Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Something Strange ❯ In the Past ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

The day I'm writing this chapter is December 3, 2003. Hey, Mandy Dawn here. I hope all you who read this review at the end, please. Well here it goes.

//…// yami talking to hikari

/…/ hikari talking to yami

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh and if I did I wouldn't be typing this now. I do own Lydiana, Lydia, and Winny.

Ch. 1

Lydia's POV

`Something strange is going on.' That's what I told myself before I mean Lydiana, my yami. On my fifth birthday I received a diamond and gold necklace from my grandmother. She's an Egyptologist. In the middle of the necklace is an eye. It's weird looking eye.

The day I found out about Lydiana was the worst day of my life. So I thought… I'm getting ahead of myself. Here is an old saying: I remember it like it was yesterday.

:::Flash Back:::

I was walking towards my grandmother's house when a silver-white haired boy jumped out of an alley.

"W… what… do… you… want?" I studded. Something inside my mind was telling me not to be scared.

"Your necklace," the boy said. "I want your Millennium Necklace."

"No! You can't have it! It's mine!" I screamed making my voice harsh and hopefully scarier than his.

The boy started to glow and I was pushed against a wall. I felt my arms and legs being separated from my body. Then the necklace around my neck began to glow and there was a burning sensation (A/N: Not that!) around my neck. It was like my soul came out of my body. "Are you okay?" I heard a girl ask. I turned my head to the side and gasped.

There standing beside me, maybe a head taller, was my twin. Well, not really but she looked exactly like me, but with a few differences. She had dark blue eyes with a red rim around them, black hair with a purple tint, and was dressed exactly like me.

Lydiana's POV

I asked the small girl next to me, who I had hidden myself from, if she was okay. This girl maybe five years of age had blond hair, greenish violet eyes, and of course since she was my hikari, dressed in the same clothes as me. Rather I was dressed in the same clothes as her.

"Yes, I'm okay. Who are you?" she asked looking scared.

"We can talk about that later," I answered turning my gaze back at the boy who is trying to kill us.

"Why…." She was cut off by another blow from that monster I knew was inside the ring.

"Come on out Bakura," I said. "You know you can't hide from your twin, you know."

Just like I had come out, Bakura appeared next to his hikari who had passed out. "Good to see you dear sister. How long has it been? You still with pharaoh?"

"You know how long it has been and as for the pharaoh, I haven't seen him yet."

"My stupid hikari happens to know his hikari, unfortunately. Since I know you reside in the necklace I won't take it… yet."

:::Flash Back Ends:::

Lydia's POV

I've tried to get Lydiana or Lyd, the nickname I gave her, to tell me about her past. The only thing I know is that she was Queen of Egypt and ruled with Pharaoh Yami. That's all she would tell me. I think it hurts her to remember.

My grandmother decided to move to a place called Domino City. It was located in Japan; a long way from Britain, but that's where her knew game shop will be located. Across the street is another one. Lyd told me she felt familiar vibes coming from there.

Today will be my first day at Domino High School. I was ready thirty minutes before we had to drive there, my grandmother driving of course.

I located the office okay when I got there and was told to wait until the teacher came. She came and I was surprised she didn't have a Japanese name, but an American name. The students called her Ms. Ehl. (A/N: Based on my English teacher last year.) She led me to a classroom and told me not to move. She went in and I could here every word she said.

"Class," Ms. Ehl started. "Please welcome Lydia Ursain." She motioned for me to come in and I did. There was a few gasps and I heard very little whispers like, `Look around her neck. It's a Millennium item'.

//Apparently they know about the items// Lyd told me through our mind link.

/Yeah. I wonder how they know/

//I don't know, but… that same feeling I felt when we were near that other game shop across the street… I feel it now//

/Hey!! Isn't that Bakura/

//No, that's his hikari. Lydia the teacher is calling your name//

"Huh!" I looked around the classroom and found that Lyd was right. They were all staring at me strangely as if they knew why I was spaced out.

"Are you okay Lydia?" asked the teacher.

"Yeah. I don't really feel good, but I'll be okay," I answered back. She instructed me to seat next to guy with blond hair. He was kinda cute. In fact half the guys here were, but there was only one of them Lyd kept telling me to look at so she could get a better view of. He had yellow, black, and red spiky hair with an upside down puzzle.

//That's the Millennium Puzzle// Lyd screamed mentally.

/Isn't the Pharaoh's spirit suppose to reside in there/

//Yes. Look into the boy's eyes… he doesn't know who you are//

/Is he suppose to/

//Yes. Unless… I knew he would. He said he wouldn't but he did. He forgot his past life. That stupid pharaoh//

I felt someone tapping my shoulder and turned around. It was the brown haired girl who sits behind me. "My name's Tea. Nice to meet you," the girl said.

"Lydia," I said.

"Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends. It would be a great way for you to meet people?"

"Sure." I heard Lyd protest when I turned around to face the board. /What the hell is your problem/

//I hate that girl//

/You don't even know her/

//That's the reincarnation of the girl who tried to break Yami and me apart. Stupid girl//

/She probably doesn't remember/

//I'm beginning to feel like I'm the only one who knows about everyone's past life//

/What about your brother, Bakura/

"Hey! Lydia you coming," said Tea disrupting me from talking to Lyd. "The bell rung."

"Oh, sorry. I was just daydreaming."

"Well come on." She pulled me to the cafeteria to eat. When we reached the table she said she usually sits at, the blond haired boy, spiky haired boy, and a brown haired boy was sitting there apparently waiting for Tea.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late but someone was busy daydreaming," she said as we sat down. "This is Lydia. The new girl in our class."

"Hi. My names Yugi Mouto," said the spiky haired boy. "And this is Joey Wheeler and Tristan Taylor."

The blond haired boy, Joey spoke up, "Where did you come from?"

"Britain. My grandmother and I moved here because of her new game shop, The Little G," I answered.

"That shop is right across from my grandfathers, The Kame Shop," said Yugi smiling.

The day went by fast and at the end of the day I ran out the front doors as soon as the bell finished ringing. There was my grandmother waiting for me. I got in and she started driving. Lyd appeared in the backseat. My gran, Winny, knew that there was a spirit inside the necklace when she gave it to me. She also knew I was Lyd's reincarnation so she was surprised when Lyd came out of the necklace. "How was your day, Lydia?" Winny asked.

"Great," I answered trying to hold back my laughter.

"What's so funny?"

I pointed to the backseat as we pulled up to the shop. Lyd was banging on the car door trying to open it when the window went up and almost cut her finger off. She was now huddling away from all the doors to the car.

"You alright, Lyd?" asked Winny.

"Yes. Just get me out of here," Lyd asked. I got out and opened the backseat door for her. As she slammed the door back we heard a voice. "Hey she has a yami also." I recognized the voice as Joeys.