Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Best Christmas Ever! ❯ Day 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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Dream Spirit:Happy Holidays minna-san! Welcome to a ~*Yugi-Oh! Christmas Special*~! Yay! ^-^ This one is gonna be sooo cute! It's Yami's first Christmas ever! Aaaaawwww! ^.^ Oh yeah, I don't own Yugi-Oh!WAAAHH!! Wait! I shouldn't be crying! It's Christmas!! YAY!! ^-^

P.S. There might be a group of words in italics here and there. That's just because I'm in a lot of Christmas spirit. The italics are really just the titles of some Christmas songs and carols. Merry Christmas minna-san! ^-^

~*The Best Christmas Ever*~

By: Dream Spirit

It was December the Sixth, and everyone in Domino City wasn't hustling and bustling to get their Christmas shopping done. Men dressed as Santa Claus rang Silver Bells on the corners of sidewalks. Yami was walking to school with Yugi, who was quite more cheerful than usual. It was because it was there was 19 more days til Christmas. (Who wouldn't be excited at this time?) Yami looked around at the scenery and the people curiously.

"Yugi, what's going on?" Yami asked.

"You don't know? It's almost Christmas!" Yugi told him with excitement in his voice.

"It's almost what-mas?" Yami asked confused.

"Oh, that's right. You lived in Egypt. They didn't have a Christmas. Boy, have you been missin' out. Christmas is one of the best times of the year!"

"Really? How?"

"It's the time of the year when everyone is happy. Kids get presents from Santa Clause. He's this jolly saint that gives presents to all the good kids of the world. Everyone also buys gifts for their families and friends."

"Is that why that everyone's in a hurry?"

"Yup! I mean, Christmas is in only 19 days!" Yugi told him.

"That makes it on the twenty-fifth."

"Yeah. Which reminds me, I gotta get gifts for our friends."

"Yes, but speaking of short time, we're going to be late for school if we don't get going." Yami gestured at the clock tower.

"Oh, it's alright, this is the time when the school just drops the tests and the work to get into the Christmas spirit. We're gonna get to decorate the classroom and sing carols through the halls, and eat candy, and have a Christmas concert, and hold plays, and..."

"Yugi! Calm down! I think I get the point. It sounds like this Christmas is a festive time of the year."

"Oh, it's more than festive, IT'S FUN! ^-^" Yugi yelled cheerfully.

The two headed for the school, and saw that it had already started on the month's festivities. Homerooms were decorating their doors and trying to make them look as best as they could for the door decoration contest. But that doesn't mean that their classrooms couldn't look Christmas-y too. Hallways were lined with tinsel and lights. Students and teachers started decorating the school's Christmas tree. Yugi and Yami soon got to their own homeroom.

"Hey guys. Glad you're here. We need all the help we could get to decorate this door." Téa greeted them as she hung up some holly. "So far everything is going fine. Wait Joey you shouldn't put that there....."


"AAAAHHHH!!!" Joey yelled as the school's Christmas tree toppled on top of him.

"On second thought, maybe this isn't going so well." T T

All the classes were busy decorating and were all in the Christmas spirit. The kids were all very happy and merry. Yami was even having fun. This was his very first Christmas ever. He couldn't wait til December the twenty-fifth.

"Aibou could you tell me a little more about this holiday?" Yami asked. He wanted to know more about this time of year.

"Well, on the night of December twenty four, Santa Claus gives presents to the good kids of the world. December twenty four is Christmas Eve. It's usually a day to hold parties until midniight, which is when Christmas day officially begins. Hey that's not a bad idea!" Yugi walked up to his friends.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna have a Christmas party on Christmas Eve. Could you guys come?" They all nodded in agreement.

"Uh HELLO?! What about the tree?!" Mai yelled impatiently, holding a string of lights.

"Sorry Mai." They all walked over and wrung the string of lights around the tree. They put ornaments and candy canes all over the branches. Joey and Tristan gave little Yugi a boost so he could place the shining star on top of the tree. They all laughed and had fun. They spent the rest of the day eating sweet candy canes and tying red and green ribbons everywhere. There was Silver and Gold all over the place too. Suddenly the dismissal bell rang.

"Who rings the school bell, when we're not even having school?" Joey said frustrated.

"Looks like time flies by when you're having fun." Yami said.

"You really had fun?" Yugi asked him.

Yami nodded. "I've never experienced anything like this before."

"You mean Yami's never had a Christmas before?!" Mai gasped astonished.

"Yup. There was never any Christmas in Ancient Egypt." Yugi explained.

"Wow, imagine your life without Christmas at all." Téa said amazed.

*~On the Way Home~*

The students of Domino High School emptied the building prepared for the next day of Christmas preparation. Yugi and Yami were now walking on their way home to The Game Shop.

"What are we doing on Monday aibou?" Yami asked.

"Oh, Monday we get to decorate a little more and then we get to watch some great holiday movies for the rest of the day. And guess what, Tuesday, we get to come to school in our pajamas and bring pillows and blankets. Actually, we're gonna get to sleep at the school. I hear it's gonna be fun." Yugi said as he and Yami walked through the Winter Wonderland weather.

"It's sounds fun." Yami answered back.

"We better bring some extra clothes, the day after that is our shopping day. You know, to get gifts for our families and friends."

"Is there a whole schedule for this month?" Yami asked as they got to the shop. It was almost decorated for the holidays.

"Yeah, the seniors say it's like this every year." Yugi opened the knob to the door where a red stocking was hung.

"Hello boys." grampa greeted them from behind the counter.

"Hi grampa" both said simultaneously.

The two went up the stairs into the living room. Yami suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter?" Yugi asked.

"Yugi, why is there a tree in your living room?" Yami pointed at the evergreen pine tree standing in the corner of the living room.

"Oh, having a tree somewhere in your house is a Christmas tradition. It's called a Christmas Tree. Looks like grampa left the tree job to us."

"You mean we have to decorate it?" Yami asked.

"Yeah, like how we did at the school."

The two wrung a string of rainbow colored lights around the tree. They hung up pretty ornaments on the branches and draped a string of gold beads onto the tree. Yugi stood up on Yami's shoulders so he could put the star on the tip of the tree. They looked with awe at glowing tree. Suddenly Yami's shoulders started to give way. He fell to his knees and Yugi toppled on top of him.

"Uh, sorry. Hey look candy canes!" Yugi ran over to a bowl decorated with red and green ribbons. Yugi quickly grabbed two candy canes from the bowl. He sucked on one and offered the other one to Yami.

"Candy cane Yami? They're really good." he held up the candy. Not wanting to upset Yugi, also very confused, Yami decided to take the sweet treat. He figured that you never know what anything's like unless you try it. So, he put part of it in his mouth.

It was one of the best things that he had ever eaten before! That sweet sensation stinged his taste buds. A few minutes later, Yami had finished the whole thing.

"Looks like you really like it huh?" Yugi said.

"Are you kidding?! That's one of the best things that I've ever tasted in my life! I want more!" Yami frantically ran to the bowl of candy. He grabbed two candy canes.

"Gee, I guess there wasn't any candy back in Ancient Egypt." Yugi sweatdropped. ^^º