Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Stalking the Elusive ❯ Inspiration in the Form of Mr. Kookeenookee ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Stalking the Elusive~

By DarkFoxy


I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! The characters in this story, or anything else that has been patented! If I did then I would be insanely rich, I definitely wouldn't need to be writing fanfictions, and the show would be a little different, heh heh heh. The only things I own are the ideas for this story and crap laying around my bedroom floor. So anyway, DON'T sue me because all you will get will be six fifty in loose change, my school supplies, and an enormous lawyer bill.

Chapter One: Inspiration in the Form of Mr. Kookeenookee

Monday, 7:03 am

My Room

Damn, damn, damn, I'm running late... school starts at seven thirty and Tea always comes to pick us up to walk with her at seven. In short, I'm late and they are currently outside on the sidewalk talking in very loud voices that they hope we get there in time! I haven't even had-

7:15 am

Walking to School

Right, last entry ended rather fast because Grandpa Moto shoved a piece of toast in my mouth and booted me out the door. I say, this really isn't the way a former Pharaoh is used to being treated! For gods sake I was only three minutes late!

Oops, that was the second sign I almost ran in to, maybe writing while walking isn't really such a great idea. Yugi and Tea are talking about some history thingy so I'm not really entered in their conversation anyway I- WAS THAT HIS CAR?!

7:20 am


Sorry, Seto Kaiba drove by with Mokuba, presumably to drop him off. I couldn't pass up the chance Mokuba was offering by waving, because that allowed me to get a niiice long look at his brother without seeming suspicious.

I've really got to do something about this Kaiba issue, whenever I see him I completely lose my cool. Where is he by the way? I've been standing halfway in this stupid locker for five minutes and he still hasn't come in to school. Does Seto Kaiba skip? No, of course he doesn't, he's smarter than all the teachers in this building, so then where the hell is he?

Oh dear lord there he is. He's so cute when he's in a hurry, he has this tendency to switch that briefcase of his from hand to hand every fourth step or so, and run his right hand through his hair. Plus, when he doesn't think anyone is watching him his eyes get all clear and... wait a minute, where is everybody... why is he in a hurry? Oh god, there's the warning bell! I have one minute to get to class!

7:35 am

First Period/Advanced Geometry, Mrs. Ramoshi

Well that was embarrassing. I sprinted for my class room, which happens to be the same as a certain CEO's, and arrived just in time to see the door shut behind him. Then the bell for school to begin rang, and I had to stand politely in the hallway while the principle rambled on about some sort of 'words of wisdom' packet she was required to read every day. So after her 'deeply enlightening' comments, I had to bang on the door until the teacher got sick of listening to me and came to open the door. Everyone decided to cooperate very well and stare at me while I tried to make up an excuse for being late, and then went to my seat. For god's sake! The teacher asks for the real reason after I spout off something about the bathroom door being stuck, but what am I supposed to say? "I was procrastinating in the hallway wedged halfway in my locker while writing in a book and waiting for the brown haired man of my dreams to walk into school so I could admire everything about him and then focus on the back of his pa- uh, head while we walked to the same class room. I don't think she would want to hear that.

Ugh, it's 7:45 and I'm already bored out of my mind. I wish she'd stop going on about hypotenuses or whatever they're called. Actually, I should probably be paying attention. How much attention can you pay to something that sounds like the English word for those evil, loud, big mouthed, terrors that lurked in the Nile of Ancient Egypt?

I really wish Kaiba didn't always sit in the back, it makes watching him much more difficult. Plus it makes it a lot harder to cover up when he catches me at it every once in a while. If he sat in front of me then I could say I was looking at something else, but no, he has to sit in the back. I bet he does it just to annoy me... this is really getting no where fast. Maybe I should at least try to learn about those triangles she's pointing to on the board.


First Period

Ok, so the ratio of the 45-45-90 right triangle is 1-1-root 2...? If we didn't get tested on this crap I would catch up on my sleep. Only eight more minutes until end of class! Not that I'm counting or anything.



Freedom! Well, temporary freedom. Our next class, Ancient History is just down the hall so Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, and I all loiter in the hallway for the five minutes between classes. Only the nerds go right to class, sit down, and are quiet, like everyone else is supposed to be doing. Well, the nerds and Kaiba, but he really isn't a nerd. He doesn't 'like' learning especially because he knows more than all these teachers do, and he always looks bored... plus he's too hot to be a nerd... and athletic...and buff... and...

One minute to go, so we're heading in. Let's go learn about the place I grew up! Can you feel the enthusiasm?!


Second Period/Advanced Ancient History, Mr. Caldwick

Wow, no one can make growing up in Egypt sound so boring except Mr. Caldwick, he claims that he has some Egyptian in his blood and makes it sound like that makes him president of Australia. Does Australia have a president? Hmmm.... maybe I should pay more attention in current events. Anyway, I guess Mr. Caldwick doesn't seem to get it through his head that he has three full blooded Egyptians sitting in his very classroom! Although, he tends to think that I'm Yugi's mysterious twin, and Bakura is Ryou's long lost brother...


This is soooooo boring! I just got brownie points for telling him what an obelisk is. For Ra's sake, must I deal with a novice? I think I'll flip back and read what I've written so far.


Hey, I'm good!


Hot damn! I should be a writer! Heh, I bet Mr. Caldwick couldn't write to save his life! Why is everyone getting out their textbooks? Am I missing something here? Oh well, follow the crowd!


Well it's a good thing I took out my textbook. I hope that open book quiz wasn't too bad. Oh yeah! I LIVED there, how bad can it be? Actually, watch me get a D, some of the ideas these historians have are just hilarious!


Third Period/Advanced English III, Mr. Raymond

Ok, been in English for five minutes and eye lids are heavy. You'd think the English, since they seem so bloody superior (to slip in a British curse word) would have a language that makes more sense. How can 'everyone' be singular? 'Everyone take out his textbook.' It makes so much more sense to say 'Everyone take out their textbook,' but apparently that is a grievous mistake.

I think I'll scribble down my schedule, I've never noticed how stuffy it gets in here. Let's see, when Bakura and I came to Yugi's school, we just jumped into all of their classes. Unfortunately, both of them are advanced students, so they are in all Advanced classes. Oh yea, and there's this really weird thing where advanced students can take sixth period to do two supplementary classes. Yugi, for some reason picked Advanced Only Psychology and A.O. Business. Business I can understand, he's going to take over in the game shop with his grandfather... but Psychology? Actually, I'm not really complaining, because SETO KAIBA is in both those classes. Alright, here's the schedule.

<A/N, sorry, but I figured it would be easier for people to understand this made up system if I somehow incorporated Yami's schedule! Cheesy, but somewhat effective! Sorry again for the un-Japanese school system, and I gave up trying to make the names sound Japanese, so now they're just boring old made-up names that sound English. Sigh...>

Let's see, First period 7:30-8:15 I have Advanced Geometry with Mrs. Ramoshi. Second period is Advanced Ancient History from 8:20-9:05 with Mr. Caldwick. Third is Advanced English III (which I am currently being very bored in!) From 9:10-9:55 with Mr. Raymond. Then we have Home Room from 10:00-10:10 with Mrs. Tibbs. Luckily, the people in this school seemed to have a lot of free time on their hands and made each home room of people with similar schedules, so you know what that means... KAIBA ALERT!

Oh crap, he's looking at me!


Ok, I think I conjugated that correctly. Joey's looking at me a little weird, but Mr. Raymond seems to be satisfied. Oh, maybe it was the sentence I used it in. Heh, heh, I guess I should act like it had nothing to do with anyone in the class. I mean how suspicious is: "I see the handsome guy; I saw the handsome guy; You see the handsome guy; You saw the handsome guy; He/she sees the handsome guy; He/she saw the handsome guy; We see the handsome guy; We saw the handsome guy; They see the handsome guy; they saw the handsome guy.

Wow, I guess that does sound kind of stupid. It would have been so much easier if I hadn't had to do present and past tense! Oh well, back to not paying attention. Where was I? Oh yeah.

Fourth period from 10:15-11:00 on Mondays and Wednesdays is Physical Education (otherwise known as gym) with Mr. Harbrine, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays it's Health with Mrs. Fuuji. Fridays I have study hall in the library.

Fifth period from 11:05-11:50 is Advanced Chemistry with Mrs. Sands. 12:00-12:30 is lunch! My favorite class of the day... well actually I rather enjoy seeing Seto in a sweaty white tee shirt in gym...

Sixth period from 12:35-1:20 is Advanced Only Psychology with Mr. Kookeenookee on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays it's Advanced Only Business with Mrs. Branwella. Fridays it's study hall in the library again.

Seventh period, and last period of the day, is Advanced Literature from 1:25-2:10 with Mrs. Lorans.

Wow, that was torture to write down, let alone to read. The school has us filing through hallways on a schedule like we're hypnotized. Ugh, now there's an unpleasant thought.

Great, looks like Mr. Raymond is finishing up. What time is it? 9:50, five minutes to go!

Well I think I've gone a long enough time... alright, putting right arm down across desk... putting other arm down at side... laying head down on right arm... turning face so cheek is resting on arm... closing eyes (for cover of course!)... perfect, now looking through barely open eyes. Hopefully, I appear to be asleep. Ah, look at him! He's gorgeous! Sitting there, reading a book; when he reads like this in the back of the class, his guard drops because no one is looking at him (except me of course!). I love his eyes, they're so deep and profound, they draw me in and I drown in them. Not to mention his lips, now there's something I want a piece of. Oh Ra, he's looking up, his face is still innocent, and- what the hell? People are standing up, now I can't see him! Oh... the bell rang apparently. Oops.


Fifth Period/Advanced Chemistry, Mrs. Sands

I never claimed to like gym class, which was last period, in fact, I think that it's the stupidest waste of time that could possibly be thought up. If you're less than ten pounds over weight, I don't think you should have to participate. What's the use of having a bunch of guys moving around in flimsy white t-shirts and black gym shorts that tend to ride up one's ass? But for all I hate the class, god dammit Seto Kaiba is HOT!

I believe we've entered in to my new favorite gym class sport; previously it was bowling for the sole reason that it required little effort, and it requires Kaiba to bend over and focus enough that he doesn't realize how tight his shorts are on his back side (it's such a damn shame that by the time Kaiba came to get his gym shorts the only ones left were smalls... hehehehe...). I have come to a new conclusion that weight room is the best by far! Since we're in a relatively small room, it's easy to watch him and how see how see through his white t-shirt is, and happily fantasize about being his work out partner in the next class. Mr. Harbrine had this extraordinary idea that every class we would partner up with a different assigned person for the work out, to spot, assist, and basically watch the other person sweat. I grow to like this man!

Pop quiz in Chemistry? Oh why did Yugi have to be in all Advanced classes? Why? WHY? Of course, then I wouldn't always be with my favorite blue eyed brunette! Wish me luck, ugh, I could do with some of Seto's brains at this very moment.


Lunch! (FINALLY!)

Well this is quite an amusing development! I was right in the middle of commiserating with Yugi and Ryou about the pop quiz in chemistry when I suddenly froze, and my jaw dropped. Joey and Bakura?!

I don't think they quite realized it until now, but I noticed how they normally sat together and such, but suddenly I noticed Joey drop his dollar bill as he picked it up from his lunch tray as both reached to pick it up at the same time. Bakura's hand was on the bottom and Joey's landed on top of it, but they just froze. This is getting good. Now Joey's looking hesitantly at Bakura, Bakura just met his gaze. Both the hands are still on the table. This is priceless! Joey just smiled shyly at Bakura, and that tomb robber just smiled back! I can't wait until this gets out.

ACK! I need warning labels on my friends! Joey just turned Bakura's hand over and now they're holding hands! Alright, I think they just noticed that there are other people in the cafeteria, because they turned bright red and pulled their hands apart to... hold hands under the table. This is great! I've never claimed to like that tomb robber, but if he makes Joey happy this is fantastic!

Hmm, I wonder if I should tell Yugi and Ryou, they don't appear to have noticed a thing. In fact, I don't think they noticed I stopped participating in the conversation. Those two have been going out for a month, by the way, so don't think I'm about to have a heart attack because I just realized that the four people sitting around me are all hooked up. No, I've known about Ryou and Yugi for ages.

Speaking of hooked up people, where's Seto? I'm looking all around the room and I don't see him. Damn, oh well, I see him in every class except fourth period study hall on Fridays, so it's only a matter of time.

Ok, that was a big enough sigh that it merits being written down. *sigh* Everyone is hooking up with a special someone except me! I know who I want to be with, but he has no clue. I just need an agenda, some plan that I can implement that has an outline so I wont mess it up. Whenever I think about trying something I blank out when I'm around him, so I just need sufficient motivation.

Oh, there's the bell. I think I'll wait to tell Yugi and Ryou, but there's something I can do for Joey and Bakura...


Sixth Period/Advanced Only Psychology, Mr. Kookeenookee

Right, that worked wonderfully! I'm thinking of trying to add some sort of dialogue to this journal so it doesn't get so boring, so here's a shot.

I got up from the table at lunch and noticed Joey and Bakura reluctantly release hands. They stood very close to each other near me, so I beckoned Yugi and Ryou to go on.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in Literature then?" Joey said in a small hopeful voice to Bakura.

"I guess you will." Bakura replied, his sharp features softened slightly on the blonde.

"Um... well, ok." Joey's never been one with words when he's flustered.

"Mm." Bakura turned away so I stepped forward.

I stopped so I was right behind them so my left shoulder touched Joey and my right touched Bakura. I paid no attention to Bakura's hiss and angry narrowed eyes, instead I said in a perfectly innocent whisper to no one in particular, "Bathroom around the corner on the right. If you turn the door nob to open it and then close it without letting it go, turn the nob to the left once it's closed and it will jam from the outside."

I gave them my best smile and proclaimed, "See you in Psychology Joey, which, by the way starts in four minutes." Then I left. I believe I saw Joey's raised eye brow and Bakura's scowl melt into a sly smirk before they dashed towards said bathroom. Ah, good deeds make one feel fulfilled.

There's the warning bell, hurry up Joey, you can make out with Bakura some other time! There he is, just in time... and he better fix his shirt and his hair if he doesn't want anyone to figure it out. Ah well, subtlety is lost on that one.



I don't know whether I should dance with joy, or melt away in shame. All I can say is that I am inspired, and that was want-to-die-right-here-and-now EMBARRASSING! Okay, okay, calming down. Here's what happened:

Mr. Kookeenookee bounced into the room with his usual enthusiasm. He claims that he came from a very rare Native American tribe, hence his name, but anyone in his or her right mind can see that if he isn't a full blooded Japanese psycho than I'm a bunny rabbit. He's beyond weird, but I think we're starting to get used to him. In other words, we no longer flinch when he jumps up on his desk and does jumping jacks.

So my insane Psychology teacher was going on and on about setting goals and how that helps a person mentally stabilize themselves. I didn't write because, frankly, this man is scary, and I don't want to take my eyes away from the nearest exits in case he spontaneously combusts.

"Goals are the marshmallows in life. Goals, goals, GOALS!"

"Yugi, if he says goals one more time, I'm going to fake a nosebleed." This was Joey, groaning in mental pain as he watched Mr. Kookeenookee leap on to the window sill and begin reciting a sonnet.

"Goals, my friends. Goals. Not foals, moles, voles, soles, holes, bowls, souls, poles, rolls, knolls, coals, tolls... GOALS!" Here he sprung from the window sill and miraculously cleared the first row of desks and landed in the second row grinning his head off.

"Get bleeding Joey," Yugi said absently twirling his pen before writing Ryou's name in swirly cursive letters. I rolled my eyes, then leaned forward so only Joey could hear me.

"This wouldn't happen to be an arranged nose bleed would it?"

"Pardon?" Joey's a bit dense at times.

"I mean, a certain white haired tomb robber isn't at this moment coming up with a similar reason to rush to a bathroom, now is there?"

Joey turned bright red, then gave me the most pathetic look I have ever seen him give.

"Yami, please promise you'll do me a favor."


"Punch me in the nose. Right now. Hard."

I stared at him incredulously. "You can't be serious."

Joey glared at me. "You mentioned it, now get punching."

"Joey! I'm not going to punch you!"

"Yami, right at this moment I'm supposed to be in a bathroom pressed up against the wall snogging my ears off. If you don't punch me right now, I'm going to give you a reason to."

"You've got to be kidding!" As much as I understood Joey's eagerness to run to the bathroom, there was no way I could bring myself to punch him.

Joey looked like he was about ready to poke me eyes out when Mr. Kookeenookee strolled past us.

"Tip tooooooe, through the tuuuuuuuuulips! Through the tuuuuuuulips!" The man has a horrible singing voice; more of a wail really. We sobered up and looked at him politely as he wiggled his hips down the aisle and made his way back up to the front of the class room.

As soon as he was past I turned my head to glare furiously at Joey again. We were about to continue arguing when the most beautiful voice sounded from right behind us.

"Gentlemen, please. We're almost all sane adults around here."

Joey and I turned simultaneously and met the amused face of Seto Kaiba. I would have melted right there, but then I wouldn't have been able to see him anymore.

"Bugger off Kaiba, you're not wanted here." Joey growled, crossing his arms and glaring daggers at me.

"Mutt, if you're bite were as bad as your bark than I would have disappeared long ago; but as it is, you can hardly threaten me." I tried to clear my glazed eyes as he smiled at us before continuing. "Now, be a good little puppy, and hold still for once."

"Wha-?" Joey said looking at Kaiba.


Joey blinked rapidly at Kaiba, who sat back in his seat grinning, then he looked down as blood dripped down on to his hands. Kaiba had punched him right in the nose. Joey sat there for a minute looking utterly confused, before casting Kaiba an odd glance.

"I never thought I'd say this, but thanks." He said.

"Anytime, anytime." Kaiba said, nodding, smiling like he had received an early Christmas present. I caught the double meaning, but apparently Joey didn't. With one more bewildered look at Kaiba he jumped up and fled the room, telling Mr. Kookeenookee in passing that he had a bloody nose and would be in the bathroom. I heard Kaiba chuckle and I looked back at him, inwardly pleased to have an excuse to talk.

"Since when do you help Joey?"

"Since 'helping' includes punching him in the face. He might want to have that looked at, I think I broke his nose." Kaiba looked at me strangely before adding, "and since when do you talk to me?" I reddened and turned away.

"Since..." I trailed off. There was an awkward pause.

"Wacky git, first we fight all the time, then he ignores me, now we're having pleasant little conversations over tea," I heard Kaiba grumble before opening up his book and continuing his role of clueless-babe-in-the-back-of-the-class-room.

At this point I was flustered enough that I decided to pay attention to class. Mr. Kookeenookee appeared to have calmed down somewhat and was now sitting cross legged on top of his desk, mindless of the papers he was scattering on the floor.

"Many people find that they can only accomplish their goals by setting an agenda. Guidelines if you will, a sort of outline that they can stick to so they don't freeze up while trying to figure out what to do. This is a very common problem, I'm sure all of you know clean freaks and others that can't stand it unless everything is organized." At this he grinned and gestured to the mess of papers he was sitting on and scattering around the foot of his desk. I listened carefully, somehow this sounded familiar.

"Although you may think, 'ah yes, the clean freak,' there are many smaller ways in which the agenda may be of use to people. At certain tasks, some people seem to freeze up! Why I remember my little sister-" here there were shudders around the classroom as we all unanimously felt sorry for the poor soul that has him for a big brother, "-my little sister was absolutely PLAGUED by nightmares!"

Did I say that I thought he seemed more calmed down? That was an illusion. He exploded off of his desk sending papers flying and he raced once around the room, huffing as if he was in a marathon. He came to a stop in the center aisle and struck a melancholy pose.

"So what did my poor, dear sister do?! She came to her big brother for help! I analyzed her dreams for her and we concocted the perfect plan!" He now back pedaled at a dizzying rate until he was even with the front row of students. Without pausing he grabbed the shirt of the unfortunate student at the end of the row to his right, and mopped his sweaty forehead with it before dropping it and jumping back up on the window sill.

"What was the plan you ask? She kept a dream log!" Here Mr. Kookeenookee paused for dramatic effect, looking at us expectantly. If he was disappointed at the lack of reaction, however, he didn't show it. Instead he grasped the window frame with one hand and leaned back making his body (brownie points Mrs. Ramoshi!) Into a hypotenuse, with his other hand set poignantly across his eyes.

"The dream log helped her map out her fear, it helped her turn the things she feared in to a force she could recognize and deal with! She devised methods from her log so that when she entered a nightmare she knew what to do to drive her fear away, thus conquering it! Within a week she was free of her affliction, and to this day nightmares cannot affect her!"

I believe the class collectively refrained to breathe in the following moment of silence, afraid that any noise might startle Mr. Kookeenookee in to relaxing his grip and falling backwards and hitting his head on the corner of his desk. In one fluid motion, Mr. Kookeenookee stood back up straight and leapt gracefully down from the window sill.

"I," he began in a majestic whisper, "want EACH of you to select a fear you have. You will outline it and analyze it, rub it and smell it, pet it and hit it, feed it and water it, and in general hash it out until it is no more!" His voice at this point began to build, creating an aura of anticipation. "Within this fear there is a goal, something that you will conquer and triumph in as you master your fear. We will grow together as individuals and as a class as we embark on this journey to cleanse our souls! We will overcome our fear and take our prize, outline and keep track of every step and brainstorm every idea and put it to use. We will be role-models, we will be conquerors, we will be HEROES!"

At this point, I am ashamed to say, I lost any chance of furthering my social status with any of the people in that class.

Why? Well... er, I was somewhat caught in the heat of the moment. Every word coming out of that psycho's mouth actually made sense to me! It inspired me! It intrigued me! I had motivation, something to rely on! Together, we could do anything!

Around this point in my train of thought, all of my attention was on that loony, and as those last words came out of his mouth, I regret to say... well this is difficult. I'll write it as it happened.

"We will be HEROES!" Mr. Kookeenookee screamed, raising his fist and looking patriotically up into the sky (well it was there if you could see past the ceiling, the second floor, the storage attic, and the roof).

"Right!" I jumped out of my seat, standing up straight and proud, my eyes shining as I stood across from that brilliant, blessed, psycho, with my own fist raised, my mouth curved in triumph.

Saying that simultaneously the jaws of every student in there dropped to the floor and shattered is an understatement. Reality came rushing back to me, and I looked around wildly, seeing that every student was turned around in his or her seat with a dazed look of consternation written across their face.

I lowered my fist as quickly as I could, and felt myself turn as red is humanely possible. I glanced around me, but yes, everyone was most certainly still looking at me. I pulled at my collar uncomfortably, unsure of what to do. I laughed a little, nervously, and wished profoundly that Bakura was there to banish me to the Shadow Realm.

Thankfully, I don't think that Mr. Kookeenookee was used to having all attention diverted from himself, because he suddenly burst out in to song. "WE CAN BE HEROES, FOREVER AND EVER! WE CAN BE HEROES, FOREVER AND EVER!"

I took the class's momentary distraction to shove myself violently back down into my seat and cover my head with my hands. Mr. Kookeenookee pranced back and forth a couple more times until he was sure he had at least been given a glance by each of his students.

"Ah, Moulin Rouge, a fabulous FABULOUS American concoction. We should perform it here at our school. I must say so to the theater director! Homework assignment everyone! Choose your fear, choose your goal, and start a log to conquer it!"

It was then, while Mr. Kookeenookee was ranting on about the new assignment that I realized that ever since my outburst I could hear a noise that was at once the most beautiful and most terrible I had ever heard. For behind me, I could hear Seto Kaiba laughing with abandon, oblivious to anything going on about him, or even how uncharacteristic is was of himself to be laughing at all. He was consumed with it, his head down on his arm on the desk, his other beating his thigh in delight.

Did I mention that I am as red as humanely possible?


Wow, well my first official chapter is done. It was a lot longer than I meant it to be, but I had to get to the Psychology class in order for the chapter to not be incredibly boring, so... DON'T expect each chapter to be this long! Goodness, then it would take forever to get anything done! I hope people don't mind this fic, there were some things in this chapter that I guess some really picky people could find offensive, but I am a full blooded American so I'm so to any other loyal Americans! I got the words of wisdom from my own horrible principle who forces us to submit to the readings of inspiration every morning while standing. I reeeally don't like her.

I hope people liked this chapter, I'm trying to do the whole humor thing and I don't think I'm doing too badly, please let me know if I'm not... or if I am.... actually just let me know in general: i.e. REVIEW! Hehehehe, sorry about that.

Preview, Chapter Two: Yami starts his log (in his journal of course) and works out some strategies to help his goal come true. A little more Bakura/Joey and Yugi/Ryou will probably be added, just so the story doesn't get boring, and because I think those pairings are cuuute! Alright, I'm shutting up now. Don't mind if there were a lot of mistakes I'll probably re-post this chapter later with corrections, but I just finished it and want to get it up so I haven't proof read!

Replies (in no particular order, except for my FIRST reviewer, who I will naturally dote on!):

Dee-whI-Cee-aRe: I got that name right I hope? Thanks for the review, MY FIRST REVIEWER for this fic, yay, love you! I hate the initial waiting period where you're just sitting there waiting and wondering if your story is worth it to people to hit the review button! Oh, warm and fuzzy, thank you! Anyway, it's going to be kind of a reoccurring thing that at night Yami get's very angsty and thoughtful. By day, of course he is a little less composed! (See above chapter!)

Chibi Seto: I'm not really sure about the seme-uke thing yet. I've read fics with both and I truthfully haven't quite figured it out yet. I think part of it depends on the story and the mood. For example, in HBBE Seto would probably be uke because he's going through a mental crisis. In a fic where they simply figure out that they want to 'do it' wildly on the floor, it's more up in the air since Seto's bigger (taller, people!) than Yami is. Ugh, I don't know what I'm talking about. I'll have to put off that decision until later.

Angelic Slayer (and her Yami): Hmmm, seems like we know who has the real control in your relationship! (I didn't mean that romantically, it kind of sounded that way) hehe, I'm glad you thought the first chapter was good, even if it took a good smack to bring it out of you!

angel1: short but sweet; thanks for the review!

Happy Bento: Wow, thanks! You make me blush, those are great compliments! I hope you don't mind that the first chapter is less angsty than the first, I'd hate to lose you as a reviewer! Don't worry, every night Yami reverts in to a deeply contemplative scholar... very different from his day self if you ask me. ^_^ I hope you like this story so far... pssst! If you got any pictures, send them over! ^_~

Blue September: Hey! I know you! I've read some of your fics, and you're good! Thanks so much for reviewing, and the compliments, I really appreciate it. I especially like getting reviews from authors who's stories I've read and liked, it seems kind of unreal, but so cool! Yami, might appear a bit out of character in this chapter, but that's because he get's really embarrassed, he should stay in his before defined personality in later chapters!

Rowan and Sakura: How I love reviews! Well... you're pretty close, but after reading this chapter, you're question is probably answered. I'm glad that you liked the fic so far! Here's the next helping!

Hmmm, my stat thingy says I have eight reviews, but I can't seem to find it. Whoever it is (I hope it's not a flamer! >o< I'm still really scared about those!) I'm sorry you didn't get mentioned in this chapter! But it's late and I am being cruelly forced to lay down in a soft bed and sleep (perchance, to dream) so I couldn't wait any longer! Ah, how tragic my life is and hjfiwoaeweola.... right, that was my cat adding his own words of wisdom. I guess he deserves his turn in the spot light, so I'll leave his deeply insightful comment there on the page.