Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shuffle ❯ A Run In With An Old Friend ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


By Eevetta

Summery: Anzu and the girls go to America because of broken hearts, and end up making their own band. When they return, they find that the guys have moved on. But the boys notice something strange about Anzu that the girls are keeping secret.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for the guys' girlfriends.

Note: There will be some OOC's.



***Change of Scene***


Chapter 2: A Run In With An Old Friend

Yugi and the others decided to tag along with Kaiba in buying the concert tickets. Besides, they made a deal that he'll pay half the price while the others pay the other half. If they wanted any good seats they'll have to pay a lot of money. Kaiba could've ordered it through the internet, but he objected saying that his laptop was only used for work and not for the usage of entertainment.

The others except for Yami were chatting animatedly about how this concert would be, and definitely how good the songs would be. The game king didn't feel like himself today. He didn't know why, 'cause he always talked a lot about of stuff with his friends. Today, it felt different. He felt like something was going to happen, but he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"So, how much money ya have on ya Honda," asked Jou.

"About $50. What about you?"

"$100 for this week. For once my old man gave me an allowance."

"He didn't beat you up did he? You know whenever you ask him something, there's always a price to pay." Jou's bangs hid his eyes as he responded back with a shake of his head.

"Na, all he gave me was a scratch, ya don't need ta worry." He gave them a smile to show he was alright, but they all stared at him unconvinced.

"Let's see it Jou," Malik demanded softly. Jou froze. It'll be noticeable later anyways, so it wouldn't matter if he showed them or not.

"Jou?" Yugi questioned, concerned.

"Can-can we do dis someplace where dere ain't dat much people around?" Jou asked. They nodded and looked around for a place to go to. Bakura suggested the ally nearby. Once there, Jou sighed, and took off his jacket. There on his left arm were bandages wrapped around it, some parts still stained with the color red. Ryou paled at the sight, almost to the brink of fainting. Yugi gasped. Malik gave a scowl.

"You call this a scratch? Honestly Jou, what do you think a stab in the arm would be, your arm getting cut off?" Marik grinned at the thought.

"I wouldn't mind seeing that, with all that blood dripping down. I wonder how it'll taste like?" The others gave sickening looks at that (except Bakura). Marik gave up on world domination, but that didn't stop him from still being his sadistic self. At the thought, Ryou paled even more. He clung on to his yami, shaking. Now having that mental picture in his head, he was definitely going to have nightmares.

Marik always was the one who gave them to him. Bakura annoyingly looked at his shaking hikari. ~Wuss~ he thought. But nevertheless, gave a glare at Marik. The yami saw this and gave him a questioning look. Bakura pointed to his light, still clinging onto him and having his forehead on his shoulder, still shaking. Marik smirked.

"Aw, did I make poor 'chibi' Ryou frightened?" Now that got to Ryou. Before Bakura stepped in on defending his light, (since he didn't want to face Amane's wrath if she found out) Ryou did something that surprised him, Marik, and the others. The Ring holder grabbed the opposing yami by his shirt and gave him a dangerous look, their noses touching.

"What did you just call me?" he asked in a low and haunting voice. Marik sweatdropped.

"Uh…poor?" If possible, Ryou's eyes narrowed more.

"You called me a 'chibi' didn't you?"

"Um…hai?" Marik shivered and continued to sweatdrop as the light gave him an evil grin. He almost looked like his yami. The others who looked shocked, backed away, even Bakura. It was really scary to see his hikari angry, and boy did he have a temper when he was angry. Ryou almost butchered him with a 'real' knife once when Bakura had gotten him angry.

Ryou Bakura didn't like being called a 'chibi'. If someone did, he'd turn a 180 degree personality change and scare the hell out of the person. (a/n: like Hatsuharu from Fruits Basket when he turns 'Black') Not only that, every word related to that and also words related to 'pathetic' turned him like that. That also included when someone was able to get him mad, and when he tries to break off fights and gets hit in the process. (especially between Marik and Bakura, and sometimes with Yami) Right now, everyone had one thought in their heads and that was:

~Uh oh, Marik's dead.~

(a/n: hee hee, seems Ryou isn't as innocent and gentle as people thought)


*A Music Store*

The sliding doors parted and the person walked inside. Even after 2 years, it still looked the same the last time she went here. The only minor difference was that they added extra racks in the back. Other than that, nothing had changed. Walking quietly towards her destination, she made sure that she wouldn't get noticed as one of the band members. It happened earlier once, and she ended up running a non-stop 2 block run.

She separated her one piece braid into two, and put on some eye glasses. She also made sure she buttoned up her coat that she replaced from her trench coat. When one of the fan members went up to ask her if she'd seen 'Tea Gardner', she replied that she headed to the park. Ha, how naïve they were. She bet her friends would of noticed her right away.

Her friends.

~Argh! It's not time to think about them right now. I came out of that stuffy hotel to explore this city if anything new occurred while we were gone. Don't thing about them!~ Trying desperately to distract her mind, she picked up some random CD, picked up some earphones, scanned the code on the cover to play, and listened to the song. Unfortunately, when it started, she jerked back when she found out the song was hers. She looked down at the cover and saw herself and her other two friends on the picture cover.

The person who did the cover really outdone themselves. It was breathtaking, even if it was her on the front. After the sample was done, she put back the CD where she got it from. Heaving a sigh, she started again to wander around the place. That is, until she saw a very familiar person, with a few others, that were crowding around a very excited looking girl. Cautiously, she walked in small strides to the group. Breathing in air for reassurance, she dare called out the girl's name.



The group of boys continued to walk briskly down the street as Kaiba continued leading them. After seeing what Ryou did to the psycho, he dared not look behind him and just continued facing the front. Of course his sense of hearing were alert, and was hearing the conversations from his companions.

"I'm so sorry Marik, really I am! I didn't mean to beat you up too much!" Poor Ryou, whenever he turned aggressive, there was no way he could control his temper until after he cooled down. Now the guy was practically in tears and apologizing over and over again to the black-eyed yami. Yugi and Malik were trying their best to calm down the poor boy, but Ryou kept sobbing and asking for forgiveness.

Jounouchi, Honda, and Otogi were trying to help to, but they were mostly sticking to the sidelines. As for Yami and Bakura, they were practically trying to contain their laughter from the harassed looking yami. Marik kept telling Ryou that he forgave him, and that it was his fault, but the albino ignored his words and kept saying that it was his fault for ever turning 'Black'. (a/n: yeah, now Ryou has gained a split personality like Hatsuharu from Fruits Basket.) Kaiba sighed.

~What did I do to deserve friends like these?~ He cheered up a bit when they were nearing the ticket booth that sold the concert tickets. ~Eh, finally! Now all I have to do is pay half the price, and I'll be able to leave from this crazy group.~

Needless to say, the others were a bit surprise that Kaiba had gotten reservations for all the front seat tickets before anyone else were. What a lucky break for them that the CEO decided to think ahead of time. As promised, Kaiba paid half the cost, and the others paid the other half. If they weren't lucky that a 10 dollar bill happened to have shown itself on the ground in front of Jou, they'd turn to the CEO for the extra cash.

Ryou finally calmed down, to the guys relief, and had started to start up conversations. Again, Yami went back to his thoughts and didn't take part. Yugi silently noted his yami's silence, since he usually talked along with the group as well, but just left it alone. Whatever his yami was thinking about, he would ask later, or until Yami was feeling comfortable to answer. Yami walked behind the group slowly, still in thought, but went back to reality when he bumped into someone.

Saying a 'sorry', Yami helped the person up and asked if she was alright. The girl told him she was fine and thanked him. Though, when she fully faced him, he gasped.

No way.

Was his mind playing tricks on him? She couldn't possibly be her, could she?



"Amane?" The girl that had been familiar to her turned around and saw the brunette. Her other friends stopped chatting and started to watch the scene before them. "You're Amane Bakura, are you not?" The white haired diva looked at the girl before her and tried to make out if she knew this person or not. She did seem familiar, but just couldn't place it that she'd seen her before.

"Yes I am, though um, I hate to sound rude and all, but who's asking?" Anzu sighed in relief. So this person was Amane. Well it was only natural to know if it was her or not, since the fact that she was the only girl at school with white hair. She smiled.

"You haven't changed a bit even after 2 years. You're still polite as ever I see, huh 'Dancing Queen'?" In all her life, never had Anzu seen someone dance with such a strong passion and spirit apart from her own. Amane was the only one she looked up to as an equal in dancing. But she always viewed her as a superior, hence giving her the nickname 'Dancing Queen'. Amane's eyes widened. It couldn't be possible. Though it wouldn't hurt to make sure.

"A-anzu?" The brunette smiled again.

"Yup! The one and only! Who else would of given you that name?" Amane's look of disbelief went to a look of joy. Before Anzu knew it, the white head had given her a tight hug.

"I can't believe it, you've finally came back! Oh Anzu I've missed you so much!" Anzu returned the hug and patted the girl's back. The others watched on, also with disbelief in their eyes. Anzu!? Was this really the girl that the others mentioned who disappeared with other three girls two years ago?

Yugi and the others told them that they didn't even send postcards or made phone calls to tell them where they were alright. Now here she was being hugged by a sobbing albino girl. Even the other people in the store were stopping what they were doing and witnessing the scene in front of them. Some emotional ones were even sobbing at the little reunion.

"Um, maybe it's best if we handled this somewhere else?" Anzu suggested to the albino who blinked. The girl nodded and lead her to the bathroom at the other side of the building. Her friends followed, simply dying to know more about this Anzu girl, since she was mentioned quite frequently from memories that their boyfriends told them. Making sure that no one were in the stalls, Amane started asking a question.

"All right girl, spill. And don't leave any details out. Where have you've been? And how have you been doing in this past two years?"

"First answer to your question, Mai, Shizuka, Ishizu, and I have been in America. New York City to be precise. As for your second question, I'm fine and all. I've been exercising a lot lately and in great shape. I'm not always tired after running a couple of blocks now." Amane grinned.

"Yes, you do look much thinner than I remember. Anyways, New York City? Isn't that place too crowded and noisy compared to Domino City?"

"We spent a few months out in the countryside and only came to the city if we decided to shop for things. The countryside was beautiful that time of month. Though Mai complained about it a lot of times, but she got used to it."

"So how are they doing?"

"Well, Ishizu got a part time job at a local museum in the city, since she missed her own in here. Shizuka had a part time job as well. She had fun being an assistant in a Kindergarten school. As for Mai, she had a job at a hair salon where she was taught the many ways on styling a person's hair. To sum it all a bit, they're doing fine."

"What about you?"


"Did you have a part time job as well?" Anzu stared at her for a moment and gave a weak smile, eyes focusing on one of the sinks. Amane gave a questioned look.

"Yeah, I had one. It was a in a record company." At that, all the girls were listening intensively. "I spotted an ad on a nearby light pole that said that they needed someone to help hold auditions for their yearly upcoming pop stars. You know, singing and all that stuff. I gotta tell you though, nearly all of them sucked. Only a handful made it. And…" Anzu hesitated, not knowing to tell them now or later.

"And?" One of the girls pressed on. She had golden brown hair and the cutest honey brown eyes she'd ever seen. (a/n: think of Kisa from Fruits Basket)The brunette sighed.

"And I'm one of those people." The girls gave her a 'what?' look. "You see, I registered in the last minute. They hesitated to accept me, but the director told them that it wouldn't hurt. After all, how many times has a Japanese girl had come to participate in the past few years? None at all."

"You sang? What song did you sing?" asked another girl, who wore her hair the same way Anzu wore hers. She seemed like one of those girls that were energetic all the time. Almost like how she used to be. Heh, such fonding memories.

"A song that I made. The first one of many that I created. Needless to say, they were quite impressed. Though, it was my first time singing in front of people other than Mai, Shizuka, and Ishizu. I was nervous, but settled down when I found myself washing away through my song."

Everybody gave a small jump when a beeping sound was heard. Anzu didn't seemed fazed at all. She just sighed in disappointment. "Great, now in all times to end my tour around my hometown, it had to be now."

"You have a curfew for staying out of the house?" Asked another girl. She had jet black hair and green eyes. Anzu nodded.

"Yeah, sort of." She paused, and then continued. "Say, are you gals going to the 'Shuffle's' concert this Saturday?" At the mentioned of the group, the girls head nodded vigorously. "Are you big fans?"

"YES WE ARE!" Was the response Anzu got. She blinked. It really shouldn't have come as a surprise though. They're music was first released in America and in Japan. Only the concert was what was new.

"Well, I'll see you gals there. Amane, are Yugi and the others going too?" Amane nodded.

"Yeah. They're not really fans of it, since they don't bother to try listening to music once in awhile. You know them, it's always Duel Monsters. But Oniichan would sometimes turn on the radio and hear the songs played." Anzu looked puzzled.

"Did you bribe them to come with you or something?"

"No. But I did get Oniichan to come, so it's only natural for him to drag Bakura as well." At that statement, she giggled. "But the others decided to come too, thanks to them." She pointed at her friends that were giving of mischievous smiles. The brunette gave off another confused look.

"Come again?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. They're the girlfriends to Yugi and the others." Outside, Anzu's expression remained unchanged, but inside, she was surprised.

"What? You mean that the gang is in relationships now?" Amane nodded. "Even little Yugi, timid Ryou, and aloof Kaiba? Oh my gosh, I think I'm going to cry." The girls sweatdropped when she pretended to wipe off a tear and make sniffling noises. "My, those boys grow up so fast. It only seemed like yesterday that I met them." Again another sweatdrop.

"Now don't get all emotional on us Anzu," Amane said as she laughed good heartedly at her friend's antic.

"Don't worry, I'm just playing. But it's a surprise to me that they even had the guts to start a relationship. Especially Kaiba." One of the girls perked up at the mention of the CEO. She had honey brown hair tied up in a bun, and cool blue eyes the color of the sky.

What did she mean by that? Seto was human and he's capable of loving someone wasn't he? Besides, the guy was very nice, and even though he was always busy with work and hardly had any time to spend some days with her, she respected that. So how come…?

Another beeping came.

"Stupid watch, and stupid curfew. Well, I better be going before Ishizu has my head."

"Well, we'll see you at the concert. Your going too right?" questioned Amane. Anzu smirked. Of course she was going to be there.

"You bet." Before she fully walked back out of the restroom, she added: "Oh and if you sample that CD of Shuffle's out there, play number 5. That's the song I sang." And with that, she left the room. The girls blinked and did what she suggested. They played number 5 on the sampler machine when they went back out, and listened to the familiar song. They put two and two together and gasped.

Anzu Masaki was a member of the Shuffle band.

(a/n: number 5 was Ano Hi No Gogo, one of the ending theme songs of Yugioh)


Anzu giggled silently as she made her way out of the music store. They've probably figured it out already. So she should leave quickly before they start calling her back and demand an explanation. She didn't want to get chased again.

Argh! These eye glasses were killing her. It was too blurry to see anything since she got contacts. After walking home from being out in the fields under the rain, her vision started to get unclear and her head hurt, but she managed to reach the house in time before she felt like passing out. Ishizu took her to an eye doctor, and discovered that she needed glasses. They got her these pair, but she felt uncomfortable with it that they got her contacts as well. So the only time she used her glasses were to hide her identity.

Taking them off, she went and retrieved her eye glass case from her bag. In doing so, she didn't see the upcoming group walking towards her way. They walked right passed her, but she didn't see the lone figure walking slowly from the back of the group, deep in thought. Therefore, it only made sense that she bumped into him. She fell to the ground and landed on her butt.

~Ow, that hurt. Whoever did that is going to taste my fist!~ But before she could get up and confront the stranger, a familiar voice spoke up.

"Hey Yami, watcha doin?" Anzu mentally gasped. There's not doubt about it, that was Jounouchi's voice.

"I accidently bumped into this girl. I was going to help her up." She silently gasped again. That voice, it was Yami's. It was always the one that haunted her dreams. She saw a hand come down in front of her. Knowing full well that it was Yami's and that he was helping her up, she just looked at it. She couldn't help it, she couldn't move.

"Hey I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you alright?" Oh and that voice, it sent shivers down her spine. She hesitated a bit, but took it. If she played it cool, he might not recognize her at all. She put on a pretend smile. After all, she was supposed to act emotionless. But it seemed seeing one of her friends made her want to be happy again, to forget about the past. At least for now.

"Oh, I should be the one apologizing. But yeah, I'm fine…thank you…" Fully facing the Game King, it took all her strength not to start blushing at the concerned and handsome yami. He had definitely grown much handsome, and he probably started working out 'cause she could see some muscle that wasn't there before. She gave him one of her sweetest smiles; the type where her eyes were soft looking and were sparkling.

What Yami did almost made her loose her control over her features. His eyes widened, almost like he recognized her immediately. Uh oh, this was bad news for her. She had to get out of her now. Besides, Ishizu was probably starting to call for the police or maybe her personal muscle toned bodyguards. She shivered at the thought.

"W-well, I better go now. A friend of mine is probably worrying about me." With that, she dusted herself off, picked up her purse and started walking away. Of course not after she gave her sweet smile to her 'friends'. Many didn't seem to recognize her, but a few did. Like Ryou, Jounouchi, and Honda. Their eyes widened too, and they tried to say something, but they couldn't. She walked right past Yami, and was about to walk away even further, when Yami's voice rang out.

"Wait!" She did just that. Oh no, he knew who she was. Maybe it was better if she did reveal herself, but first she wanted to know what Yami had to say.

"I knew 'someone' who looked like you, two years ago," he started. The people in the group stared at him. What was he doing telling a girl he didn't know, about Anzu? Though Ryou, Jou, and Honda knew why. If this person was who they thought she was, then maybe…

"We were closed friends, and she helped me understand more about my past, since I couldn't remember it. She had the same color eyes and expression you showed me. Whenever she was around, I couldn't help but always smile." Tears started to form in Anzu's eyes. Did he really mean that? From the background, she could hear Kaiba saying, 'Yami, what do you think you're doing!?', but she saw him ignore that. She continued to listen

Yami then gave a sadden look. "Then, one day, she and some others disappeared suddenly without a trace. I was frantic and almost lost all hope of her ever returning to this city."

Those tears started to roll down.

"That is, until now." She didn't move. Yami sighed. "You came back. Tell me if I'm wrong, but…you are her right? It's you isn't it…Anzu?" At this, she heard the other guys gasp. No way, she'd finally returned after all these years? Ryou felt like he wanted cry. Yugi did too.

"Anzu?" Yami questioned again, hoping that he wouldn't get a negative answer. For awhile, she stayed silent, making Yami and the others very nervous. The Pharaoh was about to apologize and start leaving her alone, when he heard sniffling. None of his friends were doing it, so he turned his attention towards the girl. As he expected, she was crying a bit. Shakily, she pointed a finger towards the same alley way they had inhabited earlier.

"L-let's not talk here. Let's g-go over t-there, where we w-won't cause a scene," she choked through tears. With that, she lead the way back into the alley. When she made sure that they were far enough from the streets, she stopped. There was silence for awhile before Yugi decided to speak up.

"It is you isn't it Anzu?" Anzu wiped away her tears, turned around, and smiled.

"Of course it is Yugi." Yugi and Ryous' eyes brightened and went over to the brunette, with Jou and Honda following suit. The others watched silently as their friends went and gave her hugs and pats on the back. Although the rest, except Yami, thought it was too sappy, they coped with it. Besides, they always had to see it when their girlfriends were around. She didn't want to admit it, but she certainly missed her friends. She felt like crying again.

"Okay okay, enough with the waterworks already. Just tell us where the hell you've been 'woman'!" demanded Bakura. Yami glared at him, and the others with Anzu did as well.

"Bakura! Don't be rude!" Ryou retorted to his 'yami'. Bakura frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. Damn that hikari of his, always telling him what to do. If Ryou wasn't able to go 'Black', then he'd give him a good beating. No wait, Amane and Yami would kill him if he did. Besides, he didn't like to admit it, but he's grown a soft spot for his hikari.

"Whatever." Anzu giggled, causing the yami to glare at her. She didn't seem fazed though.

"He's still the same Bakura I remember, always demanding. Anyway, to your question, I don't really want to tell you too much without the others here with me…"

"You mean Shizuka and Mai are here too?" Jou butted in right in. Anzu sweatdropped as the blonde shook her by the shoulders. She nodded meekly, before clearing her throat. She swatted Jou away and continued to talk.

"As I was saying, I don't want to tell you too much without the others here with me. Though I will answer a few questions." She found a covered barrel and sat on top of it. "Like yours Bakura. All of us, we've been living in America for the past two years."

"America!!! We've been look'en for ya guys all over this friggen country, and all dis time ya've been in America!?" Jou shouted at her. Anzu had to cover her ears from the outburst.

"Woah, take a chill pill Jounouchi. Yes we've been in America, New York City to be precise." Jou took in deep breaths to calm himself, as Yugi helped the blonde.

"New York City? Did you guys go there because of your dream to be a dancer?" asked Ryou. Marik and Bakura held back a laugh at the thought. Dancing? What a pitiful dream that was. They both shut up though after Yami glared spitefully at the both of them. The Pharaoh had been uptight lately, and making him mad would result being taken to the Shadow Realm in the blink of an eye. Anzu's face fell. Her friends looked in concern.

"Anzu? What's wrong?" Ryou asked softly.

"I did dream to be a dancer, but…" She sighed. "They said I wasn't good enough."

"What? But Anzu, everyone knows that your great at dancing. Why would they reject you?" asked Yugi curiously. The others wanted to know too, despite how some of them thought of it pathetic. She smile bitterly.

"They told me I wasn't good enough, because I didn't have much of the spirit needed. They were right, I didn't have it. I've lost it. I was too preoccupied and down to concentrate on my dancing."

"What did you do then?" Now this came from the silent CEO. Anzu looked at him.

"I gave up on that dream." She then gave a small smile. "Though I'm very happy with what job I'm doing now, and I have a new dream as well."

"What new dream? And what's your job if I don't mind asking?" This time it was from Malik. He didn't' know her all that well, but they were still good friends. Besides, she and Ishizu were close, almost like sisters. Anzu gave him a small smile. She was about to reply when she noticed the time on her watch. She gave a big jump, scaring Jou who was standing right beside her.

"Oh no, I'm late! Ishizu's going to kill me if I don't get back!"

"Woah Anzu, what's going on here? Why's Ishizu's going to kill you if you don't come back? And I didn't mean the killing part literally," questioned Honda.

"Well, I have a bit of a curfew. I'm so sorry that I can't stay longer, but hey, I might see you guys again somewhere in the next few days. My work is keeping me from having too much of a free time." Before she got close to exiting the alley, she was stopped by Yami.

"Anzu wait."


"What Malik asked you earlier, I'm just curious. What is this job of yours that keeps you from spending any time with us?" The brunette gave them a smirk, the same one she had given to Amane and her friends.

"Answer this question of mine first, are you guys going to the concert on Saturday?" The guys nodded.

"It's not like we had any choice anyway," Bakura grumbled. She grinned mischievously.

"Why? Is it because your 'girlfriends' dragged you with them?" At that, her friends gave her surprised looks.

"H-how did you know that we had girlfriends? Well, that is except Yami and Marik, but still…how?"

"I ran into Amane and her friends earlier, and I got to admit, they all look cute for you guys. But I'm sure surprised that you three have one." She pointed to Kaiba, Yugi, and Ryou as she said this. The two boys blushed, and Kaiba just snorted. "Anyways, here." She rummaged through her purse and brought out some strips of paper that looked like tickets and gave them to Yugi.

"But Anzu, we already got concert tickets," he said.

"These aren't concert tickets Yugi, they're back stage passes. Your girlfriends told me that they were very big fans, and since they're your lovers, and since you guys are my friends, I think these would make good gifts as a sign of friendship. Not that I care anymore about my friendship crap speeches, but they will love them.

I brought them just in case I ran into you guys, although I wasn't expecting to encounter you all until at least tomorrow or when I had a day off. Well anyway, all you have to do is show the guards these passes, and they'll let you talk to 'Shuffle's' manager. The manager will then lead you guys to the dressing rooms to meet the members of the band."

"Thanks Anzu, I'm sure they will love it." He put them in his pocket and asked something. "By the way, how did you get these? They must of cost you a lot of money to get them." She winked at him.

"Let's just say I have my ways."

"You're going to be there too right?"

"Of course I'll be there. Shizuka, Mai, and Ishizu will be there as well." Yugi's eyes brightened.

"That's great! Will we meet you somewhere outside or inside the building?" Anzu smirked again.

"Oh you'll see us alright, but it won't be anywhere in those places, nor in the audience." This earned her many confused looks.

"Just what do you mean by that?" Malik asked. The brunette did nothing but stroll out of the alley. Malik got irritated and ran to catch her, but stopped when the brunette's face appeared from the side of the wall. She held a peace sign and winked with her right eye.

"What I mean is that you'll see us on stage. See ya!" With that, she sprinted away from the alley. It took a moment for them to register what she had just said. Of course when it did, just like how Amane and her friends put two and two together and were in disbelief, their eyes widened in shock.

That new band that started in America…

A band made up of only girls…

A band that was traveling around the world, who were Japanese and that started their group 2 years ago…(a/n: Amane added that detail when Kaiba was being 'punished', to Yugi, Ryou, Yami, and Marik when they just stood to the sidelines to watch Kaiba get his ass kicked)

It was them…


Yeah finally I'm done with this chapter! Thanks for all the reviews, you people are so nice. I know all of you guys are dying to know what secret Anzu is harboring, but the secret won't start being a secret until chapter 5. In other words, Anzu right now isn't keeping any secrets. I'll give you one hint though, in chapter 5, the plot will have crossover references from 2 other anime.

Again R & R!

Next Chapter - The Concert: Yugi and co along with their girlfriends, attend the 'Shuffle's' concert. They already have figured out that Anzu, Mai, and Shizuka are members of the band, but what happens when they see them in a new different light? Also, a small reunion will occur between siblings and past loves.
