Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Snow ❯ Conceived Apocalypse ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
For those who are curious, 'Little Star' is a song I made up. I had to change one sentence, so it fits the story better and so it's censored at least a bit, but whom am I kidding? If you want the full version of the song, just ask me and maybe I'll include it at the end of one of the chapters. Just! No plagiarizing! This is my creation and I'm damn proud of it, as I am of the other songs by me that might appear in future chapters. So... If you have as little brain as to copy my lyrics, may you burn in HELL!! If you ask me nicely to use the lyrics, or maybe if you want me to write a song for your stories, I'd be glad to. All I am asking is, do it with my permission. I can be very stingy about that.

Chapter 11

Brown eyes shifted around annoyed and more than a little peeved. "Tsk, at least I'm rid of that stupid priest now." Smirk flashed across white as paper features. "Now, I can focus on more pressing issues."

The heavy doors opened and Ishizu walked into the room. "Herrut-sama?"

Herrut smiled sickeningly sweet at Ishizu. "Ah, my dear! Come over here." She waved to the girl, commanding her to come closer. Ishizu stepped warily, as always, to the only slightly crazed god. Ishizu, no matter how much time has passed, was still deathly afraid of the unpredictable woman, who was quite eccentric, not to mention, very self-centered.

Herrut still smiled that impish smile. "I just got rid of your brother." She chuckled.

Ishizu's head snapped upwards, as tears started in her eyes, suspecting the worst.

Herrut rolled her eyes. "Oh, hush now, child. I didn't say he's dead, but! I have something to ask of you..." She leered at the poor girl, yanking on her hair, when she could finally reach it.

Ishizu trembled. "No, Herrut-sama... I, please... I couldn't..."

Cue in an eye roll from Herrut. "Shut up. It's not like I'm going to tell you to kill him." She smirked.

"All I am asking is that you DESTROY him,... And that little whore of his too. And that idiot Bakura, the child though... Leave him alone." Herrut said in a light, bordering maniacally happy tone, turning stern on the last part.

Ishizu looked up, confused. "Why? Is the child your...?"

Herrut seethed. "WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO ASK THAT?" She bellowed. Huffing like a stubborn child, Herrut flicked a hair behind her ear. "Now to curb your curiosity... Maybe... He is,..."

Ishizu's eyes widened.

Herrut grinned. "Maybe... He isn't."

Ishizu sighed. Why did she think Herrut would tell her? The god only liked to play with her mind...

"You know, I have two sons. The little one, here..." Herrut said pointing to the image in the crystals.

"And another one, here." She pointed to a tall boy with tanned skin, covering rippling muscles and a double-T scar running down his right cheek. His silver hair was short and an impossible mess, steel eyes glancing warily, as in the current position he was in wasn't a nice one. He was cornered by vampires, who tried desperately to keep him down for as long as they could, before he flung them off and climbed the wall behind him, with the speed unimaginable and disappeared. His red cloak billowing behind as he jumped off into another alley.

Ishizu stared. She didn't know what to say, or think. This was just confusing. She never knew Herrut had two sons. Sure, she slept around a lot, with Ishizu included, but she never heard of the other one. She knew Ryou was for sure Herrut's son. There was no denying it. The pale skin and brown eyes were the first give away. But this new character? He looked nothing like Herrut. He only resembled the delicate Ryou in a way of having silvery-white hair, but that was where similarities ended.

Herrut seemed very proud of herself for confusing Ishizu even further, when the great, double doors opened and a tall man with dark skin and clad in royal clothing. Herrut raised an eyebrow and waved Ishizu away.

The girl left quickly and the dark man wrapped an arm around Herrut's waist, nearly crushing the small body. Herrut huffed.

"Apophis, what brings you?"

The demon of darkness leered at the serpent guardian of Duat. "Why, can't I just visit my dear wife, once in a while?"

Herrut rolled her eyes and pushed Apophis away with incredible force. "I told you, we are over, a long time ago. We might have conceived the apocalypse of human and demon races alike, but you were simply not good enough."

Apophis chuckled. "I'm hurt and to think that we have a child."

Herrut shrugged. "I don't care. Leave."

Dark arms wrapped around Herrut's shoulders and pulled her back towards firm chest. "You never were the homemaking type, were you?"

Pale lips fixed into a smirk. "Why do you think I guard the gates of Duat?"

Apophis seemed to think about it. "All right, I get your point, but be at least more considerate towards your children? Ryou especially, he's such an innocent soul."

Herrut shrugged Apophis off. "Since when do you care?"

Apophis sighed. "Just do it." He glared.

Herrut bristled, hissing dangerously. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! NOW, GET OUT, BEFORE YOU REGRET IT!!" She screeched.


Akefia scrambled through the alleyways and crevices. He scowled at the vampires chasing him. "Those greedy bastards never give up, do they?" He muttered to himself, panting, as he raced at the inhuman speed.

Some of the vampires fell behind and now it was up to Tarhas to chase the Thief King down. Akefia smirked. Good luck with that, losers... He sped up.

Tarhas fell behind now too, one of them whined. "How is it possible for one, stupid, little human to run so fast!!" The other demons started bitching too.

Akefia made his way to the roofs and looked down at the streets of Grath, where only the bravest of humans, or the stupidest, dared to walk. Such was case with Akefia, but he couldn't simply leave the city, he had a family to find and his instincts told him to look in Grath. He didn't know why, but as days and nights passed, he felt more anxious than ever before and he could not explain it.

He sighed and let his eyes wander around the small, dark buildings, that once, three to five thousand years ago, might've been impressive skyscrapers, office buildings of old, as there was a lot of those in New York in years two thousand.

Akefia moved towards the staircase and left the rooftop for the top floor of the building he found to be what was left of World Trade Center. What exactly happened to the two, once majestic towers that were so important to the ancient, he couldn't remember. Probably for the best.

He took off his blood red cloak and lay it on the floor, near a still pretty good mattress. Akefia flopped onto it, the springs groaning at the added weight, as Akefia rolled over and pulled some tattered blankets over himself.

His eyes slipped shut, as he got ready to sleep.

Tomorrow was the day. The day for what, exactly?

He didn't know.


Hello, duckies... Yes, I'm alive... Yes, I've had writer's block, then when I finally got inspiration for this chappie, my darling mother had to take away my computer... Bummer, but now I'm on, so, partay!!! How do you like this chap.? Please R&R!!!

Oh yeah, and Merry, merry Christmas to you all! ^-^ Enjoy the holidays.