Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Save Me From the Darkness ❯ The Millennium Bell's Evil Holder. Yami's Memory. ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter12: The Millennium Bell's Evil Holder. Yami's Memory.
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Disclaimer: We thought we had the ownership papers but they were fake! *sob, sob*
An: The next chapter is the final chapter. But if I get enough reviews and ideas I may write a sequel or another story that goes with this story.

Yami and Yugi were on the porch to the game shop when Yami suddenly collapsed. Yugi was in a panic until Hiori showed up.
" Hiori? What's wrong with Yami? He'll be ok right?" Yugi asked Hiori all teary eyed.
" Yugi-sama listen. Yami-sama is just getting his memories of ancient Egypt back. Once he is done you will suddenly have them as well. He will be perfectly alright in about an hour." said Hiori with a knowing smile. So Yugi just called everyone and they waited for Yami to wake up.

1 hour later…

As Yami got his last memory back of Egypt he flew bolt upright. He remembered everything now. He remembered how Yugi and Tea had been his pleasure slaves. Though he had only taken pleasure from Yugi. He also remembered everyone else's roles back then. He remembered how addicted he had been to the Shadow Games. And he remembered how Sakuya had murdered everyone he cherished. What made him most angry was that she had hurt Yugi. She had killed his Yugi and had laughed about it! When Yami finally looked around though he realized that everyone else must also remember. For they were all in their ancient Egyptian clothing and looking at him expectantly for orders. But with Yugi in those robes he wasn't sure he remembered how to think. All Yami could do at the moment was stare at Yugi. He began thinking to himself,
' I will not jump Yugi, I will not jump Yugi. Oh hell! I'm going to jump him.' And Yami did in fact jump Yugi.

The Next Day At School…

" Class we have two new students today. This is Crystillya and Sakuya. They are cousins. Please make them feel welcomed." said the teacher in monotone. At least eleven people saw the Millennium Bells around their necks, jumped at what they saw, and growled. Sakuya just laughed evilly in their heads and said in a calm voice,
" Soon I'll control the world. But first I'll have to kill you all again. Oh and Marik, Yami didn't kill your father I did." But little Yugi noticed how Crystillya cringed and he told everybody. Then he asked,
" What do we do about Crystillya? We can't kill Sakuya because we'll end up killing her innocent hikari. But how do we get rid of Sakuya without hurting Crystillya? There just has to be a way to get rid of Sakuya and save Crystillya."