Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Seduction of Ice ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Summary: Yami finds out that his hikari is not pure and innocent the hard way when he loses a duel and has to hold up his end of a bet: seducing the iciest businessman in Domino.

Dedication: For you, Beckster...you *did* request it, after all.

Disclaimer: Not mine!

A/N -I found a way to make it less 'typical'...so it should be a couple more chapters longer. I'm going to keep this one light and happy, just because my other fics are dark and serious...but anyway, on with things...

//...// Yami to Yugi
/.../ Yugi to Yami

*~* change of scene
*** change of perspective

Seduction of Ice

Chapter 3

"Yugi's word of choice would be 'seduce'..."


The word echoed through his thoughts as a shiver of excitement coursed through the CEO. So, Yami was here to draw him into a sexual activity...

That was rather interesting.

Rather interesting indeed.

But Seto Kaiba did not let rivals know when he was interested. He had learned early on that if you showed interest in anything, the price skyrocketed. So, he merely crossed his arms over his chest and quirked an eyebrow.

Yami frowned at Kaiba's lack of response. He had been expecting anger first and foremost, followed quickly by disgust...but he had hoped for the brunette to say something to indicate that he was open to the idea of seduction...

<What were you expecting?> his inner mind taunted. <Seto Kaiba does not confess to anything...much less what he's feeling. This guy's a friggin icicle.>

The frown deepened. Damn his not-so-innocent hikari for pushing him into this. Kaiba obviously didn't feel the same way...this situation was taking its toll on his pride.

His crimson eyes narrowed slightly as Kaiba's ice blue raked over his body, obviously judging him. And from the look on the CEO's face, he wasn't 'up to par'. With a soft snort, he spun on his heel, effectively turning his back on the brunette. "If you have nothing to say, then neither do I. I'm leaving."

However, before he could walk two steps, strong arms locked around his slim waist and smooth lips caressed the skin just above the leather belt around his neck. "Ah, but Yami...Wouldn't it be such a challenge to seduce one of no emotions? I didn't think you'd ever back down from a challenge...but perhaps you have met your match."

Yami shivered, nearly melting against the warm body behind him. "Kaiba...wha..."

The lips smirked against his neck, and Seto found he was quite pleased with the Game King's response to his touch.

He pulled away abruptly, re-seating himself at the desk and returning his attention to his laptop. He glanced up briefly, smirking inwardly at Yami's stunned expression. Outwardly, he kept his stoic mask in place. "I believe you were leaving," he stated coolly before ignoring the shorter duelist completely.

The ancient spirit bristled at this remark, all surprise fading as it was quickly replaced with anger. Furious anger. Damn Kaiba, playing with him like this. Well, he certainly wasn't about to stick around to be toyed with. He glared at the brunette (which really accomplished nothing since Seto wasn't even looking at him) before turning and heading out of the mansion. He needed time to retreat and regroup...but he would win. Kaiba would not beat him....of that he was certain.


Yugi quirked an eyebrow as he entered his bedroom and set his school books down on the desk. "Yami?" he questioned, eyes on the spirit.

The crimson eyed Pharaoh was sitting cross-legged on his bed with his back against the headboard. His eyes were closed and there was a deep frown of concentration on his face. His eyes fluttered open as his light called his name and a ghost of a smile crossed his lips. "Hello, aibou," he replied. "Did you get much work done on your project with Ryou?"

Yugi nodded with a grin, any worry about Yami's mood quickly fading. "Yeah! We're almost finished. It will be good to get it over with...then we'll have more free time before it's due and we won't be rushing to get it finished."

Yami nodded, reaching for the book Seto had so graciously 'lent' him and flipping it open to the marked page. "Before you ask, no, Kaiba and I did not get along well and our project has yet to be started."

Yugi sighed softly, perching himself on the edge of his darker half's bed. "Yami...I'm sure he'll show some interest once-"

The taller of the two held up a hand and cut his former hikari off mid-sentence. "He already has shown interest. At least...I'm fairly certain it was interest. It's never clear when he's being honest or merely mocking me."

Yugi quirked an eyebrow skeptically. "Kaiba just doesn't trust easily...but...tell me about this 'interest' you think he showed. What happened, exactly?"

Yami heaved a heavy sigh and leaned back, motioning with a wave of his hand for Yugi to get comfortable. This was going to be a long story...


Yugi grinned as he met Ryou in their first period class the next day, and he greeted his friend brightly.

The white-haired teen gave a soft smile in response, moving his books over so that his English partner could sit beside him. "So...how did Yami fair last night?"

An unsettling smirk came to rest on the cherubic visage of one Yugi Mutou. "Not so well...but things are looking up."

Ryou quirked an eyebrow. "How do you mean?" he inquired curiously.

The smirk widened, and Ryou fought the sudden urge to cower beneath the desk.

"I believe we came up with a plan that should get them together...you see, it will all start at lunch hour this very day..."

*** TBC ***

Gomen nasai, for the long wait!! I just finished midterms...so sorry if this one is short!! I won't promise faster updates, because I'm horrible at this...but I like this one and it's a change from my other ficcies. So, be prepared for more but I can't say when!! Be happy for this chapter (as short as it is).

Thanks go out to a good friend of mind...the very same person I've dedicated this fic to. Thanks for all your help, imouto-chan!! *glomps*