes and tugged on it roughly. The poor, thin boy yelled in pain as the guard used his hair to literally haul him in the platform. The once lithe boy's powerless body fell soundly against the wall of the room and slid downwards to the floor like a ragged doll. Yugi's eyes widened instantly as he rushed to Marik's side, followed closely by Ryou.
Jay smirked loudly. “Well, enjoy your stay, “ he started with a much too pleased tone “Mr. Kaiba will be with you shortly.” He imitated the voice of a computer. At this stupid imitation, all the guards broke out to cruel laughter.
One by one, Ryou watched them all leave the empty room. The last guard that had walked out reached the wall of the entrance doorway and inserted his Level A card in a slot that Ryou hadn't noticed coming in.
Instantly, electric blue beams formed a barrier of bars over the door. The guard turned to the now imprisoned ones and smirked as he gazed at the albino.
“Goodbye, poppet…” he leered, and finally turned around to leave. Ryou's hands had taken a death-grip on Marik's arm and he hated himself for his own behavior. Maybe if it weren't for the fact that he just realized they were locked in a cell, alone, with Serenity nowhere to be found and with Marik seemingly unconscious…he would be calmer.
Right then, however, he could think of nothing except his own desperation. What about Serenity? What had happened to her? What would he do without her? What would his purpose in survival be if she wasn't there by his side?
Unconsciously, Ryou had plunged his head in his palms, trying to steady his rarely disturbed nerves. All this tension in his mind was broken by a sudden, low sound.
Ryou curiously turned at Marik's dead form, only to see the boy's head hanging loosely downwards. His now messed-up strands of blonde hair hid his face from view. The slow, rhythmic shaking of Marik's shoulders only verified Ryou's initial suspicions.
Marik was laughing -but it could only be described as maniacal, crazed laughter. It started as a low giggle but it was getting louder by the moment.
Yugi, who had been supporting Marik's body, slowly backed away with a somewhat horrified expression…and Ryou couldn't blame him. Marik did look and sound quite freaky right then.
Marik was now laughing very loudly, receiving strange glances from the other occupants of the room. His laughter resembled that of an evil gangster who has just succeeded in a flawless scheme.
The blonde boy's shoulders were shaking violently and he had to gasp for air in order to continue his hysterical guffawing. He rolled over and lay completely to the floor occasionally holding his sides in order to laugh harder.
At seeing this creepy break out of madness, Ryou didn't know how to react. He felt an uneasy surge of worry run through his body and thus learned Bakura's feelings about this whole situation.
Marik started hitting his fists on the floor, literally laughing his guts out. Ryou decided he'd had enough. He eyed Yugi -who had backed away profusely- and finally lunged on Marik. Obviously, other people were having a harder time dealing with problems than Ryou himself, so he'd just have to leave his own predicaments aside for a while.
Ryou grabbed Marik's shoulders from behind and flipped the boy to lie on his back, only to greet the sight of eyes full of tears from laughter. Ryou hurriedly tore away the oxygen mask that covered Marik's features. He mimicked the movement to take his own mask off, and Yugi also removed his own from nearby.
Marik's eyes snapped open at sensing Ryou, and Ryou gasped at what he saw.
Marik's eyes emitted hysteria in every direction, since the once proud lavender had totally converted to deep blue. His orbs glanced frantically around at the surroundings as he kept his unhealthy laughing. The blonde boy grasped Ryou's hands that were shaking his body and squeezed them tightly.
Ryou's eyes widened and he started shaking Marik harder. He was overly worried by now. Was Marik crazy? He could sense his Darkside' s unusual concern flow through their link. It only made things worse for the now desperate albino.
“Marik! MARIK! Hold on in there!! Marik!” Ryou started shouting, which only served for Marik to laugh harder and louder, obviously trying to block out the shouting.
Ryou's innocent eyes narrowed. He pulled his hands away from Marik's body and grabbed the boy's face instead. He tried to steady it from thrashing around in hysteria but couldn't succeed. He could feel Marik's mind melt under his grasp, the blonde's whole body releasing its final energy.
“MARIK! LISTEN TO ME! MARIK!!” Ryou now screamed, his voice echoing all around the empty cell, but to now avail. Marik just couldn't stop.
“Marik! Please! Shake it off! What would Serena say? MARIK!” Ryou kept trying, now frantically hitting the blonde's chest. Finally, there came some response…between hysteric guffawing, Marik managed to choke out a few words.
“AHAHAHAHA!! He-…AHAHA!! HE'S GONNA…!! AHAHAHA!!!!” he shouted. Ryou's tired eyes mirrored his confusion.
“Marik! What are you saying? Marik can you hear me?!!!” Ryou asked loudly, trying to get through. The albino's hands were settled lightly on the blonde's chest, trying to calm him. Innocent brown eyes narrowed in effort. From a few feet nearby, Yugi was watching the scene unfold intently, wondering if he could do anything to help.
“Marik!” Ryou pathetically started “PLEASE! I can't go on all alone…Marik!!” his innocent eyes cried out his misery, but the crazed one was too far in hysteria to notice.
Suddenly, and to the blonde's total ignorance, the ring on the inside of Ryou's shirt started glowing eerily. From the side, Yugi's eyes widened. It was that spirit again! It was Ryou's secret spirit!! Just like his own…
Yugi watched in silent fascination as a thick mist covered Ryou's body, unseen by the maddened Marik. The spiky-haired boy saw Ryou Bakura's hair suddenly shoot up in demonic spikes. The muscles on the boy's arms became rippling and tight, and his eyes…Yugi noticed the change for the first time…the innocent brown had sunk into blood red.
“Oh…my…God…” Yugi whispered, as he watched Ryou's expression turn from worried to furious.
Suddenly, the hands that were placed softly on Marik's chest, rolled into fists around the black fabric. Dazed Marik distantly registered that Ryou's grip had tightened considerably. The next thing the laughing blonde boy knew, was that he was shoved against the wall violently.
He felt the fists that were holding his shirt tighten their hold even more and slowly lift him off the ground. A lean body suddenly pressed against his, squeezing him on the wall…yet he just couldn't stop laughing.
“Shut it up, bitch! Is that all you're worth? You can die for all I care! But what about us?” a ballistic voice literally screamed. Yugi jumped up from fear, and felt goose bumps run over his skin.
Marik's incessant laughing didn't even waver. His violet eyes, however, opened to slits and recognized the person who was shouting at him.
“Ahahahhaha!!! BAKURA!!AHAHAHA!!! D-Don't you see…HAHAHAHAHA!!! It's no use!!!”
The frantic red eyes glowed demonically and Yugi almost thought that blood would come running out of them -so strong was the power inside them.
“SHUT THE HELL UP!! IS THAT IT??? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE WORTH!!!? AND I WHO THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THAT!! YOU'RE JUST A WIMP AFTER ALL!!” Bakura screeched so loudly that he felt Ryou's body's voice cords hurt from the volume.
Abruptly, and most awkwardly, the laughing ceased. It was so sudden, so unbelievably sudden, that Yugi didn't know how to react. Obviously, neither did Bakura. He just settled on watching Marik's next antics. It came as a surprise when he was forced away from Marik's body and he staggered backwards a bit.
This time, it was his pale body that was pushed against the wall. Towering above him was no other than the exotic boy, Marik, who looked less handsome and more dangerous at this point. Marik's piercing lavender stare had returned so unexpectedly that Bakura didn't know how to explain it. The one moment the boy's eyes were deep violet, and now they were shining lilac. How could that be?
Bakura froze as Marik's now overly serious stare penetrated his skull. The demon felt cold fingers wrap around his neck threateningly but couldn't bring himself to move. He couldn't even blink. Normally, he would've writhed and shouted and bit Marik's face, but now all he could do was stare in a face of shock.
Marik's threatening fingers closed tighter around the albino's neck, his sudden silence being more impending than his crazy laughter. He grasped Bakura's throat and used it to squeeze the boy's head against the wall. After he used Bakura's neck to bang the albino's head on the metal, he let his hand slip away from the boy's throat. Now, he held Bakura suspended on the wall by a fist on his shirt.
Bakura flinched at the various violations and watched, frozen, as Marik brought his glaring face in a distance so close to Bakura's that their noses almost touched.
“You fool” Marik finally hissed in Bakura's wide bloodstained eyes “Kaiba will kill us. He'll kill us all. Nothing can stop him. There is no escape. We are all going to die…and there is nothing you can do about it. It doesn't matter how angry you are, Bakura. You can't change the facts. All you ever do is shout and yell and glare…but you still can't change the facts, no matter how angry you are.”
With those words, Marik slipped away from Bakura's body. He turned around and walked all the way to the electric barrier. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the distance -his body curiously revived from its comatose state.
Yugi was observing the whole exchange in a state of disbelief. Not only Ryou Bakura had a secret spirit…but Marik seemed to know this as well? How could Marik distinguish the real Ryou from the spirit inside him? He thought he should ask about it, but decided against it when he saw the state Bakura and Marik were in.
Bakura was left on the wall, his eyes wide and unblinking. He didn't seem to be breathing and Yugi started to worry about his health. Suddenly, as though an electric burst had shot through the albino's spine, Bakura's body jerked into life. His eyes blinked and narrowed to disgusting red slits. Slowly and inaudibly, he kicked away from the wall. He took a couple of steps forward and stopped again.
Now, he was facing Marik's back. The silver-haired demon raised an accusing hand at Marik. To Yugi's utter shock, the hand was trembling furiously.
“You're wrong Mariku!” he shouted. At this, the blonde-haired boy raised an unseen eyebrow. He turned around to meet the most intense face he had ever seen.
Bakura's form was shaking- but not in fury. The albino's eyes reflected sorrow and misery, his entire being crying out for salvation. Marik's crossed arms fell limply at his sides, as he stared at the boy in front of him.
Bakura's eyes narrowed. “Not all of us will die…” He whispered a bit too low, which only added to the effect of trepidation in his eyes. Marik could only stare as the demon's eyes glazed over in pain and eternal suffering. The shaking hand that was pointing at Marik in accusation started shaking harder.
Yugi was motionless and he held his breath in utter trepidation.
“Not all of us will die…” Bakura repeated, this time a little louder. Abruptly he reached in his shirt and took something out -something well hidden. Yugi saw the outline of a golden necklace, and distantly wondered if it had to do anything with Ryou's spirit -just as the pyramid had to do with his own dark self.
Bakura pulled the thread of the ring over his neck with one fluid movement. Marik didn't know what to say or what to do, so he just stared.
Bakura looked at the ring in a broken manner and squeezed it tightly in his palm. Marik saw the long dangling edges of the pendant rip through Bakura's flesh as he squeezed, but the demon paid no heed. Suddenly, and with absolutely no warning, the white-haired boy threw the golden ring at Marik's direction, aiming directly at Marik's chest. The blonde boy realized what was happening and caught the ring the moment it hit his body. He looked at it and then at Bakura questioningly.
Bakura seemed utterly miserable -that was the only way to describe it. His bloodshot eyes narrowed.
“Don't you get it? I'm not going to die!! I can't die!” Bakura screamed desperately “If Kaiba kills all of you, he still won't kill me! No matter what, I'm gonna live! I'm gonna live forever!”
Bakura grabbed his head in both arms “I can't die! I'll never freakin' die! Do you know what will happen to me, if you die? DO YOU?” he asked with glaring eyes.
Marik was staring, speechless and frozen. What to say?
“I'm gonna live -that's what! I'm gonna go on and on and on, while you'll just be gone and over with! And I'll just be left here to rot, alone and immortal! I never asked for it!! THEY DID THIS TO ME!! THEY CURSED ME IN THAT-THAT THING!!” he screeched at the top of his lungs while pointing at the ring in Marik's hands in a disgusted manner. He turned an earth-shattering glare to the blonde boy “So don't you friggin' tell me about anger!! DON”T YOU DARE TELL ME ABOUT MY ANGER!!” he screamed as loudly as he could, and Marik backed away. So did Yugi.
Bakura doubled over to recover his hurting lungs “You think you know about death, Mariku? You think you're so smart? Let me SHOW you DEATH!!!” Bakura shouted suddenly, and Marik felt the ring grow hot in his hands. It started to scorch his flesh and he reflexively dropped it to the ground. The ornament started to glow and shake eerily. Marik glanced from the ring to Bakura.
He suddenly saw dark mist covering Ryou's body, as the yellow ring kept vibrating on the floor. Marik and Yugi saw Ryou's body fall to the ground. Ryou shook his head lightly, his innocent brown eyes clouding over in wonder. What he saw was incomprehensible to him and he gasped when he saw the glowing ring at Marik's feet.
Ryou meant to say something, but was cut off by a bright light, coming from the ring. Marik, Ryou and Yugi glanced down at the glowing thing on the ground, and suddenly, much to Marik's surprise, the form of a glowing transparent body appeared in front of him.
The body had suddenly appeared out of the ring's shine and simply floated in the air. Ryou gasped and so did the other boys. The see-through body only had an outline, but it didn't have a specific form.
It wasn't the form of Ryou Bakura, or any other person…it was just a transparent body with a glowing white outline. It was the outline of a normal body: two legs, two hands, a torso and a head…but that was it. Marik gasped, as he saw the thing float down to him.
“Do you see who I really am?” a deep voice echoed around, almost shaking the earth as it spoke. Marik was frozen, immobilized, as the spirit floated in front of him.
“I have no form…I have no identity…no memories.” The being's hand reached out and touched Marik's cheek just barely, taking a small gasp away from the blonde boy's mouth. It was so cold…so frozen a touch.
“I have no…body…” the spirit said finally and it floated away from Marik and towards Ryou.
“Don't you see, Mariku…the boy is just my host…what you believe I look like is just an illusion….”The glowing spirit suddenly glided towards Ryou's body. Marik and Yugi flinched, as the glowing thing ran through Ryou, and a wind ruffled the white haired boy's hair.
Marik gasped suddenly. When the glowing spirit had gone through Ryou, it had taken form again. It was in the shape of Ryou. The old Bakura that Marik had grown to recognize.
Bakura's fiery red eyes narrowed. “I am cursed. Damned. I have your precious eternal life…But it's not even a life…because I'm not alive, Mariku.”
“Yami...” Ryou started wearily, eyeing Marik suspiciously. Obviously, the boy still thought that Marik could not see his spirit and wondered why Bakura was trying to talk to him.
However, Ryou was promptly ignored, as Bakura continued. The spirit's tone had risen again.
“You think you know all that? You think you know about death? This is death! Do you see it? Do you like it!? My life is my daily, friggin' death! I live to die! Everyday, the same thing! Everyday, I die! Again, and again and again and AGAIN!”
Bakura ran to Marik and actually ran through Marik's body. When Marik recovered from the cool breeze that had gone by, he turned to look at Bakura and choked on his breath. Ryou and Yugi had done the same.
Bakura was there, standing in front of the blonde boy in a transparent body. A body that was the mirror image of Marik Ishtar. Bakura had taken Marik's form when he ran through him, just as he had done with Ryou.
Marik felt his blood run like ice in his veins as he watched Bakura in his own body. The `Marik' that Bakura projected was a tad taller and had even tighter muscles than the real one. His blonde hair was raised in furious spikes, and his eyes…they were red. Instead of lavender, they had taken Bakura's original bloodshot red.
“Do you see this? Do you understand why I hate being stepped through!?” Bakura asked furiously “I can do it any time I want! I can take any shape that I want except my original one! I have no self! I have no presence! All I have left is my god damn anger! They did this to me! They FORCED me! So I'll break them! I'll kill them all! I”LL KILL THEM ALL!!”
Bakura was still in the form of Marik's body. He came to stand in front of the real Marik, frighteningly close. Although he was transparent and unable to touch Marik in any way, the blonde still felt very exposed for some reason.
Bakura bent down to Marik's face, their tanned noses inches from each other “So don't you tell me about my anger.” He whispered so low that only Marik could hear.
Marik couldn't speak. He couldn't even breathe. He watched numbly as Bakura turned around and walked away, walking towards Ryou slowly. The silver haired boy was completely shocked. He kept staring at Bakura's now tanned Marik-like face.
“Darkside…what does this mean?” the boy asked in a morbid, stiff voice.
Bakura didn't do anything. He didn't even give his trademark smirk. “It doesn't mean anything.” He stated finally and closed his eyes slowly. In a mere second, he had faded away, his body dissipating in a thick mist.
Ryou glanced at Yugi, who seemed utterly speechless and then at Marik, who looked ashamed to no extent.
“…Marik?” Ryou finally questioned a bit uneasily “Are…you okay?” Ryou asked.
Marik turned slowly to Ryou and blinked. Then he turned to the floor and looked at where the golden ring was lying, lifeless. He took a few unconscious steps forward and bent down to his knees. Neither Ryou nor Yugi made a move, afraid they would disturb Marik in some way. The blonde boy simply reached out and lifted the ring from the floor. Slowly, and a bit ceremoniously, Marik gently took the ring in both hands and bent his head to rest on it.
“I'm sorry…” he finally whispered “I…I never knew…I mean of course I knew, but I…” Marik stuttered very uncharacteristically, making Ryou's eyebrows shoot up in surprise “I didn't mean to offend you…I didn't know what I was saying…” Marik unconsciously squeezed the ring between his fingers, trying to make the cold gold give him some kind of response…
“…I just …” Marik softly started “…freaked out.”
Yugi slowly approached the form of the kneeling boy, Ryou mimicking his movements. They watched Marik intently as he spoke, until something broke their trance. It was a soft glow coming from the ring. This time, it didn't burn in Marik's hands. It was just warm. It was warm and giving a soft pulse…a beat.
Marik closed his eyes and imagined it was Bakura's heartbeat. He tried to think of a way to imagine Bakura's real face, but all he could imagine was a pair of red eyes, glaring in the midst of fiery chasms. He smiled slowly, as he felt the warm ring glow between his fingers.
When he reopened his eyes, he saw what he was expecting, a transparent spirit standing with its back to him. Awkward wind was ruffling Bakura's white-silver hair -perhaps it came from his own spiritual dimension and that's why nobody else could feel it.
Ryou and Yugi turned to look at the spirit, who had his hands shoved in the pockets of Ryou Bakura's black trousers. His torn army shirt was identical to Ryou's and even his white hair had the same amount of grease Ryou's body currently had.
“Yami…” Ryou said in surprise, not knowing how to react in a situation where other people could see Bakura as well.
Bakura turned his bloodshot eyes to look at the group of three and he finally settled his gaze on the blonde boy.
“Just don't do it again, pretty boi…or I'll pluck your goo-goo eyes out with a pair of tweezers.” Bakura said what could be considered the most inappropriate line in the history of mankind. Marik, however, felt strangely comforted and grinned with that very sly, seductive grin that Ryou hadn't seen in ages. The blonde stood up instantly, the golden ring still held tightly in his right hand, and took a few steps towards the spirit.
“Well…” Marik started and Yugi and Ryou curiously noted that he had lapsed into his old, seductive self “ Why were you trying to help me all those times?”
Bakura's head instantly shot up and he aimed a cruel glare at Marik “Why do you think, you idiot? You're the only one who can control that lunatic Kaiba! We need you!” the spirit barked. `I need you…you're the only person who knows me besides that idiot of a Brightside…' he added in his thoughts, but refused to acknowledge he had thought anything like that.
Marik just kept that sly grin on his face and Bakura felt thoroughly shaken. Why wasn't his customary killer-glare getting through? Why was Marik immune?
“Well…” Marik started a bit too gleefully “You are right about that…I AM the only person who can control Kaiba…” he gave Bakura a very dark leer “So you do NEED me in order to survive…”
Bakura fumed silently and was about to answer with a very profound string of curses. Unfortunately, someone interrupted him.
“Excuse me” Ryou's soft voice was suddenly heard “But could someone please explain to me what on earth is going on here?” he inquired a bit angrily. After all, this had been a trying day for him. First, he lost Serenity. Then, he almost lost Marik. Now, he finally got Marik back, only to learn that Marik AND Yugi could see his dark self. Nevertheless, he still managed to keep his temper. Now THAT was honorable.
“And to me.” Yugi piped up, feeling left out of the whole scene.
Bakura smirked and thought he'd have quite a good time watching Marik try to explain things. Marik, on the other hand, sighed wearily.
“Umm…” he started a bit uncomfortably, which was very out of character for him. But then again, many uncharacteristic things had been happening these days…”Ryou, I was actually planning to tell you one of these days…”
`What a gigantic lie!' Bakura and Marik thought in the same time. Marik boldly continued, however…
“I can see Bakura.” Marik stated the obvious “ I don't know how or why…Actually, I could see him since the very first day I met you, when he came out of the ring in KaibaCorp…”
Ryou sported a breathless expression, and Yugi simply seemed confused. After all, the boy hadn't been told the entire story of how Ryou and Marik met and escaped Mercury…nor did he know that Ryou had been transformed to a young boy from an old fag! All Yugi had been told was that Kaiba was after them, for some reason.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Ryou finally asked, after a long silence. Marik seemed uncomfortable.
“Well…I thought you had enough problems adjusting to a new world already, so I thought I'd keep it for later…but then things kept happening…and I never found the right moment to tell you…”
Ryou tried not to fume in inexplicable anger. So THIS was the right moment? They were in the middle of a cell, waiting to be executed by Kaiba for a crime they never committed, Serenity was gone…and Marik and Bakura finally found the courage to confess they had been talking to each other for…who knows!!??
Thus, Ryou just dropped to the floor and leaned on the wall tiredly. “Cool.” He said, in a tone harsher than he had expected “Anything else?” he asked the rhetorical question. The answer was, of course `yes'.
“Actually…” Marik started and Ryou nodded his head in confirmation of his suspicions “We thought of something that might help regain Bakura's memories. We believe Kaiba may be involved…”
Ryou's eyes widened. Woooow. Hold on, there. Regain Bakura's memories? Kaiba involved? Ryou had the feeling that there had been a lot more secret conversations going on between Bakura and Marik than he had originally thought.
Suddenly, a sweet voice was heard. “Excuse me…but would I be too bold if I asked how come you have an item with a spirit inside it?” Yugi asked Ryou.
“Of course not.” Ryou answered simultaneously with Bakura who said “YES, you would be.”
Marik and Yugi resisted the urge to hit their heads on the wall in exasperation. Ryou simply shook his head to clear his thoughts and turned to Yugi.
“Well…it's a much too long story, and now's not the right time to tell you everything, Yugi…I'll just tell you that Bakura is a spirit that is cursed to live in that golden ring” Ryou pointed at the ring in Marik's hands. “and that he takes over my body sometimes. Until now, only I could see Bakura, but…Well, I don't know how come the both of you can see him, to be honest. I'm just happy that you don't think I'm crazy or something…”
Ryou smiled at himself inwardly. It was true…this was quite unexpected but true. Ryou now finally had two friends that could see Bakura. He didn't need to hold the fear of rejection any more. Marik knew about it and so did Yugi. That was two people down. Then came the most important part…Serenity. How would he tell her? Except of course if she could also see Bakura and was hiding it from him. Ryou tried to rejoice on that thought. Serena wouldn't think he was crazy!
Meanwhile, Bakura was tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. He never did like these long ongoing conversations. He wanted fast paced things…that's mainly why he enjoyed talking to Marik so much…But Marik could never know that, of course.
“Funny…” Yugi's kind voice suddenly said. The spiky-haired boy looked downwards to his pyramid locket and smiled. “And I thought I had the same problem…” his voice trailed on.
Unexpectedly, the necklace tied around Yugi's neck stared glowing and moving frantically. It was as eerie as the glow if the golden ring. Bakura's attention was finally pulled. Ryou also watched in utter fascination…it was that spirit again. The spirit that he had seen take over Yugi's body.
The by-now usual mist covered Yugi's lithe form. When the fog cleared, Marik, Ryou and Bakura widened their eyes. Standing next to Yugi was no other but the transparent image of the Dark Warrior they had all seen.
The newcomer was as silent as a stone, his head dipped stoically downwards. His arms were crossed over his chest and his legs were slightly parted as he stood. (typical Yami Yugi pose) The man was the mirror image of Yugi, only slightly taller and even thinner -if possible. Yugi's leather-biker look fit the dark one perfectly, and this person's spiky hair had more platinum blonde highlights than Yugi's.
“Meet my Partner.” Yugi introduced and suddenly a panicked look clouded his features “You can see him, right? Just like you can see Ryou's dark self…right?”
Ryou clearly recognized his own problem in the boy's voice. Poor Yugi was afraid that people would think he was crazy. It suddenly made perfect sense that Yugi had no other friends than sweet and understanding Tea. It made perfect sense why Yugi was lonely and utterly devoted to virtual games and spaceships. It was absolutely understandable why Yugi lived alone and isolated in a pathetic little hut of Yango…he was afraid…afraid that people would think he was crazy.
Ryou was so moved that he had found another person with his problem that he felt like shouting it to the world. He restrained himself, however, and settled on nodding wordlessly to reassure Yugi that they could see his dark self.
Yugi's huge eyes widened in happiness. He threw a sideways glance at the man standing next to him and smiled. He turned to look at the others, who were staring right at his dark self. No, this wasn't a dream…people finally understood him.
“I saw you…” Marik simply told Dark Yugi “I saw you when you took over Yugi's body at the ship…” he continued. “You must be a spirit like Bakura, right?” the blonde boy inquired.
Dark Yugi simply raised his head to reveal a hardened face and two purple jewels shining with authority. He curtly nodded at Marik. “I am.” He stated “At least that's what I think I am…”
Marik and Bakura raised an eyebrow at that. Suddenly, Dark Yugi's gaze averted to Bakura. The albino spirit instantly decided he didn't like the lordly power that those violet orbs transmitted. He gave his own rebellious glare in response.
“You say you have no memories…you say you can't remember who you are…your past…” the powerful spirit started “…Is it true?” he inquired. Bakura didn't like that kingly tone one bit. He would have given Dark Yugi what he considered as a `proper' answer, if he wasn't anxious to find out what the other spirit wanted to say.
So Bakura nodded reluctantly, earning incredulous stares from both Marik and Ryou. How did this happen? Bakura acting civil? Since when?
Dark Yugi sighed “Neither can I…” he continued as he paced around, lost in reminiscence “Ever since Kaiba Seto gave Yugi my pyramid necklace five years ago…I sort of…came back to life. I can't remember who I am or where I came from…I can't even remember how I got locked in this item…Yugi said he'd help me find my memories by visiting new planets…”
“Too bad that dream is lost…” Yugi bitterly commented.
“It's not lost” Ryou started wisely “It's just postponed…'
Dark Yugi nodded dismissively “Well, anyhow…I don't understand why you people can see me…it's never happened before. Usually, people make fun of Yugi and say he's crazy…” he left that statement hanging and came to stand next to Yugi. “Why do you say Kaiba may have something to do with our lost memories?” he asked Marik.
Marik stared at Dark Yugi with those piercing lavender eyes of his. At first, Marik had not liked this spirit…Dark Yugi always behaved as though he was the protagonist of everything…asking questions and demanding answers be given to him at all times. But now…Marik understood this spirit. In contrast to Bakura, who felt violated and forsaken…this Yugi was thoughtful and cunning. Dark Yugi had the will to explore his past and had learned to demand answers, while Bakura simply wanted revenge for what had been done to him. An image of a blood-fetished Bakura entered Marik's mind. The albino spirit had so much passion…so much life in him…how could a man like that be dead?
Maybe it wouldn't be wise to reveal the whole story to Yugi just yet. Not while they had to focus on escaping Kaiba's grasp.
“It's a very long story…I'll just inform you that we believe Kaiba knows about the spirits in the golden items” Marik rushed to say “But I promise we'll tell you and Ryou everything once we get out of this place…Right now, we have to focus on getting out and saving the others…”
“That's right!” Yugi commented worriedly “Who knows what that psychopath may do to Tea!”
Ryou tried to restrain the urge to speak about Serenity and sound like a love struck twenty-year-old, which he technically was. Weren't people of his age too old to fall in love?
-Oh, please- he heard someone speak in his head and recognized it as Bakura. On the outside, Ryou instantly turned to Bakura and gave him a disapproving look. After all, Ryou was a noble -he could never fall to the level of glaring…
Bakura smirked audibly. “What's so funny?” Dark Yugi instantly asked and Bakura really felt like bashing the other spirit's head right then.
“Umm, he just thought of something!” Ryou quickly covered, before Bakura could say something offensive.
“Hey,” Marik started saying to Dark Yugi with a sly grin “What should we call you? I suppose you already know our names…right?”
Dark Yugi nodded silently “This occasion has never come before…what should you call me?”
Yugi smiled suddenly “I know!” he turned to Marik and Ryou “How about `Game King'? After all, when I play virtual games…it is always my Partner that takes over my mind! So it's only logical he be called by his own title, right?” Yugi aimed a flawless smile to his dark self.
Dark Yugi mirrored the kind smile “Whatever you see fit, Partner.”
Bakura and Marik felt more than reluctant to call Dark Yugi `Game King'. There was no reason to inflate the man's ego even more…he already seemed to carry an air of authority as it was. Bakura would really like to break that spirit but decided he should put up with it, for now. After all, you never know when `Game King' might prove as a useful asset.
Marik smirked inwardly. Game King, eh? Smart one, he had to admit -it did match Dark Yugi's personality wonderfully. So it was Game King that had the talent of virtual games…then what was Yugi's passion? Spaceships? Obviously…
“Ok, we must get out of this place before Kaiba kills us. Any ideas?” Marik asked finally.
Everyone glanced at each other blankly, except for Bakura who just glared at the floor. Game King? He was hating it already…
“Maybe we should try breaking that electrical barrier.” Ryou reasoned, but Yugi shook his head in refusal.
“Firstly, we have no tools. Secondly, the force may kill us.” The kind boy commented.
“Yes…” Ryou started wisely “But what if we messed with that card slot? Maybe we can use the old method of lock pick-”
“The spirits.”
“Huh?” everybody turned to Marik, whose eyebrows had furrowed in thought.
“They're spirits, right? They won't get hurt going through the barrier…” Marik commented.
The King seemed to reconsider “But what's the use? We can't touch anything. We can't bring you the keys…”
“True…” Marik said simply “But you can inform us of what's going on outside…”
The boys eyed each other wearily. Ryou and Yugi seemed reluctant while the spirits were weighing their options.
Finally, Bakura was the one to break the silence “What the hell…” he started “I've done this a thousand times. What can possibly be different about this once?”
The King of Games turned to the albino spirit wearily “It's not like there is a wall we can go through…the entrance is covered by the barrier…”
Bakura nodded, and suddenly an evil idea came to mind “After you, your highness…” he motioned to the entrance. His tone hadn't been ironic but everyone still caught the hidden meaning. Marik sighed. Bakura was Bakura…no matter what.
The spirits walked airily to where the barrier was located and stood right before it. The three boys observed intently from behind. Bakura was studying the Game King's face, which showed the ghost of a doubt.
Bakura rolled his eyes “Oh, please, I'm going first.' He started and walked straight at the barrier…only to be harshly tossed right back.
Bakura hadn't even yelled as he was warded off of the barrier like some sort of parasite. He fell to the floor and although no sound was heard, he was seen curling up into a ball.
“Bakura!!” Marik yelled as he ran instantly to the fallen spirit's side, followed closely by Ryou.
Marik knew better than to cater to the spirit and provoke his anger. Instead, he settled on a simple “Are you okay?”
The blonde boy's rich voice however, did portray his concern. He couldn't hide it no matter how hard he tried. All his seduction-camouflage techniques were useless now, at a time when the spirit he had grown to respect was hurt.
From behind the blonde, Ryou watched Marik's antics curiously. Marik seemed genuinely concerned about his Darkside…wait a minute. Had Bakura actually found a friend? Someone to understand him? Ryou felt a bit hurt at being left out of this whole story for so long, but dismissed it nonetheless. From now on, he would make sure to observe every little detail of interaction between these two. What had happened to make them respect each other so much? Strange…his Yami usually respected no one…And Marik rarely -if ever- found someone worthy to respect. Ryou knew he was one of the lucky ones to gain Marik's respect…but about trust…he wasn't so sure. Ryou did have the feeling, however, that Marik did trust Bakura with secrets…secrets no one else possibly knew. But…as always, Ryou decided not to pry in other peoples' affairs and let the situation unfold before his eyes.
He was more worried about his beloved Darkside right now.
“What the heck was that?” the Game King inquired, as he stared at the glowing blue beams.
Bakura raised his head and sat up from his lying position, purposely trying to ignore Marik and Ryou's worried stare. “I don't know…” the white-haired demon started “…but I'll take it down for sure!” he shouted as he shot up and ran straight back to the barrier.
But the second try was also fruitless, and Bakura found himself tossed to the floor for the next time. The spirit growled deep in his throat. “Bastards…” he kept muttering and above him Ryou shook his head dejectedly.
“He never learns…” Ryou stated as he eyed Bakura's recovering form.
Meanwhile, the Game King was observing everything with wide eyes.
“Impossible!” he said decisively “Our spirit forms cannot be touched!”
Yugi watched his other self worriedly, but the King ignored him. With a resolved glare, Dark Yugi ran and delved onto the electrical field, wanting to pass through it. Naturally, he was thrown back into the room.
“Impossible…” the king of Games kept muttering under his breath, as he sat up from the unfortunate fall.
Suddenly, Marik spoke up in his rich, full voice “Which only enhances and justifies our theory of Kaiba knowing about these spirits…” he stated, receiving curious glares from everyone.
Marik narrowed his eyes in a sly, meaningful way. “How else can you explain the fact that he placed us in a cell which has barriers that can ward off the spirits?”
Everyone stayed silent for a while, considering those last words…it was truly an overly suspicious coincidence.
“But maybe it happens with all electrical barriers…” the voice of reason known as Ryou suddenly spoke up “How could the spirits be blocked, anyway?” he directed the question to everyone in general.
Bakura scowled. He didn't like this whole commotion one bit. He never liked to be controlled and was still wary of Marik's ability to control him. Unconsciously, he sent a glare to the Game King, only to be completely ignored. Thus, he focused his attention on Marik who was now speaking.
“I don't know how he managed to do it, but I do know this is his building, his prison, his barrier, and his goons. I'm sure he knows about the spirits. How else could he make a barrier that would ward them off?”
Yugi, Ryou and the king nodded skeptically at this suggestion. But they never had the chance to compensate more on these facts, since the sound of footsteps and voices were heard.
Yugi frantically turned to glance around. What was happening?
“Partner! What should we do? Kaiba is coming to kill us!” Yugi asked his dark self. The Game King was at loss for words.
“Just believe in yourself! I believe in you, Yugi!” the king said with a voice that echoed around. With a sudden flash, the spirit was lost inside the golden pyramid around Yugi's neck. The spiky-haired boy shut his eyes in determination and smiled lightly.
“Thank you, Partner…” the boy said finally and after that, he opened his eyes to face the ongoing commotion.
Marik was staring at Bakura, only to have his gaze returned. “It's Kaiba!” Marik finally said, and Bakura nodded wordlessly.
“Keep your pants on, pretty boy…you're supposed to be the one who can control him.” Bakura gave a sneer, and watched Marik grant him an annoyed glare.
Bakura smirked and turned to his Brightside. No words were spoken as Ryou and Bakura simply gazed at each other.
-You can't die. I won't let you leave me alone again, Brightside.- Bakura's voice echoed in Ryou's mind with an air of finality, and Ryou's eyes widened. The albino finally nodded in apprehension, and curiously watched Bakura's bloodshot glare flutter to where Marik was standing.
`I won't let you leave me…' Bakura thought with inexplicable resolve as he glanced at Marik `Not when I finally found you.' With that last thought, the yellow ring flashed in Marik's hands and Bakura had vanished into it. Marik's eyes widened as he watched the glow of the ring fade slowly.
He turned to Ryou immediately, and shoved the ring in the albino's face. “I never realized I was holding it all this time! Here! Don't let Kaiba see it!” Marik urged as Ryou took the ring from his hands.
The angelic boy placed the necklace around his neck and buried it under his torn shirt with one quick movement. Then, he briefly glanced at Marik and Yugi, who had identical determined glances on their faces.
Ryou's eyes widened as he heard the voices come closer to their cell. Oh no, was this the end? He turned to look at Marik, only to greet the sight of unperturbed determination. Although the blonde was wounded and starved for more than twelve hours, Marik seemed to have regenerated.
The albino really didn't know whether he was prepared to face his death or not. But then again, he had faced death once in his old age…why not do it again? But perhaps the life he remembered in the 21st century was a lie….an illusion. This new life felt so much more real than anything he ever remembered.
This trail of thought was interrupted suddenly by a sharp voice. The three boys turned to the prison entrance immediately, only to face the most impending sight one could ever imagine.
Walking towards the prison bars was the notorious CEO of KaibaCorp, Seto Kaiba. Ryou had seen him up close before…but he'd never imagined him to seem so…dark, all of a sudden.
Kaiba was wearing black trousers with silver boots that had straps protruding from his calves. His black turtleneck was adorned by a chain, which was wrapped around his neck. A small card seemed to be hanging from the chain -obviously a security Level-A card. The most ominous thing about Kaiba's look, however, was his long black trench coat. It reached his ankles and floated with his moves in a romantic manner. A silver belt and silver gloves also adorned Kaiba's style, and Ryou noted lamely that the belt had the inscription `KC' carved on it.
On each side of Kaiba walked a security guard, while a couple of more goons followed him. Kaiba had this stark, sadistic look in his dark dull eyes. Ryou could clearly recognize the cool cobalt color of Kaiba's orbs shoot out from his very head. Those eyes were so bright, they could shine their sapphire glow for miles and miles away. As for Kaiba's facial expression…well the man had his pale lips pursed in a satisfied smirk. His chestnut hair was absolutely motionless as he walked. The security guards beside him had black army suits and masks on, but Kaiba himself didn't. Ryou didn't even want to know why.
Suddenly, Kaiba's arctic eyes seemed to focus on something on Ryou's right, and the frosty cobalt orbs widened. He immediately turned to one of the guards that stood next to him and pointed straight at Marik.
“What is he doing here!!??” Kaiba's unearthly voice roared at the guard. “I thought I gave you strict orders to put each person in separate cells!!”
The guard on the CEO's left cowered back in what could clearly be identified as fear. “I-I'm sorry sir…it won't happen again…We-”
“Shut the hell up Jay! You don't want to see me bark for real!” Kaiba yelled and Ryou vaguely recognized the guard. It was the same one who had escorted them in the cell. “Or did you think I didn't hear that comment about me barking?” Kaiba grabbed a rifle from another guard and aimed it right at Jay “Well think again!” Kaiba shouted as he prepared to fire the gun.
“GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!” Kaiba finally broke out, and the guard known as Jay immediately ran out of the corridor. Kaiba finally turned back to the occupants of the cell. He had hoped to send someone to kill Marik individually, so that he'd never have to come face to face with the boy that made him so uncomfortable. Now, however, he had no choice due to someone's stupidity. He decided to conceal his anger and weakness, and proceeded to act indifferent and normal again.
Meanwhile, Marik was having a disturbing feeling of déjà vu. So he finally got to see his old boss, again. Long gone were the times when he pretended to respect Kaiba. Now, the boy's lavender eyes glared daggers into those frosty blue orbs that -Marik could clearly see- were leering right at him. So Kaiba didn't want him there…maybe this justified their suspicions of Kaiba being afraid of him. Marik smirked lightly at that. It was all thanks to Jay and his idiocy.
Finally, Kaiba came to a stop before the electric bars. With a swift motion of his hand, a guard had instantly swooped to the card slot on the wall, and deactivated the bars.
Kaiba grinned mercilessly as he walked inside the cell, and Ryou had to suppress the urge to run out of the now free entrance. But soon, a couple of guards stepped in the doorway and stood there, obviously replacing the electrical barrier with a human one. How ironic…the human one seemed more dangerous than the other…
Meanwhile, Yugi took an involuntary step back as Kaiba approached them and stood in a distance less than six feet away. That was it, Ryou thought, six feet away from their deaths…. Soon…soon they would be buried six feet under…yet another cruel irony.
Kaiba aimed a smirk at Yugi. “Well, well, well…” Kaiba started and Ryou almost shivered from the sadistic pleasure in that voice. Marik seemed to have yet another assault of deja vu.
“If it isn't the mighty King of Games….” Kaiba commented with a psychotic look- it was Yugi who he had been willing to see, anyway “I see you've kept that little trinket I gave you the last time we met…”
Marik swore he saw a spark of victory flash across Kaiba's face. So he did know about the spirits! Marik vaguely wondered whether Kaiba could see them, too. The blonde boy decided it was time to take action. With a sigh, he decided to speak. He did not want to do this.
“How did you find us, Kaiba?” Marik questioned with an unwavering, hateful glare “I'm pretty sure none of your guards found us in Yango…And I'd better not mention your worthy goons at Mercury's spaceport…They practically ushered us out of the planet.”
An immediate flash of anger entered Kaiba's eyes but had left as soon as it came. He had the advantage, after all. Marik disappointedly watched the ire in Kaiba turn into pleasant sarcasm…Marik used to enjoy infuriating Kaiba and responding to his games…but now was not the right time.
“Well, look who's talking…” Kaiba eyed Marik pointedly up and down “The man-slut.”
Marik was too tired to respond to Kaiba's insults and mind tricks. If only he'd had a proper meal…he'd show this walking refrigerator what he's worth! But…in the current situation, Kaiba continued undisturbed.
“What's wrong, Ishtar? Forgot to wear your jewelry and just don't feel comfortable without them?”
Marik's eyes constricted in anger. No. He would not give Kaiba the satisfaction of succeeding in pissing him off. But Kaiba was right. Marik had still kept the camouflage that he had worn in Yango. He had given up his jewelry and his usual beautiful clothes in order to pass unnoticed amongst the poor residents of Virna. Now he probably looked like a pathetic excuse for what once was the glorious and handsome Marik Ishtar.
“Or maybe it's just because my little visitors gave you too much of a shock?” Kaiba pointed at what used to be Marik's wound “Honestly, I'm surprised you survived the cold. You're always a challenge, Ishtar…” Kaiba had this unreadable expression of mixed fury and excitement on his face “It's so perfect to see you so helpless, handsome one…” Kaiba murmured ominously “You have no idea how long I have waited to see this…”
Ryou felt disgusted. To see what, exactly? Marik at his demise? Marik looking like a ragged doll? What?
Finally, Ryou couldn't take the sarcasm any more and spoke up.
“Stop it!” the albino shouted, earning a raised eyebrow from the CEO “You know nothing of what we have gone through!” Ryou yelled with impressive boldness. Wasn't he usually the innocent and helpless one?
Kaiba smirked loudly “Although I usually don't talk to guinea pigs, I'll tell you I know exactly what you have gone through!!!” Kaiba turned to Marik with a triumphant glare “That's why I like it so much!! By the way, I see our experiment was flawless. You haven't changed a day wince we converted you -you're still young.”
Marik gave him a dirty look. What a beast! Yugi and Ryou thought the same thing. Although Ryou and Yugi never quite understood why Kaiba kept calling the albino a `guinea pig', Marik understood everything. This only infuriated the blonde boy even more. But he would not show his anger to Kaiba.
In a low, dark tone, Marik repeated his last words. The blonde boy had set all his will power in what he was saying “Kaiba…I demand to know how you discovered us! Tell me!” Marik practically ordered Death impersonated.
Kaiba froze, unexpectedly. `Why the hell can't I say what I want?' he thought a bit desperately, as he saw Marik's demanding eyes. `Why can't I oppose him??' Kaiba begrudgingly thought, as his cobalt eyes widened in effort.
Suddenly, at the thought of disobeying Marik, a sharp pain erupted in the back of his brain. It was so stale and piercing that it almost drove the tall man mad. Kaiba didn't really know how to react, so he decided to answer Marik calmly, and make it seem like he did it on his own accord.
“Well, if you really must know…” Kaiba started, trying to hide the tone of exasperation that the pain on the back of his head produced “I have a friend in Yango…And Pegasus was not very pleased to lose to Yugi.”
The blue-eyed beast turned to glare at Yugi's thin form “Did you honestly think that you'd go into the tower and take the ship unnoticed?” Kaiba roared in laughter.
“There was a tracer in that pod! My men tracked you down the moment you took off from Virna.” The pain in Kaiba's mind vaporized as soon and as suddenly as it had appeared. Now, all the CEO had left was to wonder about it.
Unfortunately for the sadistic man, though, Marik had already realized his weakness. He had seen it by the way Kaiba had looked and talked...Bakura was right! Kaiba was in pain and he couldn't disobey him!
But at the moment, another thought assaulted Marik `How could I be so careless?' the boy thought frantically `Of course it was Peg! Who else could it be? Who else could have seen us leave in that pod? So Peg is Kaiba's right hand man…'
Suddenly, Ryou spoke “That doesn't make sense.” He blatantly stated, making Kaiba raise another eyebrow at him “How could Peg know that Yugi was with us all along? And how come Peg be your friend?”
Marik was very interested in Kaiba's answers. Ryou was right. How?
Kaiba seemed unperturbed and simply smirked dismissively “Not only you look like a specimen, but you also think as primitively as one…”
Ryou was thoroughly confused at this, but focused on Kaiba's next words.
“We had our hover-cameras following Yugi's every move after he won the tournament. ” he started “We also saw your little lot come into the tower via surveillance cameras. As for your other, ridiculous question…who do you think promoted Peg's pathetic virtual games? I just needed someone to report to me from Yango, so I fixed his little company.”
Marik was petrified. Of course! How could he be so stupid!? It all made sense now! That little scum, Peg, had set them up!! How could he be so careless!! He had taken the entire group down with his stupidity! What would Serena say now? What would Bakura say? He was supposed to help him regain his memories…not lead them all to their doom!
Kaiba took that little pause of silence to regain his stature. That little occurrence with Marik's orders had put him into worry. Why was it happening again? He thought he'd come over it…but no! he was forced to obey Marik's every order all over again. Kaiba eyed Marik suspiciously, but the blonde boy was staring at the floor with a thoughtful gaze. Now was the right time!
Kaiba decided he'd best kill Marik and get it over with while he still had time. He was hoping to send someone to kill Marik without having to meet him, but now that things had come this way…it was better to kill Marik before the boy realized his weakness and got the chance to cause more harm.
“Well, gentlemen…” Kaiba rushed to say, as he turned around and walked towards the exit of the cell “It's been a pleasure talking to you, but…business is business…”
He finally exited the platform and motioned for a few goons to enter. They started closing in on the three friends, who were seriously alerted by now. Was this the end? Was this their murder?
“Kaiba wait!” Marik shouted suddenly “Why are you doing this?!”
Kaiba smirked loudly, trying to be heard over the guards' footsteps.
“Really, Ishtar! I thought you'd have figured it out by now!” Kaiba laughed cruelly “No one must know about our little discovery in Rewind 1!!”
Suddenly, a wave of nausea hit Ryou. It was Bakura's feelings…it happened every time that name was heard…'Rewind 1'
Marik was caught by two guards harshly and held by his arms. He thrashed wildly around and glared at Kaiba.
“What do you mean, Kaiba?!” Marik inquired hoarsely. “You mean Nectra? You don't want people to know about its abilities? Are you crazy!?” Marik cried and lunged towards Kaiba, only to be restrained by the goons. Ryou and Yugi had also been seized and were writhing around frantically, trying to escape.
But Ryou was listening intently at what Marik was saying, trying to unravel the mysteries that he had not been told about. What was Nectra? And Rewind 1? He could've sworn he'd heard these names before…It was like a memory from a dream…
Kaiba laughed evilly “You actually thought that I'd reveal such a secret to the world! How pathetic! The gift of eternal youth cannot be granted to every single man! Only a few, select ones can have it! Once I kill you all, and rid the world of any proof that Rewind 1 ever happened…I shall finally attain it! The power of eternal life!”
Marik gasped. So THAT was it! Kaiba wanted Nectra all for himself! He wanted to be young forever! He…he wanted to LIVE forever! What Kaiba was practically saying was that…he'd kill everyone that had to do with Rewind 1, so that the world could never know about Nectra…and then he'd use the essence all for himself!! So Kaiba wanted to live as a youth forever!
“So why don't you just erase our memories??! Why do you have to kill us, Kaiba!!?” Marik shouted in exasperation.
Kaiba smirked loudly “You IDIOT! I can't erase your memories, because it's too risky! What if you suddenly remember everything? Nah.…I'll use this technique with these idiots!” Kaiba motioned to the guards around him. “They willingly signed the contract! I'll erase their memories of these happenings as soon as I'm done with you once and for all!”
Marik and Ryou's eyes widened -it was the end!
Kaiba laughed in a mean tone “Why do you think KC has been conducting all these experiments all along? We've been searching for something, and we've finally found it!”
Marik froze. All those illegal experiments…all this time…Kaiba was searching for eternal life! It all made sense!
“Only a select few can attain the power of immortality…” Kaiba started slowly “I shall please my Masters by giving them this gift! All that keeps me from my victory is you and your little friends!! First I kill you…and the others come next!”
Ryou, Marik and Yugi were flabbergasted. Masters? Who was Kaiba talking about? What Masters?! Marik was desperate. One minute he was sure he'd figured everything out, but then it blew up in his face! So Kaiba was working for someone? Not for himself? But it was impossible- who could control Kaiba?
Who wanted eternal life? Who else knew about Nectra? What Masters?
The next few moments started to play in slow motion for the three friends. Three words were uttered from Kaiba's lips…three words that made them all forget about their musings and push them into a delirious state of panic.
“KILL THEM ALL!” Kaiba cried, in the most triumphant voice the boys had ever heard. Tight clutches came onto Marik's body from everywhere and he had no time to react as guards lunged on him violently.
Meanwhile, Kaiba shook his head dismissively and turned around- his black coat flowing freely behind him. He had his back turned to the scene of murder and started to walk contentedly away. But then, a sudden cry echoed around him.
“NO!” Marik's voice was heard in a commanding tone “CALL THEM BACK KAIBA!” Marik screamed. “CALL THEM BACK!!”
Kaiba smirked dismissively and started to walk away. That was, until a stabbing pain attacked his head. The pressure was so great, that Kaiba fell to his knees and grabbed his head with both hands.
“KAIBA!! DO IT!!” Marik screamed from beneath yells and screeches. Kaiba desperately tried to walk away, but his mind couldn't function properly. His primitive instincts of breathing and moving had been reduced to a pathetic degree, as the pumping pressure in his head almost split his skull in two.
“Master….” He whimpered pathetically, as he clutched his head with both hands “I-I'm sorry…Master…” he whispered, as more pain came surging into his brain.
“AHHHHH!!!” Kaiba finally screamed at the top of his lungs. It pulled the attention of all the guards. The goons that had been hitting Marik and the others stopped what they were doing in order to look at Kaiba's fallen form curiously.
“Sir…” the guard who was closer to Kaiba started saying, but was cut off by Kaiba's desperate voice.
“LET THEM GO!” the CEO yelled, his blue eyes narrowed in pain “DON'T HURT THEM!!”
At once, the guards that were holding Ryou, Yugi and Marik loosened their grip and let the boys stagger on the floor in shock. Marik felt immensely better, and tried to focus on Kaiba's fallen form. Kaiba had his head buried in his hands, obviously suffering. At once, Marik remembered that Bakura had told him it hurt his head every time he tried to oppose Marik's orders.
Marik's eyes widened incredulously, the lavender shine turning into violet in shock. So it was true! Completely true! Kaiba was in pain because he tried to disobey Marik! The blonde boy watched the tall man's fallen form shake miserably.
`What are you doing to me, Marik?' Kaiba wondered silently, as he felt the earth shattering pain leave his mind little by little. When the pressure had loosened enough, the arctic-eyed CEO fell to the ground heavily.
A couple of guards rushed to his side and helped him up, supporting his heavy body by the arms. Marik watched Kaiba's tortured expression in fascination. Was he really the one who had managed all of this? With just one plea?
Ryou and Yugi didn't say anything -obviously too shocked to even move. They all settled on staring at Kaiba in morbid fascination.
“I'm okay! Back off!!” Kaiba started saying as he pushed the guards away from him. After all, Kaiba was never the one to accept other peoples' help and advice. The guards zealously backed away from the strong man, and proceeded to stare at his shaken form in disbelief. Was this psychological rack really Kaiba Seto?
Marik, however, was long lost in his musings. `Does that mean…' he thought `That he will obey my every order?' Marik eyed Kaiba up and down. `Well I have nothing to lose…Now that I know his weakness.'
The blonde boy approached the tall CEO slowly. Kaiba didn't seem half as ominous and dark with his disheveled hair and his hoarse blue eyes. No guard made a move to stop Marik from walking and everyone simply observed, as the blonde boy came to stand a few feet away from Kaiba.
Marik glared straight into the man's eyes, and Kaiba had to suppress the urge to strangle the boy. He probably wouldn't succeed even if he tried.
“Listen to me, Kaiba.” Marik started in a very commanding tone. He was setting his entire will on making Kaiba follow his orders…if only it would work. Yugi and Ryou held their breath in trepidation.
“First, you will lead us and our friends out of here.” Marik continued at Kaiba's glaring eyes “Then, you will take us back to Yango with one of your private ships. You will not hurt any of us and you will take us to my house in Yango in peace. Do you understand?”
Kaiba smirked “You think you can order me around, Ishtar?” Kaiba imply sneered, hoping that Marik would hesitate and take back what he just said.
Marik's confidence wavered for just one moment `What if I'm wrong?' he thought, but dismissed it at once. This was their only shot. They had no other way out. Either Kaiba would obey him, or they would die.
“Order your guards now. Do you understand?” Marik repeated in a lower tone, as his eyes glared spasmodically at Kaiba. His whole will, his whole existence was set into what he wanted Kaiba to do.
Kaiba flinched inwardly. He made a futile attempt to oppose Marik in his mind, but failed miserably. At once, a wave of nauseating pain hit his head, and the CEO grasped his head tightly in both palms.
“Damn…” he whispered “Damn you, Ishtar!”
Marik's eyes widened as he saw the stronger man clutch at his head desperately before him. So he had succeeded! It was definitely right! He had the power to control Kaiba!
“Order them, Kaiba!” Marik harshly shouted, and Kaiba squeezed his eyes shut in pain.
“S-Sorry…Masters…” Kaiba whispered brokenly, making Marik's eyes widen. It was that word again! `Masters'…
Kaiba then turned to the closest of the guards “Take their stupid lot of ten back to Yango…Use my private jet…”
With that said, the pain started to decrease in the chestnut-haired man's head. He stood up a bit shakily, and turned a forced glare on Marik when he thought he had the strength.
Marik was grinning with that sly, secretive grin Kaiba hated to see. It was clear that Marik was triumphant, and Kaiba cursed every holy power he knew about that. It was all because of that idiot, Jay. Kaiba would make sure he was executed the moment he saw him again.
If it hadn't been for that spineless idiot, Kaiba would never have come face to face with Marik…Then, his guards would finish the job, and he would have gotten rid of Marik forever!!
But no…it just had to happen like this…but wait a minute! He still had the advantage! He still had guards and powers that Marik could never dream of. A slow, sadistic grin found its way on Kaiba's face and Marik's smile was instantly wiped off.
Kaiba pointed a triumphant finger to Marik “HA!” he yelled victoriously, making Ryou and Yugi back away a bit. “I still outsmart you Ishtar!”
Marik gave Kaiba a questioning glare. What now?
“You may be able to force me to follow your orders…but you can't do the same for my men!!” Kaiba barked finally. Marik seemed a bit confused. What was the use in that? He had already ordered Kaiba to tell his men not to lay a finger on them!
“You careless idiot!” Kaiba started, making Marik a bit angry. Wasn't he the one who could control the CEO? Who was useless in this case?
At this Kaiba turned to his guards immediately “Guards! Once you reach his precious house in Yango, gather our forces around the residence and destroy them the moment they exit the house! This order cannot be altered no matter what anyone tells you -even me!”
Marik huffed. Now he understood what Kaiba was planning. He had told his guards that this order could not be cancelled so that Marik could not force him to take it back, and thus had designed a perfect trap for the ten friends. With the guards surrounding the house, Marik would be unable to stop them…and they would eventually have to exit the residence -at least to get food supplies!
Marik threw Kaiba a dirty look, only to be matched by an even glare.
“See you in hell, Ishtar.” Kaiba stated with a sarcastic look. Ryou and Yugi couldn't believe what was happening. These occurrences were all very confusing for the two most ignorant people around. First, Marik seemed to control Kaiba…and now Kaiba had managed to find a way out of it?
With those last words, Kaiba turned around and walked away into the green-lit corridor. A few moments passed, before the CEO's personal bodyguards ran to follow him.
Once Kaiba had turned around the corner of the corridor, Marik finally let out the shaky breath he had been holding. Ryou and Yugi also sighed in inexplicable relief. Suddenly, Yugi backed away as t he goon who had previously been trying to kill him, walked next to him silently.
“Come.” The guard said in a suspicious and quite bored tone. “We will lead you out of the complex and make sure to send someone to get your friends as well…”
Yugi blinked. Hadn't this man been trying to kill him mere minutes ago? Maybe these mercenaries really didn't have a conscience…what kind of man would consciously give up his memories in order to get some money? These people had no feelings, after all. They had sold their souls to the devil. Literally.
Ryou nodded slowly and walked beside Marik. He watched the blonde boy contemplate in silence, and decided it was best to leave Marik in his thoughts for now. Marik had much to think about, anyway…He also had many explanations to do…
Yugi walked up to them, followed by a couple of guards.
“Follow us now.” One of the guards mechanically said as he walked forward, towards the corner of the corridor.
Yugi nodded eagerly and was the first to walk away. He wanted to see Tea so bad…he would do anything! Ryou took Marik's elbow in a gentle grasp, and dragged the boy forward slowly. Marik raised his eyes to look at his quiet friend apprehensively.
“We made it.” The handsome blonde youth muttered quietly, as he walked forward slowly.
“Yeah…” Ryou's sincere mahogany eyes smiled at him. A small reassuring squeeze on Marik's elbow helped the sweetness erupt through Ryou. “We did.” The albino finished. And for a brief moment, Marik clearly saw it…those kind eyes had turned red.
“SERENA!” the angelic boy cried immediately, once he saw the girl's frightened eyes watch him in disbelief.
The way he ran towards her and took her in his arms could have been considered wrong, but nothing mattered for them right then. The girl smiled at him and allowed him to pick her up and spin her in the air in glee.
It was such a wonderful moment! Finally, they had the chance to be together again. Serenity sunk her head in that chest she had so harshly been pry away from, and was surprised to hear Ryou's heartbeat thump against her ear. His heart was beating so fast! As though about to burst.
“Serena…” he murmured in bliss with a voice muffled from her head. He delved his face deeper into her soft long hair.
From a few feet beside them, Marik was watching patiently, a gleeful grin plastered on his face. Now was the time to be happy…his confused thoughts could surely wait for later. Yugi and Tea were hugging each other tightly, afraid that the other might disappear if they let go…
Marik had his own share of hugs and kisses from the girls. Rishid had humbly fallen to his knees and kissed the back of his Master's hand, glad that the boy was all right. Marik had tried to make his lifelong friend stop these antics, but found he could not convince Rishid to leave the ways of a follower. It bothered Marik a lot, but if it made Rishid comfortable…
Now they were all standing in the entrance of the KC Base. The crowd of people had parted in two in order to let the company of friends pass. Most people seemed indifferent but others seemed suspicious. The guards surrounding the company silenced everyone, however, and led them all to the exit of the Base.
“The ship is ready for departure. We must take you to Yango now.” One of the guards told Marik, and the boy nodded silently. Would these people never leave him in a little peace?
Serenity was still in Ryou's arms, so she glanced at Marik from the corner of her eye. He seemed…changed, somehow. Even more serious than he had been. Even more troubled.
“Follow us.” The guard said as he turned around and exited the Base. Ryou took one last look at the hordes of people around them before he walked outside in the, by-now familiar, long corridor. He found that Marik was too dazed to answer the question that he had been dying to ask, so Ryou turned to the girl who was walking in his embrace.
“Hey Serena…” he started and she immediately turned to look at him sweetly “Isn't this supposed to be a medical company? What are all these people doing here?” he asked and Serena grinned lightly.
“Well, space-bases like this one are also used as hotels. People often come here to stay for a while, and leave with the space bus that comes every three days…all funds are donated to KaibaCorp, since KC owes this base, anyway…there are some sections used for the company, of course, like the…” her voice shook in an in voluntary shudder “lower levels.”
Ryou nodded lightly and squeezed the girl in comfort. This signified the end of the conversation, and Ryou focused on stroking her auburn hair as they walked towards the ship at the end of the long, metallic corridor.
Walking at the end of the entire group were Marik and Rishid. None of them spoke to each other. They just rejoiced on the peace and quiet for a change.
That is, until Marik saw something move on his left. Immediately, he turned around to greet the sight of none other but the see-through image of the demonic spirit.
Marik's eyes widened in acknowledgement, and Bakura smirked lightly as he floated forward next to Marik. The spirit had his arms crossed as he watched the blonde boy try to ignore him. After all, the guards that were surrounding them could think he was crazy if he started talking to `thin air'.
Marik saw Ryou turn around warily and give Bakura a reprimanding look. Yugi was too preoccupied with talking to Tea to notice the whole commotion. Bakura laughed cruelly all of a sudden, and Marik gave a well-hidden questioning look.
Bakura's red eyes motioned towards Ryou “He says he's gonna burn my ring if I don't go back in!” Bakura started shouting then, unheard to anyone but a few. “Go on and do it, Brightside! I'll be glad to die!!”
Ryou's eyes widened considerably, but he still didn't turn around to look at Bakura. Yugi, on the other hand, gave a puzzled stare. What was going on? When he saw the spirit floating beside Marik, he immediately understood. It was best not to pry, then. The spiky-haired boy turned back to Tea.
Meanwhile, Marik was pondering what Bakura had said. It was true…Bakura did seek death…But didn't the spirit ever think of what the rest of them would do if he died? He might have been alone once…but not any more. Now, there were people who knew him. People who would be crushed to see him die…'People like me' Marik thought in spite of himself `Bakura is the first one who doesn't see me like some all-powerful prodigy…He's my friend.' The thought suddenly dawned on him as he turned to look at the spirit beside him.
Instantly, Bakura turned around and gave the blonde an utterly cruel glare. `And I'm his friend.' Marik's beautiful eyes began to shine even more brightly at that realization. He suddenly noticed that of all the things Bakura could have been doing at that moment, he chose to come outside and stand beside Marik while he was walking. He chose to glare and talk to Marik…
`I'm his friend.' Marik repeated in his mind, his conscience crying out in utter disbelief. He eyed Bakura up and down, and was not at all shaken by that satanic bloodshot look. Instead…he was somewhat comforted by it.
“So I was right again.” Bakura stated quite smugly “You CAN control Kaiba…”
At this, Marik gave a pensive stare. He couldn't really say anything, since people would hear him.
“Did you see him hold his head like that? What happens to me obviously happens to him too…His brain hurts when he tries to oppose you.”
Marik nodded lightly, still staring forward nonchalantly. It was true. Kaiba had shown suffering. But it was still rare for Bakura to actually acknowledge his weakness.
“So Kaiba gave that little Yugi squirt the necklace huh?” Bakura reasoned “He obviously has something to do with these damned items…”
Marik simply nodded again, and stared forward, away from Bakura. The spirit was getting tired of talking to someone who wasn't looking directly at him, so it floated right in front of Marik.
The boy gasped lightly as he met Bakura's fiery eyes right in front of him. Bakura's smirking face was floating right in front of his eyes.
“So who do you think gave Ryou HIS necklace? Kaiba's granddaddy?”
Marik snorted lightly and gave Bakura a look that clearly said `obviously'. Bakura took his turn to smirk. But both of them were startled when a voice echoed from their left.
“So, Master Marik, you never told me how life is in Mercury…Is it what you have hoped for?” Rishid asked from nearby, his green eyes hopeful for a positive response.
Marik saw Bakura's facial expression change to one of immense interest with his bloodshot gaze becoming sadistic. “Oh, yes, Mariku, do tell!!” Bakura said in a very sarcastic tone. Marik was seen glaring at thin air. He felt guilty for having the urge to hit Rishid.
Rishid rarely, if ever, conversed!! Why did it have to be NOW, about THAT subject, in front of Bakura!? Then again, Rishid did believe that he was walking alone with his master in the unnaturally long corridor. It was only logical to talk about their past.
Marik sighed, and turned a wary glance at Bakura. He'd have to choose his words carefully.
“Well…” Marik started, as he glanced at Rishid, trying to avoid Bakura's smirk at all costs. “Life as a scientist in KaibaCorp was pleasant…But then the problems started with the last operation” Marik was weary not to use the words `Rewind 1', because it would surely make Bakura freak out.
“I wasn't talking about that, sire…I only asked if you have found what you were looking for in KaibaCorp…” Rishid commented dryly. Marik watched Bakura's face furrow in concentration and sighed slowly.
“No, Rishid.” The tanned boy started “I...KaibaCorp…wasn't the right choice for me. I didn't find a real scientific spirit in there… But I did find out about Kaiba's sick experiments…and swore I'd use everything in my knowledge to bring that bastard down.”
“Wow.” Bakura commented dryly, earning a glare from “So you've had your eye set on Kaiba for some time now, eh? What a noble cause, pretty boy…”
But Rishid was not dropping the subject, and Marik was becoming desperate “But master, didn't you always say that it was the cause of your life to enter KaibaCorp' s memory banks and-fi”
“That's enough, Rishido! ” Marik interrupted suddenly, watching Bakura narrow his eyes ominously in front of him “Let's talk about this some other time!” Marik finished and felt a bit guilty as he saw Rishid nod humbly.
`I'm sorry Rishid…' Marik thought sadly `But I can't let Bakura know about it…I just can't…'
“I guess somebody doesn't want us to know about his past…” Bakura hissed into Marik's ear as he floated back to the blonde boy's side. The spirit was quite troubled. He had come this close to learning about Marik's secrets…this close! Maybe he should tell Marik he had seen the tattoo on his back and get it over with…
But no…Bakura wanted Marik to trust him by himself. He needed to hear the boy say it on his own. He wanted Marik to trust him. After all, he had trusted Marik with HIS secrets. Emotional secrets, mostly…Secrets Bakura didn't even know he had, until he met Marik.
`I'll learn everything there is to know about you, Mariku!' Bakura thought determinedly `I'll be even more damned if I don't!'
As the company finally reached Kaiba's ship and started boarding, Bakura watched Marik's behavior. The boy had become uncharacteristically nervous ever since that little chat with Rishid…
Suddenly, a low grumbling sound echoed all around. Bakura turned a glare at Marik, who just shrugged and sent a pointed glance towards his stomach.
“That was your gut?” Bakura asked incredulously, earning an annoyed glance from Ryou, who had taken a seat nearby. “When did you last eat?” Bakura inquired.
Marik simply glared at the spirit and turned to one of the KC guards who were nearby. To Marik's fortune, she happened to be female.
“I'm sorry…” he started in his usual deep, suggestive tone. Bakura noted that the seducing techniques were up in turbo force “But…is there anything to eat in this vessel?”
Please review this chapter, especially!! Tell me what you think about Marik in this fic! Tell me what you think of Bakura! PLEASE tell me, tell me, tell me!!!
(you can visit my comedy fics in meadiaminer. org I have the same penname over there…I promise they are good…but people are not reviewing them…aw…)